Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 950

Chapter 938 On the bar

Thanks to the visits of business representatives from all over the world, the China Semiconductor 10-year plan was moved to the public. Because Meng Qian contributed to the semiconductor 10-year plan earlier, no one could think of today’s situation at that time. Looking over this matter, the name Meng Qian directly rushed to the top of the hot search list.

Meng Qian’s precautions, Meng Qian’s foresight, and Meng Qian’s persistence have all become the reasons for him to be praised by the public at this moment. Although this is thanks to his rebirth, at least Meng Qian made his rebirth more meaningful. The role of.

However, Meng Qian didn’t really want everyone to pay attention to him, so he started to spend money on hot searches. He wanted to make the semiconductor ten-year plan, so that everyone’s recent hot searches in the Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industrial Park will be popular all over the world. Search instead of paying attention to him.

Meng Qian wants to let everyone understand that China’s semiconductor industry has already turned upside down.

Thousands of companies in China have worked silently for more than ten years. They have achieved the current situation after repeated nirvana in despair. Now, everyone finally does not have to lie down and try the courage, and can stand up to the world with a high-profile view of their hard work. The results of a few years.

. When China’s industrial advantages were seen by the world, a full-scale proactive attack began.

On October 24, both Huawei and Unisplendour, which are under discussion, were exploded and sent a large number of sales to all over the world to contact with the agents of major brands.

Qualcomm CEO Molenkov, who is still preparing for the conference at the end of the month, immediately called people in the marketing department to understand the situation after receiving the news.

“What are they doing now?”

“Huawei and Ziguang are also engaged in a price war, but they are not simply fighting a price war. Their main direction of attack this time is 5G chips, and one focuses on the high-end market and the other focuses on the low-end market.”

Molenkov frowned. Qualcomm has not achieved any real results on 5G chips so far. If Huawei and Ziguang now start to seize the 5G chip market by many means including price, then Qualcomm will want to go back. It’s hard to get the market back.

Now there are not many companies facing the same situation. For example, Panlin Semiconductor in the US, the senior management has been holding a meeting for a day.

“what happened?”

” Recently, Zhongwei Semiconductor has been in the limelight. Everyone knows that it has been supplying Dafeng Semiconductor and SMIC before. Now it has conquered the 3nm etching machine, and the market attention has skyrocketed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, China Micro Semiconductors began to accelerate its market expansion. I heard that TSMC has signed a long-term contract with China Micro Semiconductors. Now China Micro Semiconductors sales are all overseas. ”

“These companies in China have obviously been working together recently.”

“And this time, Zhongwei Semiconductor is not only pushing advanced etching machines, but also 10nm and 28nm etching machines are also the focus of their yearning for expansion.”

“With a little bit of coverage… the original sin is the original sin when the technology is weak. Call the people in the R&D department over.”


Whether it is a chip or an etching machine, they all rely on their hard-working leading advantages to start rapid expansion. It has indeed put pressure on many old brands. However, some industries with China’s technical advantages may not be so obvious, not at this time. It’s better.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   Rohm and Haas executives are also in a meeting.

“What’s the matter, why is there such a sudden change in the photoresist market?”

“The two photoresist companies of Huaxia have begun to impact the international market!”

“Looking at the news from the previous two days, doesn’t it mean that China’s photoresist does not have any absolute advantages? It just can ensure the self-sufficiency of China’s photoresist. Why do they make such a big wave?”

“Because of the price…”


“In recent years, Dafeng Group has developed so fast that everyone almost forgot that China has a terrible name: Price Butcher.

Huawei sold equipment that was better than Nokia at one-third the price of the year. The price massacre is China’s best company…”

Under such a big environment, the chip alliance meeting on both sides of Huami began.

The meeting is closed, everyone has to wait for the news to come out slowly.

More meaningful information has been sent out from both sides almost three hours after the meeting.

The U.S. criticized the Dafeng Group’s crazy promotion of the process. They defined the development of excessively accelerating the process as four words, which is a waste of money.

At the meeting in the U.S., U.S. companies believed that the annual iteration speed of this chip puts many companies overwhelmed. However, the price/performance ratio is actually very low, because most chips do not require such advanced technology at all. For example, military chips are still dominated by 28nm and above processes.

Therefore, American companies propose to slow down the process war, calm down and focus more on the details, just like Intel did on 10nm, Intel believes that it is completely right to engage in 10nm+ now and then 10nm++. The practice is worthy of everyone’s learning.

Of course, American companies do not deny EUV technology, but also support increasing investment in EUV. They want to develop more steadily. In order to support this argument, they even disclose the secrets of the chip industry. Now the so-called Xnm has moisture. Speaking of moving to the countertop.

U.S. companies said that the current 5nm is just equivalent to 5nm, not the real 5nm at all, including the future 3nm, 1nm is the same, so excessive pursuit of this kind of false breakthrough is meaningless.

At the same time, the content of the meeting on China’s side is also slowly revealing the news, which is almost completely opposite. China’s side believes that there is no problem in accelerating the chip process and it is very necessary.

Huaxia first believes that Moore’s Law has ruled this industry for nearly 60 years, which has led to the inertia of thinking in this industry, almost equating size with performance.

However, the impact of size on chip performance is actually getting smaller and smaller now. Chips are going to explode further. Of course, it would be good if there is a revolution in physics, but this thing is really fateful sometimes.

Without considering the physical revolution, one of the most practical changes is the change of thinking, from size thinking to chip thinking.

The China Conference mentioned here that in the past few decades of chip development, although the real material revolution has not appeared, material optimization has been developing, packaging technology has been optimizing, and the space structure has been improving, and now Has been accelerating the interaction between the trial algorithm and the chip.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}  Miaobifang .

The development of chip performance in the future cannot be based solely on the size of the chip. It is also very inappropriate to simply talk about the size now.

. Coincidentally, Huaxia also mentioned that the current Xnms actually have moisture, but Huaxia made this point to illustrate that according to the current process definition model with moisture, the process actually moves forward. It’s not as difficult as imagined.

The narrow process definition is no longer useful, so we must accelerate the development of chips, because if we consider the further optimization of chips from the perspective of chip thinking, there is still a long way to go, and this road is a comprehensive development road. Just like the single reckless road called by American companies.

The next development space will be larger than everyone thinks, so it doesn’t make sense to slow down at this time As for the issue of increasing investment, China Xia believes that the future returns will be greater, because The application space is too broad.

This is also a huge difference between the two sides. The United States believes that the application space of advanced processes is very small, but China believes that it is infinite.

In the view of Huaxia Enterprise, even in the military industry, advanced manufacturing processes are actually already in use.

If you only have smartphones in your eyes, of course you think that the price is low, but if you broaden your horizons, you won’t think so. . Moreover, Huaxia mentioned a very crucial point. In the foreseeable next 20 years, technological development will promote economic development. As a result, U.S. technology companies are still using the current economy to calculate future costs. This is also an oversight. Narrow things.

Huaxia did not deny the problem of subsequent high costs, but it is precisely because of this that everyone is more certain that Huaxia’s development on more mobile devices and smart devices has been relatively well-established, so it dares to promote such high-cost investment. Of course, This is also indispensable to China’s natural advantages and its own huge market.

In the development plan for the next ten years of semiconductors, China and U.S. companies have moved in two directions. U.S. companies have chosen a conservative route, while China’s companies have chosen a radical route.

On both sides, the bars are up.

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