Rewritten Destiny

Chapter 6: Fake it till you make it

Hermione settled into the empty compartment and took out on of her books The excitement of finally being on the Hogwarts Express mingled with a flutter of nervousness in her stomach. She had spent so much time looking forward to learning magic and she was on her way to her home for the rest of the year.


As she looked out the window, she saw students and their families saying their final goodbyes, trying to recognise any of them from the books and films, but she didn’t manage to.


Hermione's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the compartment door sliding open. A boy with sleek blond hair and a pointed face stood there, flanked by two other boys who seemed to be his bodyguards.


"Mind if we join you?" the blond boy asked, though his tone suggested it wasn't really a question.


Hermione nodded, trying to maintain her composure. "Sure, come in."


They sat down, and the blond boy extended his hand. "Draco Malfoy. These are Crabbe and Goyle."


"Hermione Granger," she replied, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you."


"Granger?" Draco's eyes narrowed slightly, then widened in realization. "As in Dagworth-Granger?"


Hermione hesitated for a split second before just smiling politely at the boy.


Draco's expression changed to one of approval, taking the smile as confirmation. "I thought so. My father has mentioned your family. Impressive lineage in potion-making."


Hermione smiled, her mind racing. This could work to her advantage. "Thank you. I've always been fascinated by healing." Not strictly a lie, as her parents are dentists.


Draco nodded, seeming satisfied with her answer. "You'll fit right in at Hogwarts. I hope you get sorted into Slytherin."


"I hope so too," Hermione replied


The conversation flowed more easily after that. Draco talked about his family, their wealth, and his expectations at Hogwarts. Hermione listened carefully, making mental notes about the nuances of pureblood culture and the social dynamics she would need to navigate. She figured she should get ahead of the game and start collecting potential blackmail material on the little death eaters in training.


As the train sped towards Hogwarts, Hermione felt a strange sense of kinship with Draco, despite his arrogance. He assumed she was a pureblood, and she didn't correct him. It was a strategic decision, one that she hoped would help her blend in and avoid the prejudices faced by Muggleborns.


The evening sky was darkening as the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station. Students disembarked, and Hermione followed the crowd, her heart pounding with anticipation. She could hear Hagrid's booming voice calling for the first years, and she joined the group heading towards the boats.


As they sailed across the lake, the silhouette of Hogwarts Castle came into view, illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns. It was more magnificent than Hermione had imagined, a testament to centuries of magical history.


Once they reached the castle, they were led into the Great Hall, where the Sorting Ceremony would take place. The hall was filled with students seated at four long tables, all of whom fell silent as the first years entered.


Professor McGonagall stood before them with a scroll in her hand. The Sorting Hat sat on a stool, its brim twitching slightly.


"When I call your name, you will come forward and sit on the stool to be sorted," Professor McGonagall announced.


One by one, the names were called, and students were sorted into their respective houses. Hermione watched with no small amount of fan girling in her, she was watching an actual sorting from the films.


"Granger, Hermione," Professor McGonagall finally called.


Hermione took a deep breath and stepped forward. She sat on the stool, and Professor McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat on her head. It slipped down over her eyes, plunging her into darkness.


"Hmm," a voice whispered in her ear. "Well, this is a first. Can you please drop your shields? I can barely read your surface thoughts. Never expected to see a first-year with protections even Rowena's enchantments can’t bypass."


Hermione's heart raced. Mind readers were precisely the reason she had those shields. "No."


"Stubborn, aren't we?" the hat chuckled softly. "Very well. Let’s see what we can discern. You possess an extraordinary intellect, that's clear. Your thirst for knowledge rivals even the brightest. Ravenclaw, perhaps?"


Hermione's mind whirred. She knew where she needed to be. "No, not Ravenclaw."


"Not Ravenclaw? Interesting. You have the bravery of a Gryffindor, but I sense a deeper ambition within you, a desire to prove yourself, to rise above..."


Hermione's pulse quickened. This was the moment that could shape her future.


"But there's something else, isn’t there?" the hat continued. "A past that isn’t truly your own. Reincarnated, are we? It's been a long time since I've encountered one of your kind. Not the first time, but certainly rare."


Hermione's breath caught. She hadn’t anticipated this. "What do you mean?"


"Secrets, my dear. Everyone has them. Yours are just a bit more complex. You harbour memories of a life not lived, of knowledge beyond your years. Quite the enigma you are."


The hat paused, considering. "Your mind is sharp, your ambition clear, and your thirst for power... potent. You could do well in Slytherin. But you must be careful. Deception can be a double-edged sword."


Hermione felt a chill. She needed Slytherin, but the hat’s words hinted at dangers she hadn’t fully considered. "Yes, Slytherin."


"Slytherin, indeed. But remember, it is not the house that defines you, but what you bring to it. Very well then..."


"SLYTHERIN!" the hat shouted.


The Great Hall erupted in applause, particularly from the Slytherin table. Hermione removed the hat, her heart still pounding, and handed it back to Professor McGonagall. As she walked to the Slytherin table, she ignored the staring from the students.


"Welcome to Slytherin," Draco said with a satisfied smirk as she took a seat beside him.


"Thank you," Hermione replied, trying to keep her voice steady. She felt the eyes of her new housemates on her, evaluating her, weighing her worth. She met their gazes with a calm she didn’t entirely feel.


The Sorting Ceremony continued, and Hermione allowed herself a moment to breathe, to let the reality of her situation sink in. She was in Slytherin. It was what she had wanted, what she had planned for. But the hat’s probing had unsettled her, but she had things she needed to know, like how she came here and why.


At the end of the sorting Dumbledore rose and Hermione only caught the end of his speech as she was lost in her thoughts “‘Welcome! He said, ‘Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts’. Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!’”


One of the other first years she had not been introduced to with brown hair “Is he a bit mad?”


Hermione raised an eyebrow “Oh? Why do you think that?”


The other girl responded with “Well, really, Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! And Tweak! That’s utterly random”


One of the older Slytherins said “Dumbledore’s always been a bit eccentric, but I think he does it as a conversation piece”


Hermione, connecting the dots and the meaning as her mind raced a mile a minute thanks to her occlumency training and Grangers unusually quick brain had a different idea “Well, I actually thought he was using the alternative names for the houses” the rest of her table became rather quiet at this remark.


Draco, intrigued and wanting to see what a Dagworth-Granger could do “Well Miss Granger, what do you mean?”


Hermione sitting to full attention lifted her chin slightly “Well, Nitwit, is obviously about Ravenclaw, they’ll think everyone not in their house is a Nitwit, whilst Blubber is just an old English word for Fat, which is something a Gryffindor, would not want in their house right? Oddment is a bit harder but I think that pertains to Slytherin, is about dregs or left over cloth not part of the whole, Keeping the theme of how houses view those in theirs, Slytherin would consider anyone not in their house to be a left over or “the dregs of society”, and Tweek is honestly a bit insulting.” She paused taking a sip of pumpkin juice and pulling a face “Uhg, ghastly, I detest pumpkin juice”. The offending goblet disappeared, and water appeared instead “Thank you, Hogwarts house elves”


A first-year girl with blond hair asked Hermione “Why is Tweek just insulting?”


Hermione paused for a moment thinking her words carefully “well, the Badgers will take the ones who are left over from what everyone says, but they see us as being over the top and too much, not down to earth and that our eccentricies need to be ‘Tweeked’ to fall in line, that suggests anyone in that house who does things that are considered to be ‘excessive’ will be hazed or shunned until they conform to the masses”


The rest of her house looked at her in apt shock “Why the hell are you not in Ravenclaw” Draco asked while his mouth looked like it was trying to catch flies.


Hermione just smirked at them “Knowledge without purpose is pointless and a waste, I will not waste my potential, I swore to my mother I wouldn’t ever give up without a fight, and wasting potential is giving up.” She finished her speech with a scowl, remembering the note her mother found.


Dinner began, and the noise level in the hall rose as conversations and laughter filled the air. Hermione listened to the chatter around her, the talk of classes, professors, and family legacies. She absorbed it all, understanding that this knowledge would be crucial in navigating her new environment.


"So, Hermione," Draco said, turning to her with a curious look, "what's it like being part of the Dagworth-Granger family? I've heard some interesting stories."


Hermione smiled, choosing her words carefully. "I wouldn’t know really, I grew up with my muggle relatives, I only learnt about my heritage shortly after my 11th Birthday a year ago”


Draco nodded appreciatively. "I'm sure you'll do well here. Slytherin values those who can uphold and enhance our traditions."


Hermione inclined her head slightly, acknowledging his comment. She felt the weight of the deception she was maintaining, but also the necessity of it. She needed to blend in, to be seen as one of them.


As the evening progressed, Hermione couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. She glanced around and noticed some of the older Slytherins casting curious glances her way. One of them, a girl with long dark hair, leaned over to Draco and whispered something. Draco nodded, then turned back to Hermione.


"That was Pansy Parkinson," he said, indicating the girl. "She was just wondering why you were a hatstall. It’s quite rare, you know."


Hermione’s mind raced, trying to formulate a response that wouldn’t raise suspicion. "I suppose the hat had a lot to consider. It mentioned Ravenclaw as well, but I felt Slytherin was the better fit."


Draco seemed satisfied with this answer, but Pansy’s eyes lingered on Hermione a moment longer, as if trying to see through the façade.


As the feast drew to a close and the students began to disperse, Hermione followed the other Slytherins to the entrance of their common room. They descended into the dungeons, the air growing cooler and damper. At the entrance, an older student spoke the password, and the wall slid open to reveal the Slytherin common room.


The room was dimly lit and decorated in shades of green and silver, with an atmosphere both grand and slightly intimidating. Hermione looked around, taking in the opulent surroundings. This was her new home.


Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle led her to a cozy corner with plush armchairs. They sat down, and Draco leaned in, his expression serious.


"There's something you should know," he said quietly. "Slytherin is a great house, but it has its... expectations. Loyalty to our own is paramount. And while the Dagworth-Granger name carries weight, actions speak louder than words."


Hermione nodded, understanding the unspoken message. She needed to prove herself, to show that she belonged.


"I understand," she replied. "I'm ready to do what it takes."


Draco's smirk returned, and he patted her on the shoulder. "Good. Stick with us, and you'll do just fine."


As the night wore on and students began to retire to their dormitories, Hermione found herself alone in the common room, reflecting on the day’s events. She reached up to her wrist, feeling the comforting presence of her snake familiar, hidden beneath her robe.


Her mind drifted to the Sorting Hat’s words about reincarnation and secrets. She knew she was walking a dangerous path, but she was determined to succeed. She had come too far, endured too much, to let anything stand in her way now.


Hermione stood, casting one last glance around the room. She had a role to play, a part to perform in this new life. And she would do it flawlessly.


Draco's curiosity was piqued even more by Hermione's admission. "Really? That must have been quite the surprise. Discovering you're part of such an esteemed family and that you have magical abilities all at once."


Hermione nodded, her mind racing to keep her story straight. "It was overwhelming at first, but I've been catching up. There's so much to learn."


Crabbe and Goyle, who had been silently listening, exchanged a glance. Draco, however, seemed fascinated. "You'll fit right in, I'm sure. Slytherin values ambition and cunning. You'll need both to navigate the world of magic, especially with your unique background."


Hermione smiled, grateful that her fabricated story was holding up under scrutiny. "Thank you, Draco. I appreciate the vote of confidence."


The feast continued, with Hermione absorbing every detail she could. The Slytherin students around her seemed intrigued by the new addition to their house, particularly one with such an unusual backstory. Whispers and glances followed her every move, but Hermione remained composed, determined to make a good impression.


After the meal, Professor Snape approached the Slytherin table to address the first-years. His presence commanded immediate attention. "Welcome to Slytherin," he began, his voice low and silky. "You have been chosen for this house because you possess qualities that set you apart: ambition, resourcefulness, and a certain disregard for the rules. I expect great things from each of you."


He turned his gaze specifically to Hermione. "Miss Granger, I trust you will find our standards to your liking. The Dagworth-Granger family has a long history with Hogwarts, particularly in potions. I expect you to live up to that legacy."


Hermione nodded, feeling the weight of his expectations. "I will do my best, Professor."


"See that you do," Snape replied before moving on to address the rest of the house.


As the students began to leave the Great Hall, heading towards their respective common rooms, Hermione felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Draco, a curious look on his face. "Walk with me" he said, more of a command than a request.


They made their way through the dimly lit corridors of the castle, the air growing cooler as they descended into the dungeons. "What did you mean earlier about not growing up with your magical family?" Draco asked, his tone casual but his eyes sharp.


Hermione took a moment to gather her thoughts, figuring she would tell a half truth “I’ve lost nearly all of my family” recalling the flashes from her past life “and I’m living with Muggle Relatives who have raised me since being a baby, they’re my mother and father as far as I’m concerned, but they were rather surprised when they found out about who and what I am.”


Draco seemed to accept this explanation, nodding thoughtfully. "That must have been difficult. But it explains a lot. You’d never know you’d not lived your whole life in our world."


"Thank you," Hermione replied. "I’d rather everyone not know about my family situation however, I’m aware of how it could be viewed by some of our house.”


They reached the entrance to the Slytherin common room after catching up to the rest of the first years being guided by the prefect “The password is ‘Aspiration’ remember this, password changes are written on the board every 2 weeks”. The wall slid open to reveal the cozy, yet grand, room inside. The green and silver decor, the dim lighting, and the comfortable furniture all spoke of a place designed to contrast the dungeons outside.


As Hermione stepped inside, she felt the weight of history and expectation settle on her shoulders. She was in Slytherin, a house that would challenge her and test her in ways she couldn’t yet foresee. But she was ready.


Draco turned to her with a smirk. "Welcome to Slytherin, Hermione. I won’t tell the others what we talked about."


Hermione smiled back, a mixture of determination and trepidation in her heart. "Thank you, Draco. It appears as though I will owe you a favour."


As the night wore on, Hermione found herself alone in the common room, reflecting on the day's events. She reached out and touched the bracelet on her wrist, feeling the reassuring presence of her snake familiar hidden beneath her sleeve. She whispered softly to it, drawing comfort from its presence, she couldn’t believe no one had caught her with the snake yet.


Her mind drifted back to the Sorting Hat’s words about reincarnation and secrets. She knew she was walking a dangerous path, but she was determined to succeed. She had come too far to let anything stand in her way now.


As the evening progressed, Hermione found herself sitting in her dorm room, which she shared with two other first-year girls, Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis. The room was modestly decorated, with green and silver accents reflecting the Slytherin colours. The three beds were neatly arranged, each with a trunk at its foot and a bedside table.


Daphne was brushing her long, blonde hair, her expression thoughtful. Tracey, a girl with light brown hair and a friendly demeanour, was sitting cross-legged on her bed, reading a book on magical theory. Hermione, feeling a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration from the day's events, decided to break the silence.


"Today was quite something, wasn't it?" Hermione said, her voice tinged with a hint of weariness.


Daphne looked up from her task, her blue eyes meeting Hermione's. "It certainly was. The Sorting Hat seemed to take its time with you. What was that about?"


Hermione hesitated for a moment, then decided on a partial truth. "It was just... trying to figure out where I would fit best. I guess it saw a bit of everything in me."


Tracey glanced up from her book, curiosity evident on her face. "What do you mean? Did it consider putting you in another house?"


Hermione nodded. "Yes, it did. It mentioned Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, but ultimately, it thought Slytherin was the best place for me."


Daphne smiled slightly, a hint of approval in her eyes. "Well, you do seem ambitious and determined. Traits Slytherin values highly."


Hermione returned the smile. "Thanks, Daphne. I think I'm going to like it here."


Tracey closed her book and leaned forward, her interest piqued. "So, Hermione, where did you grow up? I've heard a lot of different stories about you today."


Hermione took a deep breath, remembering her carefully crafted story. "With family away from the magical world, I imagine a lot of families did something similar with their heirs during the war if they were on the frontlines.”


Daphne raised an eyebrow. "Very pragmatic”


Hermione nodded. "It was” not wanting to give anything else away.


Tracey grinned. "Well, if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask. We're all in this together, right?"


Hermione felt a warmth spread through her at Tracey's words. "Right. Thanks, Tracey."



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