Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 978

Chapter 966 Take root

Zhang Shuxin’s voice not only pushed the low-key Google to the hot search in the United States, but also pushed Google to the hot search in various countries all the way, and the popularity could not be stopped.

After all, the personage that Eric created in the early years of Google that always puts consumers first has collapsed at this time. A collapsed personage is the easiest way to stimulate the desire of the people who eat melons to participate. After all, To accuse a collapsing personality will not only stand on the moral commanding heights, even if the words are a bit ugly, there will be no burden, and at the same time, there will not be too much risk of face slaps.

Google’s stock price dropped sharply again. The small rebound that was hard to come by under the financial support of Silicon Valley completely sank. Many agencies further downgraded Google’s rating.

Under the continued popularity of Google, Dafeng Group, PA, and Meng Qian are also frequently searched. Many people even go to Meng Qian’s wind letter. Aite Meng Qian likes Meng Qian to stand up and say a few words. .

On April 12th, Arbor Day, Meng Qian was really on the hot search, but the hot search itself was not because of this incident, but because Meng Qian planted a house in front of a new building on Tianmu Mountain Road in Hangzhou. A sycamore tree, and the new building behind Meng Qian has two characters: Take root.

After Meng Qian planted the tree, there was applause at the scene, although Meng Qian didn’t know what to applaud.

After scanning the scene, Meng Qian directly found the live broadcast footage. “As we all know, China’s per capita reading volume is very low. As for why, some people say that it’s because China Mobile’s smart products are developing too fast. People are sitting in the subway. Can only read books, our subway has been surrounded by 5G.

Of course, this may indeed be a reason, but it is certainly not the whole reason. After all, the per capita reading volume between us and Israel is 15 times different, and they cannot take the subway 15 times longer than us.

So why don’t we Chinese people love to read books? To be honest, I don’t know, I really don’t know. I have read many sayings and data, but I still don’t know the answer.

I want to announce that the novel app I’m currently using, both Android and iPhone support!

But I know one thing, reading should be something worthy of being popularized.

So I started preparing for this rooted library project 5 years ago. This is a personal project of mine and has nothing to do with Dafeng Group. I will always be responsible for this project. ”

Meng Qian paused when he said this, and then the corners of his mouth slowly rose, “I saw several bullet screens saying that reading can make a lot of money? Can you make a lot of money if you don’t read?

There are two original intentions for starting the rooted project. The first original intention is to open up a pure land in this utilitarian and impetuous era. For those who do everything to consider whether they can make money, this may not be suitable for you. Destination, but I will still welcome you. Maybe, when you come here, it can inspire some less utilitarian emotions in your heart. ”

Meng Qian said that he made a gesture for the filming team to go in and visit with him.

The first visual impression of the library is large and bright. “The rooted decoration is pragmatic. Our purpose is very pure, which is to create more reading space in a limited space.

So there are not too many designs that are eye-catching. When the designer asked me where I was most concerned, my first reaction was lighting, because the most impressive reading scene in my memory was under a warm afternoon sun. .

So here, we do not accept any team shooting, let alone any form of hype. ”

Meng Qian said he walked to the largest reading area on the first floor. “The reading area uses smart tables and chairs. Readers can directly search for books on the table and click on the books they want. Generally speaking, within 10 minutes, our The delivery robot will deliver the book to the corresponding location.

Of course, in order to avoid waste of resources, a single ID can only allow the delivery robot to send two books at most within an hour, and this ID refers to the table ID and personal ID, that is, personal information needs to be bound, why I believe everyone understands this. ”

After introducing the reading area, Meng Qian continued to move forward, “This is the learning area. You can see the difference from the shapes of the tables and chairs. The learning area will take into account the objective needs of learning discussions, learning materials, etc., to subdivide primary and secondary schools. District, University District, College Entrance Examination District, Postgraduate Entrance Examination District, Examination Area, etc.

There are different auxiliary functions in different areas. You can unlock them slowly later.

Further ahead is the meeting room.

There are a total of 12 meeting rooms in the entire library, of which 6 meeting rooms are managed by the library operations team, and official activities like the book club are arranged every day, and the other 6 are open to the public for everyone to organize and read-related. As for how to make an appointment and how to use it, you can check on our official channels.

Further ahead is our deep learning area. We are here to provide you with thousands of learning experiences through other technologies, which is currently a core application scenario of virtual reality technology. ”

After introducing the main areas, Meng Qian went straight to the library area. “Many people on the barrage were asking about the original intention of this library project. In addition to establishing a pure land, what was the original intention? In fact, this original intention was. It has something to do with the hot discussion on the Internet recently.

We have to admit that the Internet age is indeed gradually becoming extreme, and mobile products are gradually becoming demarcated. Our PA does play a certain role, but after all, assistance is assistance. If a nation really wants to become a great nation , I think most people in this nation must first have the ability to think independently.

Rich reading is one of the main ways to help a person build independent thinking ability, so in order to realize this original intention, if there is the biggest feature of rooting, it is that there are many books.

I believe many people have noticed that whether it is on Taobao or various reading apps, they say that they have hundreds of thousands of books, but the books on the recommended list are only those books that can be read. There are only a few, because in fact, the good book resources that everyone can get are actually very limited. This requires a lot of work behind it, which is a huge investment that the public can’t imagine.

On this issue, there is currently a company in China that is doing very well, that is, Yinghaiwei, which is even one of Yinghaiwei’s core competitiveness , so it takes root through cooperation with Yinghaiwei. Acquired a large number of books, video materials, art crafts, etc. from all over the world. At the same time, it has its own global team that is responsible for collecting books and various works for everyone around the world.

We hope that taking root will really allow everyone to see a bigger world, which will really help everyone build a more independent personality.

And our next plan is to open 100 libraries within 5 years, truly rooting our library in China, and truly promoting our library to the Chinese people. ”

After taking root and opening, it attracted a large number of readers. Of course, some Internet celebrities are always unavoidable, but all camera equipment except mobile phones cannot be brought in, and if you go in, someone will come forward to stop you if you take pictures. If the shameless internet celebrities ignore the obstacles, there will be a line of staff to invite people out.

And everyone who enters the library has to sign an e-reading agreement. It is useless for these Internet celebrities to fight for reasons such as interfering with freedom.

Of course, this is somewhat of an overlord clause, but this is a private library. It is not an exaggeration for investors to ask customers that are beneficial to most customers, and this matter is morally supported by most people. Some people think It is also difficult to make a fuss.

But even so, taking root is still crowned the name of the Internet celebrity library, and it has become popular in China.

But what everyone did not expect was that Dafeng Group opened a library in China, and the stocks of Silicon Valley companies went straight down for a week.

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