Re:Zero – I’ve been summoned into the Modern World as Emilia?!

Chapter 12: There’s No Place Like Home Sweet Home (Part 2)

Chapter 12 – There’s No Place Like Home Sweet Home Part 2


Sakamura Reiko, formerly known as Kagami Reiko, was stuck in an emotional impasse. She had seen the pain, sorrow, and regret that had pent up throughout the years that had constituted the fragile being that was her son, now daughter, from a single glance of her eyes. Her motherly instincts had told her that she had needed to give her daughter her every fibre of emotional support. Though she still had questions as to how this conceptual spiritual enclosure came to be, to how her son had turned into a beautiful woman. Even the part where she watched her entire life flash before her eyes. It had hurt her to the very core of her soul. To see how she had left a loving family devastated due to such an accursed disease, it had torn her non existing heart to pieces.

“I’m so sorry… I’m so, so sorry… To think I would use magic for something as despicable as this...” Every word her daughter had stated was painfully soft-spoken as she mentioned the use of magic. That would certainly explain the void that she was currently manifested in. However, she felt no anger, no sorrow at her resurrection… Just the overwhelming comfortable and joy of finally being able to embrace her family once again. That had brought Reiko some closure that she has sought for nearly an eternity within the never-ending abyss of subconscious etherealism. Letting her subconscious thoughts reside, she finally decided to address something that she’s been grimly hiding all this time.

“It’s alright Shou-chan. This must have been very hard for you, but let’s have a talk, shall we?” She had fervently stated, as her sobbing mess of a daughter had hesitantly looked up from her weeping state. Tears had been unceasingly flowing from her eyes. She wanted to reach out and hug her, comfort her after all the bereavement she had to undergo.

“Ehhh?” Shousuke had whimpered out, as her mother’s endearing eyes had fallen upon her in a critical manner. With every moment that had passed, her unearthly desire to reach out into the apparatus and join her mother in the afterlife had grown exponentially. However, that would only fulfill her own self-gratification as the thought of leaving her family behind to mourn another loss would unequivocally deprive her, of her sense of morality. Adam had noticed Shousuke’s longing and the only thing he could do is support her throughout this dilemma as his hand had fallen upon her shoulders to comfort her.

“There’s something I’ve been hiding from your father and you all this time.” Her mother had stated slightly bitterly, as shame had contoured her face. “Something that has to do with my research… It will all make sense by the end of it, trust me.”

Shousuke had flinched at her mother’s forestalled exposition, her tears had slightly sub-sequentially resided as her attention had been shifted over to her.

“Does it have to do with your occupation in archaeology?” Shousuke had woefully inquired, as her mother had given her a firm nod in confirmation.

Her mother had a career in archaeology through a private research company that did research on protoanthropological artifacts and other archaeological excavations. However, that only scratched the surface of it. Her mother had pressed on with resolve despite her conflicting emotions and her hesitance that she was going to hurt her daughter with her foreseen revelation.

“The truth of the matter is, I was contracted into a private paramilitary organization that dealt with dangerous para-psychological phenomenons that shrouded across the world. Including to what could be disclosed as magical artifacts.” At the revelation of this, Shousuke had flinched at the fact that her mother had been involved in such a dangerous career field. She  had understood that archaeology was partially tied to exploring historical ruins and burial sites that had its own dangers. But for her mother to be wrapped up into something shady did not sit right with her. She had sat up straight intending to listen to what her mother had to say as she wiped her tears from her eyes. Geoffroy on the other hand had inconspicuously eavesdropped on their conversation as his eyebrow raised at the mention of magical research.

“What do you mean by that? My dad had only told me that you were only privately employed at the time but it was only tenuous expeditions here and there.” Shousuke had inquired as her mother’s eyes had slightly averted at the mention of her husband in shame and regret.

“I didn’t want Hayato to worry about me. As I knew that my treacherous endeavors would only reaffirm his decision to pull me out of my accursed research.” Her mother had responded, as she was guilt ridden in the course of eluding her family’s concerns. Her face had lifted up in saddened determination as she sparked the next set of exposition.

“I know, I should have pulled out when I had the chance. I knew that I had a family to go back to. Yet the relic that Dr. Erlich and my team had discovered was too dangerous to be left alone. It was only after the Khaya disaster that I finally realized just how much I had left behind for the sake of research. Especially the thing I had encountered there.” Her mother had added despairingly, as tears had rolled down her eyes before falling within the mystical void of [Soul Recollection]. However, Shousuke was at a loss with what was revealed.

“Why did you hide it, mom? What exactly had happened that has caused to you to desperately cling to your ambitions like that?” Shousuke had inquired, as the questions she had for her mother kept on piling up on her cryptic undergoings.

“Ma’am Sakamura, if you don’t mind me asking... Are you by chance from the same group of researchers who were involved in the undertaking of [Aezzeruk’s Sepulture] nearly 10 years ago? It had taken place in the Mus-Khaya Mountains in Russia.” Geoffroy had intervened, as Reiko’s head had tilted at the inquiry, before nodding.

“I believe that’s what Dr. Erlich had referred it to, citing the engravings surrounding the excavation site.” Reiko had contested but not before she had noted that what had seemed like an eternity had really only been a 10 year interval. “I see, so 9 years had already passed since then I died… I died a year after the Khaya Disaster.” She had uttered sadly gaining a solemn nod from Shousuke in confirmation.

“What is the Khaya Disaster?” Shousuke had inquired, drawing the attention from both Geoffroy and Reiko. Geoffroy had sequentially pulled out his tablet that he had used previously to show this [Oscillation of Continuum] and gestured over to the late mother to leave the explanation to him. The details of the altar’s relevancy to Shousuke potential future had yet to be revealed. However, the present story was of much more vital importance to Shousuke.

Suddenly, the tablet had lit up as it portrayed the Reiko and the rest of her research team in front of an occult door of some sorts with various instruments and lighting that had lit the walls as they scurried about operatively. The structure had a foundation at the front with various arches that were tipped with gold plaques meshed at the top the structures routing a path through it ritualistically. Reiko was surprised that this mysterious man had so much information on that, yet everything in that ‘video’ was completely accurate to how her contractor’s excavation layout had been portrayed. Multiple researchers including Reiko had scrambled about getting different readings from various origins within the stone keep as a power generator within the excavation was urgently shut off. The ‘guards’ who brandished various military grade weaponry (AN-94s, AK-74s, RPK-74s) within the excavation had taken battle stances readying for whatever had alarmed them. Shousuke was taken aback by the sudden commotion happening within the video as Adam had watched on with fascination.

It’s exactly how I remember that day! Then that means that my daughter will be seeing THAT monster...’ Reiko had internally blenched at her aforementioned trauma.

“Where did you get this footage?” Reiko had morbidly inquired, as Geoffroy had decided to address her.

“Let’s just say that I have ties to all sorts of inconspicuous individuals who indulge in my requests. Nothing slips through the cracks.” He had lied, hoping to put any questions on hold in the meantime. Reiko had eyed the jester suspiciously, before accepting the misleading response.

“I should warn you that the following footage, you might find particularly distressing.” Geoffroy had added, reining in curious gazes from Shousuke and Adam.


“Dr. Elrich, there are multiple PGF (Psychical Generated Frequencies) readings emanating from that structured threshold. Should we really proceed with pulsating the frequencies through the electrical current insertions?” A concerned researcher had pointed out, citing that it might cause an anomaly that may cause the archaeological specimen to grow unstable. The head researcher had looked on with determination as he had grown confident that all of his gathered research throughout his life would finally see prolific results.

“We have already planted the seeds to this project long ago. We’ll carried through with the initiation...” Dr. Elrich had stagnantly ordered, drawing gasps from all the researchers within the excavation including Shousuke’s mother. They had hesitantly complied as they started applying the electrical current within the stone frame of the occult door. They had passed an electrical current with various relays and other electrical pulses in elaborate sequences. The door had started to glow a luminescent red as the head researcher had stood in front of the door, lifting his hands up in triumph as he embraced its majestic beauty. The inner chamber that they were residing in started to quake as multiple artifacts had started smashing into the decaying flooring. This had caused nearly all the researchers to grab onto something for stability. Eventually, the luminescence had resided showing an evidently fruitless conclusion.

“… Did it not work?” One researcher had remarked, as many of the researchers had composed themselves to address what had happened. Reiko in particular had knelt under a table to protect herself from the chamber’s falling debris. They had not come to realization yet what they had stimulated into existence as the occult door had been smashed into pieces by an enormous figure that had emerged into view. The absolute multi-limbed abomination of a ‘man’ that they had unknowingly released into existences.


“Bartolomeu the Repugnant, that slippery little bastard...” Geoffroy had vexedly scoffed at his appearance as Shousuke had glanced over to him in distress. Her mother on the other hand, had shook in absolute terror at the unsightly beast.

“Mom, what exactly is that thing-” Geoffroy had put his hands on her shoulders gesturing over to the tablet that it would be better for her to see for herself the nature of this demon. Quelling whatever questions she had about the abomination in the present viewing. ‘I’m not even there and the thing already sends chills down to the bone.


The creature had made its way over to the crowd of researchers as a jeering grin had contorted all over its abhorrent face that was a cross between Ludwig the Accursed, a Dragon Priest, and had mantis like limbs for weapons. It had cackled at the weak humans that had graced his presence, caressing its staff in a sickening manner.

“Ahhh, how wonderful life is when they beckon its first calling. To cradle it as if it was their first child.” The beast had incited, causing all the researchers and guardsman to freeze in fear except one particular individual.

“How marvelous, to think I would achieve such a magnum opus befitting of one such as yourself. The world shall finally realise my grand-” The man had barely any time to react as a piercing strike to the abdomen had disemboweled him of his entrails with a sickening sound of flesh and blood pouring from the cavity of the wound. The monster had already moved at lightning quick speed before he had enough time to finish his sentence. Shousuke had blenched at the sheer sight of the gory scene, nearly averting her eyes as bile started to rise up her throat. The grotesque figure had yawned as it pulled out its mantis-like forelimb and flicked the bloody residue on it to the surface. ‘Oh my god, he killed him...’ Shousuke had accentuated within her mind.

“How cumbersome, does he intend to forfeit his life solely for his vying attribution to the realm of transcendence by summoning me? If so, then these cretins must have sought the same ambition.” Sudden his jeering grin had contorted much more sinisterly as his gaze had set on the rest of the researchers within the compound, still paralyzed in fear at the monstrosity emanating a deadly aura that was leaking into the nearby shadows on the wall. The guards had suddenly stirred from their state of fear as one of the had opened fire at the beast with their rifle. The beast had merged himself into the walls of the excavation site, only for the guard to find himself missing an arm as he screamed in agony from the searing pain that had flared up from the mutilated limb. Before being put down by a gaping strike at his trachea, wheezing for breath as his vision had slowly faded into the abyss. “It seems like these parasites wish to entertain me. How endearing! Truly a sight to behold!” Bartolomeu had cackled as he bathed in the blood of his enemies.

The researchers had screamed in terror at the gory sight that had unfolded, snapping back into reality by what had just occurred. They had desperately made a break for the excavation exit, only for a red beam of plasma like energy to come down upon the exit. This had caused the structure to cave upon itself, trapping the researchers in as they desperately tried to dig themselves out.

“NO PLEASE! I DON’T WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS! I’M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!! MAMA! JAYDA! HELP ME!!” One researcher had desperately clawed at the rubble in hysteria, as the roar of gunfire had erupted, only to be quickly quelled by the stomach turning sounds of disembowelment and fleshy entrails falling to the floor. They had slowly turned around only to be met with the ghastly sight of the monstrosity and several disfigured corpses that used to be remnants of their guards. They had started tearing apart her colleagues limbs, hearts, everything, left and right as if it were a slaughterhouse. Reiko in particular had collapsed to her knees as she shook in fear from what was likely going to happen to her. ‘Hayato, Shou-chan, Maki-chan, please forgive me!


“No way… This has to be fake, there’s no way something like this had occurred to someone as precious as my mom!” Shousuke had exasperatedly rejected the video she was viewing, as angry tears had fell from her eyes as images from the massacre had filled her mind. Reiko had shook her head in irrefutability, much to Shousuke’s horror. Adam on the other hand had felt his stomach turn over from the footage that was presented, as it left a sour taste in his mouth. ‘Fuck, now I won’t be able to sleep tonight.

“Unfortunately, it’s all true. I was supposed to die right then and there to that monster. Yet something in me had caught his eye.” Reiko had confirmed as she hung her head in shame, as Shousuke had gasped from the revelation.

“No…” Shousuke had choked out, as she had sobbed into her hands from the horrific footage.

“It would be best if we continue the viewing.” Geoffroy had affirmed, citing that it would be best to settle the matter once and for all.


The monster had continued his rampage. Making its way through the horde of researchers as his ‘minions’ had torn apart, decapitated, and eaten the remains of the dead. Those that fell within his grasp had been slowly tortured to death as each of their limbs had been slowly mutilated one by one. The putrid aroma of blood, guts, vomit, and excretions had filled the air. Consequentially overwhelming Reiko’s nostrils as she had slowly descended into a state of shell shock and insanity from the trauma she had just experienced. She had drowned out the world around her as she reiterated the same thoughts within her mind. ‘I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry...

The beast had eventually settled on the three researchers left that consisted of 1 female and 1 male researcher, along side Reiko. The female researcher had crawled away from the monstrosity crying, flailing, and screaming as her eyes had dilated from sheer terror as she had looked straight into the beast’s wicked gaze. The beast sought pleasure in the fear that had been bestowed the researcher as he lifted her up from the group while she had kicked, screamed and pounded upon the structure of the beast’s bony hands. His mantis limbs in succession, had proceeded to carve away at her guts as she had let out a blood-curling wail of agony. He had then continued to slowly crush her with a teal luminescent flame in the palm of his hands as he had engraved an insignia of mystic significance on her abdomen, while simultaneously burning away at her flesh as it had slowly engulfed her. Reiko could do nothing to stop it.

The monster had grown tired of toying with the female as he routed a deadly curse of poison through her body, before dispatching her. He had moved on to the male, leaving only Reiko left to scrounge at her last moments on Earth. The beast had torn the male slowly to pieces, while gouging out his eyes and castrating him before feeding it to ghoul like corpses. His death by comparison seemed less agonizing than the one that the female had endured, but cruel and unusual all the same. Eventually he had reached Reiko but not before provoking the sobbing empty mess of a mother as she clung desperately to a picture of her husband and child.

“Ahh, how fascinating the element of fear is. Thee had watched in trepidation and did nothing to save her comrades from their terrible demises. Thou is truly the pinnacle of SLOTH! And now you will die like the wavering coward that you are.” The beast had discreetly ridiculed, as the sickening crunch of the male dropping to the ground had resonated throughout the hellish landscape that used to be the excavation site. He had then proceeded to bite into the neck of Reiko consequentially after lifting her off the ground with his rotting mouth. Her eyes had been devoid of emotion from the trauma she had endured, eliciting no reaction to the bite. The rest of the researchers became dogmeat for the ravenous ghouls.


Shousuke for the most part of the viewing had sat in soundless denial and disgust as the hatred in her had slowly started to take precedent. Her mother on the other hand, had hung her head low from the horrific memories that she was exposing to Shousuke. She had despised hurting her child like this, but it was the only way for her to stop the inevitability of Shousuke possibly prioritizing her own ambitions over those that care for her. It was not the best presentation since the odds of being intertwined in her circumstances were next to obscenely impossible. But it was better to express her regrets by having Shousuke see what she had to go through as if it were another bump on the road of life rather than just trauma that holds you down. It was only until the beast had made its way over to her mother and bite her that had snapped Shousuke out of her state of refutal as her face had contorted with rage.

“DON’T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU! I SWEAR I’LL FUCKING MOP THE FLOOR WITH YOUR DEAD BODY!” Shousuke had cried out angrily, as furious tears had cascaded down her face as her mana aura had flared up. Shousuke’s mother had anticipated that this pragmatic elicitation was going to happen inevitability. If she were in her child’s shoes, she might have done the same thing after seeing a loved one suffer the way she had. Adam had to restrain her as she had unleashed her rage at Geoffroy after jumping out of her seat and nearly attacking him unsurprisingly. “FUCK! LET GO OF ME!”

“Calm down, Shou… I know its natural for anyone to react the way you did, but you have to remember that this is only a memory and she survived it.” Adam had assured to the furious girl, she wasn’t having any of it.


“Shou-chan please, understand that sometimes life can be unfair. This macabre is a prime example of that unfairness, as upsetting as it may be.” Her mom had softly added, realizing how insensitive the statement might have been due the bluntness of it. She too had been angered by the fact that her his demon had taken everything away from her. But she had mostly blamed herself more for sticking with the organization that had orchestrated it.

“HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT MOM?! DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH I CRIED EVERY NIGHT WISHING THAT YOU COME BACK TO US?! OR HOW HARD IT WAS TO ACCEPT THAT YOU WERE NEVER GOING TO SEE ME GRADUATE OR KNOW MY FRIENDS OR EVEN TUCK ME IN TO BED WHEN I WAS YOUNGER?! I… UGHHH….” Shousuke had veered off, as she had sobbed into her hands from the conflicting and grim reality that she had dearly missed her mother. Her mother’s eyes had averted in sorrow from missing out on raising her child who wanted to be reunited with her mother.

“I know honey, I know it hurts so much. I am so sorry I couldn’t be with you all these years. The fact that you didn’t try to resurrect me either after my insomniac death, and now psychological trauma means that you truly hold me dear to your heart as well. I am proud to have raised such an emotionally considerate child.” Reiko had added, reverence to the fact that Shousuke had grown into such a respectable person who cherishes those around her, despite exposing her to her horrors.


The demon had indulged into the blood of the his victim as he had read everything there was about the person’s memories. Suddenly, as if it were a sense of serenity, he had relived glimpses of his former human self as bloody tears strode down his inhumane face. ‘Reiko?’ He had put up his malignant condescending demeanor despite the humanizing recollection.

“Thy has seemingly lost interest in this acolyte.” Bartolomeu eyes had fixed upon the woman poised in his grasps, before setting her down gently and healing her wound with an ancient form of magic. “As a sign of mercy for daring to awake me from my slumber, thou shall be cursed with an unsightly affliction that will chip away at your sanity. Rejoice, for not many had been bestowed this mercy in eons. One last condition for you human, if you utter the contiguous events to any outsider, the curse shall leap to anyone who hears it as they relive your nightmare.” He had stated before proceeding to launch her straight through the caved in exit in a spatial bubble of some sorts at incredible velocity before resting upon the rescue unit of her organization after they had received word that gunfire had been exchanged before the entrance collapsed.  They had quickly tended to the only surviving victim.

She did not get hurt physically, yet the psychological scars she had been given would be everlasting. The rescue workers had tended to the empty void of a human before they carried her to an unmarked van. Out of sight through the woodlands and out of reach of the monstrosities that occurred there.


It was only after an hour of sobbing, and rage that Shousuke had eventually regained her sensibility. Her light makeup had stained the palm of her hands as her mother had watched in despair from exposing her child to the truth. Adam had pulled his crying friend into a hug that she had desperately needed, as Shousuke had gave in to his comforting gesture. ‘Is this really the right thing to do right now? Adam had pondered as he set aside his thoughts and subtly stroked through her hair solacing Shousuke much to her sobbing state.

“Fuck, I hate this so much… All I simply wanted to do was talk with my mom again. Yet this is too much.” Shousuke had stated, sniffling from the grim reality of that had occurred to her mother.

“I hear you on that… That’s some fucking Stephen King levels of fucked up. What kind of bullshit was that anyways, he looks like a fucking Dark Souls boss.” Adam had pitched in, as he had eventually let go of his friend.

“Bartolomeu the Repugnant, he certainly lives up to his name. He used to be one of the founding fathers of the Conjuration and Necromancy Towers of the Mage’s Association nearly 300 years ago. A very powerful wizard, now seemingly immortal lich. Despite how malevolent he may seem, he used to care deeply about his followers and would be kind and compassionate to them. Tending to their every need and request. However, after exploring a certain realm of Conjuration magic, he had lost sanity. This had been especially emphasized after his most beloved had died at his hands. Now, he’s nothing but a quivering madman, who takes joy in killing others in cold blood. Such insolence had needed tending to. But the bastard manages to slip through the cracks every time.” Geoffroy had exposed, heeding the attention from Shousuke, Reiko and Adam accordingly. “Alas, the curse he had bestowed upon your mother is called [Wakeless Nightmare]. It chips away at your sleep cycle every-time you relive a horrible traumatic event. To the point where you wouldn’t be able to sleep.”

“Is that why my mother had jolted up kicking and crying in the middle of the night as my father had tried to figure out how to comfort her from her unknowing trauma.” Shousuke had then realized something mentioned earlier. “Wait, does that mean that the curse had afflicted me?”

“Rest assured that curse only affect those have not awakened their [Corpus of Sorcery]. It’s a relatively weak yet devastating curse that effects those who are not associated with realm of Mana.” Shousuke had sighed in relief at this exposition. ‘That probably means that, aside from us. No one can hear about the truth that had happened in that slaughterhouse.

“I’ll swear I’m make him pay for what he did to mother and those innocent people...” Shousuke had added, as a vengeful drive had started to arise from very core of her soul. Geoffroy on the other hand, had shook his head in rebuttal. Slightly concerned that Shousuke had been consumed by doom-ridden path of vengeance.

“Unfortunately he is an invincible and immortal monster who had been sealed a multitude of times throughout history. It took the best of our mages to seal him off a couple of years ago after a few corresponding events after the Khaya incident. Even then, we suffered a few causalities on our side. Since then, our seal hasn’t been disturbed ever since.” Geoffroy had sternly looked at Shousuke at what he was about to reveal. “And take note, that the madman isn’t even the strongest in his class. There are a plethora of other diabolical monsters who are arguably worse than he ever was. Bartolomeu utilizes the shadows with his supremacy in [Shadow Magic] along with a variety of [Reality Warping], [Spatial Magic] and [Necromancy Magic]. His proficiency in these magic trees are second to none to the best of our current wizards in each of their categories. The way you are right now, you will never have the chance to land a solid spell.”

At the mention of this, Shousuke’s face had contorted to anger, she was not happy being called out as a weakling.

“Than what am I supposed to do? Watch while that bastard goes on a murderous rampage while you guys sit back and do nothing until it is too late? What if he were to go after my friends and family? Do you think I’ll sit back and watch like you assholes do?” A thought had crossed Shousuke’s mind at the notion of this.

“You know what? Fuck this shit, we’re through. To hell with all you useless pieces of shit. I want back now!” Shousuke had adamantly requested, drawing a gasp from Adam while Geoffroy had looked on unamused. Shousuke’s face had significantly darkened as she stood up from her chair quickly.

“Sakamura Shousuke! Calm down and listen to what I have to say!” Reiko had called out, as Shousuke had hesitantly turned around. She could never defy her mother despite what she had been hiding from her all this time. Her mother had glared at her sternly from the void of [Soul Recollection].

“The path of vengeance is a dark one, as you inevitably lose yourself in your drive. I did not desire to hurt you like this. But it’s the only way for me to help you understand that I choose the path I walked down on, this being the result of my never ending curiosity. I do not want you to seek out that bloodlust, nor blame yourself or others for what had occurred besides my own greed. Instead, I wanted to help you understand that sometimes, your ambitions will make you lose sight of who you are as a person. That you should learn to value those who are dear to your heart. Don’t walk down the path similar to mine by solely focusing on that drive, balance those between your relationships and your motives. That is the key to success in life. Even if its a dark one path despite my reluctance, know that I will always love you as my child. Our bond, albeit melancholy, has shown me that deep down, you truly care about those around you and are will to give your life up to protect them. That, in itself, truly means the world to me.” Reiko had addressed much to Shousuke’s galvanization.

“Mom… Do you realize that sometimes there are times were you just don’t want to put up with people’s bullshit and proceed to want to stomp them out of your life? Nobody was there to help us in our time of need so why should should we be doing these people any favors?” Shousuke had responded accordingly, stubborn on the fact that these people did not seek out and heal her mother’s curse after what had happened.

“I realize that, yet sometimes these things take time to address. You are trying to insist that you do not need any help when in actuality you need them now more than ever. They’re the reason I was able to see you again, isn’t that justifiable enough?” Reiko had argued, much to Shousuke’s discontent. She had sought for the purpose of coming here solely for being able to talk to her mother again and gain new information, yet she was left with more questions and issues that had piled up. ‘She may be right, at the very least I would have to prepare myself in case trouble comes finding me. These people might not be transparent but at the very least they had provided me tools for becoming a mage.

“Didn’t you say that I shouldn’t prioritize putting my goals over those that care for me?” Shousuke had pointed out, albeit a strawman argument.

“I never said that you shouldn’t pursue them, but to at least appreciate how they formed you as a person and affected those around you. You should keep those ambitions in perfect harmony with your relationship.” Reiko had sounded off, as Shousuke had tearfully grinned at the notion. Slightly calming down from her previous rage as she had bonded with her mother.

“I get it, cherish the ones who matter to me, got it. However, shouldn’t we be doing that right here and now, now that we’re at it?” Shousuke had gestured as her mother had taken her graces. Their conversations had shifted all over the place as they had talked about how the lifelong neighbor couple back in Japan had adopted a Chinese daughter, to the shenanigans that her father had done while in Disney World Tokyo, it was all euphoric memories in contrast to what had happened to nearly an hour ago. Their conversation had dramatically cooled Shousuke to her intrinsically calm and collected state. Reiko on the other hand had clarified how she eventually recovered that day as she remembered the happy memories with her family while she suppressed her trauma, despite how incredulous it may have sounded. Adam had sat around and added his own bits to their conversation especially after Shousuke had introduced him to her as her roommate.

“Wait roommate? Do you know how dangerous it is for a man and woman in a platonic relationship to live together? It might stir up the inner beast in him!” Reiko had jested, as Shousuke had lightly blushed at the notion.

“I think we have more concerning things to worry about than being lovey dovey right now.” Adam had interjected unamused by the joke despite his best efforts to pull that front. Reiko had winked at him in response to his slight fidgety movements. ‘Well fuck, she’s perceptive.

“No kidding, imagine waking up as the opposite gender one day.” Shousuke had mentioned, as it had dawned to her that she still hasn’t explained how she became Emilia from Re:Zero. “Speaking of which… Mom, do you know how I used to watch anime as a kid all the time?”

“Yeah? Let me guess, you’ve never grown out of it?” Reiko had concluded, drawing a nod from Shousuke.

“There’s a certain psychological series I had watched recently that made me reconsider the definition of what madness was like. I want to say it’s similar to a movie called Edge of Tomorrow but you had died before that movie was ever released. Basically the concept of the series is about a boy who one day found himself in a fantasy like setting. At first, he had though he was summoned into this fantasy world to be that world’s hero that would save it from a world ending villain like a Devil King or something cliché like that. However, after a few events that had unfolded, he had realized that he was caught up in a web of lies about his position within that world, after discovering that he had an ability of some sort that had dramatically shifted his perception of the world. And that he was insignificant as well as weak in the whole grand scheme of things compared to other powerful beings.” Shousuke had summarized, as a sheepishly curious gaze had formed on Reiko’s face.

“Oh, sounds interesting... And what was that ability called that had changed his perception of the world?” Reiko had inquired, as Shousuke had looked on with hesitance. She did not know whether or not Satella might have some type of influence through this world’s magic system.

“His ability is called Return by Death. While it could be argued on whether or not it was a gift or a curse granted by a powerful witch named Satella. It had given him the ability to return from death and travel back in time to various checkpoints that the power had found suitable for him. He has no control over it either, besides uttering the name of his ability to draw out the miasma of the witch and attracting monsters. Every time he dies, it activates and sends him back in time to various save points, kind of like a video game. It’s a convenient ability to help you realize a good ending. However, that world had another method of making his life hell.” Adam had clarified on behalf of Shousuke, Shousuke silently thanking him since she did not know what would happen if she slipped her tongue on the matter.

“Oh I see, it certainly does sound like an interesting ability. But how does this show relate to Shousuke becoming a girl?” Reiko had argued, much to her anticipating about how her son became such a beautiful girl.

“Well, in the show. There are six primary characters that consist of Subaru, Emilia, Ram, Rem, Beatrice, and Puck. Seven if you want to count Roswaal but he doesn’t become as relevant until Arc 4 of the story. It’s a similar circumstance for Emilia, the main girl of the show. She has long silver hair and beautiful amethyst eyes to contrast it. She was described as incredibly beautiful as well, with flawless porcelain skin and elf ears to compliment it. However, it is revealed that she is a half-elf and that she’s lived for a very long time despite her young appearance. At least that how the first season of the anime had introduced her. She also happens to be wrapped up in a political power struggle as a contestant for the Imperial Throne in a country called Lugnica with various factions that oppose her. In their defense, for good reason as well, despite how ignorant the reason is. You see, the witch who had granted the main character Natsuki Subaru, 17 years old, his ability had also went on a world ending rampage nearly 400 years prior to the main character’s summoning, literally takes on the embodiment of her appearance as if they were sisters separated from birth. In response to this, a power alliance was created to stop her rampage but she was proven to be too powerful in the skirmish. Thus the alliance having no choice but to seal her with all their magical prowess. In essence, Satella became the ultimate boogeyman of that world, and the main girl happens to become the scapegoat for her actions in that world as she faces endless discrimination from it in the long run.” Shousuke had exposed, as Reiko had listened on intently to the dialogue.

“Sounds horrible… I take it that the main girl in that show is the current you right now.” Reiko had wagered, drawing a nod from Shousuke in response. “Looks like you were right, you are beautiful. It’s a shame I’m not here right now to dress you up like a doll right now. I can’t see why anyone would hate a girl as cute as you.”

“Stop teasing me mom…” Shousuke had added, much to Reiko’s mischievous nature as a grin had formed on her face. “But that’s not the only thing that worries me either. Another thing I’d like to add is that her consciousness seems to be meshing with mine as well ever since I had acquired this body. The thought of me becoming someone I’m not really scares me.” Shousuke had grimly added, much less malignant to the wrath she had felt earlier. She would still not be able to forgive that monster no matter how hard she had tried.

“Oh, that certainly seems like interesting development...” Geoffroy had interjected, as their heads had turned towards his remark. “[Soul Mending], a form of extremely high tiered and ancient magic that is rumored to be used only by the gods, a relic in itself. The magic manifests itself slowly until ultimately both consciousness have successfully merged and become one along with all their memories. It will certainly affect you as a person in the future.”

“I take it that it isn’t removable then since it seems evident that you guys don’t have something reversible in your arsenal.” Shousuke had added, drawing a firm nod from Geoffroy. She had slightly frowned at the notion that the man had interrupted their family bonding at this moment.

“As I stated before, the magic is an ancient relic in itself. We have heard rumors from our various scholars as to where the artifact might be located, but to decipher it is another precarious task in itself. I think it would be best for you to accept your current reality that one day you’ll become the concoction of the two consciousness you currently possess.”

“I see, so I’m destined to become someone else entirely. At least I know that the magic in itself is high tiered. So that might bring some reassurance in case if I ever come across it on my own.” Shousuke had sighed out in exasperation, as she focused her attention back to her mother. Who had seemed a little saddened at the revelation.

“So my Shou-chan is destined to become someone else due entirely, huh? It’s a little disheartening to know, but at it would be wise to know on whether or not this girl is good natured just like my Shou-chan.” Reiko had elicited, as Adam had decided to add his two cents into the mix.

“I can assure you Mrs. Sakamura, that your son, now daughter and this girl might be two peas in a pod despite her adamant refusal on the matter. It will only be a matter of time before she comes to grips with it, I assure you.” Adam had added, trying to bolster Reiko’s assurance that nothing was going to dramatically change.

“Are you sure you are not in a relationship with this man besides being friends and roommates?” Reiko had speculated the contingency of Shousuke someday realising conflicting suppressed feelings for the opposite gender. Both parties in response had adamantly refused.

“Hell no, I can’t really see myself being an item with him at any point.” Shousuke had stated, eliciting a small frown from Adam’s lips in response. “Besides, I still have conflicting feelings about a certain someone within a certain anime.” Shousuke had concluded, Reiko raising an eyebrow at the mention.

“The Subaru kid? Well, I would certainly love to meet him at some point as well.” Reiko had felt her existence with the void start to fade. “I think that our time together may be up.”

“Wait, we still haven’t even talked about how I got into Stanford yet!” Shousuke had panicked at the mentioned that her mother would depart very soon.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to talk with me later down the future.” She had added, as she slowly started to be consumed by a mist of particles as Shousuke had once again started to tear up from the notion of being separated from her mother.

“Miss Sakamura, unfortunately this device’s ability is a one time use per day since it needs time to cool down. If you so wish, you may return to my office tomorrow to talk to your mother once again.” Geoffroy had expressed, Shousuke shaking her from the response as she had gazed at him sternly.

“No, I think that this might be sufficient for now. Mom, before you go, just know that I will always love you. No matter where you are, you will always be dear to my heart along with my family back at home. I swear I will live up to your expectations.” Shousuke had drastically mentioned, drawing a warm smile from her mother.

“That’s my girl… Now go, live your life, and be the happiest that you can be.” Her mother had instructed, as she had eventually disappeared into the void of [Soul Recollection] as she had waved her off. Shousuke’s face had sequentially distorted into a more serious demeanor as she had glared at Geoffroy.

“I want as much information on this Bartolomeu character as you can gather. I swear that if your seal fails to keep him within your little void of a prison, I will personally seek him out and destroy him with my own two hands. But for now, we’ll rest up here before going back to our dorm.” Shousuke's face had contorted with malice at the grim feeling that she might one day encounter this monster. Adam’s was hesitantly not surprised that Shousuke would undeniably feel anger over what happened to her mother. Geoffroy’s face in response had grinned wickedly from the request.

“It will be done...”


Bartolomeu kind of looks like this

but much more grotesque with a lich top for a body and mantis like limbs used for stabbing.

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