Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 This is not a game company

At 6:30 in the morning on the 22nd, Meng Qian came to the company’s breakfast shop downstairs early, and ordered six raw fry, a cage of siu-mai, and a bowl of sweet soy milk. At this age, he can eat more, and even more unreasonable, can It’s not fat to eat.

Unlike people, after middle age, you can get blessed by drinking more soup.

took the elevator upstairs. When he arrived at the company, less than seven o’clock, Meng Qian saw five figures hovering in front of the company.

“Meng Qian.” Fu Qinyi was the first to notice Meng Qian.

Meng Qian glanced, all five people came, smiled and nodded, “Morning.”

“Morning.” Everyone said hello together.

After opening the door, Meng Qian greeted everyone to sit in the office area, “Have you brought all the plans?”

“I brought it.” Everyone said as they took the plan from their schoolbags.

Meng Qian collected the folders handed over by five people one by one, “Then you guys sit here for a while. Have you all had breakfast?”

“Eat and eat.”

“Well, if there is anything you haven’t eaten, remember to go downstairs to eat some.” Meng Qian entered his office after a sound of concern.

Gradually opening the five-person plan, Meng Qian had to be convinced. At first, Meng Qian instinctively thought that they must be using a computer to make the plan and then printed the plan. After all, there was no USB flash drive these days.

However, in fact, their scheme is directly hand-painted.

Perhaps it was professional inertia, and it is estimated that the five people communicated with each other. Originally, the plan Meng Qian imagined was based on text, but the plan sent by the five people was directly hand-painted the homepage of a portal site, and then each The layout, hand-drawn drawings of various details, and the text are instead an auxiliary explanation.

After a while, Meng Qian focused his attention on their design. It can be said that the interfaces drawn by the five people are much better than the interfaces of the three major portals.

After all, the design does not need to consider whether the programmer can make this problem, just how to look good.

But Meng Qian doesn’t mind at all. What he cares more is that none of the five people considers a very important thing, user experience.

They only care about how they look good. They don’t want to do this at all. It may make the user’s operation more inconvenient. Even like the design of Si Yuhang, the design of a portal website is too complicated. If there is no text annotation, he does not know that the login interface is on. where.

“There is no user thinking, I still need to adjust slowly…” Meng Qian put down the five-person plan, and it is not disappointed, I can only say that there is no surprise.

The time quickly came to 7:59, when five programmers arrived at the company.

“Is it the difference between Chinese culture and Western culture.” Looking at the five people who stepped on the spot, Meng Qian muttered in his heart.

Sun Xiaojing directly greeted five people into the meeting room.

At eight o’clock, five people from the technical department, five from the art department, Sun Xiaojing from the personnel department and one person from the finance department just hired by Sun Xiaojing, a group of twelve people sat in the conference room.

After everyone sat down, Meng Qian slowly walked in front of everyone, “Morning, everyone.”


“Today is the first company meeting since Dafeng Technology was founded, and it is also the first time 13 people including me have gathered together. Oh yes, the five members of the art department have not been finalized yet. To be precise, they should be eight colleagues. With five friends who hope to become colleagues.

I believe that everyone knows me but does not understand me. I will introduce myself first. My name is Meng Qian, from Hexian. I am 19 years old. I am currently studying in Jiangda, freshman year. ”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone at the scene was a little restless. Meng Qian didn’t care at all. They liked what they thought and thought. It was impossible to keep this kind of thing secret. He continued, “Dafeng Technology is a company I founded by myself. I earned the money to start the company myself. Colleagues in the technical department should be aware of the specific situation. Colleagues in other departments can communicate privately if they are curious. I won’t repeat them here.

The key point I want to talk about today is why I founded Dafeng Technology, and what is the goal and future of Dafeng Technology.

Everyone must remember one thing. The reason why Dafeng Technology is called Dafeng Technology is because we are a science and technology enterprise.

So what will breed after the combination of science and technology innovation and business, in my opinion, are three things. ”

Meng Qian turned around and wrote while saying, “Platform, technology, product.

Everyone sitting here today knows that the company is going to make a game next, so what does the game belong to? Some people say that a game is a platform because it is a platform for players. Some people say that a game’s technology is because there is no technology to make a game. This is of course reasonable, but from the perspective of the overall division, the game should be classified as a product, an entertainment product.

So everyone know why I want to play games? ”

Meng Qian deliberately asked to see the initiative of these people, but after waiting for a few seconds, no one was speaking. He turned around and was about to write, and suddenly heard Fu Qinyi’s a little cramped voice, “Because… Because young people like to play games.”

Meng Qian stopped writing and glanced at Fu Qinyi, then smiled, “This answer is correct. Indeed, the main user group of the Internet is now young people. As a company, no matter what it launches, the first thing to consider is our goal. Who is the group, who will pay for our products.

So why do young people like to play games? Or to be bigger, why do you like entertainment?

In my opinion, there are two points. The first is nature. People like to play. People who don’t like to play have problems with their brains. The second is that everyone’s material living standards are improving. What.

When the material foundation is guaranteed, people will naturally want more spiritual needs, and entertainment is an important part of the spiritual needs.

Everyone should feel the development of Huaxia in the past few years. Think about what you can buy with a dollar ten years ago and what you can buy with a dollar now. Then boldly imagine what you can buy with a dollar ten years later.

Even twenty years later, in 2020, one dollar may not even be able to buy a scallion. ”

“That’s impossible.” Wei Pengtian from the technical department took it up.

Meng Qian smiled and didn’t catch up. “So the reason why I chose entertainment as the company’s starting project lies in the trend, and games are the lowest cost of all entertainment products, and the product I can control the most, so I want to Let me tell you one thing first, games are not the focus of Dafeng Science and Technology to create the future, it is just the beginning.

So what is the next step for Dafeng Technology Innovation? I also mentioned earlier that science and technology are divided into platforms, technologies and products. I can tell you clearly that the next step after Dafeng Science and Technology is successfully profitable is to add technology to the platform, and the platform here is not an e-commerce platform. It’s not a portal platform. What we want to do is a technology platform. ”

The people in the technical department glanced at each other, no one understood Meng Qian’s meaning.

“Let’s take a look at the product first. I just said why we want to make games and why we want to make entertainment. But what is the ultimate goal of these reasons? Two things, users and profit.

This is also Dafeng Technology’s future product selection criteria. I can tell you first that we will have another project online while we are playing games, that is, instant messaging.

Then after the product side brings us profit, what do we do with this money? Optimizing products and expanding products is on the one hand, and on the other hand, we must focus on technology.

What are our criteria for technology selection? In a word can carry the technology of others.

There are countless technologies that can be done in this world, but what I want to do is the most basic thing, a technology that serves technology, a technology that can make other people’s technology come to me to shine. ”

Meng Qian looked at the five people in the technical department and motioned to wait for their answers. After waiting for a while, Song Zhenluo from the technical department reacted a little excitedly, “System?!”

“Yes, the system, what I have to do is the system, with the system, the next step is to build a platform, build a developer platform, and attract other developers to create on our platform. This is the technology platform I’m talking about.

By this time, the users we have accumulated through products can be used again. First of all, users are sticky to the product, so we must grasp those products that can achieve strong stickiness, such as the instant messaging I mentioned.

Secondly, users will attract developers, and good developers will attract users. This is a mutual promotion. Of course, a major premise is that our system must be good enough.

Therefore, in the future of Dafeng Technology Innovation, what I want to create is a virtuous cycle environment based on the system and firmly grasping the developers and users. I call it ecology. ”

Everyone looked at Meng Qian in shock. Indeed, in everyone’s original perception, this is a game development company. No one had ever thought that Meng Qian’s goal would be such a big one.

However, what they didn’t know was that Meng Qian’s real goal was greater than this. He basically didn’t mention hardware, smartphones, or the future of artificial intelligence, quantum technology, and the fourth industrial revolution. Leaders and other things.

Meng Qian just took a small part of his goal and put it on the current Dafeng technology…

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