Rewritten Destiny

Chapter 29: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Amelia Bones stared out of her office window, watching the steady bustle of Ministry employees moving below, unaware of the storm brewing in her mind. The letter from Hermione Granger lay open on her desk, its contents as troubling as anything she'd ever encountered in her career. It wasn't just the severity of the abuse described but the fact that it had been allowed to happen at all.


She had always respected Albus Dumbledore, though the old man habitually kept secrets, often acting with what he considered the greater good in mind. Yet, this time, it seemed he had miscalculated grievously. Allowing Harry Potter to be placed with those Muggles was a mistake. A mistake that was costing the boy dearly.


Amelia rose from her chair, pacing her office. Each step felt heavy with the weight of responsibility she now carried. She had always prided herself on her ability to remain objective and to see through the politics and personal bias plaguing the Ministry. But this—this was something else entirely. This wasn't a simple case of right and wrong; it was about a child. A boy who had been through more trauma in his eleven years than most people experienced in a lifetime.


How did no one see this sooner? she thought bitterly. How did I not see it?


The bruises, the malnutrition, the isolation… Hermione's words painted a grim picture of Harry's life with the Dursleys, and Amelia felt a mixture of anger and guilt. She knew there had been whispers and rumours of Potter's less-than-ideal upbringing, but nothing concrete had ever come across her desk. Indeed, nothing to indicate the level of cruelty the boy had endured.


Her hand hovered over the letter again. The girl—Hermione Granger—was no ordinary student. Her letter was calm and composed, and the accompanying document was disturbingly detailed. It wasn't the kind of emotional outburst one might expect from a child; it was a well-structured report, with clear evidence and observations, entirely clinical, as if the girl didn't care but had reported it, so it was an eerie contrast. She had taken careful note of Harry's physical and emotional state over several months, documenting the signs of abuse.


Amelia found herself both impressed and concerned. This young witch had a sharp mind that might be dangerous if not properly guided. But today, Granger had done something commendable, something no one else dared to do. She had brought the truth to light.


I have to act, Amelia thought. I can't sit idly by while a child is hurt—especially not Harry Potter.


The thought of the boy's famous name sent another wave of anxiety through her. Harry wasn't just any child; he was the child who had saved them all from Voldemort. His safety was paramount, yet it was clear now that he had been anything but safe for the last ten years. How had they all failed him so spectacularly?


Amelia moved back to her desk and sat heavily, her mind turning toward the political minefield ahead. Going against Dumbledore's judgment was no small feat. The man wielded immense influence at Hogwarts and across the entire wizarding world. He had carefully arranged Harry's placement with the Dursleys, citing ancient blood wards and protections that would keep the boy safe from any Death Eaters who might still be hunting him.


But what good would those protections be if Harry were being systematically destroyed by the people meant to care for him?


She opened a new parchment and dipped her quill into the inkpot, her hand steady as she began drafting an internal memo to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.



To: Special Investigations Unit, Department of Magical Law Enforcement

 From: Madam Amelia Bones, Head of DMLE


Subject: Urgent Covert Inquiry –Family Protective Services




It has come to my attention that a Wizard Student, currently residing with muggle relatives, may be subject to ongoing physical and emotional abuse. A credible source has provided the information, and I require an immediate and discreet investigation into the Muggle household.


This inquiry is to remain confidential. No action will be taken directly against the family, but all findings must be reported to me personally. If the evidence corroborates the report I've received, further steps will be taken to secure the safety of the child in question.


You are to conduct surveillance and document any signs of neglect, abuse, or mistreatment. Under no circumstances is anyone other than Amelia Bones to be informed at this stage.


Priority: Urgent.


She set her quill down and blew gently on the parchment, watching as the ink dried. A discreet investigation would allow her to gather the information she needed without alerting Dumbledore or causing a stir in the Ministry. If Dumbledore found out, he would likely try to intervene, and that was something Amelia couldn't allow. Not yet.


She sealed the memo with her personal crest and summoned her assistant, a tall, lean wizard named Crawley, who had worked under her for years and knew better than to ask too many questions.


"Crawley, take this to the Special Investigations Unit," she said, handing him the memo. "Tell them I need eyes on Privet Drive by the end of the day."


Crawley took the memo and nodded. "Right away, Madam Bones."


"Yes, Madam," Crawley replied before swiftly leaving the room.


Amelia let out a slow breath, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the desk. She was putting everything in line with this investigation. If Dumbledore found out before she had solid evidence, it could turn into a political mess of unprecedented proportions. The wizarding world revered Dumbledore, often to the point of blind faith, and questioning his decisions—even for the right reasons—was a dangerous game.


But she couldn't shake the image of Harry, bruised and broken, subjected to the kind of treatment that would leave permanent scars, both physical and emotional. It wasn't just about keeping him safe from Voldemort's supporters; it was about keeping him safe from the people who were supposed to protect him. If Hermione Granger's letter was even half true, the boy had been failed by nearly every adult.


Her thoughts wandered to the upcoming Wizengamot session. As the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, she had considerable sway in legal matters, but even she wasn't immune to the influence of others. Certain members of the Wizengamot were fiercely loyal to Dumbledore, and they would be quick to defend his decisions if they felt his authority was being questioned. The opposite was also true; if Dumbledore was found to be complicit, then those of the dark faction could try to take control of the boy, and the implications of that were worrying; what an impossible situation to be in.


Amelia didn't sleep much that night. Her thoughts were consumed by what she had set in motion. Before leaving the Ministry, she had spoken to some of her most trusted Aurors, instructing them on how to proceed with the investigation. They would begin by placing surveillance wards around Privet Drive, monitoring the household's activities without alerting the Dursleys. It wasn't a full-scale investigation, but it was the first step in gathering evidence.


The following morning, a small, discreet report arrived on her desk. The Aurors had conducted an initial observation, confirming that the Dursleys treated Harry Potter differently from their own son, Dudley. Harry's physical appearance was troubling—he was significantly smaller and thinner than expected for a boy his age, and he performed several household chores far beyond what a child could reasonably expect.


There had been no direct sighting of physical abuse during the surveillance, but the signs of neglect were undeniable.


Amelia closed the report and stared at her reflection in the glass of her office door. The abuse was real. Hermione had been telling the truth; she knew it in her bones to be accurate, but she had hoped Miss Granger was wrong, and now, she had the beginnings of evidence to prove it. But she couldn't stop there. She needed more, something concrete, something that would force even the most die-hard Dumbledore supporters to recognize that action needed to be taken; that way, she could use it as leverage against Dumbledore if he tried to ignore the situation.


She stood and crossed her office to a locked filing cabinet. With a flick of her wand, the lock clicked open, and she pulled out a thick file labelled "Potter, Harry James." Inside were all their records on the boy: birth certificates, adoption papers, medical reports, and even school records from the Muggle world. It was all neatly organized, yet glaringly incomplete. There was no documentation of any follow-up checks by the Ministry or social services after Harry had been placed with the Dursleys.


It was negligence, plain and simple.


This ends now.


With renewed determination, Amelia summoned her Patronus, the ethereal figure of a silver badger filling her office with its soft glow. "Kingsley," she spoke to the Patronus, knowing it would find her trusted Auror wherever he was. "Meet me in my office. We're taking action on the Potter case."


She had been cautious long enough. The time for careful observation was over. Harry Potter was in danger, and the Ministry had a duty to protect him—even if it meant going against Dumbledore's wishes.



Letter to Hermione Granger


Miss Granger,


I have received your letter. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. Your courage and concern for Mr. Potter's welfare are commendable. I have taken immediate steps to investigate the situation with his relatives, and I assure you that the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is treating this with the utmost urgency.


While I cannot share the details of the ongoing investigation, I want you to know that action is being taken. You have done the right thing by coming forward, and I encourage you to remain vigilant. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any further concerns or need any information.


Please remember to exercise discretion in this matter, as it is highly sensitive.


Thank you again for your bravery.


Yours sincerely,

 Amelia Bones

 Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement


Amelia felt a strange sense of calm settle over her as she sent off the letter. The wheels were in motion now. Harry Potter would no longer be left to suffer in silence, and if anyone—including Albus Dumbledore—tried to stand in the way of justice, they would have to answer to her.

She wouldn't fail this boy, not the way so many others already had. She shuddered at the thought that this could have happened to her neice, Susan had she also died at the hands of the Deatheaters like Susans parents had.

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