Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 995

Chapter 983 Small meeting

When it was difficult for everyone to wait for a certain news, Meng Qian had already begun to take further measures.

Taking advantage of the other party’s intention to seize the time to move things forward is often more important than taking advantage of his illness to kill his life.

On July 12, before everyone had time to go back after the World Industry Chain Development Conference, Dafeng Group soon held an open global industry chain optimization bidding conference.

Dafeng Group holds a large number of terminal products. When Dafeng Group said that it would optimize its global industrial chain, even representatives of related companies who were going to return quickly refunded their tickets. As for some who did not attend the Global Industry Chain Development Conference, Bangladesh Qian also set aside two days for them to rush over.

During the daytime meeting, Meng Qian personally attended the meeting, mainly for the fairness of this public bidding, to add another weight. Meng Qian is now a signboard, even if it is only a verbal promise, as long as Meng Qian is willing to promise, everyone is willing to believe.

During the day, the bidding meeting was crowded with representatives from large and small companies. In the evening, Meng Qian hosted a dinner party. Only about 200 people attended, including Sony’s Kazuo Hirai and SAP’s Bill Mike. Dermot, Kaspersky Kaspersky and so on.

These people gathered together this evening have two common characteristics. First, they are all iconic multinational groups in their respective countries. Second, these companies are almost all old friends who have cooperated with Dafeng Group for more than ten years. Up.

The dinner was buffet style. After everyone arrived, they ate for a while and then exchanged a few words with each other before Meng Qian stepped onto a small stage at the dinner.

“What do you think of the new global industrial chain rules mentioned at the conference a few days ago?” Meng Qian came up and said straightforwardly.

They are all veterans in the workplace. Everyone is watching the people around them with keen eyes, and they are not in a hurry to speak.

So Meng Qian took the rhythm again, “The purpose of creating new global industrial chain rules is to improve the efficiency of the global industrial chain, don’t you recognize this?”

Everyone nodded.

“And in the process of improving the efficiency of the global industrial chain, who is the biggest beneficiary?”

“From the perspective of our multinational companies, we certainly hope to see the establishment of new rules.” Meng Qian had said so much, and finally someone answered, “After all, the information and resources we can obtain are the greatest.

Once the new rules are established, we can adjust the situation of the industrial chain more flexibly, process the information of the industrial chain more timely, and make the industrial chain configuration more comprehensively.

Especially in emerging industries. ”

Someone spoke up, and more people started to answer. Anyway, the meaning is the same. To put it bluntly, the biggest beneficiaries are these giant companies from outside the United States at today’s dinner.

Meng Qian asked all those who should have expressed their opinions, and the conversation changed. “Everyone is right, but there is a real problem. The industry chain has always been one of the most complicated things with interests, and it is a thing full of monopoly. .

Especially when it comes to monopoly issues in various detailed areas, the upstream monopoly is the most obvious. I believe we have seen this issue raised in the past two days. What do you think? ”

Kazuo Hirai answered almost in seconds, “For some upstream companies, especially those in traditional industries, they don’t want to see fairness. On the contrary, they just like the old rules with extremely high monopoly. This is inevitable, because This is more in their interests.

In this regard, as a neon person, I think I have the most say. ”

“Mr. Hirai is right. The reason why we are giving priority to using the emerging technologies of these years to promote the new rules of globalization is that emerging industries have the least resistance and are the easiest to break through.

However, if we really want to establish new rules completely, we cannot abandon traditional industries. What’s more, in terms of current technological development, it is difficult for the semiconductor and liquid crystal panel industries to have a real revolution in a short time. The industrial chain of these industries Resistance to reform is very large. ”

“So, Meng always hopes that we can work together?” someone asked cautiously.

“Of course it is important to be united. That’s why I hope you can express your true thoughts at the beginning.

If we are not united, then this matter must ultimately sound meaningful and implement it.

But it’s useless for us to work together. Are we Huaxia Enterprises working together? But it was extremely difficult to establish the industrial chain a few years earlier.

Fortunately, we found a good solution in the process. ”

“Oh?” Everyone raised their ears unconsciously, basically guessing that the next step is the focus of tonight.

Meng Qian pointed to his own head, “We often say that we think about problems from the perspective of others. Think about it, everyone, why do those upstream companies like to monopolize?”

“This…because this is the best way for them to survive, at least in the past.”

Meng Qian nodded, “You are right, but to put it in a more realistic way, it is because they are very fragile.

If they do not rely on monopoly, they are likely to die. They are not the same as multinational corporations like us with a large number of industries.

So if you consider the problem from their perspective, their thinking is not wrong. ”

Kazuo Hirai nodded most violently below, because it was indeed the case.

“So to negotiate with these companies, you can’t talk with them about morality, and when you are about to starve to death, you can still talk about morality and justice. The Buddha is called Tathagata. We have to discuss interests with them.

The dilemma of these companies is that their scale is generally small and the input cost is limited. Then we will help them invest, and we will help them build new competitiveness after weakening the monopoly.

This is the service support plan for industry chain enterprises that we launched in China and achieved very good results.

There are two things to do in this plan. The first thing is to establish a complete industry chain information platform, and to make information open and transparent.

The second thing is to help those industry chain companies build a complete set of corresponding enterprise systems that can be connected to the industry chain information platform for free or at a low price.

These companies can connect with more companies and get more orders through the system building, and those companies that have monopoly power in the past will have priority to obtain access rights. They will transform the past monopoly advantage into the current information advantage. Although they have to undertake more competition in the later stage, they have seized the information technology advantage in the construction of the industry chain in the early stage.

In the long run, this is definitely good for the entire industry chain, at least in our results in China. The efficiency improvement of multiple industry chains in our company has exceeded 20% for many years.

For those companies, the short-term is definitely good. In the long-term, if they can maintain their competitiveness, it is a long-term good. If they can’t maintain their competitiveness for a long time, it may be a disadvantage. But to be realistic, it is becoming more and more difficult in this globalization In the era of blockade, what kind of monopoly will develop into in the future, who knows? ”

“So you are responsible for establishing the informatization system of the entire industry chain. They don’t have to bear any costs, and you will pay for the subsequent establishment of their system?” Someone immediately posed a practical question.

“Yes, all this money is from us.” Meng Qian gave them a definite answer, “because we said at the very beginning, the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain, our companies are the biggest profit parties.

Shouldn’t we be responsible for this cost? ”

Kazuo Hirai thought carefully and said, “If you don’t need to spend a penny, then more companies in the industry chain should indeed agree to accept the change.”

Intense discussions began at the scene, and it takes a lot of money to build an information system, and there will be some considerations.

Meng Qian listened patiently for a while, and confirmed that the main thing everyone was entangled with was money. Meng Qian was already at ease and ended everyone’s discussion with one sentence. At the time of the platform, we, China’s giant companies, took the main responsibility.

And when we establish a global industrial chain information platform in the future, we will also assume the responsibilities that we should assume. ”

In a sentence of Meng Qian, the first word that made everyone’s mind came out was: atmosphere.

The future of the global industrial chain is the global service industry The giants of all countries present here are all beneficiaries, so they should all take responsibility.

However, Meng Qian has saved the bargaining process and told everyone directly that our business owners in China are responsible for this, and you will be over after eating meat.

You only need to take care of the little things in your respective countries.

This makes people feel embarrassed to care about it, and this kind of atmosphere even demonstrates the image of the big brother of China Enterprise in this era.

There was a direct silence at the scene for dozens of seconds, and someone suddenly asked a question, “Why didn’t this matter mentioned at the Global Industry Chain Development Conference?”

“Because there will be some people who make a fuss with the mentality of those companies that want to monopolize. The resistance of this matter itself is big enough, and there is no need to give them more space to target.

And if you really want to make this thing happen, you have to rely on you. It’s not as good as we have a small meeting on our own and have a good chat, instead we can explore a little bit more deeply. ”

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