Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 936

Chapter 924 Overseas live broadcast

“, Station B, Youku and other websites were investigated for suspected vulgarity”

“Qingfeng Kuaishou Douyin and other short video software involving vulgar violence will undergo comprehensive rectification”

“Nearly 1,000 short video live streaming apps were removed, hundreds of anchor accounts were blocked”

Since August, China has launched the most stringent live short video industry review in history.

“How about the self-examination?” In mid-August, Meng Qian asked Gu Junhui about his situation.

“We were relatively less affected this time. Some anchors were blocked, the rules were further improved, and the rectification requirements were basically met.”

“Well, cooperate well. At this time, it’s time to take care of the live broadcast and short video industry. It is time for the state to issue some policies.”

“Indeed, issues such as vulgar violence are developing rapidly, and no matter how well the entire industry is managed, there will be big problems. How many positive anchors are inexplicably affected because of their identity.” Gu Junhui felt sorry for some anchors.

Meng Qian motioned to Gu Junhui to sit down and talk slowly, “Not only that, in the next period of time, live broadcasts and short videos will take on more important responsibilities in business development. If you don’t make rectifications in advance, it will be easier to get into trouble.”

Of course, Gu Junhui understands what Meng Qian meant, so he answered, “Are we going to take a step forward?”

“Well, live streaming will become a trend in the next two years. Taobao’s preliminary tests are almost done, and it will start to work in the second half of this year.”

“Which way are they going to go?”

“Do the head?”

“Do the head? Is this running with the flow?”

“Taobao has no choice.” Meng Qian took a sip of tea. “Taobao does not produce its own products. It is a platform. Naturally, it is necessary to find the most suitable model.

For Taobao, drainage is the key. Without their own products, it is impossible for them to make money from the goods themselves, otherwise they will not have core competitiveness at all once they start competition.

They can only focus on drainage, and gradually realize the flow through the platform. ”

“But after all, Ali is no longer a simple domestic e-commerce leader, but also a domestic Internet enterprise leader. If the trend of live streaming is led by Taobao, the public will follow suit. Taobao has a platform and a traffic foundation. Of course, he does not need to consider the goods. It makes money by itself, but what about other companies?”

Gu Junhui has some worries, “The development of live streaming is meant to provide more companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, with a new sales channel and create a new business form.

If Taobao is playing like this, wouldn’t all subsequent SMEs have to rely on Taobao? ”

“Don’t worry too much. The possibility of live streaming products being monopolized by Taobao is not very great, and everyone can see the problems you can see.

For many companies with their own products, live streaming is an opportunity. They are not fools, and they will not sit there and watch, let alone bow to Taobao.

In the era of e-commerce, platforms such as can still be launched, not to mention how many variables are in the current Internet environment.

A commercial reshuffle may come, but it is too early to say that Taobao has a monopoly.

At least, our player is still here, isn’t it? ”

Gu Junhui smiled and nodded, “Yes, does Mr. Meng have anything to remind us about our development in the direction of live broadcast and short video?”

“Let me talk about the general direction of live streaming, and you still have to do the rest.

First, we have already started to use live broadcasts to help the poor, but we have not done so yet in terms of scale or influence. Now that the country has relevant support policies, you can connect with it and find ways to help the poor. It’s a little bit deeper, especially when it comes to real poverty and false poverty, we must strictly guard against the problems of real poverty, and we must avoid the emergence of false poverty.

Once this kind of thing happens once, it will be a great blow to everyone’s efforts in this matter.

Second, no matter what other platforms do, we must build a live broadcast platform for small and medium-sized enterprises. My idea is to start with technology products and create a technology selection project. After all, we are a technology company. Let’s use the live broadcast platform for technology companies. It’s easier to create an attractive verticality on the body, and then slowly expand later.

Third, domestic development is certainly important, but what I care more about is the overseas development of live streaming.

I looked at the latest data, and the current overseas daily activity growth rate of Qingfeng APP has been very good. I can see that short videos are very attractive to everyone.

We have been experimenting overseas for a while, and my idea is that it can now be fully launched.

I hope that the next two years will explode rapidly overseas.

The global logistics expansion, the deepening of distribution in various countries, the line of Hema Supermarket, and the unbounded direct trade. We have done a lot of things. Now, we want to spread live broadcasts to overseas markets. ”

“Meng always wants to hold overseas user data in his hands.” Gu Junhui naturally understands Meng Qian.

Meng Qian smiled and didn’t answer this sentence. “Let’s say something more. YouTube is actually trying to deliver live broadcasts, but it’s not scaled up, so we must be fast and accurate, otherwise we will give it to others. The platform leaves room.”

“I know, I will supervise this matter myself.”

“Well, you are already very experienced in global operations, and I can rest assured.”

“Then I will go first.”

“Go ahead.”

After Gu Junhui left, Meng Qian was really relieved. This matter was left to him to deal with. That afternoon, He Jingtong came to Meng Qian to study, and suddenly couldn’t help but ask questions.

“Master, I heard that short videos will become one of the key development directions of Dafeng Entertainment in the future?”

“Well, the inevitable trend, what’s wrong?”

“This is the case. In our recent research on artificial intelligence, short video is a case we often use as a reference.

Since artificial intelligence was applied to the recommendation mechanism, personalized recommendation has become the norm, but the drawbacks of personalized recommendation have not been well resolved.

With the rapid development of short videos, because short videos pursue fast and explosive, this has led to this kind of personalized recommendation that pushes people to an extreme.

Because of this kind of personalized recommendation, the public’s field of vision is getting narrower and smaller, and the world that can be seen is getting smaller and smaller. If you leave it alone, everyone will eventually live in a very small world of self, which… leads to the public. More and more extreme. ”

He Jingtong and Meng Qian’s eyes collided, and He Jingtong continued, “In recent years, the Internet has become a paradise for extremes, not only because the objective people are becoming more and more silent, but also because of the influence of many external factors, including personalized recommendation technology. development of.

When the Internet first appeared, its purpose was to give everyone the opportunity to access the larger world, but now, artificial intelligence is pushing everyone into a smaller world of self.

What makes me even more terrible now is that many people actually know this problem, but are unwilling to change it.

As Director Zhang said, in the past, the public liked to receive gifts from others. This is a surprise. It is beyond imagination. You need to leave your comfort zone to watch and read the instructions.

But now everyone is more accustomed to receiving express delivery. I placed the order myself and knew what it was. I was eating yesterday and I will ask for it again today. I stayed in my comfort zone and continued to enjoy it without moving.

The era of receiving gifts from others and the era of opening one’s own express are two eras. ”

He Jingtong’s words aroused Meng Qian’s desire to explore, “So you, what do you think or… the countermeasures?”

“Since the problem lies in personalized recommendation, we think we must first change the algorithm of personalized recommendation. In fact, many companies are doing it now. Our current thinking is to extend the relationship.”

“Relationship extension? What do you mean?”

“Essentially, everything in this world is related. We have to let artificial intelligence learn to relate and extend. For example, for a person who likes to watch technology, we can start with technology and extend the relationship to more fields.

At the same time, opposition is actually a kind of correlation. We need to let the algorithm learn to balance opinions, instead of letting the public live in one point of view forever.

We need to stimulate users’ self-thinking consciousness. Of course, this kind of self-thinking is subconscious, rather than recommending debates to users every day for them to argue for themselves. ”

“Have you reported this idea?”

“The details of the plan are being drafted and will be handed in soon.

“This idea is good, I support you.”

He Jingtong was silent for a few seconds, “In fact, we still have one idea.”

“what idea?”

“We want to make a news app with no reviews and no personalized recommendations.”

Meng Qian put down the tea cup he had just picked up, “There are no comments and no personalized recommendations? Isn’t this just the newspapers and magazines of the early years? The more you live, the more you go back?”

“The reason why WeChat became popular is in a sense that it has returned to the original state of social software? What’s more, an online APP, at least compared to newspapers and magazines, can still have a little more functions, and you can see the content. It will be more than ordering a few newspapers, and it seems to be much more convenient than newspapers.

We are just thinking that a news app that is as simple and objective as possible, and where users take the initiative to send prosecution requests and provide feedback as much as possible, may be interesting to everyone. At least, there is no room for extreme people to play.

Since the objective people don’t like to talk anymore, why bother let the objective people listen to the extremes? ”

“What about the business model?”

“This is the problem He Jingtong smiled bitterly, “In order to ensure objective purity to the greatest extent, we want to take the subscription route. In the early stage of user precipitation, you can consider free for a period of time, so whether this business model There are indeed great doubts about success.

However, the domestic attitude towards cracking down on piracy and counterfeiting has become more and more tough recently, and the domestic payment environment should get better and better in the next few years. ”

“But there is another problem here. If you don’t comment, then if there are problems with some articles, my comments for non-extreme purposes will not work.”

“So what we are doing is a news app, which focuses on stating objective facts without introducing subjective concepts. If there is a problem with news, then you can abandon this app if there are often wrong news on the app.

There is a rare problem. We only need to open an error reporting function. I think most objective people will not have to say a few words because there is an error news on the APP? ”

Meng Qian thought for a while and wanted to ask directly, “How much does it cost to do this?”

“The initial investment of 1 million is more than enough, mainly for long-term media resource docking.”

“Then come up with the plan first and see what kind of feedback you will receive in the company for this idea.”

He Jingtong domain immediately, “I understand, I will go to discuss the details with them today.”

Meng Qian smiled and nodded, “At least for me, it’s a bit attractive.”

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