Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 930

Chapter 918 Drunk shrimp evolution

After TSMC, various media began to spread gossip, but these gossips were unusually unified, and they were all spreading that Meng Qianlai threatened TSMC not to give Intel OEMs.

TSMC was threatened by Meng Qian as the face of science and technology in Taiwan Province, and the topic exploded in an instant.

On Taiwan’s website, some people support the Dafeng Group’s counterattack and believe that the counterattack is not guilty. However, many people can’t stand the threat of TSMC being threatened by Meng Qian, saying that they are absolutely unacceptable and must fight the Dafeng Group to the end.

This is what Zhang Zhongmou wants to see.

The topic’s popularity has soared, and more and more people have participated in the discussion. Many TV stations have changed their recent content to the threat of Meng Qian’s threat to TSMC.

One of the TV stations held a debate a day later, and the expert who supported the Dafeng Group was the long-lost drunk shrimp brother Wen Liqun.

Wen Liqun sat across from the other expert. Two moderators, a man and a woman, sat in the middle. After a brief narrative of the current situation, the moderator first asked Wen Liqun’s opinion of the opposing expert.

I saw the expert proudly said, “The statement that Dafeng Group is here to use TSMC to fight back is just making excuses. This Meng Qian obviously wants to come to demonstrate, to promote the fact that they can jam TSMC’s neck now. .

If TSMC chooses to listen to Meng Qian’s words on this matter, then this will be a morale-damaging thing for the entire Taiwan Province’s science and technology, so we must not allow such things to happen, and TSMC must not listen to the words of Dafeng Group!

You know, our Taiwan Province has far exceeded the level of science and technology in the mainland. Our semiconductor and electronic manufacturing industries have always been at the global leading level, at least ten years ahead of the mainland. The mainland is just lucky to have a lithography machine. We can’t let everyone think Continental Technology seems to be ahead of us! ”

Wen Liqun took a deep breath and yelled under the gaze of the three of them, “Can you use your brain when you speak!”

With a roar, the three of them jumped and the audience jumped.

“People are responsible for what they say.

What you said in this passage is really unbearable. Let me first talk about science and technology. You said that Taiwan’s science and technology is at least ten years ahead of the mainland. Then you only mentioned semiconductor and electronic manufacturing?

So what is technology in your eyes? Technology equals semiconductor and electronic manufacturing?

I have to talk to you about science, technology is far greater than semiconductor and electronic manufacturing.

5G, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, quantum technology, laser technology, super rice, supercomputer, aerospace, drones, etc., these are all technologies. Please tell me which of these technologies is better than Can you go to the mainland?

The space station is about to be put into use, do you say we are ten years ahead? Shouldn’t that province go to Mars to build a community?


say something! ? ”

The opposing expert was stunned by Wen Liqun’s roar, only feeling his brain buzzing.

Wen Liqun didn’t give the other party time to think about it, and continued, “You want to talk about the science and technology of our Taiwan Province, and I will give you a good look. Our science and technology have more advantages.

Precision machinery represented by Youjia Industrial Group is our technological advantage, but now Youjia Industrial Group adopts the system of Dafeng Group.

The LCD panel company represented by AUO is our technological advantage, but our high-end market share is less than 5%, the overall market share is 21%, and the mainland’s overall market share is 59%, almost three times ours.

The petrochemical industry represented by Formosa Plastics is our advantage. We are among the best in the world. Through the efforts of several generations, we have finally managed to catch up with the two barrels of oil revenue in the mainland.

The industrial control equipment industry represented by Delta Electronics is our advantage. We are fortunate to become the 67th supplier in the construction of Dafeng Group’s smart factory, and contribute 3% of non-core components to the construction of China’s smart grid.

Do you want me to continue? ”

The opposing expert finally came back a bit, looking at the document Wen Liqun was holding in a loud voice, “But you can’t deny our advantages in the semiconductor and electronics manufacturing industries!”

“Okay, let’s take a look at our semiconductor and electronics manufacturing industries, first let’s take a look at the electronics manufacturing industry.

At present, the world’s largest electronic foundry is Luxshare Precision, the world’s second largest electronic foundry is BYD, the world’s third largest electronic foundry is Singapore’s Flextronics, the world’s fourth largest electronic foundry is Dafeng Electronics, and the world’s fifth largest electronic foundry is Dafeng Electronics. The big foundry finally has the turn of Foxconn in Taiwan Province.

Moreover, the orders for smart home appliances that are currently in a period of rapid development are almost nothing to do with our Taiwanese companies, and almost all are concentrated in the hands of mainland companies and Singapore companies.

Not to mention smart phones. The only remaining computer foundry has been declining in the past two years. Tell me, where are our advantages in the electronics manufacturing industry? ”

“We are not only OEMs, we also have brands!”

“Brands? You tell me how many electronic product brands in Taiwan province can get the world’s countertops?

We used to have many well-known electronic brands, but now we even sell HTC, ASUS has almost become the last brand face, would you tell me about the brand? ”

The opposing expert was yelled at by Wen Liqun again, Wen Liqun continued, “I will talk to you about semiconductors. The representative of Taiwan’s semiconductor production process is our TSMC, but TSMC has been in the wind for two consecutive years. The semiconductor is behind. This is something recognized all over the world. Do you want to deny it?

Let’s talk about chip design. In the past few years, Taiwan’s chip design level has declined rapidly. There is almost no chip design company that can get it. On the other hand, there are not only Dafeng Semiconductor, but also Huawei, and Ziguang.

By the way, Speaking of Ziguang, in the mid-to-low-end chip market, China’s Ziguang has developed rapidly in the past few years, and it has also won the mainland’s huge chip market. Our UMC’s performance has declined for 5 consecutive years.

There is also this key data. The mainland has now achieved 80% of the self-sufficiency rate of the semiconductor industry chain, and plans to achieve 90% of the chip self-sufficiency rate of domestically-made terminals in 2025. Would you like to compare Taiwan’s semiconductors with the mainland?

What are you comparing to?

For a long time, people like you like to compare the semiconductor and electronic manufacturing industry with the mainland’s technological level. This is nonsense in itself. It is nothing more than deliberately not talking about the mainland’s superior technology, focusing on their weak industries and deceiving themselves!

Even in the past two years, even with a TSMC and a Hon Hai, the technology level of Taiwan Province is higher than that of the mainland. No wonder people say that we are frogs at the bottom of the well!

Are you embarrassed?

What’s more, UU reading www. uukanshu. com, even if you are better than the semiconductor and electronic manufacturing industry, you can’t compare it!

You actually said in 2018 that our technology is ten years ahead of the mainland. Do you want the people of Taiwan to be the frog at the bottom of the well for a lifetime? ! ”

Wen Liqun’s roar brought even more attention to this debate. Many netizens on the Internet joked that Brother Zui Xia evolved and entered the second state, roaring Brother Zui Xia.

The experts on the opposite side naturally couldn’t admit defeat and took out the prepared data, “TSMC, MediaTek, UMC, ASE, Silicon, Himax, Novatek, Realtek, Powerchip, Huayaco, Nanyaco, Hongkong Hai Precision, Pegatron, Compal Computer, Quanta Computer, Wistron, Jiasda Technology, Inventec, our Taiwan Province is more than TSMC and Hon Hai?

I will show you the influence of these companies…”

“You don’t need to move out so much corporate data.” Wen Liqun interrupted directly, “I will show you a data first. This is the top ten companies in Taiwan Province. They are TSMC, Hon Hai, Formosa Plastics, and Chunghwa Telecom. , Cathay Pacific Financial, Nanya, Formosa Plastics, Formosa Chemicals, Largan, Fubon Financial.

Dafeng Group holds shares in 8 companies and is the largest shareholder of Largan.

What are you talking about Dafeng Group threatening TSMC, does it make sense?

What if the Dafeng Group really threatens TSMC today?

Recognize the reality, what we have to do now is to cooperate with mainland enterprises. If you continue to provoke here, it will only push Taiwan’s science and technology into a desperate situation! ”

Wen Liqun’s words made everyone realize that he was actually thinking about Taiwan Province, but he recognized the reality and the way out.

This allows more people to listen to his words.

Public opinion did not develop in the direction Zhang Zhongmou expected.

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