Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 991

Chapter 979 Global industry chain

Chris’ video made more people realize two things. One is that more leading companies in the subdivisions that people don’t usually pay attention to have gradually become Huaxia Enterprises in the past ten years.

Another problem is China’s abnormal industrial chain problem.

Coincidentally, on July 1, Beidou was listed on the hot search.

Because the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system completion and opening ceremony was held in Yanjing on the morning of July 1.

As the first major national project in the aerospace field to be realized in China’s century-long goal, Beidou has naturally received high attention.

Regarding the success of Beidou, there are actually many things worthy of everyone’s attention, but after the normal press conference, netizens are most concerned about the sentence, “Beidou-3 has achieved 100% autonomy of core components and completed 100% independent industry. chain.”

Under the environment of the past two years, Huaxia people are extremely sensitive to independent self-research, and even in the eyes of some people, it is shameful not to achieve 100% self-research technology. This idea is obviously It’s extreme, but it does exist.

Therefore, the Beidou-3 team must emphasize this issue. However, in another time and space, everyone only needs to hear 100% autonomy. However, in this time and space, everyone seems to be more demanding. The chain is not 100% autonomous.

Therefore, the Beidou team released the Beidou-3 industrial chain and related companies to netizens, from the space segment, the ground segment to the user segment, from the design and manufacture of satellites to chip module board antennas and other key components. The name was placed in front of the public, using facts to let everyone see Beidou’s 100% independent industrial chain.

At this time, everyone can finally cheer for Beidou with confidence.

Two days later, on July 3, Dafeng Group announced that for some reasons, the final time of the Dafeng Global Developers Conference was set in early August this year.

This is the latest event of the Dafeng Global Developers Conference, but Dafeng Group said that it was due to some reasons. As for the reasons, everyone has their own speculations. Dafeng Group did not state it clearly. Anyway, it was postponed.

In the end, everyone could not wait for the Dafeng Global Developers Conference in this July, but waited for another conference this July, the First Global Industry Chain Development Conference.

This is a semi-open international conference. The so-called semi-open refers to that part of the content of the conference will be made public, but some of the content will be private and will not be disclosed to the public, or will not Open to the public.

The overall specifications of the first Global Industry Chain Development Conference are still very high. The first conference was arranged in Hangzhou. Not only enterprises from various countries, but also government representatives from various countries came to Hangzhou. It can be said that Hangzhou is doing it for this conference. It’s enough to prepare.

At the conference site, Meng Qian, Ren Zhengfei, Ma Yuan and other Chinese entrepreneurs were naturally unsuccessful in attending.

At the opening ceremony of the conference, the leaders of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology gave a simple speech, “The development of science and technology in the contemporary world is inseparable from the development of the global industrial chain. An efficient and complete global industrial chain is the most basic guarantee for the development of science and technology.

Beginning in the 1990s, from the global division of labor in different industries to the global division of labor within the industry, and then to the global division of labor within the enterprise, the global flow of capital, talents, and technology has gradually contributed to a new world pattern with multinational companies as the carrier. , A group of multinational companies started a major explosion in the global industrial chain.

However, in the process of the development of the global industrial chain for nearly 30 years, we have gradually realized that there seems to be a problem with the current global industrial chain, that is, high degree of centralization.

This is also one of the favorite words of some economists when the global industrial chain broke out for the first time more than 20 years ago. It turned the world into a factory, with less than 10% of the profits, and more than 90% of the world’s The country becomes a worker in the corresponding position, thereby creating more than 90% of the profits for less than 10% of the country.

The global industrial chain has developed in this direction for nearly thirty years.

But are there any problems with such a global industrial chain? Economists more than 20 years ago always liked to say that every country should do its own job. This is the best arrangement.

What is the work to be done? Is it that more than 90% of countries do not deserve to develop high-end chips?

We questioned this. This is also the reason for holding this conference. Because the development of the global industrial chain is becoming more and more important, we hope that everyone can discuss these issues together to make the development of the global industrial chain healthier and more beneficial to the world. The development of technology. ”

The leadership of the Ministry of Science and Technology still speaks very implicitly. After all, the opening ceremony is open to the public and everyone can understand it. There is no need to speak so bluntly.

The people in the audience began to whisper.

“Everyone understands that the global industrial chain led by American companies is nothing more than wanting the whole world to work for them obediently. Everyone feels uncomfortable. However, the problem now is that the industrial chain has been developed for so many years, and there are many things that cannot be done. The question of reversal, how much space do you have to change now?”

“So this conference has to be led by Huaxia. If you want to make a breakthrough in this matter, at present, you can only see what Huaxia can do.”

“Participate in the two-day meeting. At least everyone is willing to come, which means that everyone does not want to work for several countries forever.”

After the opening speech, the conference started according to the process.

The first environment in the morning was mainly for several companies from China to showcase their industrial chain.

The first company to showcase is BOE, and what BOE brings is the anatomy of the LCD panel industry chain.

The first thing that makes people understand this anatomy is that China has realized the entire independent industrial chain of LCD panels, but BOE has not 100% adopted China’s free industrial chain.

BOE adopts the global industrial chain, because for BOE, the global industrial chain has more advantages than the current domestic industrial chain.

In BOE’s global industrial chain strategy, a very important point is the issue of standard interfaces.

In the past global industrial chain problems, once a company cooperates with a company in many links, it is actually difficult to change it in the future. This is because of the running-in problem, which is actually an industrial chain cooperation barrier that is rarely mentioned in ordinary days.

However, BOE has opened multiple standard interfaces in the global industrial chain. For example, a company is not in the BOE’s industrial chain, but if he is interested in continuing to compete to enter this industrial chain, he can find the corresponding standard interface to get a run-in. At the same time, BOE uses standardization as much as possible to reduce the incompatibility between different companies.

In addition, BOE has put forward the concept of industrial chain competition and upgrading, and actively encourages competition to continuously optimize the industrial chain and activate the innovation power of the global LCD panel industry.

After that, BOE will showcase BYD, and BYD will bring a display of the battery industry chain. Similarly, China has achieved the construction of a complete battery industry chain, and BYD also emphasizes the issue of industrial vitality in the construction of the global industry chain.

After BYD, it is the turn of Dafeng Semiconductor that more people pay attention to. Unsurprisingly, Dafeng Semiconductor has brought the chip industry chain.

An obvious difference is that Dafeng Semiconductor has an additional industrial chain, which is the internal industrial chain of the enterprise.

In the chip field, Dafeng Semiconductor’s choices include three levels: the company’s internal industrial chain China industrial chain and the global industrial chain.

The final choice of Dafeng Semiconductor is naturally the global industrial chain, but because Dafeng Semiconductor has a complete internal industrial chain, there is another internal and external competitive relationship. Compared with the LCD panel and battery industry chain, the chip industry chain is in Dafeng Semiconductor’s The stimulus is showing that there has never been a comprehensive optimization of efficiency.

The successive displays of these companies in China have naturally aroused discussions among the participants.

“Huaxia has realized a full self-service industry chain in so many key industries. I really didn’t expect it.”

“But these displays are more like showing muscles. Although Chinese companies are more tolerant and fair in the construction of the global industrial chain than American companies, how much does this mean to us?”

Everyone has their own ideas, and after a group of Chinese companies have demonstrated their industrial chains in various fields, the first private meeting this morning will begin.

One of the opening topics of this private meeting was: “The Meaning of the World Factory”.

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