Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 3-person line

At three o’clock in the morning, Zhang Shuxin was alone in the office meditating, and Meng Qian had been wandering in her mind all night. For her, having such a breakthrough insight is inseparable from the collision of ideas with Meng Qian.

But when I go to see Meng Qian again, what kind of identity and state should I use to communicate with him, this is difficult for Zhang Shuxin.

It is really that Meng Qian’s past and age are too far apart from his conversations and opinions, and Meng Qian said that he can make a better search engine than Sohu. Of course, Zhang Shuxin can’t fully believe this. China is like Meng Qian’s age. At least Zhang Shuxin, an Internet-related technology genius, has never encountered it.

But now, do I have to find a way to verify whether Meng Qian has this ability? But if Meng Qian is directly asked to undertake the search engine project, how much salary should be paid? What if it fails? What if Meng Qian is bragging? What if you are too conservative now and really miss a genius?

The hesitation that Ma Yuan and Li Qi had encountered, Zhang Shuxin would also encounter. No way, Meng Qian’s current comprehensive situation is a contradiction that will make people do not know whether to believe or not. After all, others do not know that he is reborn.

The entrepreneurs who are really so courageous that they can directly hire Meng Qian for a long time may have them, but they are definitely an example.

Just then, Zhang Shuxin’s cell phone rang, and the call was from Yu Gan.

“What? Meng Qian was taken away by the police? Because of the black website?”

“I am not very clear about the specific situation. I can’t find out the information inside for the time being. Mr. Zhang, this Meng Qian has no support in Yanjing now. This happened suddenly. Do you want to help?”

Zhang Shuxin still hesitated, “Things don’t feel right. If he didn’t cause specific losses, he shouldn’t be detained for so long. Isn’t it because of this incident? Or is he really causing some loss to others… Let’s come forward now. It’s not very suitable yet. In this way, see if there is any active relationship, and get a clearer understanding of the matter as soon as possible.”


At five o’clock in the morning, a man at the Capital Airport hurriedly went to the taxi stand while making a call, “Yes, yes, I am Li Qi, I just arrived in Yanjing, okay, I’ll come over right away.”

At seven o’clock in the morning, a night policeman who had not yet changed shifts yawned a little tiredly. A drowsy intention spread in the police station. Several police officers on duty looked at each other, thinking how to refresh each other, one anxious. The sound of footsteps stepped in, “Hello Comrade Police, I want to ask if a young man named Meng Qian was arrested yesterday?”

“Meng Qian?”

“Yes, I came in last night.”

“There seems to be such a person, who are you?”

“I… I am his friend, I want to ask him what’s the situation now?”

“Please show your ID card.” The policeman on duty took the ID card. Seeing Zhang Shuxin’s name, he felt very familiar, but before he could recall it, another footstep rushed into the police station.

“Hello Comrade Police, is there a young man named Meng Qian on your side who was arrested yesterday?”

The police on duty looked back and forth between the two subconsciously. Li Qi felt something was wrong, and when he turned his head, he saw Zhang Shuxin, “Mr. Zhang?”

Li Qi still knows Zhang Shuxin.

“Are you?” However, Zhang Shuxin doesn’t seem to know him…

“The Meng Qian you’re looking for is indeed ours.” Seeing that the two knew each other, the policeman on duty didn’t want to confirm the record.

“How is he now? What did he commit specifically? Can he be released on bail?” Li Qi didn’t care about Zhang Shuxin, turning his head to ask three times.

“It is estimated that there is no chance of bail. People can already leave. I heard that this guy had to stay in it for one night last night. Okay, since someone came to claim it, you just take him away. Wait a moment.”

“Do I have to stay in there for one night?” Both of them showed puzzled expressions.

Ten minutes later, Meng Qian, who looked like everything was normal, walked out under the leadership of the police. Seeing Zhang Shuxin and Li Qi, Meng Qian’s heart was somewhat disturbed.

“Why are you two here?”

“Go out and talk, don’t disturb the police comrades here.” Zhang Shuxin suggested.

Meng Qian nodded and said goodbye to the police. Soon after the three walked out of the police station, Meng Qian only asked Li Qi this time, “Mr. Li, how did you come?”

“Flying here, I saw the news yesterday that you were arrested and it scared me to death. Come and see the situation.” Li Qi always inadvertently glanced at Zhang Shuxin when he spoke, “What the **** is going on?”

Meng Qian is not a person who likes to talk hypocrisy. He secretly remembered Li Qi’s kindness in his heart, “A misunderstanding. Someone said that I hacked their company website and caused huge economic losses, but in fact it was not mine. , Comrade police is very helpful. I quickly found evidence last night to prove that this matter has nothing to do with me, so naturally I will be fine.

Regarding my hacking of your company, I still received the education that I deserved, but I don’t plan to do it anymore. ”

“So that’s it, it’s okay.” Li Qi really showed a relieved expression, “Then I heard that comrade said you had to stay in it for one night last night? What’s the situation?”

“I heard that all of them are talented people, so I wanted to see and see, maybe there is something about Romance, but they arranged a single room for me and almost didn’t anger me.” Meng Qian looked helpless. Spread your hands.

“There are talents in it? I heard? Who said it? And this place can ask for one night by itself?”

“Everyone is here, right? I beg the police comrades, that’s not it.” Meng Qian suddenly thought of a meal. “You just said that I was caught in the news?”


“Which media reported it?” Meng Qian showed an expression of interest.

Li Qi said, “It’s just a small website, what’s wrong?”

Meng Qian seemed to be a little lost, “If you two have time, accompany me to the newsstand. I want to find out if there are any newspapers publishing this matter.”

“Looking for a newspaper?” Li Qi and Zhang Shuxin didn’t understand them very well, but they still followed Meng Qian.

A few minutes later, Meng Qian finally found a Sky Newspaper among a pile of newspapers in a nearby newsstand, which published a small page about Meng Qian’s arrest.

I haven’t heard of this new newspaper in future generations. I guess it’s either yellow, or it’s never been well-known or changed its name.

Seeing Meng Qian very happy, Zhang Shuxin couldn’t help but ask, “What is the use of this newspaper?”

“Evidence.” Meng Qian said as expected. “Don’t you think this is very memorable? After 20 years, the media will say that Mr. Zhang of Yinghaiwei was kicked out of Yinghaiwei, and Ali’s Ma Yun was once kicked out of Yinghaiwei. He is called a liar, and Meng Qian of a certain company once squatted, how? Does it sound like a thief?”

Meng Qian’s semi-intentional and semi-unintentional words made the two of them, especially Zhang Shuxin, the listener was intentional, and their hearts were upset. Then Zhang Shuxin couldn’t help asking, “Xiao Meng, why do I feel that you always have a particularly strong confidence in you, you Why can you be so confident?”

“I found it too.” Li Qi echoed.

Meng Qian smiled at the two of them, “Both people with experience should know better than me that no one knows what will happen tomorrow, and no one can be sure whether any decision he makes is absolutely correct.

So instead of entangled in whether his decision is correct, it is better to simply believe that it is correct, and then do everything possible to make him correct.

We cannot control the future, but we can control ourselves.

I am not confident, I just believe firmly.

I firmly believe in the path I chose, and I will finish climbing on my knees. ”

When Meng Qian said this, he looked at Li Qi, but Yu Guang has been paying attention to Zhang Shuxin’s changes in expression, because half of these words were sent out with emotion, and half were made deliberately.

It was Meng Qian’s own state of mind that he felt. This is something that his later life experience made him understand. Almost everyone will be confused when they are young. Why?

Because of being poor.

So the best way to treat confusion is to get rich.

It’s a pity that most people don’t have this life, so there’s no way. If you want to stay as low as possible, the best way is to do things steadfastly. Could it be better.

There is no easy way to go, and no way is always smooth. As long as you choose to go on, in most cases, there will be at least one fairly good return.

Little rich relies on diligence, big rich relies on fate, these words Meng Qian firmly believes.

As for deliberately doing it, of course it was because Meng Qian knew that Zhang Shuxin must be entangled.

But at this moment Zhang Shuxin suppressed his emotions very well, and Meng Qian did not see any changes in his expression. But in fact, Zhang Shuxin was indeed affected by Meng Qian’s words. She was thinking about the attitude conveyed by Meng Qian very seriously.

For her, her current entanglement is also something that is impossible to give an accurate answer, and the second contact with Meng Qian actually made her admire Meng Qian even more. She saw a kind of freedom in Meng Qian. A kind of fearlessness, a kind of unique maturity, very personal charm.

Unknowingly, the balance in Zhang Shuxin’s heart has begun to tilt, but because of the presence of an “outsider” like Li Qi, Zhang Shuxin has something inconvenient to say, but just mentioned another thing, “By the way, Meng Qian, you were arrested this time. It may not be a misunderstanding.”

“Huh?” Meng Qian and Li Qi looked at her at the same time.

Zhang Shuxin began to explain, “I asked Yu Gan to investigate. The person who called the police this time was He Hong, the technical director of Keqi Interactive, a startup company that is a portal. They suffered a bad hacking attack just a few days ago. For the huge loss, He Hong should be responsible for this matter.

So he needs someone to be responsible for him. Of course, it’s best to be the hacker who really attacked their company. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have this ability. He happened to know you, so he wanted you to be responsible for this matter. UU read www.uukanshu. In other words, he spilled dirty water on you deliberately.

Fortunately, we have evidence in hand now, you see how to deal with it. ”

“Don’t deal with it now, let’s keep the evidence.”

Zhang Shuxin shook his head slightly, “I don’t think you have any reason to be magnanimous to such a person. He should pay the price if he did such a thing.”

“Mr. Zhang may have misunderstood, I am not a Virgin, I don’t want to touch him now, just because I know a truth, the two things of human affection and handle, the more the better.”

Zhang Shuxin and Li Qi refreshed their views on Meng Qian again, and Zhang Shuxin sighed directly, “You will always surprise me.”

“Then I don’t know if Mr. Zhang is interested in working with me now? I can’t wait to revive Yinghaiwei.”

When Meng Qian said this, Zhang Shuxin and Li Qi both changed their eyes.

For Zhang Shuxin, Meng Qian’s words made her a little embarrassed, but she still didn’t want to talk to Meng Qian in front of Li Qi.

However, it is precisely because of this reason that Meng Qian deliberately took the initiative to mention it. Although Meng Qian is not sure, he always feels that Li Qi’s presence may be a catalyst to help him gain a certain negotiation advantage.

As for my seemingly low EQ performance, it doesn’t matter, because I am just a freshman.

Meng Qian’s later life experience also made him understand the truth that everything in the world has two sides, it depends on how people see it and how to use it.

Your age can easily become an obstacle on your own development path, but at the same time, it is normal to do some low EQ things because of the immature grasp of human relationships and sophistication at this age.

Use another angle, the disadvantage will immediately become the advantage…

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