Rise From the Humble

Chapter 273: waiting in line

  Chapter 273 Waiting in line

  Xu Jie was a little confused.

   It was only early yesterday morning that the Holy Master arranged to preside over the examination. When I went out of the palace and met Yan Song, I even stimulated this old bastard. Just when he felt that he was about to rise to the top, he was declared into the palace again for no reason the next day, and was scolded in the face by Emperor Jiajing.

  Xu Jie is a smart man. He lowered his head, listening to the scolding of the empire controller in Taoist robes, but his heart was spinning rapidly.

  In the first moment, Xu Jie was sure that the old thief Yan Song was the one who did it. No need to think about it, there was no one else but him.

   Then Xu Jie understood a truth: even his own thigh could not break Yan Song's little finger.

   It doesn't matter, who made my idol Goujian.

  So, from now on, I will be Goujian, but I don’t know if Yan Song is ready to be Fuchai.

Moreover, things are not so bad. Although he was ignored by the emperor, the purpose of presiding over the examination has not changed. Turn over the capital.

   Xu Jie, who was neglected by the emperor and rejected by his colleagues, vowed to preside over this meeting well.

   Tianbo is easy to thank, but it is difficult to stay for an inch.

  In life, if there is a gap between heaven and earth, it will be all of a sudden.

   In the blink of an eye, the day of the National Juren Examination will arrive.

The procedure of the general examination is similar to that of the provincial examination. The general examination is divided into three sessions. Each session lasts three days. , to play the next day. The questions in the three exams are nothing more than stereotyped essays and policy questions.

  The location of the test is at Suncheon Gongwon in the southeast of the capital.

  Zhu Ping'an received the test card the day before yesterday, which was issued by the Ministry of Rites according to the registration system. The test card has your personal information on it, which is similar to the modern admission ticket.

  The families of Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen arrived a few days ago, and these days they are taking care of all kinds of food and drink, just to let the two concentrate on trying. Going to the exam, naturally their family members accompanied the exam, and they had no time to take care of Zhu Ping'an.

  Zhu Ping'an finished washing when he was ugly, and embarked on the journey to the exam alone with his packed exam luggage.

  When Zhu Pingan left the inn with his luggage on his back, three large ships also arrived in Liaocheng in Shandong.

A beautiful girl took a bun-faced maid, accompanied by guards and an old lady, to the tomb of Cao Zhi by the river, burned incense and kowtowed. That begged for a talisman of Wensiquan.

  When this beautiful girl silently made a wish in the direction of the capital, and kept the Wensiquan Yongfu that she had asked for close to her body, Zhu Pingan had already rushed to the front of Suncheon Gongyuan with her luggage on her back.

  At this time, there was a sea of ​​people in front of the Shuntian Gongyuan. Although You Si had already prepared sufficient manpower, the order was still somewhat chaotic for a while.

Shuntian Gongyuan is located in the southeast of Chongwenmen. At this time, candidates from all over the country gathered in front of Shuntian Gongyuan for this exam. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Rites, this exam Enke, the entire Ming Dynasty north and south Zhili and thirteen lines Province, a total of 5,121 candidates came to participate in the examination.

  These 5,121 people are all Juren, and most of them have three or five entourages to take care of their lives so that they can concentrate on preparing for the exam, which means that there are about 20,000 people gathered here. Although some officials sent soldiers and government servants to set up fences to allow only candidates to enter, there were more than 10,000 people waiting outside the fences to send them off.

  The place where Zhu Ping'an lived was some distance away from Suncheon Gongwon. When Zhu Pingan arrived at Suncheon Gongwon, he saw this crowd of people.

   After a lot of effort, Zhu Ping'an squeezed in front of the fence. After the outer gate officer verified Zhu Ping's identity, he let Zhu Ping'an in to wait in line for the exam.

  The general examination was divided into 15 brigades according to the 13 provinces of Zhili in the north and south, and the candidates lined up according to their administrative divisions. After Zhu Pingan consulted an officer, he followed the officer's guidance and went to line up at the place where the candidates in Nanzhili were.

  Because there were so many examinees and there were strangers around, Zhu Pingan didn't see any acquaintances for a while.

  All of you candidates have gone through the county examination, government examination, college examination, and township examination all the way, and you know the procedures of queuing up, so everyone is queuing up and waiting for the examination step by step.

  However, there are exceptions.

   While queuing up, Zhu Pingan discovered such a strange person.

It was in the queue of a province next door. This strange man was a bit fat, and he looked a bit like the last one of the group of noble children who rode horses into the city at the gate of the city when he first entered the capital. fat man.

   This fat man is a wonderful flower. Since the queue began, this fat man has kissed all the things he brought with him, one by one, and made a particularly loud popping sound.

For example, right now, in Zhu Ping'an's eyes, this fat man is hugging the inkstone and kissing wildly. After the kiss, he puts his hands into the examination box, and then takes out a hollowed-out writing brush, and makes another violent kiss. .

  Although it was Nan Zhili's turn to line up to enter the examination room, the behavior of the fat man still attracted the attention of almost all the examinees nearby. Everyone looked at the fat man with a silly expression and looked at all his luggage.

   "Uh, this guy is insane, why don't you catch him and kiss him?"

   "Isn't it because the exam is coming soon, you are nervous and silly, what a pity, it is not easy for everyone to get to this point, alas, what a pity."

   "This person is probably a special honorable son. Enyin made up for the Imperial College, so he is a special case to participate in the examination. But, why did Enyin make up such a person, it was a waste of quota."

  For a while, the people around were talking about this obscene behavior of the fat man, pointing and pointing, they didn't understand it very much, and even despised this kind of behavior of the fat man.

   Fatty turned a blind eye to everyone's stares, and continued his boo boo as if no one else was there.

  Finally, a gentle man behind him couldn't bear it anymore, and asked the wretched fat man with all kinds of luggage in front of him with a flushed face:

   "My dear friend, what are you doing?"

  He was too curious, too incomprehensible, and too unbearable for Fatty's obscene behavior.

Hearing the inquiry from the people behind him, the fat man stopped the bobo movement, put down a bag of food in his hand, wiped his oily paws on his clothes, and then replied mysteriously: "This is called a kiss." pass (stabilize)."

   Kissed? ! Steady? !

  Halo, brother, I read a lot, don't lie to me!

  (end of this chapter)

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