Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 The Great Journey of the Slippery World

Ni Guangnan entered the office under the guidance of Zhang Shuxin. Four other men came along with him. As for his identity, it is not known.

Ying Haiwei Zhang Shuxin didn’t let anyone else in, only himself, and then Meng Qian, there were six people in the office.

“Hello, Academician Ni.” After entering the door, Meng Qian humbly went up to say hello.

“This is Mr. Meng, right.” Ni Guangnan smiled kindly, “It is very interesting to hear Mr. Zhang mentioned many things about you.”

“There is no such thing, no matter what, just call me Xiao Meng.”

“Hey, this is always your strength. What can’t be called.” Ni Guangnan motioned to everyone to take their seats. “Due to the itinerary, I can’t stay here for a long time today. Hearing from Mr. Zhang, Mr. Meng has very important things. Want to talk to me?”

Seeing that Ni Guangnan went directly into the subject, Meng Qian was also unambiguous, and immediately stated, “That’s it, I have a very strong desire to enter the hardware market, but what I want to do is not a company that sells hardware.

I want to have my own core independent technology, especially in the semiconductor field. I know that Academician Ni is second to none in this respect, so I really want to get some pointers from Academician Ni. Even if I have the honor, I especially hope that Academician Ni can use Either way to help Dafeng Science & Technology Co., Ltd. host the hardware development. ”

When listening to Meng Qian’s words, Ni Guangnan always kept smiling, and could not see any mood swings, “That’s the case, but I heard that the games and instant messaging made by Ms. Meng are still very good, so why do you agree? Interested in hardware?

And, why do you want to consider autonomous technology? This is a very thankless thing. Not to mention the huge investment of manpower and material resources, there may not be results. ”

“I want to engage in independent technology, the core is two reasons, one is that we should do it, and the other is that we can do it.”

After Meng Qian saw Ni Guangnan about to drink tea, he paused for a while and waited for him to finish drinking, but everyone saw this subtle detail.

“First, let me talk about why I think we should do it. In the field of hardware, our lagging behind is real, and the difficulty of tackling high-precision products is actually there.

Just as being a chip is not that difficult to tell the truth, but being a high-end chip will be difficult, but is this kind of difficulty absolutely insurmountable? The answer is obviously no. The predecessors have proved many problems when they built the atomic bomb in six years.

Compared to design and production, I personally think that the other two things may be more difficult, that is, patents and standards. Let’s take the chip as an example. If we want to make commercial chips at China, we don’t even have an independent commercial architecture. It is almost impossible for the chips we design to bypass the rogue patent barriers laid by the United States.

Okay, let’s take a step back and say that we will start our own development from the commercial structure and bypass the professional barriers of the United States from the bottom. It is possible if we invest enough, but the problem is that the United States has used patent barriers to create global standard barriers.

The chips we designed by bypassing his patents cannot bypass his standard barriers. Our chips have no market at all, and there may not even be someone who can help you digest them in China. They can only be stored in the warehouse.

So why I said we should do it now, because the more time you give the United States, the more perfect the patent barriers and standard barriers it can build.

For this reason, the idea of ​​saying that you should not engage in R&D when you are poor now, and then do R&D when you are rich, seems to me to be a four-character, short-sighted one.

Maybe you only have one hundred million now, and you will have one hundred billion in 20 years. But after 20 years, the professional and standard barriers like copper walls and iron walls are placed there. Your one hundred billion may not be what you are now. One billion is worth.

Unless you can use your own patents to design products that are really good enough to convince the entire market, and let everyone give up international standards for your performance, the difficulty of this matter can be imagined. We now even have products that others have already made. Not up to the level.

Only by taking advantage of the fact that the barrier of the United States has not been fully established, the sooner we conduct independent research and development, and the sooner we have more patent rights and market share, can we guarantee our true competitiveness in the future. Otherwise, we are likely to be in the field of science and technology. There will never be a day before.

The reason why the Neon Country was able to beat the U.S. at the peak of the semiconductor industry was because the overall level of the semiconductor industry at that time was backward and there was a lot of room for development. The Neon Nation had more patents than the U.S. at that time, and the U.S. could not afford anything at all. Barriers, but such a good era, before the arrival of the quantum era, I am afraid it will not reappear.

What we can do now is to enter this market earlier.

Speaking of neon country, I just come to talk about my second point of view, we can do it. There is a point of view that I believe Academician Ni is very clear, saying that even if we develop our own technology, we will be suppressed by the United States and become the second neon country. In the end, it will be nothing.

First of all, I recognize the first half of the sentence. After all, the West is an absolute advocate of the law of the jungle and the zero-sum game. I have no hope of their generosity and love.

But I don’t agree with the second half of the sentence. Huaxia will not become the second neon country. I firmly believe that Huaxia has the ability to deal with the oppression from the United States. As for the reason, the first thing many people should think of is the market, which is the demographic dividend. Consumption power is vast and abundant.

Personally, I may have a slightly different idea. If you want to talk about consumption power, the consumption power of an island country during the heyday of the neon country can really match the consumption power of our entire China. If you want to talk about the demographic dividend, India also has a demographic dividend. Speaking of vast land and abundant resources, Maple Leaf Country is not small, but why do they all have to be little brothers?

Because there is one thing unique to China, that is, five thousand years of history. This thing is very virtual at first glance. Let me just listen to a few words.

Why did five thousand years of history bring us something? If you look at the surface, I also extracted two cores. The first is experience.

This experience is all-round. For example, Western scholars have been admired by Confucianism. They are surprised that China is the only country in the history of the world that once ruled the country by etiquette and even became a big country. Other countries used to rule the country by religion.

But in fact, we in Huaxia once ruled the country by religion, and even Taoism, Legalism and even Mohism had a bright period in China.

Why finally Confucianism has become our core thought now, why religion can exist in China but cannot become the belief of most people, that is because 5000 years of history have been the result of repeated experiments for us.

There are still too many similar things in these five thousand years. Our ancestors have spent five thousand years and even now it may be even longer to help us precipitate our thoughts, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com precipitation methods, precipitation tools, and these essences that have been deposited over thousands of years are carved into the bones of Chinese descendants.

The countless dynasty’s ups and downs have allowed a young man in China to know how to govern the country and the people better than the officials of some countries.

The life styles of countless ancestors also let Huaxia people know that happiness comes from the struggle with their hands, and let Huaxia people understand pragmatic principles.

These thousands of years of history have accumulated too much experience for us, how to face opponents, how to face allies, strategies, skills, methods, too many, these experiences are the essence.

This cultural wealth is only owned by Huaxia people in the world, but it is a pity that many Huaxia people are completely unaware of it.

The second point is that China’s history has given Huaxia people self-confidence. The five-thousand-year ups and downs have imperceptibly brought to Huaxia people, it is a kind of self-confidence in a big country, a sense of belonging to a big country, and a kind of backbone of a big country.

So most Chinese people, especially those who have received Chinese education, will not bow their heads to anyone, and they will not be anyone else.

I’m Yang Yang Huaxia to be someone else’s brother? The great jealousy of sliding the world!

But at the same time, Huaxia people know that they are pragmatic, that they know how to struggle, and know how to become a real big country. They are definitely not shouting or dreaming.

This is my personal opinion. Whether it is the market, population, or land, these are the objective conditions that support Huaxia without fear of any opponents, but it can truly make Huaxia a big country and make Huaxia people stand up in the world. , Is the cultural power brought to us by our cultural heritage.

This power is very virtual, but it is real, and it is infinitely powerful.

Therefore, we, Huaxia people, should do it, and can do it even better! “

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