Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 969

Chapter 957 Years later

After seven days of men’s singles, Meng Fan managed to save his life with the protagonist’s son halo.

. After returning to Hangzhou seven days later, Meng Fan hurried to the laboratory, and Meng Qian called the company’s senior executives for a meeting as soon as possible.

“It is said that the first day of the new year should be a little easier, but the current situation does not need to be relaxed.” Meng Qian said in a sentence that everyone’s emotions were brought back from the atmosphere of the New Year, “Everyone, look at the latest data.

On the whole, a fast break a year ago allowed a group of Chinese companies to seize a certain market share, and it did put a lot of pressure on American companies.

However, U.S. companies have responded fairly quickly. Recently, the market has stabilized. Cisco has begun to sell its own chips. Lyft and Uber have merged and applied for listing. Google has used the fastest efficiency to sell the driverless business unit and Android, and the core Putting energy back on the search engine, Intel received 20 billion yuan of support from the government, which will be used to overcome EUV technical problems.

There has been a lot of news such as this recently. Of course, Huaxia Enterprise has not been idle. Everyone has invested enough financial resources and energy. It can be said that this confrontation has entered the most intense stage.

So this year we have to do three things: first, further targeted strikes, second, further use of globalization to build global influence under global cohesion, and third, further promote the development of innovative enterprises. ”

Although there will be a copy of meeting minutes in hand, many people still use notes habitually.

“And we personally will put more energy to deal with the latter two things, the first thing will be left to you.” Meng Qian conveyed his meaning with his eyes.

Xiao Bozhi immediately accepted the words tacitly, “I think for us, Google and Apple are still the two best goals.”

“It is absolutely impossible for the U.S. to give up its search engine, let alone its only remaining IOS on the mobile terminal.” Shao Yibo immediately put forward his own views, “Our future plan is to force Silicon Valley to shrink, and it can be easier to find. The enterprise that started.”

“You also said that it is the search engine and system that the U.S. cannot give up, not Google and Apple.”

“what do you mean?”

“Isn’t Intel grabbing the dominance of chips from IBM? As long as the core technology and industry leadership are ultimately in the hands of American companies, it will be fine for them.

Of course, we can choose a more relaxed corporate goal, but the effect will be even worse. ”

Shao Yibo understood Xiao Boshi’s meaning and stopped asking more. Sun Xiaojing followed up with her own ideas, “Actually, from the current situation, Motorola is the most easily crushed company, and its influence is absolutely sufficient. The effect should be Enough.”

“Motorola is the best case of counterattack for us.” Meng Qian responded directly to Sun Xiaojing, “but don’t forget that before these things happened, Motorola was one of our friendly partners in the United States.

If one day we are to move towards a relatively friendly route, our first company to return to a good company is Motorola. There are certain things that must be grasped.

To put it bluntly, Motorola is a tool company. For us, there is a lot of room for operation. Now if we rush to kill Motorola, it will really kill Motorola. For us, it is hard to say whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. ”

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   Follow the book to see . Sun Xiaojing’s doubts were also resolved, and she nodded to express her understanding, while Meng Qian looked at Xiao Bozhi, “Do you have any specific thoughts on Google and Apple.”

“Google is now putting its energy back on the search engine, and is preparing to stabilize the market first, but for us the offensive methods are already very clear.

I think Mr. Gu can get in touch with Ying Haiwei on this matter and have a crazy marketing campaign on a global scale.

As for Apple, during the period of conflict between Motorola and Vientiane, there have been some strong voices of resistance in the United States. The United States now dare not completely drive Vientiane out of the country. Otherwise, American users will only have Apple to choose from, which will cause big problems. of.

Before Microsoft brought miracles to Android, the United States had to give Vientiane a continuous tolerance policy no matter how unhappy it was.

But Hongmeng still can’t enter the U.S. market, so we can only rely on Vientiane to make apples. ”

“At this time, Vientiane can indeed touch Apple, but the best domestic brands sold in the U.S. have always been Huawei and ZTE. Now Huawei and ZTE have been driven out, and Xiaomi has not played well in the U.S. market. , Who do you pin your hopes on?”

Xiao Bozhi called out a copy of the latest data and showed it to Meng Qian, “Didn’t Samsung have started to talk to Mr. Meng some time ago about letting us buy shares?”

“Samsung hasn’t had any outstanding performance in the past two years, and the market has gradually begun to forget about this brand. Many investors have begun to give up Samsung. Do you think Samsung can still be used?”

“Yeah, everyone has abandoned Samsung. This is the best time to negotiate the price. The news is now that Samsung has contacted Vientiane and Huawei last year. Samsung still wants to survive, and Samsung is now building a new one. Mobile phones may be in need of a strong promoter.

At this time, can we investigate whether the things Samsung left behind are still useful? ”

Meng Qian thought for a while and made a decision, “You can talk about this, and you can control it.”

“it is good.”

Some details were gradually finalized at the meeting. Everyone divided the work and started to work. Meng Qian was the last one to leave the meeting room as usual. As soon as he went out, he saw Gu Junhui waiting at the door.

“what happened?”

“Meng, I want to talk to you about something.”

Follow the book to read zhUIshUm. “Come in and talk.”

went back to the meeting room and sat down, Gu Junhui asked, “Do you know what happened?”

“What’s wrong? Are you talking about something very popular?” Meng Qian didn’t know what Gu Junhui wanted to say.

“No, it’s because some people have been maliciously making negative comments recently.”

“This matter, I probably heard a little bit, what’s wrong?”

. Gu Junhui gave Meng Qian a compiled document, “Let’s take a look at this smearing process. Put a patriotic hat on first, and then criticize the use of patriotic traffic to make money and gradually carry out full-scale attacks from point to point, which triggers netizens to counterattack. In these counterattacks, there must be radical remarks. These radical remarks were specifically singled out and used, and then condemned China for not having freedom of speech and condemned China for being an extreme patriot.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   Mr. Meng, isn’t this very similar to the public opinion attack pattern our Dafeng Group has experienced over the years?

You always say that Dafeng Group, being such a huge enterprise, will be scolded a few words. Of course, we have the ability to minimize the impact of such public opinion attacks.

But if this attack mode starts to be copied to all aspects of our China, in the future, everyone will not dare to say that they are patriotic and afraid of being scolded. This is not a trivial matter. ”

Meng Qian sighed lightly and held the document in silence for a long time. “You and I know that it is difficult for these organizations to do something even if we want to do something. To be precise, the defender is not just that some radical comments will be used and maintained. Any comments made by the readers will be used by them.

The biggest truth and the biggest fear in this world is that everything has two sides, and everything can be viewed from two completely opposite angles. ”

“But they are organized plans, organized actions, rumors, and incitement. This is the point that can be used to deal with.”

Meng Qian smiled helplessly, “I understand what you mean, but the current penalties are too low, and the cost of crimes in this area is too low .” This That’s why I approached President Meng. I was wondering if President Meng could mention this at this year’s conference. The low cost of cybercrime is really not a good thing. The rumors are fierce, President Meng. “Gu Junhui looked at Meng Qian expectantly.

Meng Qian looked at Gu Junhui sincerely, “Don’t worry, I will mention this matter, and I will do my best to mention it, but you shouldn’t have too much hope. Again, everything has two sides. The low cost of crime in Tucao is because it is now the case.

But if Huaxia really becomes strict one day, new problems will arise soon, and some people will complain that the law is too strict. ”

. Gu Junhui could understand Meng Qian’s meaning, sighed and shook his head, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Meng Qian took out his mobile phone and sent a document to Gu Junhui.

“This is?” Gu Junhui looked at Meng Qian suspiciously.

“If we can’t expect rumors to be strict, then maybe we can only expect that rumors may stop at the wise. This is a project that I have been working on with my own money. It happens to be landed this year. Go take a look and see if there is There is no room for cooperation with Dafeng Entertainment.”

Gu Junhui looked at the file for a while, a gleam of light appeared in his lost eyes, “I’ll take the time to look.”

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