Rise of an Alpha Male

Chapter 13: Kelly Rudd

One month ago. 

Silvio Gesell, a diligent economics student at the New York University. One crisp autumn day, while studying in the city library, he overheard a heated debate among a group of students from a rival university about a recent project on sustainable development.

Among them was Kelly Rudd, a passionate environmental science major with blonde hair and an infectious enthusiasm for her cause. Silvio couldn't help but admire her spirit, but he remained focused on his work. He had a paper due the next week that he was determined to finish.

Later that afternoon, Silvio decided to take a break and walked towards the nearby park, where students often gathered to relax. As he strolled along the path, he noticed Kelly standing at the edge of a small pond, gesturing animatedly as she spoke to her friends. Suddenly, she lost her balance and slipped on the wet grass, falling toward the water.

In that split second, Silvio's instincts kicked in. He sprinted towards the pond, heart racing. "Kelly!" he shouted, hoping she could hear him. Without thinking twice, he dove into the chilly water, reaching her just as she began to submerge. Grabbing her arm, he pulled her back to the surface, both of them spluttering and gasping for breath.

Once on solid ground, Silvio laid her down on the grass, water dripping from their clothes. Kelly coughed and blinked up at him, eyes wide with shock. "Why did you jump in?" she asked, her voice a mix of disbelief and gratitude.

"Because I couldn't just stand there," Silvio replied, trying to catch his breath. “Are you okay?”

She sat up, still shaking, and laughed softly despite the situation. "I think I’ll be fine, thanks to you. That was... heroic."

Silvio felt a warmth spread through him, surprised by her reaction. "I just did what anyone would have done," he replied modestly, though his heart swelled with pride.


A month later.

Two young women are wandering around New York University. One of them is Kelly Rudd. From that day, she has been searching for the man who saved her life within New York city. 

"Are you sure he is a student of this university?" Asks her friend, Fan Binbing. She is exhausted from Kelly dragging her around the city to look for this man. 

"I had employees of my family check it out for me and they believe he must be a student of New York University. Please, Fan. Come with me to find out more."

She isn't sure how to find her prince but she is looking forward to meeting him. 

"No. We have been walking for ages, and I am tired." Fan Binbing complains.

"Just a little longer, please!" Kelly urged, her excitement palpable. "He saved my life. I have to thank him properly."

Fan sighed but couldn’t resist Kelly’s enthusiasm. “Fine, but if we don’t find him soon, I’m heading to a café. I need coffee.”

They wander through the bustling campus, Kelly scanning every face, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stranger who had become a hero in her mind. “He was studying economics, right? Maybe we should check the business school,” she suggests.

“Good idea,” Fan replies, though her patience was waning. They make their way to the economics building, where students are gathered in small groups, chatting and studying.

As they enter, Kelly's heart raced. She peers into a study room and spotted a familiar figure hunched over a stack of books. “There he is!” she whispers, pointing.

Silvio is deep in concentration, oblivious to the world around him.

"Kelly. Is that really the man who saved your life?" Fan Binbing whispers. As someone who's from Chinese background, she is a bit materialistic. She looks him over. He is an average university student who is dressed in cheap clothes and looks poor. 

Kelly feels a mix of nervousness and excitement as she approaches him, her friend trailing behind.

“Um, excuse me?” she calls out, her voice barely above a whisper.

Silvio looks up, confusion melting into recognition as he meets her gaze. “Kelly? Is that you?” He had only met her once but it is impossible to forget a rare beauty like Kelly.

“Hi!” she says, breathless. “I’ve been looking for you.”

Surprised, Silvio rises, still damp from the memory of that day. “I—uh—didn’t expect to see you again.”

“I wanted to thank you properly for what you did. You saved my life!” Her eyes sparkle.

“Honestly, I was just in the right place at the right time,” he replies, a shy smile creeping onto his face. “How have you been?”

“I can’t believe you went through all this trouble just to find me,” Silvio says, still processing her enthusiasm.

“I had to! You’re my hero,” Kelly insists, laughter dancing in her voice. “Can I take you out for coffee? It’s the least I can do.”

"Coffee? Sure, that sounds great," he replies, his voice steadying as he gathers himself.

As they walk out of the economics building, Kelly's friend Fan trails behind, eyeing Silvio with a mix of suspicion. The bustling campus filled with students only amplifies the moment, but for Kelly and Silvio, it feels as if the world has faded away.

"So, how's life been treating you since that day at the pond?" Kelly asks, glancing up at him with her vibrant smile.

Silvio chuckles softly. "Well, I've been buried in textbooks. I didn't expect to become a hero in the process of studying economics," he said, his eyes sparkling with a hint of playfulness.

Kelly's laughter is infectious. "You deserve more than just a title. You saved my life! I mean, I was really flailing there."

They reach a cozy café, its warm aroma of coffee wrapping around them. As they settle into a corner table, Kelly leans forward, her enthusiasm unwavering. "I’ve thought about that day a lot. It made me realize how fleeting life can be and how important it is to connect with people."

Silvio nods, feeling the weight of her words. "I guess it does put things in perspective. But honestly, I just did what anyone would do."

"Not everyone jumps into a pond," Kelly counters, her eyes sparkling. "You showed bravery. I admire that."

They talk for about half an hour before Silvio has to excuse himself. As a man, he wants to pay at the cashier when he hears a "beep" sound from the machine. It is Kelly who paid. Fan Binbing pulls Kelly away from the cashier and says with a frown, "Why are you paying for him? You shouldn't pay him any attention!" 

Even if Silvio was the one who had saved Kelly, Fan Binbing doesn't think much of him. She thinks he is just a loser but doesn't deserve a perfect girl like Kelly. 

"Stop it, Fan!" Hearing what she says, Kelly starts to get annoyed. To her, he is still her hero. 

Silvio immediately becomes suspicious when he hears Fan Binbing's words. She reminds him of the gold diggers, Karen and Julia. 

Could it be that this seemingly innocent girl is after his money? However, he cannot think of any possible way for this girl to know about his hidden wealth. 

Kelly ignores Fan's complaint as her gaze is focused on Silvio's face. 

She asks him, "Would you like to date me?" 

"Are you asking him out? But he is just a loser!" Fan Binbing protests. She can't understand her friend's thought but she knows how stubborn Kelly is. If Kelly has set her mind in something, she knows she could do nothing to change it.

"I don't want to go out with her." Silvio boldly rejects her confession.

Fan Binbing is dumbfounded. In her opinion, Kelly Rudd is so desirable that no man in his right mind would ever turn her down. Fan Binbing can't help but to look over at Kelly, only to see her biting her lips. She looks close to tears.

To help Kelly feels better, she points at Silvio and yells, "Are you blind? Kelly just asks you out, and you immediately turned her down. I guess you must realize that you are not good enough for her."

Silvio doesn't know what to say. 

" Give me a reason." Kelly asks with a smile as she is suppressing her tears.

He nonchalantly answers, "I already have two girls now." 

The words "Two girls" are disgusting enough for Fan Binbing but she is even shocked as Kelly suddenly seems happy.

Hearing that reply, Kelly feels better. It isn't because he dislike her. 

"You mean you are two timing your girlfriends?" Fan Binbing yells.

He shakes his head, "No. They are not my girlfriends. It's hard to explain. They both have intimate relationship with me and they are I I  together."

" What?" Fan Binbing becomes even more agitated.

"So what if you have two women. I bet I am better than them. If you go out with me for a while, you will prefer me over those girls!" Kelly's eyes lit up again.

"I repeat. I am having physical relationship with two women. Even you become my girlfriend and more important than them, I will still keep them by my side."

Kelly is shocked when she sees her expression. Obviously he doesn't lie.

However, her pride feels challenged.

She says, "Fine. I don't care if you still seeing those girls after you become my boyfriend." Kelly remains calm and she smiles confidently but inside she is seething.

"You.." Silvio has never met a woman like Kelly before. She doesn't even react when he was being rude to her. She is very determined to win him over. 

"Please forget it and let me go." 

"Are you begging me?" Kelly asks proudly and reveals a smile. "Sure, I can let you go if you promise one thing." 

" What?" Silvio would do anything to get rid of this persistent girl.

"Accompany me to a party and tell everyone that you are my boyfriend." Her innocent and determined eyes stare into his eyes and continue, "Don't worry. It's just an act, but you have to pretend to everyone at the party that we are  together."

" Okay. I will do it."

" Aren't you going to tell me your mobile phone number?" He reluctantly exchanges phone numbers with Kelly and Fan Binbing. 

After he leaves, Kelly reveals a sly smile. "Once he spends some time with me, he will fall in love with me."

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