Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 168

Chapter 166 I remember you

Elon Musk, because Tesla is famous in China, but he has nothing to do with Tesla at this time in 2001.

“Why is he here too.”

Meng Qian himself was just talking to himself in a low voice, but Geng Deyou on the side picked up what he said, “He just started a Mars Oasis project this year, and he probably wants to see if there is anyone who can dig.”

Meng Qian and Geng Deyou looked at each other, and he could see that Geng Deyou always felt that his purpose in appearing on this occasion was impure. Meng Qian smiled and said nothing more.

“Hey, you guys are here too.” At this moment, two Huaxia faces came over and greeted enthusiastically.

It was seen that all four of them knew the two opposite, but Meng Qian did not.

“This is Qiu Mingcheng, this is Cao Xiao.” Zhuo Liangcai introduced each other to both sides, “This is Meng Qian.”

“Hello.” Both of them greeted Meng Qian, but they also saw obvious doubts, “Meeting for the first time.”

“Meng Qian is the boss of Dafeng Technology Innovation.” Zhuo Liangcai added.

But Qiu Mingcheng and Cao Xiao still don’t know. The two have been in the United States for the past two years, and Dafeng Technology has no reputation in the United States. Meng Qian noticed the expressions of the two of them and proactively said, “I’m from Jiang University, Zhuo Liangcai’s classmate.”

Everyone was polite to each other, and didn’t say much.

Qiu Mingcheng immediately shifted his goal to Yun Wei, “When can you end your domestic studies? Have you ever thought about where to go after graduation?”

“I haven’t thought about it so far. I will finish my four-year undergraduate study in China first.” Yun Wei smiled faintly.

“I’m in my sophomore year. It’s time to consider it. I suggest you come to Massachusetts. The academic environment here is better.”

“Don’t listen to it.” Cao Xiao seemed a little unhappy. “Let’s come to Stanford. In the field of geometry, Stanford has an advantage.”

“When did Stanford have an advantage in geometry?” Qiu Ming retorted.

Meng Qian sat by and listened to a few people chatting, and couldn’t help but find it interesting and helpless.

What’s interesting is that ordinary people who want to enter a university can’t get into it, it is like picking cabbage in the mouth of a student.

What is helpless is that the subconscious reaction of talents in this era is to go abroad for further study. The smarter children and the better grades, the more they want to go abroad for further studies. But this is not the big environment that Meng Qian can change. The domestic education environment is too backward. Method.

To accuse others of going abroad and not coming back is still a bit of support, but it is a bit too narrow to accuse others of why they want to go abroad for further study.

The West has a technological foundation accumulated over the past century. China does not have this thing. If you don’t learn from the West, you will only lag behind behind closed doors at home.

“Hey, nerd!” When everyone was chatting, a bad Chinese suddenly appeared.

Meng Qian turned his head and saw two foreign faces.

Qiu Mingcheng’s expression changed, but he didn’t pay attention to the other party. He didn’t see him. The other party seemed a bit boring when he saw it, but he didn’t say anything.

“Who are these two foreigners?”

“My classmate.” Qiu Mingcheng said in a low voice, “I don’t know which rib is fastened, and I especially like to mock us.”

“What is he mocking?” Meng Qian couldn’t help asking.

“As he said, mocking us for being nerds.” Qiu Mingcheng shook his head, “It doesn’t matter, we Chinese students are not very popular in foreign countries.”

Meng Qian thought for a while, but couldn’t help but ask, “As far as I know, our Chinese students have always performed well in international competitions, and many Chinese students have also shined in big American companies after graduation. What can they do? What about mocking?”

“That’s what they mocked.” Qiu Mingcheng shook his head again. “We study well and work hard, but we have hardly made any major breakthroughs in the basic field.

I don’t know if you have heard that sentence, Huaxia has not made any achievements in the physics world in one hundred years after the theory of relativity. Many of the technological breakthroughs we have achieved are only Western blockades, but breakthroughs in basic areas have never had much to do with China.

We Huaxia people can work well in the United States because we have strong learning and application capabilities under the technological framework they have created. More importantly, we can endure more hardships than them.

You go to Silicon Valley to see those who can work overtime in the U.S. They are all Asian faces.

However, the Neon Kingdom and the Goryeo Kingdom have achieved some basic theoretical achievements. There are also many representatives. More importantly, they have a better scientific research environment than ours.

But what about our China? Just look at a few representative figures, but there are also Mr. Qian Xuesen in the physics field, and Mr. Hua Luogeng in the mathematics field. But what about the overall basic scientific research environment? What is the overall impression of foreigners? ”

“You are often angry with you abroad?” Zhuo Liang asked with a black face.

“Ah, it’s not normal.” Cao Xiao seemed indifferent. “Westerners don’t really value Chinese people, let alone Chinese people, they don’t really value it in Asia.

You may not believe it, there are really Americans who still think that we Chinese people live by gnawing on tree bark. ”

“Then how do you usually deal with these foreigners?”

“Dividing people, not everyone is like that, at least not everyone is like on the surface, some foreigners are still very friendly, but in most cases we are Chinese and Chinese people get along together, other people’s lives, let us merge If you don’t go in, you won’t be able to get along. Anyway, there are a large number of Chinese people in the U.S., and it is not necessary to deal with these foreigners.

If you really want to be respected by them, you must be strong enough or your country must be strong enough. “Qiu Mingcheng said with emotion.

“But the quality of that person just now is too low.” Qiu Mingcheng’s words made everyone a little depressed, but they were helpless. Zhuo Liang said instinctively, “To participate in today’s event, at any rate, he is also a high-achieving student.”

“Does high IQ have anything to do with high quality?” Cao Xiaosecond replied, and several people couldn’t help but smile at each other.

At this moment, the staff at the venue began to maintain order. After everyone took their seats, it was two o’clock, and Mochizuki Shinichi appeared on the scene.

From the perspective of the coffee position, there are a few people who are obviously more prominent than Mochizuki Shinichi sitting on the court today, but after all, it is their home court. Everyone still responded with warm applause and maintained a high degree of concentration throughout the process.

The ABC conjecture is a very important and very interesting conjecture in mathematics. There are a lot of searches on the Internet about the content of the conjecture itself, and the people who read it are in the cloud. As for the value of the ABC conjecture, it is also difficult to go to the whiteness. Understand the words.

If you try to explain the ABC conjecture and its value in words that ordinary people can understand, in fact, the ABC conjecture is an uncommon sense study in mathematics.

It is equivalent to the proof that the earth is round when everyone believed that the earth is flat in ancient times, and only after the earth is proved to be round can we explain more about the earth on the basis that the earth is round.

The value of ABC is almost the same, so it is very important.

Mochizuki Shinichi spent three full hours explaining his views on the ABC conjecture. As a pseudo-genius, Meng Qian couldn’t keep up with the rhythm after half an hour.

But you can see that the big guys sitting in the front row listened with gusto.

After sharing at five o’clock, Kyoto University arranged for everyone to eat together.

During dinner, all the Huaxia people present today sat together, a total of 10 people. Meng Qian took a special look at As Qiu Mingcheng said, Huaxia people will automatically sit with Huaxia people, neon people Will automatically sit with the neon people, and the Americans will automatically sit with the Americans. There are only a few bosses, regardless of nationality, sitting with Mochizuki Shinichi.

Kyoto University didn’t greet them in particular. Everyone ate their own food. Meng Qian met several other overseas Chinese people and learned more about them in words.

After eating for an hour, everyone met in the room and chatted for a while, but at this moment, the two foreigners appeared again.

“Qiu Mingcheng, every time you China has such an event, so many people come here, aren’t you ashamed?”

“Let’s go.” Qiu Mingcheng greeted everyone to leave quickly.

“Qiu Mingcheng, did you provoke this guy?” Zhuo Liang couldn’t help asking after turning around.

“What can I provoke him? Didn’t you meet someone who likes to bully the weak when you were in school? Did your weak classmates provoke them?”

It can be seen that the overseas Chinese people all recognized Qiu Mingcheng’s statement. Just as everyone turned and left, Meng Qian went retrograde to the foreigner and asked in English, “What’s your name?”

The foreigner looked at Meng Qian with disdain, “My name is Marigny, who are you?”

“Malle Gobi? It’s a good name.”

“Puff.” The Huaxia people present couldn’t help laughing.

Marigny couldn’t understand this Chinese sentence, but when he saw everyone’s reaction, he couldn’t help but exasperatedly said, “What are you talking about?”

“I said your name sounds nice.” Meng Qian responded in English.

“Nonsense!” Marigny pointed at everyone, “Why are they all laughing?”

“To be honest, you still don’t believe it…” Meng Qian made a helpless gesture, turned around and waved, and said in English, “I remember you, Mahler Gobi.”

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