Rewritten Destiny

Chapter 4: The Deal

After leaving Magical Menagerie, Hermione was thinking about what she should do, she understood that whilst she had known about this world and the books, they actually didn’t explain anything about the Magic or how the spells really worked, the fanfictions online were the only real source. This made her attempts at planning difficult, she knew about the Horcruxes, the fact that he was completely off his rocker, and probably, one of the main things in this world to get her Killed, outside of being friends with Harry Potter. Her mother was talking to her she realised catching the end of the question.


...provide any guidance for Muggle-born students?"


Hermione nodded thoughtfully. "That's a good idea, Mom. It would be nice to have some orientation to help us adjust."


They made their way back to Gringotts, giving a firm nod to the guards making them turn their heads to her in surprise.


Inside, the grand hall of Gringotts was just as intimidating as before. The goblins worked diligently behind their counters, their sharp eyes and sharper expressions giving an air of guarded suspicion.


Approaching one of the counters, Hermione cleared her throat. "Excuse me Master Goblin, we were wondering if there might be any resources available for Muggle-born students to help them acclimate to the wizarding world?"


The goblin looked up from his ledger, his eyes narrowing as he assessed them. After a moment, he gestured to a side door. "Wait here," he said curtly before disappearing through the door.


Hermione and her parents exchanged curious glances, waiting in the silence of the grand hall. After what felt like an eternity, the goblin returned with a small, leather-bound book. He handed it to Hermione with a look of mild interest.


"This is a guide compiled by the bank for Muggle-born students," he explained. "It covers basic cultural nuances, etiquette, and some essential spells. It should provide you with the information you need."


Hermione accepted the book gratefully. "Thank you, please forgive me if we have inadvertently offended you or your colleagues, it was not explained to us that this was basically like visiting a foreign country and the witch who introduced us to this world never explained the situation" she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.


The goblin nodded, grinning at the young witch “well, at least you’re not as dumb as the rest of them, good luck”.



The next few days passed in a whirlwind of preparation. Hermione reading the books intensely, wanting to learn everything about this world, Magic it seemed worked much the apparition lessons, wand movement, incantation, concentration and intention is what was written, but wand movement and incantation wasn’t that important if you learned the feel of the spell, they were just tools to help you learn it. She imagined they were originally a training aid and not supposed to be mainstream like it appeared in Britain, interesting idea to test once she was at Hogwarts.


The Occlumency book fascinated her. She found herself drawn to its pages, the promise of mental discipline and protection from external influences both comforting and intriguing. Not to mention her concerns about how Lockhart would behave in her 2nd year, some of the fanfics she read demonstrated him as a womanizer who obliviated their memories, in a school she was very eager to protect her mind, although she wasn’t sure if it would work against the spell as she didn’t know how it removed memories.


Each night, after her parents had gone to bed, Hermione would retreat to her room, the dim light of her lamp casting long shadows on the walls. She would open "Occlumency: An Introduction" and immerse herself in its teachings, eager to build the mental barriers that would protect her thoughts and memories.


The book was written in a conversational tone, almost as if the author were speaking directly to her. It began with the basics of mental discipline, emphasizing the importance of focus and control. Hermione practiced the exercises diligently, her mind gradually becoming more relaxed and focuses, she had definitely felt the schism of being Hermione compared to who she was, as muddled as those memories where. Being Hermione was like having 10 different ideas at once and she was amazed how she seemed to be organised in the books.


She started with simple visualization techniques, imagining her mind as a vast, impenetrable fortress. Each brick she laid in her mental walls was a step toward strengthening her defences. The process was slow and painstaking, but Hermione's determination never wavered.


As she delved deeper into the book, Hermione began to experience flashes of her old life—vivid, disjointed memories that surfaced unexpectedly. She saw herself in her previous world, sitting in a classroom, laughing with friends, and living a life that now seemed like a distant dream.


At first, these flashes were disorienting, pulling her out of her concentration and leaving her feeling adrift. But as she practiced Occlumency, she was able to focus on those flashes, but she never seemed to gain anything else from her past.


Hermione's progress was slow but steady. Each night, she felt her mind growing more resilient, her thoughts more guarded. The exercises in the book became a nightly ritual, a source of comfort and stability in a world that had turned upside down.


One evening, as she sat cross-legged on her bed, Hermione felt a sudden surge of clarity. She closed her eyes, focusing on the mental fortress she had been building. The walls were solid and impenetrable, the gates securely locked. Her mind was her own, protected and safe. She was sure this was just the initial shields, they wouldn’t hold up to a full-on attack, but a casual attempt at Legilimency would fail.


With a deep breath, Hermione opened her eyes, happy in the knowledge she had at least made some progress and now felt like a real witch, in every fanfic about being reincarnated or being sent to another world, mind readers were always the #1 enemy, she wasn’t about to let that variable screw this up for her.


But as she continued her studies, Hermione couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. The flashes of her old life were becoming more frequent, more vivid, but always the same flashes. They were like puzzle pieces, each one as infuriating as the next.


Hermione delved deeper into the Occlumency book, seeking answers. She spent hours poring over its pages, searching for clues that might explain the connection between her past life and her current one.


One passage caught her attention. It spoke of the power of memory and the ability to access hidden truths through the practice of Occlumency. According to the book, skilled practitioners could unlock memories buried deep within their subconscious, revealing secrets that even they were unaware of.


Hermione's heart raced as she read the passage. Could it be possible that her memories held the key to understanding how she had ended up in this world? And if so, could she unlock those memories through her practice of Occlumency?


Determined to find out, Hermione dedicated herself to the task. She practiced with renewed fervour, pushing herself to the limits of her mental endurance.


The process was exhausting, both mentally and physically. But Hermione's determination never wavered. She knew that the answers she sought were within her reach, and she would stop at nothing to uncover them.


One night, as she sat in her room, her mind focused and her thoughts clear, Hermione felt a sudden shift. It was as if a door had opened within her mind, revealing a flood of memories that she had long forgotten.


She saw herself in her previous life, sitting in a library, surrounded by books. The scene was so vivid, so real, that she could almost smell the musty scent of old paper. She watched as her past self, reached for a book, her fingers brushing lightly over its cover.


The memory shifted, and Hermione found herself standing in front of a mirror, her reflection staring back at her. She looked different—older, more confident. The realization hit her like a wave. She was seeing herself in the future, a future that had never come to pass.


The memory shifted again, and Hermione found herself in a dark, shadowy place. She could hear whispering voices, feel the chill of the air against her skin. She watched as her past self, navigated the darkness, her steps sure and steady.


As the memory unfolded, Hermione felt a sense of unease. There was something ominous about this place, something that filled her with dread. But she couldn't look away. She had to see it through.


The memory reached its climax, and Hermione saw herself standing before a tall, imposing figure. The figure's face was shrouded in darkness, but she could feel its power, its malevolence. The figure spoke, its voice a low, hissing whisper.


"You cannot escape your destiny, Hermione Granger. For you are already mine, do not forget the deal you made”.


The memory faded, and Hermione was left gasping for breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She had seen something—something important. But what did it mean? And how was it connected to her current situation?

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