Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 126

Chapter 124 Just to the end

“The problem of plagiarism must be strictly controlled. Why do companies make a fortune by plagiarizing others?

Is it the distortion of human nature or the moral Lunsang?

If someone is a space, you can be a space. If someone is a farm, you can be a talent. Why don’t you be an individual if they are an individual?

what? Is it a US company that is plagiarizing? Is TM called plagiarism? ! That TM is called borrowing. Have you never borrowed from others in your life? Which of the things you eat and drink Lazara is not learning from others? Why do you say people plagiarize? A bunch of moral bitches! ”

“Microsoft is really a great company. It not only monopolizes its own inventions, but also monopolizes other people’s inventions by the way. I think Microsoft should change its nationality and go to Korea. The whole world belongs to you!”

“Hey, what about those who say plagiarism is damned? What about people? Why is there no one scolding American companies for plagiarism?”

“Change of nationality, over 10,000 comments.”

“How much is plagiarism abroad, and how much is China plagiarism? Even if the United States really plagiarized Dafeng Science and Technology this time? Did they plagiarize anything else? Do you think you are more ridiculous with this little thing to refute? ?”

“It is true that if you plagiarize a big country, you must copy a big country, and you have to do a little bit to find a sense of superiority. China has copied how many things abroad, without knowing it at all.”

“Hahaha, didn’t you just copy a farm, how much technical content is it? And it’s only 20 days ahead of your Dafeng Science & Technology Co., Ltd. line at night, why can’t it be thought of by others? By coincidence, it doesn’t work?”

“A social software is embarrassed to take it out and pretend to be forced?”

“In other words, how many WPS functions have been learned in the office in the past few years. Now it seems that WPS is plagiarizing office. Is it because Word in the DOS era started early, or because the technology patents of this thing are too difficult to define? Or, because it is. Microsoft?”

“Patents are a big problem, right? Isn’t the VCD player just because the patent is not held? Now many people in the world think that the VCD player was invented by the neon country.”

“Is Google Hyperchain Technology White? I haven’t explained it clearly until now. How many lawsuits have been fought, and there is obviously no result. Everyone has to say that Whiteness is plagiarizing Google. There is no way. People have a big business and can’t provoke them. Get up.”

“The great cause of the family is not terrible. The key is that the family still raises a group of dogs in our country. We can’t offend the owner outside, and we can’t bite the dog inside. It’s difficult.

“Have you paid attention to the recent USB flash drive incident? The US PNY not only plagiarized, but also claimed to be invented by them. As a result, Netac was scolded.”

“It’s more than the United States. How many people claim that the U disk was invented by them, the neon country, Israel, Singapore, now it depends on what the Patent Office will say next year, the problem is the same as the search engine, the result has not come out, there are a batch of People insisted that it was definitely not invented by the Huaxia people, and was anxious to be a son.”

“I think what they said is actually quite right. Huaxia people really only plagiarize. We will learn what others are good. It’s like a foreign country. People won’t plagiarize. If you see what others do well, just grab it! Become your own!”

“It’s not that China’s patent awareness is too weak to bully. The core technology of aircraft engines is still inspired by China, but people have used it to apply for a patent.”

“What do you say about the core of high-power solid-state laser technology? We actually invented it because we didn’t apply for a patent, and now it has become someone else’s.”

“Is it just as simple as robbing? The artificial synthetic bovine insulin that we invented back then, you can see how it was described abroad. Now it is directly incorporated into synthetic insulin and is invented by the British. Plagiarism? Robbery? Is it just that?”

“You are not talented, there is a question, did the weapons used in foreign wars use our gunpowder technology?”

“Of course not, they are not the crude gunpowder of our Chinese people, but freedom!”

The three questions of Dafeng Technology and Innovation have caused online public opinion to turn, and more and more people are beginning to share the plagiarized and occupied inventions of China in recent years.

Those voices that had been on the Internet for a few days gradually disappeared.

“Why didn’t these people come out to say these things a few days ago?” On the evening of the 7th, Dafeng Techchuang employees were basically at the company. Fu Qinyi, who was sitting next to Meng Qian, couldn’t help but ask.

“Because no one listened.” Meng Qian smiled at Fu Qinyi. “When there is condemnation on the Internet, no one will hear you when you say these things. You will only be scolded with you, Li Feiqing. Don’t you just get scolded, so everyone might as well shut up, why bother to be boring.

Now the trend of public opinion has changed. When everyone says these things, some people are willing to listen. If there are like-minded public opinions fermented together, only then will we talk about it.

Otherwise, these domestic enterprises will not pay them wages, and the Education Bureau will not pay them wages, so why are they scolding them? ”

“Mr. Meng meant to say that those squirrels were paid by someone?” Li Yidan, who was next to Fu Qinyi, asked.

“I don’t know if anyone pays wages, but someone must take advantage of the situation to make money, or earn some vain attention.” Meng Qian glanced at the time, “new news should be sent out, I will check the online response. ”

After the three questions, Dafeng Technology and Innovation seems to be silent, but in fact, since Meng Qian has decided to take a shot , this matter cannot be ended so simply.

On the evening of the 7th, Dafeng Technology made the headlines of major platforms again. This time, the content was: Dafeng Technology officially sued 36 rumors!

The article is succinct and concise. Dafeng Technology will prosecute a group of people who have seriously spread rumors in the recent period. These people have fabricated Dafeng Technology for stealing core technology, artificial rumors Dafeng Technology has falsified data, and artificial rumors Dafeng Technology has unfair competition. , There are so many different kinds of opinions.

Others said that Meng Qian made his fortune through improper personal physical transactions, and also pulled out the so-called backstage behind Meng Qian…

Although the slander in this era seems to be more pure, because the traffic in this era does not seem to be so valuable, and the self-media era is still in its infancy, but there are always some people who like to say hi…

Since you like mouth hi, Meng Qian will let you hi this time.

Because the Criminal Law does not have the crime of spreading rumors, Dafeng Technology can only take the most rigorous prosecution against 36 rumors on the grounds of defamation, reputation and other reasonable rights.

But is this the end of the matter?

No, after Dafeng Science and Technology Innovation, Yinghaiwei sued 8 rumors and NetEase sued 5 rumors…

A wave of prosecution has blown from Dafeng Technology to a larger scale.

In 2019, Meng Qian had nothing to do with Keyboard Man, but now, since he has become the target of Keyboard Man, then Meng Qian will use his own way to just follow Keyboard Man!


Meng Qian, who was watching online public opinion at the company, was taken aback by Wei Pengtian’s roar, and then he saw the company’s male compatriots jumping and jumping excitedly.

Lifting his head, Meng Qian looked at the company’s TV. A group of people were cheering on a green grass.

On October 7, 2001, the China National Football Team qualified for the World Cup…

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