Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 98

Chapter 97 fool

I didn’t think about it, so I didn’t think about it anymore. This matter was dealt with for the time being. At 1 p.m. on March 31, 2001, Xiao Boshi came to Dafeng Technology.

Meng Qian first took him to take a brief tour of the company, and after introducing the various departments, the two people went to the office to have a detailed chat.

“Compared with Cisco, it’s much worse.” Meng Qian laughed and opened the topic.

“Whether it’s Cisco or IBM, it’s not like this step by step.” Xiao Boshi sorted out his suit, “Dafeng Technology Innovation is not large, but it can have such a performance, which is even more terrifying. ”

Meng Qian smiled and moved the poured tea to Xiao Bozhi, “Senior, I forgot to ask you last time. According to your theory of the difficulty of returning to China, the fundamental reason for your return to China this time should not be because of the winter of the Internet. What do you think? of?”

“I have been thinking about going back to China for a long time. The Internet winter is a fuse. I am in charge of management. Unlike their technical restrictions, it is more convenient to come back. I want to take this opportunity to take a look.

If you don’t look at it, you can see Dafeng Technology Innovation. ”

Seeing that Xiao Bozhi deliberately went straight to the subject, Meng Qian didn’t say anything, “How does Fengxin go international, and how Dafeng Technology can become a multinational company. Is it convenient for seniors to talk more deeply today?”

During this period of time, Meng Qian was investigating Xiao Boshi, and Xiao Boshi must also understand Dafeng Science and Technology. Everyone understands this kind of thing in their hearts, and they don’t tell them, so since everyone can sit together again after getting to know each other, naturally each other It’s more heart-warming than when we first met.

Otherwise, there is no need to meet this time.

However, it took a long time for Xiao Bo to think about it. Meng Qian didn’t know what it meant, and suddenly removed two pieces of paper from the notebook on the desk. “It’s better to write down our core ideas on paper and look at us. How similar are their ideas?”

“Sure.” Xiao Bozhi seemed to be very interested in this way.

The two wrote a few words on the paper at the same time, and after spreading them out at the same time, Meng Qian’s paper read: Locate the target group and use points to show the surface.

And Xiao Bozhi’s paper says: Market classification, product refinement.

The two were silent for a few seconds as they watched each other’s content, and Meng Qian took the initiative to speak, “I’ll explain it first.”

Xiao Bozhi nodded.

” Once Fengxin leaves China, its competitors will no longer be companies like Penguin, but companies like Microsoft. Therefore, if you compete head-on, it’s okay to eat a small market, but it’s probably harder to eat a large market.

The strategy I think is to maximize Fengxin’s current advantages and the advantages of the Fengxin circle to match the groups that are most interested in this function. Instead of competing with opponents on the entire battlefield, first take the one with the greatest advantage. The target group, wait for this target group to be thorough and deep, and then slowly expand outward. ”

Xiao Bozhi nodded in recognition, “What I said is the preparation process before the implementation of your strategy. The biggest difference between global strategy and national strategy lies in the culture, politics, economy, humanities, and environment of different countries. They are all different. No matter how a country has a gap, it cannot be compared with the gap between countries.

What’s more, some international relations, international policies, and international situations must be taken into consideration. Therefore, when we make international strategies, the first step is often to classify the markets of different countries, and put effort into different levels of markets. And financial resources, investment strategies and methods are different.

To put it simply, the global strategy is about adapting measures to local conditions, time conditions, and individual conditions.

Therefore, the purpose of product refinement is to enhance the flexibility and variability of the product. The virtual product itself is also a product. Since it is a product, it can have a product line, and it is very easy to design a product line with social interaction as the core.

Using the product line will be more maneuverable than using a single product, but the premise is to make small and precise product advantages and product features for the product line.

As you said, you can succeed in China because your opponent is Penguin, a company that is also just starting out. When you step onto the international stage, your opponent becomes a powerful company like Microsoft.

Microsoft wants to imitate you to do something similar to the hyacinth circle on MSN. One or two months will be enough, and it can do better than you in terms of interface and functions.

Competing with companies with a strong family background, we cannot fight big but complete, but must fight small but fine. ”

“Market classification…how many big pieces do seniors think about instant messaging, the market can be divided into?”

“I can’t say yet, I haven’t really started to do research.” Xiao Boshi said conservatively, “but I can basically tell you with certainty that Fengxin is absolutely impossible to succeed in the U.S. market.

For such basic Internet products, the United States absolutely does not allow an overseas company to become a leader in the United States, because according to the design of Fengxin, it almost involves all the daily information of American users. The importance of this product can definitely be understood in the United States. No matter how good your product is, don’t even think about success in the United States.

This is also the second reason why I recommend product refinement. For example, if you make a pure self-display platform, you can make patents and product advantages that others don’t have in terms of image layout, image compression, and image optimization. The United States seizes the market.

When you go to the U.S. with such a product, because U.S. people like shows, it is likely to be favored by users. When the U.S. judges this product, because it only involves self-exhibition, perhaps they will open the Internet. .

After all, when a product is really made, although the United States can restrict it if it wants to restrict it, such restriction also has to pay a certain price, and they will have their own assessment.

And a big advantage of social products is that product lines can be combined at any time. ”

Meng Qian is thinking and analyzing everything Xiao Boshi said seriously, “In fact, as long as Fengxin is thrown out and succeeded, someone will imitate it.”

“Yes, any successful product will be imitated. This is inevitable. The degree of globalization is still relatively low. If the product is only developed in China, it will not receive too much attention, but once it goes out, it will have to bear it. Live competition, so after product refinement, it must be competitive. To make a global strategy, focus first on the market and second on the product. The product is not good, and it will not have a foothold on the international stage.

The second is fast. The core of social software is the user base and user viscosity. It can quickly accumulate users during the time of being imitated and lay the user foundation. Even if others successfully imitate the product, it will be very different if the product is not very different. It’s hard to grab meat from you.

Unless the use of coercive means such as national power. So from an operational perspective, I have the same idea as yours. Find a suitable customer base, which can quickly spread the product and quickly build a customer base. ”

“What do you think this customer group is?” Meng Qian asked with sharp eyes.

Xiao Bozhi suddenly smiled with interest, “Should we still write on paper?”


The two wrote on the paper at the same time, and when they showed each other, they both wrote two words: university.

After reading each other’s answer, the two raised their heads and smiled at each other tacitly.

“What do seniors value?” Meng Qian asked first.

“Social skills, how about you?”

“Social needs.” Meng Qian leaned back and touched his chin. “Senior, I’m not hypocritical when we talk about this. Do you have any specific thoughts on Dafeng Technology?”

“My current confusion is, I don’t know what you need?” Xiao Bozhi directly said his problem.

“There are three things I am most anxious about right now. Some people help me manage the company, some help me implement overseas strategies, and some help me get in touch with overseas returnees.”

“Returnee talents?” Xiao Boshi was particularly concerned about Meng Qian’s third need. “You seem to care about overseas talents?”

“Indeed.” Meng Qian did not deny, “Because I have a slightly different view of the seniors on the issue of returning talents.”

Xiao Bozhi, “…”

Looking at Xiao Boshi’s facial expressions to indicate to himself to explain, Meng Qian said, “The seniors divided overseas Chinese into survival and education. Under my personal understanding, it can be said to be ordinary people and talents.

Do you think that ordinary people do not return to China because they do not have much achievements in returning to China, and talents do not return to China because of various objective reasons.

I recognize this perspective, but I may be more inclined to distinguish overseas Chinese in another way. The first category is those who seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The ordinary people in your mouth feel that they can live better abroad, so they stay abroad. In fact, it is a kind of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. In my opinion, talents also seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Not everyone does not return to the country. It is because of various difficulties that some talents do not return to China, but only because they want to have a better life abroad and give their families a better life.

I don’t hold a negative opinion about this kind of profit and avoidance, because it is also human nature. I don’t like to dissect human nature. It is not a thing that makes people happy.

But precisely because of the objectivity and naturalness of this kind of self-interest, the second type of Chinese in my eyes is knowing that returning to Congress is not as good as abroad, knowing that returning to Congress will encounter a lot of trouble, knowing that returning to Congress will sacrifice some self. People who have to return home, I think, they are people with faith.

As for those who recognize fathers abroad and can’t go back to China in foreign countries, I won’t discuss them for the time being.

Confucius is called saint, because he knows that he cannot do it.

But after all, there are very few saints, and those who can understand the difficulties I think it is very powerful. So I really care about talents who have returned to China under the current background. Perhaps some of them came back because of family or emotional reasons, but I believe that from the perspective of probability, more people have faith, especially It is the talents in the true sense.

Even if the country guarantees him food and clothing, I believe that a real talent can also have food and clothing overseas.

Their belief may be their love for the country, their gratitude to the country, or their attachment to the country. If you consider returning to the country, at least you believe in the development potential of the motherland. This belief is more talented than theirs in my opinion. Something more important.

If we really wait for the day when the country develops, and the talents who choose to return to the country at that time, I am not sure whether they have this kind of belief in them. Perhaps their return to the country was nothing more than egoism in the context of another era.

These people with convictions are easily respected by others, but they are also called fools by many people. It is strange that this era is gradually advocating egoism, altruism and sacrifice do not know when it began or even become the target of more and more people. .

But I can’t control this kind of social phenomenon. I really don’t have so much malice towards egoism. Even many times I feel that I am quite selfish, but I can be sure of my attitude. Although I can’t do it myself, I am very special. Like these “fools”.

Therefore, I have always wanted to find channels to get in touch with talents who choose to return to China at the moment. Whether for the country or for the company, China’s development and rise, I firmly believe that they will be a powerful driving force.

I cherish talents, and even the “stupidness” in them.

I dream of attracting these people to my company. ”

Xiao Boshi looked at Meng Qian with complicated eyes…

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