Re:Zero – I’ve been summoned into the Modern World as Emilia?!

Chapter 3 – Accepting Reality

Chapter 3 – Accepting Reality

After somehow managing to calm down the scuffle between Adam and Puck, Shousuke had leisurely gotten up to grab himself a glass of water. He had needed something to cool himself down as this discussion was probably going to be a long and treacherous one. After taking a big swig out of the glass, he had firmly sat back down into the chair he was seated on before. He had taken a big breath in to calm himself and to clear his thoughts in order to start from square one. Puck had grown worried about his daughter’s safety but it would be best to let her explain her side of the story first.

Since we’re all confused as to how we have gotten here, we will need both sides of the story to fill in the blanks. One thing at a time... Puck, where we are right now isn’t the world you are accustomed to. This is a world mainly dominated by Technology and Science, something that your world is behind on as it was mostly built from a Theological base due to worship of the Dragon God while probably being powered by magic behind the scenes. There was a time that our world had undergone the same precedent except the magic part, but it was mostly thanks to many genius innovators, engineers, theorists, laborers, and medical practitioners that civilization has gotten this far in this world. What you’re seeing right now is what we call the modern era, a byproduct of human intuition and dedication.” Shousuke informed, making a dramatic hand gesture by the end of it.

Where Lia goes matters not to me, what I don’t understand is why you’re singling out yourself from that explanation as if you weren’t born there as well. We’re both from the same world, right?” Puck stated confounded as he saw his daughter slightly fidget. All that Puck wanted to do was make his daughter happy, but to achieve that end he needed more information, something that he was severely lacking.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed it already but I am not the original owner of this body. I am just an ordinary foreign exchange student from Japan. The name is Sakamura Shousuke, 19 years old and a guy.” Shousuke had introduced himself, Puck scowled at the fact that this human soul might have desecrated his daughter’s dignity “And before you get angry, I have just gotten over the fact that I woke up in this body nearly 10 minutes ago. Besides slightly groping your contract’s breasts in shock, I did not do anything else inappropriate to her. By my honor, I swear to you.” Shousuke added, not wanting Puck to go ballistic on him. Puck had pouted, giving Emilia a fluffy shoulder tap.

Well, to be fair, I was always shipping Lia and Subaru together. But to think that this new kid has Subaru beat on that front by being literally and fundamentally inside her.” Puck had pestered, Shousuke had dismissed that statement slightly flushed in the cheeks. ‘Did my heart just skip a beat at the mention of Subaru’s name? I feel like Emilia’s influence has started to directly affect my psyche. If that’s the case, then that could put my sexuality in danger.’ Shousuke mused, not pleased by this possible revelation. “You see, Emilia is someone who is very precious to me. Someone who has given me a purpose to live as we have endured hardships that no man or woman should ever experience. As to why I haven’t gotten all that angry about you being in her body and terminated you right here and now. It’s because I can see Emilia's soul has actually merged with yours, however whether or not you possess her memories or not has yet to be revealed. The contract is also in effect as well. It’s upsetting that you’re not the Lia that I know but at least her soul is still there. So for now, I’ll turn a blind eye to it since I know she’s safe until I get more information. The only problem left is the fact that my gate no longer exists.” Puck added, most of the exposition was already familiar to him. As for the hardship part, there is someone else who has endured worse than Emilia ever has, at least with what Re:Zero has revealed thus far.

The fact that Emilia’s and his soul had merged though did come as a shock to him though. That would explain that feeling of deja vu as the soul-etching migraine had come across him in the bathroom. The presented story within the world of Re:Zero was already relevant to him, but those unfamiliar non-descriptive faces and environment that had flashed before his mind sent chills down to the bone. It’s like a coma patient with amnesia desperately trying to remember who they were before when they’re exposed to familiar environments. ‘Perhaps there’s more to this girl than I thought.’ Shousuke had pondered before setting aside those feelings residing in him. He had looked up and had decided to add his own exposition into the mix.

You said that your gate had disappeared, right? Earlier in the bathroom today, I had come across a strange phenomenon. I had whispered a certain set of words, then all of a sudden a surge of energy had overcome me. After the wind had calmed down, there was a residual yet mystical feeling residing within my chest. As if it were a chalice filled with energy like a grail that could be tapped like a well. Perhaps you could try accessing the same thing.” Shousuke had suggested, if his theory was correct, then letting a Master sorcerer spirit such as Puck take the initiative would allow him to probe on whether or not the Theological community has been hiding something for thousands of years. Puck had taken his suggestion to heart, as a stream of what appeared to be spiritual particles started forming around him. A blue hue had emitted from the silhouette of Puck’s body. All of a sudden, Adam had jumped straight in front of magical powerhouse to stop him from testing out his magic. “Wait a moment, if you’re going to test out your magic, it would better to test it outside by the woods near here. I’m not planning to spend my entire life’s savings on fixing the clusterfuck that you’re going to create.” Adam wailed desperately, Puck in turn had grimaced in response.

Silence cretin, who are you to get in our way of our spirit and contract bonding?” Puck chastised him for his lack of disregard. Lia had put up a hand in resignation. “No, he’s right. The economy and laws in this world aren’t as forgiving. We could be sued out of fortune and have our entire lives ruined here in this country by simply looking at a person the wrong way. People like to take advantage of the legal system here in the what we call The United States of America. That man who has been involved in this whole ordeal and has been eavesdropping during our discussion is Adam Malanowski. My friend, and my roommate as well before I became Emilia.” Shousuke has gestured over to Adam, Adam giving a thumbs up in response. Suddenly a feeling of dread had overcome Shousuke as he realized something crucial. ‘Wait a minute, the legal system!’ “Adam, I think we might have a huge problem..” Both males had cocked their heads in concern and confusion.

What’s up?” Adam had interjected, Puck’s concern grew more apparent with every second.

Do you know how I joined the foreign exchange program and came here on the student visa here to America?” Realization dawned upon Adam while Puck was still left out in the water.

Shit… Now that you’re a girl now, you have no way of proving your identity even with those fingerprint scanners to Immigration and other public services. Best case scenario is if they grant you Asylum. Now that Trump is president, they’ll most likely throw you into those ICE Detention Centers. Worst case scenario, they found out that you’re not from this world and the Army gets involved. You’re fucked…” Adam had started to panic as Shousuke’s breath started to quicken.

Puck had realized the political system in this country was less lenient than in The Kingdom of Lugnica. They must have had a much more dynamic and complex government system with a clairvoyance of some sort. Puck has seen first hand how much different this world was already simply by being exposed to the climate control units in each dorm. It was unnaturally cold for inside this room despite the fact that the mana outside was much more active the hotter the weather was outside. He would have shrugged as some type of Ice Pillar that was keeping the room insulated. But clearly, this man named Adam as well as the several spiritual signatures outside this room had clearly never remotely even tried to evoke magic. Emilia had even stated that this civilization was fundamentally run around the core of technological advances. Something that he has yet to see for himself. With a flick of a paw, he had eccentrically called forth a [Calm] Ying Spell despite the fact the system of magic would no longer function the same like how evoking spells via gates would. The spell didn’t come into fruition much to Puck’s disappointment, he would further analyze this later. This sequence of events caught Shousuke’s attention.

Ummm, what are you doing?” Shousuke puzzling inquired by the cat's sudden actions. The cat puffed up his chest in perseverance.

It is my duty to bring about a happy day for Lia. With that, cosmic fluff attack!” Puck had unleashed a barrage of cat rubs on Shousuke’s arm. Shousuke had calmed down and caved in with a smile on his face. ‘Damn, this is probably what I needed today. The little thing looks so damn cute and is so damn fluffy. Despite the fact that he can turn into a 20 meter powerhouse.’ Adam was taken aback by the bonding those two were undergoing but mostly because of the smile that Shousuke had formed on his face. Shousuke had decided to address the cause for concern. “We’ll take care of that problem later as well. For now, I really want to take a shower. I think it’s time I finally accept that I am going to live in this body at least for a while.” Both males had a double-take at the sudden announcement as Shousuke got up from his seat. Puck deciding to flail his arms in protest.

No way, I don’t want a guy that isn’t Subaru seeing my daughter’s body naked without my consent.” Puck wailed, feeling like he had been just one upped by some guy on the street.

Suck it up, this is normally my morning routine. Besides, if I’m going to be living in this body for a while. I’m going to have to adapt to it anyways.” Shousuke stated as he started entering the corridor leading to the bathroom.

I’m coming with you!” Puck hollered as he started floating towards Emilia’s direction.

Suit yourself. As for you Adam, I’m going to go clothes shopping later anyways as these baggy things will only hinder me socially. I decided that I’m going to start living as a girl from now on, since there’s no point in denying reality. At least until this whole ordeal clears up.” Shousuke stated, making the male uncomfortable.

Hey, what about my whole opinion on the matter?! Why are you acting like this is no big deal to you despite the fact that you were freaking out no more than an hour ago?!” Adam mused over his sudden shift of personality.

You said it yourself, 2019 has been a shitstorm of a year. So it would be better to just suck it up and accept reality, and I quote.” Adam had gaped at his initial remarks. There’s no point in trying to defend himself now. “In any case, I’m going to shower. I’ll be back hopefully in 5.” He, or rather she announced.

Yeah, no… If you’re going to live as Emilia, you’re going to undergo her bath routine as well!” Puck had disputed, putting up his fatherly front. Shousuke wanted to protest the inconvenience but it couldn’t be helped. With top tier natural beauty, convoluted care had to be administered to preserve it. Shousuke had sighed in defeat.

I don’t know if I’ll have what she’ll need, but I’ll leave it up to you. We only have Old Spice Body Wash, and Head and Shoulders for my previous dandruff problem though. They’re artificial soap brands. Although this new body doesn’t seem to possess that problem at all.” Shousuke had informed Puck as they made their way through the hallway, dropping by Shousuke’s room to fetch herself a new set of clothing and boxer shorts. Deep inside, she wanted to mewl over the fact that her body wasn’t going to be able to wear these clothes anymore since these clothes were the smallest size men’s clothing could offer. Tailors in California were expensive as well. Satisfied with her current set of Aeropostale jeans with a belt, some boxers and a white T-shirt despite the fact that they were going to be baggy. Nothing a good belt can’t fix. She made his way over to the bathroom and locked the door behind him. She had set his fresh clothes over the sink temporarily before getting undressed. The shirt first came off and with it a voluptuous pair of breasts hung down just a tiny bit. Rosy pink nips accompanying it. ‘Well this is a little embarrassing...’ Shousuke pondered as she saw her cheeks blush a light red while staring at herself in the mirror.

Hmmm, are you charmed by Emilia’s beauty?” Puck had nodded along as he saw this man named Sakamura Shousuke stare gaze at himself in the mirror.

I would be lying to you if I said no. No one should be this exceptionally beautiful.” Shousuke had confirmed, feeling slightly aroused by the angel in the mirror.

Right?! I have dedicated my entire being to preserving this image, so I expect you to do the same.” Puck had asserted, receiving a poker faced look from Shousuke/Emilia.

I don’t know if I’ll living up to your expectations, but I guess I’ll cave in for now, as I want to preserve this image too.” Shousuke stated as she let the shorts fall, then the boxers. Fully exposing his nude body. Every curve, every nook and cranny on this girl was just perfect. ‘This must have been a divine blessing.’ Shousuke thought, as her hands started to caress up and down her figure. She also needed to get something out of the way as she started making her way over to the shower area after subsequently throwing her clothes into the laundry bin and setting the fresh ones on top. Getting the shower water ready, she turned around. “Hey Puck, there’s something else you need to know about this world, or rather our worlds in general.” Shousuke had announced with a little hint of grief in her voice.

Hmmm, what’s up Emilia…?” Puck had asked worriedly.

It might be something that might turn reality upside down for you but here goes nothing.”

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