Rifles and Rapiers: An expansion of America Stranded

Chapter 19 - The Triad

Elitia pushed open the double doors to reveal a tall room with a ceiling shrouded in darkness. The occupants of a large, triangular table in the center looked at her in surprise, then distaste.

The three High Elfmongers were the true people in charge of the Elven lands. Ever since the push to adapt to the rising human empires, these three had united the tribal warlords into three distinct spheres.

Province Eldissira controlled much of the mines responsible for the creation of mana-reliant devices, such as the highly popular catalysts and translation rings. The Elfmonger in charge, Traskis Eldissira had a long, pale face and high cheekbones. His brows were almost constantly raised up high on his face. He had enhanced his features to such a point that it looked ugly, rather than beautiful.

Province Złeokokis, on the other hand, possessed little to none natural resources. It frequently required imports from the collected Lower Elfmongers that it was able to bully into giving it ‘tribute’. However, it brought to the table the highest population out of all the provinces combined. Elfmonger Yalron Złeokokis had a cruel, wisened look to him. Bland features for an elf, he could possibly blend in as a simple ranger despite his high station.

Lastly, a tall, professional looking elf sat at the final point of the triangle table. The leader of Province Dużorolwas. Leagues upon leagues of rich, mana-enhanced fruit trees and the occasional imperial-style farm made his land the bread (Fruit? Food?) basket of the elven territories. He, unlike the others, had not achieved his position by cutting down those above him. No, instead he had cleverly arranged every detail in his life so that he would end up inheriting the title of Elfmonger from his predecessor. Elitia believed that he was the greatest threat out of all of them.

Together, all four of them were known as the Triad. The true rulers of the kingdom, who controlled the figurehead Elf Queen like a puppet on strings. She felt for the woman, truly.

“Lower Elfmonger Elitia, you have no right to impudently summon-” Złeokokis began to sharply berate her, but Eldissira interrupted him.

“Złeokokis, I am sure of Elfmonger Elitia’s knowledge of her rights. The urgency of this meeting simply shows that she is dedicated to her duty, no?” Eldissira wielded his words like a practitioner duelist wielded his spells. A striking offensive attack on Złeokokis’s brashness as an Elfmonger, while also setting himself up as a shield to soak up any attempts on Elitia’s reputation.

She didn’t need a shield however, and she was sure that this protection given by Eldissira would not come for free, no matter that it wasn’t requested. She spared a glancing look at Dużorolwas. He had said nothing. His gaze refused to match hers, and yet Elitia felt that she was being watched. She shuddered. Then focused.

“Higher Elfmongers,” She began diplomatically. “I’m sure you are aware of the recent reports of strange men in camouflage gallivanting around.”

Złeokokis grumbled. “How could we not? They have torn through the teams we send at them like wheat before a scythe. Lower Elfmonger, what would you have us know that we don’t already?”

At a momentary loss for words, she foolishly glanced at Eldissira, before she could control herself. He merely raised an eyebrow. He would not risk the profitable trade relationship between Province Eldissira and Province Złeokokis to save her. She was on her own.

She cleared her throat. It was time to go on the offense. “Truthfully, Złeokokis, I was just getting to that point. I cannot, however, speak unless others stop.”

Elitia detected a significant change in the room. In the corner of her eye, she saw Dużorolwas tilt his head slightly, while the two other Elfmongers looked at each other, a nonverbal message passing between them. Has this been a test all along?

She continued, undeterred. If this was truly a test it would not do to falter before the Triad. “My agents have reported that a large number of them recently enacted a short-lived siege on the city of Rudoulf, the residence of the heir of the Plusieurs Kingdom, Princess Christina.” She put emphasis on the fact that she alone had received the intelligence, discretely stating both her independence and legitimacy as an Elfmonger, while demonstrating the necessity of her position as spymaster.

She began a slow walk around the table, a bold power play. An intimidation tactic she often employed on unruly agents and people with valuable information. “My Elfmongers, my agents reported that the forces possessed a number of armored carriages that seemingly doubled as, well, cavalry.” She came to an abrupt stop, allowing for the suspense to build. The Elfmongers remained mercifully silent.

While Elitia herself was nowhere near a military expert, she knew that everybody in the Triad had gotten their position from a decorated career in the military, or rather, the study of the imperial militaries and the poor attempt to incorporate it into their own. And if even she could understand the significance of armored troop transports that were able to function as cavalry, then the others could as well.

And they did, seemingly. As soon as she stopped, both Złeokokis and Eldissira adopted a blank look as they most likely mentally communicated with their own respective spies in her ministry to confirm the information. When they did, they both returned to reality with a little too passive of an expression.

“We knew all this already, Lower Elfmonger,” Złeokokis scoffed. “Please, this can’t be your only reason for wasting our time.”

“It isn’t, Elfmonger,” She smugly replied. Złeokokis stiffened slightly.

Elitia hadn't just stopped at the soldier's report. She had dug deeper in the spare time before the meeting that she herself had called. In that time, she found a treasure trove of information that she had somehow not been informed of, curiously.

“In truth, more of these attacks have been reported at various cities and towns, imperial and beastkin alike.” She snapped her fingers, and a large scroll floated out from her bag and dropped roughly on the table, unfurling itself as it did, revealing a large map of the areas north of the Gitapollagónes mountains. She pointed out various areas on the map, the Triad members leaning forward to see more clearly.

“Graustadt. West Autaria. The slave trading routes of the empires. Our very own Besofenhafen right next door, and even a rumor about a battle between an army of the Parliyorlik Theocracy and one of these groups. Some say they even won.” She stood up straight. “Elfmongers, there is no denying it,” She glanced around the room for dramatic effect.

Eldissira took the bait. “Denying what, Lower Elfmonger?”

She looked down at him, then around the room again. “War. War is coming. To the empires, to us, to possibly the whole world. And I speak no lies when I say, we might not win.”

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