Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 95

Chapter 94 Isn’t it fragrant?

“Dafeng Science and Technology was added by the seniors themselves.” Meng Qian laughed at himself, “How can we compare with the companies you mentioned.”

“President Meng should not be humble. Everyone sees the potential of Dafeng Science and Technology Innovation, and what everyone is looking forward to most for Dafeng Science and Innovation is your wind letter.” Now that this topic has been opened, Xiao Bozhi speaks directly. “Do you know why the college arranged for you to come to this party today?”

Meng Qian reacted immediately, “Seniorman means…”

Xiao Boshi nodded, “Many people want to see you by name, including me. Maslow’s theory suggests that people have five major pursuits, which are ranked in terms of importance. The first is physiological needs, the second is safety, and the third is. One is social, the fourth is respect; the last is self-fulfillment.

From my personal experience, it may not be something a purely commercial enterprise can do to solve the physiological and safety needs of users through the Internet. The potential of Dafeng Technology lies in that you capture the social needs of human beings and respect the needs. , And self-worth realization needs.

I have analyzed your Fengxin circle. Through the Fengxin circle, users can not only make friends, but also in the Fengxin circle, everyone can gain respect through self-expression, although these displays may be fake.

At the same time, everyone has also gained more self-worth in the hyacinth circle. For example, a programmer may be just an ordinary employee in the company, but in the hyacinth circle, he can give some tips and advice to many people who want to understand the industry Suggestion, this is a manifestation of self-worth.

You did not make Fengxin a pure chat software, but created a Fengxin circle based on chat. This is the greatest part of Fengxin.

And the malleability of this thing is immeasurable. ”

Meng Qian smiled modestly, “Since the senior sees hyacinth so thoroughly, then I will be shameless, and I would like to ask the senior, what else can be optimized in the hyacinth circle?”

Although Xiao Boshi’s performance is not obvious, he still sees a little hesitation. In the end, he said after careful consideration, “As I said just now, the advantage of the hyacinth circle is that it satisfies the user’s social, respect, and self-respect. Value embodied demand.

If you want to perfect and consolidate the hyacinth circle, it is natural to continuously increase satisfaction in these three directions.

For example, a person can share something with others to realize their self-worth, but the pleasure is instant, get a few thank you, get a few sentences of you are really amazing, and it will pass. Can the Fengxin Circle create such a platform for continuous realization of self-worth for everyone?

In addition, since everyone has the need to show themselves to gain respect and attention, can the platform encourage more self-exhibition? ”

Xiao Boshi squeezed the size and pointed out the general direction, but did not describe the realization method more specifically.

Some thoughts appeared in Meng Qian’s mind, because what Xiao Boshi said was highly consistent with the direction of Meng Qian’s future development.

was considering how to respond, Xiao Bozhi asked actively, “I don’t know what Mr. Meng’s plan is for the development and optimization of the hyacinth circle?”

“Platform optimization is indispensable, but it takes time, one is the time for technical realization, and the other is the time for the realization of the environmental foundation. Now for me, the most important thing for Fengxin is to go out as soon as possible.”

“Go out?” Xiao Bozhi’s eyes moved slightly.

“As you said, the five major needs are human needs, not Huaxia people’s needs. People all over the world have these needs. As far as I know, there are many instant messaging companies in foreign countries, but they are like me. Believe it or not.

With such a blank market there, if you don’t fight for it, doesn’t it seem a bit dull? ”

Xiao Bozhi was silent for a while, and just then, someone came to greet the two of them, and the dinner began.

During the dinner, Meng Qian didn’t talk much with Xiao Bozhi, but some entrepreneurs started to get closer to Meng Qian.

Until the end of the dinner, the two found an opportunity tacitly, and had a short time for two in the parking lot.

Xiao Bozhi didn’t have any nonsense and took out a document from his briefcase, “This is my resume. If Mr. Meng is interested, please call me at any time. I will stay in China for another month.”

Meng Qian took the resume with both hands, “If we are lucky enough to cooperate, what do you want to do most?”

“International strategic layout.” Xiao Boshi said with a serious expression, “I visited a lot of companies after returning home this time. One problem that worries me the most is that everyone does not have a global perspective.

In fact, the main reason I am interested in Dafeng Technology is that you have pushed the game to Korea and Neon. Now many domestic entrepreneurs have an idea that the China market is enough to feed themselves.

But during my 7 years in the strategy department of Cisco, my deepest understanding is that globalization in various fields is only a matter of time. Current companies in the United States have spent a lot of energy to lay out the global industrial chain.

Many industries in the future will not be independently supported by a certain country or a certain company.

Therefore, China Huaxia does have a large domestic demand market, but if it does not plan for global development early, China’s enterprises will lose their competitiveness in the global environment in the future.

It is impossible for us to do everything by ourselves. The United States cannot do it, and China Xia cannot do it. It is very important to enter the global competition situation as soon as possible. ”

Meng Qian put Xiao Boshi’s resume away and glanced at the several entrepreneurs who were walking over, “Wait for my call.”

At this time, several entrepreneurs who came by invited them to change places and continue to drink.

The two did not refuse, and they went home after playing with the army until the early hours of the morning.

After returning home, the first thing Meng Qian did was to read Xiao Boshi’s resume carefully. But the credibility of the resume is generally not more than 50%, including the credibility of what a person said. Meng Qian’s later generations have seen too many people who can speak during interviews and feel that they can go to the United States. The president is now.

As soon as I work, the whole person is a waste.

Therefore, Meng Qian must understand more about people like this who are basically management posts once they enter the company.

After arriving at the company the next morning, Meng Qian first called Zhang Shuxin and asked her to help drag the relationship in the U.S. to make Xiao Boshi’s back tone.

Since he is under Cisco’s management, although he is still a middle-level manager, he can still find out something if he finds someone there to investigate. After all, Cisco is not a small business.

As for back-adjustment, if Xiao Bo knows if there will be any trouble in the future, then there is no need to think about it. It is normal for a company’s recruitment management post to do back-adjustment, and it is a problem for companies that do not do back-adjustment.

In the afternoon, Li Feiqing and others who went to Korea some time ago came back and let them rest for a while. Meng Qian first read the report they brought back, and then called all Song Zhenluo’s team into the meeting room. .

Everyone in the technical department is in full bloom, especially the few who have just returned from Korea.

Because they brought an exciting number today: 200 million.

In the new round of analysis report, Li Feiqing did a more in-depth study of Korea. This time they analyzed the income distribution of the Koreans. Compared with the later generations of China, the Koreans did not spend more money on their houses. It’s the cost of daily life.

Everyone basically knows that Koreans have high incomes but don’t eat well because their meat is more valuable, and Koreans’ money is more squeezed by the cost of daily life.

As a result, Korea’s agent Webzen recently promoted a dumbfounding statement on the Internet, saying that if you eat less meat, you can change the membership of the “Shen Chuan” annual card.

It’s completely different between the income being pressed on the house and the cost of living, because you can’t bargain with the bank. If I can repay the mortgage less this month and pay more next month, the bank will ignore it. you.

But the cost of living can be controlled. Eat more meat and less meat, buy more clothes and buy less clothes, everyone can control it.

Therefore, this wonderful statement promoted by Netzen actually worked. UU Reading, because everyone thinks about it, it’s really the same. It’s okay to eat less meat. There are members of the “Shen Chuan” annual card. Lots of benefits…

This is the benefit of high income, even if the prices are high, but there is a lot of money in the hand, it is enough to take a fraction of it to play games.

This allowed Dafeng Technology to make a “price difference” between the inflation in Korea and the low income of China.

“I won’t have to go to Korea for a while.” After everyone settled down, Meng Qian began to arrange work. “The next focus of the entire game project team will be on the development of the game engine. We need to speed up the launch of the other two games. Speed, at the same time, the full-server competitive gameplay will be launched in Korea next month.”

Everyone glanced at each other, Song Zhenluo raised his hand and said, “Meng, after communicating with us about the game engine design concept you gave us, we felt that it surpassed the latter two games itself. This is actually a bit of a waste of time.

In addition, according to your design, the latter two games will rely heavily on network speed. Will China’s network environment drive it? Should we reconsider the gameplay? ”

“I will answer your two questions separately.” Meng Qian explained, “The game engine itself will be a huge profit point for us in the future. Your efforts on the game engine now are not just for the next two games.

Secondly, China’s overall environment does limit the speed of our game development, but aren’t there two more mature markets in front of us now? ”

Meng Qian knocked on the blackboard.

“Meng always wants to put the new game directly on the Goryeo Kingdom and the Neon Kingdom?” Song Zhen Roma reacted.

Meng Qian nodded, “Make money from the Koreans and Neon people, and then develop the technology of China. Isn’t it fragrant?”

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