Re:Zero – I’ve been summoned into the Modern World as Emilia?!

Chapter 8 – Intricate Inner Workings

Chapter 8 – Intricate Inner Workings

The flamboyant man, reminiscent to a mix between Roswaal, and Mephisto Pheles from Blue Exorcist albeit donning a red Victorian style tuxedo with a matching red hat, critically observed the spirit the girl had accompanied with. His [Compendium of Spirit Appraisal] was drawing a negative, an unknown spirit that was most likely harboring from an unknown dimension. The girl was possibly included in that equation as well due to her Elven traits but he wouldn’t pry too much into it. This wasn’t the first time that the World Mages Association had to deal with an unprecedented factor, as most otherworldly souls would be summoned from various planes of existence to help quell and unite humanity through numerous occasions under an ambiguous ideological oriflamme. Nevertheless, the [Spiritual Arts] affinity that the pair possessed did interest him greatly as most arcane scholars would have had a difficult time sensing his summoned familiars. Satisfied with how capable is client might possibly be, he had hosted some Oolong Tea as a suitable toast while he jubilantly sung along to an Ozzy Osbourne song to himself as he was determined to strike a deal.

The trio on the other-hand, had become very wary of the eccentric individual. Wooden and marble décor had graced their presence once they had arrived into this outpost. The furniture and the wooden floor had been polished to a tee, and various artifacts and souvenirs had been arranged across the various décor. It was only due to Emilia’s implication that Puck had stepped down and resorted to idle brooding. The man had as well dispersed his armored spirit in abidance, settling the matter that he was not openly hostile to the trio. They had waited for the man to finish his esteemed gesture that came in the form of tea. ‘Something really irks me about that guy.’ Shousuke had contemplated, gauging his erratic movements that something came in theatrical sweeping motions. The man had eventually settled down in front of the trio, offering them the Oolong Tea as his way of reception. They politely declined his offer.

So mage, where do you hail from? What matters had brought you over to me?” The man had inquired, his fingers steepled from curious observation, albeit a little disappointed that they had rejected his offer. Shousuke had responded appropriately, noting how perceptive this individual had been eyeing her from afar when brewing the tea. This man had a hidden deceptive malice that Puck and Shousuke had observed, for various reasons. It was like those eyes of his had a hypnotic trance that could reach her very soul.

It might be a little too late to try to hide now, but I, or rather this body had come from an alternate dimension centered around the aspect of magic. You see, I am originally from Japan who had come to America as a foreign exchange student. But after a certain unprecedented scenario, I have found myself in this body merging souls with them and I have no home to return to. Adam, my friend here has helped me greatly to in order to lead myself to you. All I simply want is to retain my old life, or rather re-obtain my citizenship from the country I reside from.” Shousuke had testified, this was her only chance set things straight as she laid out her ID cards in front of the man. He had raised an eyebrow at the male portrayed throughout her numerous identification cards but stated nothing on the matter.

Hmmm, why do you think that you wouldn’t be able to return to your homeland under the guise of a new body?” The man had interjected, privity had overcome the discussion.

I have come to the conclusion that they would deny me entry back to Japan because I wouldn’t be able to prove my identity. I also think that my family would have a double take at my alternate appearance.” Shousuke had concluded, the man had clapped his hands together.

That’s the crux of one of your issues, but you see… There are other factors that will contribute to an inevitable peril if they find out who you are.” The man had stumbled off, as his facial expression lit up in discourtesy. “Ahh, I supposed I haven’t introduced myself, have I? The name is Geoffroy Matthieu, one of the World Mages Association’s representatives and most powerful wizards. A pleasure to meet you, my Mademoiselle.”

My name is Emilia, just call me Emilia.” Shousuke had stated, curtsying in regard for his benevolence.  Her white summer dress had sightly crumpled from the motion. ‘Mage’s Association? It seems like magic is a way of life in this world. The question is though, why hide it? Are they wary of granting knowledge of magic to power hungry individuals? He does seem to be pretty boastful of his aptitude in magic, but I wouldn’t doubt his standing after seeing that [Hell Knight] for myself.’ Shousuke had pondered, settling her thoughts off to the side for now. Puck had continued to eye the individual in enmity, but stated nothing on the regard, Adam drawing to the same conclusion as Puck. Geoffroy on the other-hand seemed galvanized by the her introduction.

No, that won’t do… You surely must have a maiden name to accompany such a beautiful praenomen...” Geoffroy had sounded off, hysterically. Shousuke on the other hand furrowed her eyebrows in uncertainty by the man’s changes in personality. ‘Definitely a psychopath…’ Geoffroy on the other hand, had eyed Shousuke in spite of the melodramatic performance. ‘That was a half truth she just told me, but regardless there must be a reason that compels her to abandon her last name or it might simply because she doesn’t have one.

With all do respect, despite the circumstances that lead up to the aftermath of this situation. The truth is that this body does not have a last name. It was forgotten long ago due to a certain tragedy, but that’s besides the point. You said that there are other factors that contribute to an ‘inevitable peril,’ what does that mean?” Shousuke had asked, wanting to know about the other ramifications of the suggested possible scenario.

What if I told you that there are elements in all of the World’s governments as well as the church that hunts and exterminates mages? Or the fact that the government has biometric scanners integrated in all airports that help identify mages?” Geoffroy had inquired, Shousuke had sighed a deep breath in response at the issue as if she had seen it coming.

I’d say I wouldn’t be surprised. Look at the controversy surrounding MK Ultra, Tienanmen Square, Armenian Genocide, along with many other controversies for instance. The Church always seems to be drowned in controversy all the time as well. Magic seems to be an unregulated factor that they have no control over in this world, so of course they would want to get rid of the roots.” Shuosuke had concluded, remembering the articles that her friend used to share among their Discord group when it came to world politics.

Fair point, however take note of the keyword ‘elements,’ as there are also a large number of World Mage’s Associate sympathizers that had taken various prestigious positions, including in the military. They have obscurely have opposed each other ever since the formation of the Freemasons and their New World Order ideologies when it came to the implementation of the arcane in society. Needless to say, the whole ordeal had devolved into a bloodbath in which the number of mages have been significantly killed off by fanatics linked to the Freemasons. Ever since then, mage-craft had to practiced in secret. Especially the unorthodox schools of magic.Geoffroy stated, hoping to clarify some of the confusion. However, Shousuke was at a loss with what was disclosed. ‘New World Order, Freemasons? What is he talking about?Visible confusion had crept up her face and Geoffrey took note of that.

I can see that you are confused by the whole notion. You may have seen them portrayed on social media as The Illuminati, but us mages refer to them as the Freemasons. They are an especially ambiguous group of meddlesome scholars that use underhanded tactics to destroy their enemies. They were originally very negative to the concept of mage-craft but throughout the last couple of hundred years, they have evolved their organization to follow an esteemed set of orthodox arcane arts. I can assure you that they exist, despite your skepticism.” Geoffroy assured, using his hands to summon a [Draconic Clairvoyance], using it to depict the inner workings of the organization. Shousuke was awed by the sheer amount of potent mana that was being used to manifest the image.

Is there a chance that I might encounter this organization at any given point in the future?” Shousuke had inquired, curious on whether or not she would want to run into ‘Illuminati’ based on her knowledge about it from social media. Geoffroy had shrugged in uncertainty.

Perhaps, the chances of you running into them are one and ten million. They operate in absolute secrecy and they do not fair well with outsiders knowing their inner workings. I might be one of the few in the world that do.” Geoffroy had mused, remembering the interactions with a few certain individuals in his past.

Why are you telling me this? There seems to be more to your agenda than simply helping me regain my old life.” Shousuke had stated skeptically, causing the man to grin in response.

I have a proposal for you, Lady Emilia. Since I have come to the conclusion that you qualify to join our esteemed ranks due to your spiritual prowess, I want you to devout your soul to [Divine Tree of Plaeveathra], in exchange for your a new life in this world towards the end of your life cycle. Accepting my offer will allow you full access to our Athenaeum of Mysticism, our various scholars who are masters to each of their tiers of magic, and a secured permanent income in any career field of your choosing.” Geoffrey had proposed, waving his hand in a tiered motion to illustrate his proposed benefits. The trio had grown more incredulous to the added strings attached to the offer. Adam and Puck had stayed consistent in letting Emilia/Shousuke do the talking, something about the man had kept them quiet throughout the whole ordeal as they couldn’t build up the courage to interject. Puck had especially grown troubled over how this unknown force had only allowed Emilia and Geoffroy to talk to each other without his say on the matter. Yet he couldn’t detect whether it was the abnormal amount of mana emitting from various artifacts lining against the walls, or if the man had cast a spell to silence the both of them.

What if I refuse?” Shousuke had boldly stated, she wasn’t particularly thrilled at the notion of giving both their souls to what could have possibly been a Yggdrasil ripoff. Shousuke hadn’t been particularly religious throughout her life, Emilia on the other hand… “It seems to me that you’re trying to snake your intentions onto me to get me on your side. Why should I trust you?” Shousuke had evaluated, inquiring about how the whole proposal had rubbed her the wrong way.

Forgive me for my transgressions, as I mean no ill-intentions. You may think that we’re trying to undermine your original intentions, but to make sure that you fulfill your end of the bargain, we are allowing you to adhere to our contracted terms. However, it is completely understandable why you would muse over us skeptically. To make you understand what the underlying circumstances are undertaking. The tree has grown hungry for the essence of souls. It is drawing mana and spirits on a planetary scale to its core. At first, our organization has thought nothing of it. The mana continued to streamline through our channels unremitting and went about our local devotion and studies unremarkably subtle. However one day, we have started detecting abnormalities within the characterization of mana in the air. Then spatial quakes had started appearing and devouring the mana and spirits. Once we’ve discovered the root source of it all. It turned out to the very thing we have devoted our whole lives studying and worshiping. It’s only a matter of time before the tree finds the mana essence to be unappealing and switch to bigger hosts.Geoffroy had informed, completely unsettled by the fact that if the tree was not subjugated into an operable state, that it might spell the end for all life on Earth. Shousuke and Puck had noted how sincere the suggestion had been, though a bit unnerved how they wanted to basically them to as henchmen to settle what could have been basically a world ending catastrophe if they had read the situation correctly. Something in Shousuke had compelled her to yield to the offer despite Shousuke’s clear opposition. ‘Damnit Emilia, you can’t just simply agree to these terms to simply help others all the time. It will only spell disaster for you in the long run once people take advantage of that kindness. But still… If I were to reject them and the Feds got their hands on me.’ Shousuke had shuddered at the thought after the previous revelation of what they possibly could do to mages once they get their hands on them. Unhappy with her decision on account of having her back against the wall. “If you were to reject my offer, your memory of this meeting and of my existence would be wiped. As a foolproof deterrent of sorts. I can assume that after you let this offer slip, the Mage’s Associate would have no involvement in your transgression out in the real world. Once that happens, you would be left out to rot.Geoffroy had spoke with a debated tone.

I don’t like these terms at all…” Shousuke paused, taking a long drawn out breath. “Despite that, I really don’t have much of a choice in either matter. You see, there is this unsettling feeling that I have, like a clock ticking against time. I don’t know if it’s Emilia’s intuition or I’m just getting upbeat about something, but it’s very unsettling.” She had briefly paused once more contemplating her situation. ”Fine, I’ll accept it but under the condition of a trial period. If I decided that your organization is not worth my time or dedication. I will simply walk away from this affair.” Shousuke had proposed much to Puck and Adam’s shock, immediately a rune had lit up underneath the set of identification cards. The pictures on the cards morphing into unknowingly shocking natural pictures of Emilia on the picture slot portion of each card. Her beauty remained evident and finely detailed to the tee. The information on the cards was scrambled as well to accommodate her physical description, age (18), and other personal information. This process had stunned the trio as they were baffled by the magic’s effective intricacy on the array of cards. “What just happened?” Adam was the first to let out. Sightly surprised that he had finally managed to speak for the first time during this meeting.

A trademark secret” He had affirmed, in reality it was a spell that appropriately named [Warped Reality] that basically warped causality and made those who wield the magic to bend reality to their own liking. “I’m glad we have come a mutual agreement even if it’s a trial period. We, at the World Mage’s Associate will make sure that you will not regret it. If you would like, I can give you a brief tour of our campus if it would be fine with you.” Geoffroy had gestured over to an artifact figurine holding a celebratory clay bowl. A closer inspection and you could find an enchantment of exponential power engraved into it. However, Shousuke and her companions have unwaveringly rejected the invitation. They had wanted out of this outpost as quickly as possible.

Sorry, but I would like to take the rest of the day off today. I will be back tomorrow once I have prepared my essentials before I go on an expeditions. I don’t like going to quests unprepared.” Shousuke’s mind had tuned off, a studious thought had occurred after a brief pause. “Is it possible to give me information pertaining to spiritual magic in the form of books? I would also like a book on this [Divine Tree of Plaeveathra] you had mentioned. I’m not particularly fond of the concept of selling my soul off to the a divine entity so easily, so at least I would like to have an archive of some sorts to know what I’m jumping into.” Shousuke had sounded off, not wanting to stay a single minute longer.

I see… Considering the circumstances of your current situation. It would only be understandable to know what your soul warden’s intentions would entail.” He had summoned an encyclopedia of sorts [Astral Firmament and the Divine Plane of Midgard] along with a book called [Spiritual Magic – Why it matters] Norse mythology? Why am I not surprised to see it within the realm of magic?’ Shousuke had subduedly mused to herself as she reminiscences the times she has see a wide variety of Norse Mythological terms used in a bunch of media. “I look forward to this partnership, Lady Emilia.” Shousuke had nodded in acknowledge abet nearly losing her composure after nearly dropping the books due to their weight. ‘Are these things made out of adamantium? They’re weighting down more on me than my financial choices.’ Adam had intervened to try to help Shousuke out in carrying the box of bricks. After settling matters straight with the flamboyant man, they had filed out the door as the trio left with defeated expressions. Adam was the first to speak up.

That guy had played us like a fiddle. He wouldn’t give us a chance to speak and only allowed Shousuke to discuss the terms with him without our input.” He lamented, slumped shoulders as he trailed side by side next to Shousuke.

I was wondering why you guys weren’t saying anything. That guy is a psychopath, yet he played himself off like a philanthropist. He’s hiding something, I can feel it. But he’s all I have to go by, as these IDs seem to be pretty authentic. All that’s left to check is whether or not they actually work or not. ‘But still… Emilia Sakamura? Who people believe I’m Japanese with this body? Hopeful, I kind of look like Emilia envisioned into a Final Fantasy character in this world.’

I’ll protect you if that guy tries to pull anything.” Puck had assured, wanting to settle the matter once and for all. “He’s not the only one who’s able to communicate with the local spirits. They’ve taught me a lot of tricks as well. That guy, he might be powerful but he’s a one trick pony who doesn’t dedicate to mastery despite his honeyed words about his guild. He’s lying under his breathe and it’s only a matter of time before he tries to stab you in the back.” Puck had stated, getting firm nods from both Adam and Shousuke.

Yeah, we should probably watch our backs when around that guy.” Shousuke had mentioned, thankful that Puck had been an actual friend and Father figure for Emilia. “The Mage’s Association does interest me though. I wonder what their campus looks like.” Shousuke had contemplated, wanting to know more about the secret organization. ‘Something tells me that they’re going to scold me for the [Icy Spear] thing I did in the park when I first get there.’

We shouldn’t jump to conclusions, we don’t even know if they exist nor not.” Adam had chastised, not wanting to get involved in obvious set up.

That’s where you’re wrong, they do exist. The lesser spirits around us are non-biased entities that can never lie as they are only a collection of memories. They can only gather the truth from the mana and spiritual presence around them and never gain a consciousness.” Puck had confirmed, startling the pair as they looked at Puck with awed expressions.

Wait seriously? So the guy wasn’t lying about the Association then?” Adam had interjected, wanting to know more about the Mage’s Association.

No, he was lying about it, or at least his involvement in it. From what I gathered from the lesser spirits. He was caught with his pants down practicing Necromancy by the guild. They put him on administrative leave as they figure out how he came into possession of the dead bodies he used in his necromantic rites. But he’s still free to roam their district, and their campuses. Just without having an actual role to fill in it.” Puck had clarified, as enmity in the atmosphere had started to grow awry as he shifted topics. “When he used that magic to alter reality, I managed to snag a copy of the mana emitting from him. Now I have it stored somewhere in my affinity pool but I have yet to figure out how to use it.” Puck had added

Nice going Puck. Even if he stabs us in the back, at least we’ll be laughing at him to the grave when he realizes that we stole his powers.” Adam had added, slightly sardonically. Puck had furrowed an eyebrow at the implication but he quickly undermined it. “But still, these books are pretty heavy.”

Tell me something I don’t know.” Shousuke had interjected, struggling to keep the smaller book in her grasps. ‘The books all have mana essence in them and they feel like the genuine artifact but something tells me he purposely made them this heavy to troll me’ Shousuke had griped in her mind, contemplating a way to get back at the guy before he tries to stab them in the back.

So, in other news. Apparently the boys are going to go to a Fraternity party sometime next week. I was wondering if you wanted to go or not since apparently they’re doing a Neon Light Graffiti setting and apparently everyone on campus is going to go to it. I know that you secretly like to draw as well, so you probably would be more than interested to go to this one.” Adam had suggested, slightly amused by the puffed up expression that Shousuke had portrayed all over her face.

Damnit, can’t hide anything from you. Fine I’ll go, but I’ll probably wear a mask to hide my face. In the meantime, I want to focus on meeting the Association’s top heads or at least some of the scholars and try to get chummy with them. There is something I really want to try, and honestly I don’t know if the association will have it or not.” Shousuke had mused, deciding not to reveal it until they are within the Mage’s Association domain.

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