Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 953

Chapter 941 November

“So Moore should be in the set?” Early the next morning, Xiao Boshi came to Meng Qian’s office to confirm the information.

Meng Qian seemed indifferent, “Who knows, if Moore is still that Moore, he can enter the set. If Moore really changes our set, it will be useless… But if Moore can really change, maybe it will be interesting. Thing.”

. “Do you think he might change?”

“Looking at his still aloof look and his inquisitive tone, it should be difficult to change.

That generation, the brand is too heavy.

Old Xiao, you said that in 40 or 50 years, will we be unable to keep up with the times? ”

Xiao Boshi smiled relaxedly, “It’s not normal to be too old to keep up with the times, so when you are old, you should go to the square dance and don’t come out to harm young people.”

Meng Qian followed with a smile, “You have been raising a commercial spy arranged by Intel for so many years. Recently, let him go if you find a reason.”

“Why, I won’t use it anymore?”

“I want to give Intel’s last chance completely to their own hands.” Meng Qian was also a little emotional, “Maybe it will really become the end of a dynasty.”

“I understand, I will arrange this matter.

Oh, by the way, today the China International Import Expo is over. This time our country has taken the initiative to open the market to welcome products from all over the world. The international response has been very good, and China’s international image has also taken a step forward.

In addition, the China-Europe trade agreement has basically been finalized, and the international situation that follows will further benefit our side. ”

Meng Qian got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the traffic flow downstairs. “Now it’s up to you to see if you can stabilize the current situation. As long as you can stabilize it for a period of time, the overall situation will be determined.”

“Meng Qian.” Xiao Bozhi suddenly couldn’t help calling out Meng Qian’s name. Meng Qian turned his head and the two looked at each other. Xiao Bozhi subconsciously said, “Eighteen years, we can afford any result.”

Meng Qian smiled softly, “Of course.”

“Boom boom boom.” At this moment, Su Tianyue knocked on the door and came in, “Mr. Meng, Mr. Zhang is here.”

“Please come in.” Meng Qian gave Xiao Bozhi a look and motioned him to go out first.

“President Zhang came back from the mountain to pull.” Meng Qian smiled and stepped forward to greet Zhang Shuxin.

Zhang Shuxin shook hands with Meng Qian courteously, “I only went to the mountains for more than a month. I didn’t expect that the world would become like this after I came out. Mr. Meng is really amazing. You really have become the focus of the world.”

“It’s not up to you to be able to have today. Besides, everyone’s focus is on Huaxia Technology, not me.”

Zhang Shuxin looked at Meng Qian’s deep eyes and asked directly after he took the seat, “Is it really the final stage of confrontation?”

“The layout in the world is almost done. Everyone’s attitudes that should be changed have basically changed. There is no need to worry about what can’t be changed. And the US side just expressed its position a few days ago, and now let them give up. Unilateral thinking is impossible.

If you don’t do the final offense at this time, you won’t necessarily have this opportunity again in the future. ”

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   Zhang Shuxin nodded in recognition, “Well, this time the semiconductor industry has achieved good results.”

Miaobifang “So, what happened to Yinghaiwei?”

Looking at Meng Qian’s tentative expression, Zhang Shuxin said, “Don’t worry, I said that the end of the year is the end of the year.”

“Then I will look forward to Ying Haiwei’s performance.”

Zhang Shuxin looked at Meng Qian and asked, “Are you planning for the worst?”

“We are all ready to die.”

Beginning on November 12th, Ying Haiwei began to spend marketing expenses for a year-end conference to be held at the end of the month.

Also in this November, the United States on the other side of the world has not been peaceful recently, and some news has continued to spread. Among them, those companies that have been in a deadlock due to the Dafeng Group’s table-lifting behavior finally cannot help but speak out on a large scale Up.

After Meng Qian showed that he could give up all the relations with all American companies, he did not take any further actions. However, some people in the U.S. took things a step further for the sake of face.

Some companies have suffered from the loss of Dafeng Group’s technology and products, and the products cannot be shipped normally, and the company cannot operate. These companies have to stand up for their own interests, but at first it was only a small-scale commotion.

But on November 15th, a company that was forced to completely sever ties with Dafeng Group declared bankruptcy, which became the fuse of the outbreak. Everyone finally couldn’t help it, and the impact of the incident became greater and greater.

The U.S. side also had to hold a meeting to study this matter.

“We have to admit that we have been stuck in some technologies. Although the scope is not very large, we still have to pay attention.”

“I know what you want to say, but our technology companies in the United States are caught by China Technology. Whose problem is this? Tell me, whose problem is this?”

“Of course, the Silicon Valley guys have to be responsible for the current results, but the problem is that things are like this now, we are one.”

“Of course we are one, and we have been telling them to be strong since the beginning, because they can’t let go of the interest in front of them.

How could there be today if they cooperated with our measures from the beginning?

Of course, we still have to take care of them, ask them what support they need now, policies and capital can be discussed, and then ask NASA where they can consider establishing new big projects.

has only one premise, absolutely cannot bow to China.

You have to think clearly about one thing, if you bow to China at this time, the consequences will only be worse. ”

Miaobifang . “Actually… cooperation does not necessarily mean bowing.”

“Cooperation? You go and see Serbia, South Africa, Dubai, and even France!

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   Do you hope that in the future our U.S. networks, systems, and chips will all become Huaxia products? Do you hope that future Americans will live under the control of China’s information? ”

“Of course I don’t mean that… I just think we can stabilize the situation first. As long as the investment keeps up, our overall technological level is still above that of China!”

“You reminded me that we can take this opportunity to increase military spending.”


“New news.” As we were talking about this, someone came to the conference room to hand over the latest news, “Three companies have been acquired by British companies in a row.”

. “British companies?” Many people were a little puzzled, “What’s the situation?”

“Recently, many British technology companies have acted in our country, specifically picking up these companies affected by the Dafeng Group for acquisitions. After their acquisitions, through the transfer of technology and talents, these companies that have lost the technical support of the Dafeng Group and have fallen into sway. Become a British company, and now a British company… can cooperate with Dafeng Group relatively freely.

Furthermore, it is understood that the founders of these three companies are still in charge of corporate management. I am afraid that more companies will follow this model in the future. ”

“These British companies are very good at catching the timing!”

“This will make it cheaper for companies in the UK We have to find a way to stop it.”

“But if you stop now, these local companies may really be in trouble.”

“I have to talk to the British side.”

On November 26th, Meng Qian attended Yinghaiwei’s press conference. Zhang Shuxin sat beside Meng Qian and said, “British capital has been tossing so much recently. There should be your magic behind this, right?” . Meng Qian made an innocent statement, “I can’t stand to influence British capital. Everything they do is out of their own interests.”

Zhang Shuxin couldn’t help but laugh, “So you use your profit to seduce them.”

“I have nothing else to seduce them.”

“But recently I heard that the United States is going to increase its military expenditure, especially the space army.” Speaking of this new tree, it became serious again.

Book warehouse net . “The military and NASA, that is the existence of the bottom of the pressure box in the United States, and always have to be put on the table. By the way, I have given some reasons.”

“Are you prepared for this matter?”

“To be honest, I have been cooperating with the military for so many years and I still can’t see the strength of the military. I can only say to do our own thing.”

Zhang Shuxin nodded and put his attention on the stage, Ying Haiwei’s press conference began.

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