Re:Zero – I’ve been summoned into the Modern World as Emilia?!

Chapter 5 – Improve, Improvise, Adapt

Chapter 5: Improve, Improvise, Adapt

The duo had stood before the exterior of the retail outlets, still at bay with their inner turmoil on where they should actually proceed forward or not.

“We’ve come this far anyways, we should make the most out of it. But why at the clothes shop that your sister works at?” Shousuke’s suggested, eyeing the vivid logo reading Nikki’s Fashion. Stumped that Adam had lead her to here.

“She’s an inventory manager there now, so hopefully being family to her and all that would open an opportunity to get a cheap discount. You see, our family is great friends with the owner for a long time now ever since they decided to expand their brand from Nevada into California and they even run their own product line now. This time around though, the owner owes our family a favor and I’m going to use that to our advantage today.” Adam had assured, a radiant smile beaming his face. Shousuke had in turn responded accordingly with a smile of her own.

“Well Mr. Reliable, it’s getting a little hot out here. So let’s head on inside.” Shousuke had asserted, striding ahead of the still-footed Malanowski behind after silently giving gratitude to Shousuke for making his day better.

The duo had entered into the air conditioned environment and was immediately greeted by a teenage girl working on the rack by the front door. She was petite, had long chestnut hair tied in a bun, hazel eyes, but had eyebags under them probably due to a lack of sleep. She had wore a casual outfit consisting of a blue blouse, black pants and had black Converse shoes with a white trim around the mid-sole on. “Anything I can do to help you today?” Adam had stepped forward.

“Actually I was looking for some clothing for my friend here. You see, she’s a foreigner from Norway and recently left due to family issues. She’s not very familiar with the customs around here so if you could help her get started, that would be great.” He lied, giving leeway for Shousuke to start from square one and work her way up the ladder. She had given him a firm nod in response. “I would like to get my measurements as well.” Shousuke add, a part of her secretly wanting to know Emilia’s cup-size. The attendant clapped her hands together in acknowledgment. She had lead the duo over fitting rooms, with a skip in her gait. ‘She sure is happy...’ Shousuke noted.

“Alright, let’s get you suited up. Sir, if you could stand out here for a second, that would be wonderful.” The girl had motioned Shousuke in the soundproof fitting room, Shousuke giving Adam a leering grin. Adam’s right eye twitched in response as his person was cut off from sight by the door.

“Alright, I’m going to start with your waist and work my way up from there. I need you to get undressed first to get accurate measurements though.” The girl instructed, Shousuke complying with the attendants request as she started taking off her shirt, pants, and shoes. Leaving nothing but her boxer shorts on. ‘It’s probably wise not to pry too much since that guy did say that she’s a foreigner. She’s very pretty and that guy outside is most likely her boyfriend. The pendant on her necklace seems pretty expensive as well, though the guy did mention that she was having family issues but keeps them close. Are those ears perhaps related to it? Probably would be best not to ask about it. Neglecting to wear a bra does seem to be a little strange though. The girl had pondered to herself, wondering what the bond between the two was. She had started to loop around her body with the measuring tape, slightly making Shousuke self-concious of the girl. A slight blush on her face. “Hmmm, 36 bust, 26 waist, and 35 hip. A little odd combination but it will make do.” She had confirmed, rewinding the measuring tape back into its former state. ‘In other words her dimensions are 91/66/89, interesting...’ Shousuke had noted, slightly uncomfortable by this revelation. “So what you’ll need is a 34D cup, and size 0-2 for the bottom. For the top, 6-8 to compensate for your bust size while not being over-extensive. With that, you’re all set Miss, ummm...” The attendant wavered, wanting to pry her name out of the girl. Shousuke had caved in since this girl seemed like a genuinely nice person.

“Emilia, just call me Emilia.” Shousuke had suggested, reaching out to shake hands with the perky girl. She had accepted it, then Shousuke had proceeded to sequentially slip in back to her outfit.

“Oh right, you can call me Makayla, or Kylie for short.” The attendant had followed suit in giving out her name. The duo had filed out the door of the fitting room and onto the floor. Adam tailing behind the two females, slightly unnerved that this was going to take a long while.

“Miss Emilia, I think it would be best if I could recommend you to our bra selection that we have that shelf over there. I think you might need one to support your breasts.” Kylie had recommended, Shousuke sequentially mused over the notion. Adam had decided to venture off to sit on the guest chair at the front of the store, and pulled out his phone. Hoping to entice out his sister that was most likely filing through her paperwork in the office.

You bastard, you bring me out here and now you leave me out here to rot?’ Shousuke rebuked within her mind as she saw Adam leave her on her own. ‘To be fair, I would have done the same when I was a guy.’ Shousuke had decided to turn back to reality as they strolled over to the bra section of the story. Many had intricate laces of silk, or cotton. Others, more particular the sports bras, were made out of polyester and other synthetic materials. All of them were categorized through a plethora of sizes. ‘Hmmm, some of the prices on some of them seem pretty ridiculous. 200 USD for a black laced bra? No thank you… I’d settle for that much on a new gaming chair instead. Well for now, I’ll settle with the reasonable 20-60 dollar ones. I can’t go overboard on the bras since my savings account doesn’t allow it, but I want a good quality out of it to last a long time.’ Shousuke had concluded, seemingly shocked by how inflated some of the prices on some of the merchandise were. This was just the tip of the ice-berg for her as she dreaded to find how the prices on some of the other merchandise. She had hovered over to her suggested size and scanned the section.

Nothing too fancy, as I don’t particular seek any male affection right now. I’ll guess I’ll go for 1 white, and 1 purple laced one since Puck tends to pick out outfits for Emilia and a black sports bra.’ Shousuke had picked up the questions. “Can I buy these and wear them now? You see, my breasts have been slapping against my chest for a little while now.” Shousuke had questioned, discomfort on her face clearly evident.

“I wouldn’t recommend wearing the laced ones until they are hand washed in warm water and left to air-dry. The sports bra shouldn’t pose any signification problems when worn straight out of retail. Don’t tumble dry them as that would wear down the fabrics in due time.” Kylie had informed, Shousuke inconspicuous showing slight annoyance at such an intricate process. ‘Being a women already seems like a pain in the ass. I wonder if this body gets periods too...’ Shousuke had mused to herself. “Do you want me to check those items out for you first?” Kylie had suggested, with a hint of passion.

“It would be my pleasure.” Shousuke had responsed as the female hovered over to the checkout counters at the side of the store. Adam had glanced up from his phone after being invested in his Instagram feed and had noticed that the pair had already made their way up to the checkout. With a light bounce, he had gotten up from the chair and made their way over to them. A door had cracked open on the side of the checkout counter and out came out a woman that looked eerie similar to Adam. She had a lighter complexion than him but still kept his green eyes and dirty blonde hair, abet longer.

“Well well well, if it isn’t my little Brother fresh out of the water prepping and picking up elf girls. How are you doing, you little riot?” The lady had jested, wanting to mess with her little brother by embarrassing him. Quite the contrary had happened though as they continued to have their exchange about being homesick and how one her neighbor’s dog had apparently gotten stuck in the downstairs dryer in her apartment complex. The Fire Department apparently had to be called in on that incident. Adam was happy to see her cheerful after her last bad breakup had driven her near the point of wanting to nearly contemplating suicide. Although she had eventually had gotten over it. After settling family matters and a brief exchange later, their attention had shifted over to Shousuke. Although she had finished checking out her bras a little while ago, she was quite fascinated by the chemistry of the two siblings. They were an entertaining duo and even Kylie had apparently enjoyed their company since it was a quiet day in the shop with nothing else to do. “So, who’s the new girl you’re trying to help out here?” The lady, also known as had Haley prior to Adam’s cameo introduction to his family had inquired. ‘Please play along and say Emilia.’ Shousuke had mused, hoping that Adam might had overheard her exchange with Kylie coming out of the fitting room.

“The girl’s name is Emilia, met her during our during our entrance exam at Stanford and had apparently come from Norway. She was having issues back at home and I decided to help her out as a friend since then.” Adam lied, Shousuke being thankful that he had at least played along. ‘Bullshit...’ Both female employees thought, but for the wrong impression. They had kept it to themselves though. “Oh, and she’s not an elf, its a genetic disorder and one she would much not rather talk about.” Adam had added, hoping to put down any more discussion on the topic.

“Well, I’m going to go put on the bra I bought now. Give me a second guys...” Shousuke had sauntered off back to the fitting rooms in turn to put the sports bra on. The weight had distributed much evenly, and had keep them in place. A huge wave of relief overcoming her now that she wasn’t sore. Filing back, she had made her way over to the trio again. “I’m going to check out the rest of the merchandise. Although I want to do it mostly on my own, I would still like your guy’s opinion on them.” Adam had waved her off as Kylie had decided to tail her for any of her customer’s needs. They had siphon through the lot of merchandise. The store contained all sorts of tops, shorts, dresses, skirts, stockings, shoes, panties, lingerie, jewelry, etc. Shousuke had felt some of her decisions to be influenced Kylie’s and possibly Emilia’s decision. In the end, she had picked out 4 tops, 2 dresses, 2 skirts, a pair to stockings to compliment an outfit that would go a well with any of the chosen outfits, 1 pair thigh high socks, 3 pairs of jeans with vibrant back pockets but a lack of side pocket depth, a hairband, 3 pairs of panties much to Shousuke’s dismay, 3 bras, 1 camisole, 2 pairs of flats, 1 pair of casual shoes, along with a pair of running shoes, all compliment by their appropriate sock types, 2 pairs of shorts, and a couple of other hats and accessories. All totaling at a whooping 647 dollars, however thanks to Haley’s discount, they had brought the new total to 478.24 USD. It would still have been pretty expensive and would have chewed through a chunk of Shousuke’s entire monthly allowance. However, Adam had stepped in and had contributed for half of it. Leaving Shousuke in Adam’s debt. Satisfied with their outcome, despite how tired Shousuke has grown thanks to her having to browse the entire store while receiving advice/tips. They had departed back into the parking lot.

“Haley thinks you’re way too pretty for these clothes.” Adam had arbitrarily added, as they strolled through parking lot. They were both packed full of merchandise in hand. Shousuke’s appearance had turned heads left and right from her sheer beauty mostly from younger guys and older women traversing the parking lot. Although Shousuke mostly had brushed off their gazes and heeded no mind.

“So I’ve been told… I just wanted a new wardrobe as Puck  literally would have dragged me out here one way or another due to Emilia’s contract. So I decided to take the initiative and let him see what his opinion of my outfit picks are.” Shousuke had disclosed, wondering if Emilia had seriously started to influence her preferences when their souls had merged. ‘It is revealed that Emilia was quite indifferent to the types of outfits she was wearing throughout the Re:Zero franchise, but even I think that some of her influential picks were pretty endearing. It had suited her character fairly well’

“Well, let’s get this shit home, shall we?” Adam had suggested, combing through this pockets with his freehand for his keys as they drifted back towards their truck. “Oh and by the way, this isn’t the first time I’ve been dragged around by girls other than by my sisters. Don’t think too harshly on it.” Adam had added, a radiant smile as he reminiscences the times he had spent with his ex girlfriends. They had all turned soured by the end of his relationships according to Shousuke. He would not delve into any more detail other than that.

“Good, I need something to wear anyways and I’m not wearing dirty, coarse retail clothing without a quick wash for good measures.” Shousuke had asserted, remembering the cyst he/she had gotten a few years back from a sportswear store back in Japan when he/she jumped into a tracksuit in order to not catch a cold. She/he had been caught in a heavy typhoon and had to rush to the convenience store to get some milk back then.

“You know you’re pretty rash about your habits, don’t you think? Does the sports bra you put on straight away not count?” Adam had interjected, opening the backseats to lay out the merchandise bags. Shousuke had scoffed at such a remark.

“It was a priority for me, I couldn’t stand my boobs slapping against my chest with enough power to start up its own Meshuggah album.” Shousuke had jested, abet with a slight blush on her face. Adam had chortled at the reference, but had kept a straight face to keep his cool.

“Well whatever floats your boat, I guess.” He had responded accordingly, proceeding to jump into the drivers seat to rev up the engine. Shousuke had finished with her own set, and had ventured over to the passenger’s side with a skip in her step. The duo shifted around and had adjusted themselves comfortably in their designated seats.

“For now, I actually have to drop by Uncle Tom’s Hardware to pick up a wrench. It’s just going to be a speedrun, so would it be alright if I left you in here with the AC on?” Adam had asserted, still wanting the run the errand he had postponed for the day.

“Sure. While you do that, I’ll try to summon Puck to try to get him caught back up with Re:Zero.” Shousuke held the pendant close to see if it would heed her call. It had accordingly responded, and the mana in the area had started to take a precedent form. The cat familiar had rolled out like a rug out of his sleep and had stretched his fuzzy arms. ‘Well, it looks like I didn’t need to do anything. Always the usual antics from him...’ Shousuke pondered, withdrawn by the spectacle. “Hey Puck, sorry for waking you up, but I was kind of hoping to get back to where we left off with the series.” Shousuke baded, pointing to the hope she had just pulled out of the baggy pockets that she was going to dearly miss.

“Hmmm, I was kind of hoping to conserve my energy for later tonight but since Emilia is so adamant about it. I guess it can’t be helped.” Puck said, giving into the the temptation. After all, he had still had yet to see the extent that Subaru had endured for his Daughter. A few loading screens and ads later, they had gotten back to watching Re:Zero toward the end of episode 2. Puck had grown to detest this Elsa Granhiert for not only what she did to his daughter, but for also engraving fear into Subaru’s soul. The next time he saw her, he would vow to destroy every fiber of her being. Putting her into as much agony as he could possibly fathom. Puck had turned his gaze over to Emilia, shocked to find out that she was had tears in her eyes as she continued to watch Subaru’s desperation to make things right for her in the other world.

“Huh? Why am I crying?” Shousuke was baffled by her emotional state. She had originally not cried until possibly towards scene where Rem had killed Subaru when she was in her male body. Yet something in this new body had caused a stir, most likely her drive to get with Subaru. ‘Is Emilia’s consciousness really starting to mesh with mine?’ Shousuke had pondered to herself, wondering if one day she’d lose her identity as Shousuke and live out as a normal girl like Emilia. With each passing hour for her, it was without a doubt unsettling that there will come a time that Emilia’s memories and emotions will start to impact Shousuke’s psychological state.

Am I scared that one day I won’t know who I am anymore?’ Shousuke thought, perturbed and unnerved. ‘The longer I stay in this body, the worse it will get. The question is, how do I change back if this body was most likely granted to her by something divine. Puck had lost his gate and cannot expel curses without access to his gate. Although that mana theory is yet to be proven to the tee. Soul-mending doesn’t sound exactly reversible either. Am I destined to become someone who I’m not, if so what was the purpose of my previous life?’ Shousuke had mused, cupping a hand over her mouth. Petrified by the theory floating in her mind. Puck had imparted Emilia a worried glance before turning back to the screen.

“Here’s some tissue to wipe away your sunken dreams with.” Adam stated, audaciously handing over a tissue to his crying friend. Puck had given the boy an indignant scowl.

“You trifling fiend, don’t you see that my daughter’s crying and yet you have the nerve to call her out on it.” Puck had rebuked, not pleased by the turn of events.

“It’s just a matter of being blunt to people they've grown to know. I don’t believe in chivalry...” Adam had interjected.

“You little...”

“Stop, both of you. It’s alright, I’m alright. It’s just a matter of conforming to this new body, that’s all.” Shousuke had interfered, ‘I hope that is just the case.’ A couple of minutes of silence and Adam headbanging to Megadeth song later, they had finally arrived at Uncle Tom’s Hardware.

“I’ll be back in 5, so you guys sit tight and watch over my baby. Alright?” Adam had proposed, Shousuke nodding her head in conformation as they had reached midway through episode 4. Puck had express sincere approval for Subaru finally fetching Reinhart to deal with the Elsa problem. Puck knew that Subaru was weak, yet was left stunned by how determined and courageous he stood against a threat he knew he could not win against. Once Adam had come back, they had reached the climax of the fight between Elsa and Reinhart. Adam had noticed the particular scene

“And after that, we never see her again.” Adam had stated, deadpanned by the anti-climatic revelation.

“Hey, don’t spoil it…” Shousuke had implored, wanting Puck to experience the show for himself. ‘Yet with each episode as I re-watch this, this anime grows more and more unsettling for me. Yet the events that unfold in the mansion prior to the Cult attack, and excluding the fact that Rem as well as the dog’s curse kills Subaru multiple times, are blissful mementos. I wish I could cherish those fluff moments forever.’ Shousuke had mused to herself, giving into Emilia’s influential emotions as these scenes would make anyone happy. They had continued to make their way home finally settling in on episode 6. Leisurely traffic on the way home had made the route smoother, and less lengthy. They were getting hungry though and made a pit stop by a local deli. By the time they had reached their dorms, it was already 7:30 in the evening.

Adam had decided to scout ahead to see if anyone was out in the lounge/study area. There had been quite a few, so ultimately they had decided to in the way they had come out in the morning since the goal was to avoid the crowd. Through the back screen door that was attached outside their dorm. They had secretly left it cracked open with a pencil wedging it open to see if anyone other than the duo had entered illicitly. After confirming that there where no signs of anyone, Adam had made his way back to the truck to help Shousuke pick up the items. The dorm was unisex but was separated between the women’s portion on the west wing and the men’s on the eastern wing. So it wasn’t uncommon for both genders to coexist together. It’s just that Emilia’s beauty would definitely attract unwanted attention, so they took matters into their own hands.

“Looks like we’re heading through the backdoor. Too many people in the lounge.” Adam had asserted, Shousuke giving him a firm nod of approval. They had gathered the items and headed out back through the door and finally straight into the comfort of their home. Shousuke then proceeded to sort out the clothing types in sections to figure out how to organize them within his closets and dressers. She then followed suite by gathering a couple of totes and boxes out of the storage room within their dorm.

“So, what are you planning to do with your old clothes?” Adam had inquired, curious on whether he would sell them or throw them away.

“I’m going to try to catalog them and sell them on E-bay and Mercari. See if I can get a quick buck out of it. I’m probably going to throw the boxers away though. Can’t wear them if they don’t fit me, and no dude would wear hand me down underwear anyways.” Shousuke had confirmed, as her saving’s account was running low on funds.

“So you’re seriously going to switch on over to wearing panties then?” Adam added, silently laughing at his former male friend. Shousuke face had lighted red with anger and embarrassment as Adam couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know you’re a girl now so it’s only natural that’d you wear them.”

“Improvise and adapt, it’s only natural indeed...” Shousuke had added dryly, adding her two cents in as Adam posed a mischievous grin “Dickhead...” She scoffed, as she moved away at from the troll. She had summoned Puck by holding the pendant close to her again after telling him to about having to sneak him in again. Whether or not she was indirectly transferring mana to the pendant to summon Puck was unknown to her. After the mana had gathered, Puck stood unfaltering by the women’s clothing selection.

“Adam, one of my contract conditions with Puck is for him to pick out my outfit for the day and since it’s well past his active schedule. It would be only fair for him to be allowed to pick out my outfit before we go out into the woods.” Shousuke had informed as Puck had browsed through the merchandise scrutinizing each item like a prison ward tallying in all the inmates for the night.

“Hmmm, we can work with this set.” Puck had picked out the purple layered blouse along with the black short skirt that Kylie had picked out. He had also gone for the thigh high black socks with the purple flats with a white line streaking across it. ‘Of course he would have picked the skirt as a foundation. Oh well, I like the freedom skirts offer anyways when I tried them out back at Nikki’s. Although it felt a little awkward by the borderline nude feeling that I was feeling because of the air flowing up my legs. Besides that, the purple scheme all around compliments Emilia’s eyes. Not a bad combination if I say so myself.’ Shousuke had mused to herself.

“Alright, I’ll get these washed along with the complimentary purple underwear set. I just need to sort out my old clothes first.” Shousuke had informed, as she hovered over to her clothes. Taking them off the hangers and racks, she had sorted out her old clothing consisting mostly of shirts and pants along with a couple of shorts into the totes and stored them down at the bottom of the closet. Satisfied with her outcome, she had turned towards the duo. “Alright, let’s get this over with.” She had made her way over to pick up the clothing items. Most of it seems to be woven from silks. Hand-washing them wouldn’t take too long, air drying them on the other hand...’ Curious, she had searched for tutorials on Google and apparently just air drying clothes wrapped around in a towel would make the process much faster. However, it wasn’t fast enough. Dry tumbling them would be faster, but would damage the silk in the long run, according to the store clerk. Perhaps using magic would be a faster solution, but she had no idea what the consequences of using Fire magic without proper training would be. Emilia’s influence was calling to her on a conscious level with each passing moment, yet it was not giving her any hints on how to wield her magic. It’s the whole reason why she was set to go out into open area, secluded from the majority of society. ‘Perhaps Puck...’ Shousuke pondered, desperate times called for desperate measures.

“Puck, how well can you control your [fire magic] without blowing up everyone in the vicinity?” Puck had puffed his cheeks in a pout at that inquire from Shousuke.

“You have that little confidence in me? Cruel...” Puck stated, hurt by his contract’s words. “I’ll have you know I have meditated while I was sealed within the pendant. As the space I am summoned from is an infinite void to test my magic. And I think I have a decent grasp on how to control mana flow throughout my being. It seems that our affinities still seemed to remain constant, the difference being that my affinity to [water magic] is higher than my [fire magic] now? My creator did give me the [Fire] attribute upon my creation, yet that attribute has been upset by the balance of this world affinity system. There are thing we still need to experiment on, but I found recently that a whole new system of attributes had been added into my very soul. I can almost reach out and touch them.” Pucked revealed, concerned that magic had to be supplied by mana being emanated off the presence of life, rather than the absorption and manipulation of mana supplied by Od Laguna via Gates back in Lugnica. Touching the mana made it so that the user could absorb it, and store it in your body, just like Od. The only difference being is that once you have used up all of the mana in your body, instead of destroying your gate, which didn’t exist; it would start eating away at your life force as your own body would be a source of mana. Theoretically, with long mastery, one could hold and utilize an infinite amount of mana if your absorption attribute was high enough to absorb the mana from your spell quickly enough after hitting the target. Mana after being transformed into a spell is not consumed as it is only shape-shifted to meet the user’s desired will before gradually dispersing into the air. The absorption of another being mana and channeling it through a mind reading attribute would would even allow you read that person’s entire memories. The attributes of fire, water, wind, earth, yin, and yang had been roughly translated into more literal subservient classes compressed into the concepts of newly introduced schools of magic that Puck had yet to know the name of. All corporeal elemental magic has been grouped up into a school and can be merged into a newly operable spells even from other schools of magic. That had pave a gateway for exploration.

Puck had concluded his analysis to far, but there was still much that was unknown. It was only a matter of time before he repossesses his former powers supplied by his now non-existent gate. Water now had its own subcategory of corporeal ice that could be used to freeze entire civilizations with.

“I see… Well, I’ll leave it to you then.” Shousuke had gathered up her items and had set off towards the sink to handwash her clothing items. Adam wanted to protest yet again, but Shousuke had silenced him seeing how Puck had improvised using a standing fan that Shousuke had taught him about when Puck had initially been summoned from the pendant. She had gestured towards Puck as he head a small candle sized flame next to the fan. The fan in turn blowing a steady stream of hot air. “Looks like I underestimated Puck’s capability. He’s already ahead of me when it comes to magic. Oh well, I’m just abiding time at this point. I’ve been wanting to test it out for the longest time now. However the rules for magic in this world are fundamentally different as gates do not exist.”

After a couple of minutes, she had finished washing down her new set of clothes and had proceeded to set them onto coat rack just by the door by the main hallway outside with a towel down on the ground. ‘All of this set up wouldn’t have been needed if only I had a hairdryer. Note to self, buy one from the local Walmart tomorrow. I would have done it today but due to our priorities right now, we wouldn’t have enough time. Laying low would be best for now until we can figure out how to solve all my current issues and get my life together.’ Shousuke pondered, wondering how much this headache would have been spared by the mere introduction of a hair-dryer. At least the improvised fan would have to make due.

The trio had decided to part their own ways as they left the improvised fan to blow hot air upon the set of clothes. “You know, all of this shit wouldn’t have happen but did, simply because you refused to wear those clothes straight out of the retailer. We could have saved our trouble right now if you simply sucked it up and wore it. A small cyst ain’t going to kill you.” Adam had rebuked, however Shousuke stood her ground.

“Yeah, a painful as fuck cyst in which I had to be taken to the doctor for and have it removed because it wouldn’t go away after at least 2 months even after popping it multiple times? No thank you, never again.” Shousuke had asserted.

“Whatever, you fucking Trypophobe.” Adam added, a scowl crawling on Shousuke’s face. She had eventually composed herself as they had patiently waited for Puck to finish the fire bending near the front door. Adam had decided to check up on his Instragram feed while Shousuke had sorted though her text messages from her family back home. ‘It will be only a matter of time before I tell them what happened to me. I wonder how they’re going to react to having a new daughter in the family.’ A shrill whistle had filled the air, indicating that Puck had finished drying off the clothes.

“What do you think, Emilia?” Puck had boasted, as his dedication to his daughter had finally paid off. He had desperately wanted to see Emilia in the new outfit.

They look pretty dry now… Alright, they should be good. Puck, do you want to help me get dressed?” Shousuke had inquired, Puck perked up at hear that as Adam stood by the doorway. Secretly wanting to see Shousuke’s new outfit despite their bickering earlier and his attitude earlier. Adam would apologize to her later.

Certainly, as those clothes seem to have been cut from the finest fabrics. It’s only suitable that my daughter gets to wear them.” Puck had exclaimed in delight. Shousuke’s eye rolled in response, but decided that it was now or never. Shousuke had ventured off towards her room tailing behind as Adam has shifted back on towards the sofa. A few minutes later, he was awestruck by the sight of Shousuke. Puck puffing up his chest, in resilience. A slight blush crawling up his face.

“So, do you think it looks good?” Shousuke stated, fidgeting uncomfortably around the hem of her skirt, her face flushed from wearing the female garments “If you want to laugh, you can. I wouldn’t blame you.” Adam’s head shook in disapproval, as Shousuke’s face had brighten up from the compliment.

“No, I think it looks good. Real good on you, stunning even. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t find you slightly attractive because I certain do now.” Adam boldly stated, the blush still evident He had eventually adapted to it, and had filed out the backdoor once again. “You ready to fuck some shit up?” He added with a grin on his face.

Most certainly.” Shousuke had added, forming a grin on her own as they both simultaneously left out the door.

[AN: I don’t think this was my best chapter but I kind of wanted to get this chapter out of the way. Since frankly, clothes shopping shouldn’t span 5000+ words. I think the real fun starts next chapter though as Shousuke/Emilia heads out into the woods to test out her magic with Puck as her mentor.]

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