Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 758 That’s More Like It!

"Holy shit!"



"Damn it!!!"

There were many swear words said to express such a shocking change in the situation but when all was said, Ghan and his men did their best to adapt. They still had a game plan (more or less) and just had to stick with it regardless of this surprise event.

Speaking of Ghan,


He was hit by golden flames that he was quick to quench but did knock him back with a mighty force that caused his chest to ache.

The source of those flames was a woman with goddess-like beauty who had calf-length black hair and golden eyes that Ghan recognized and caused him to say,

"A Dane?!" he exclaimed as Melinda stepped towards him gracefully with her hand clenched tightly on her white sword cosmic Armament.

"Does that put you off? Does it scare you? Does it convince you to give yourself up and due by my hands in a swift and moderately painless manner?" Melinda asked with a smirk.

There was no one they planned to allow to go scot-free among the enemies. Every single one of them was to be killed especially since every single one of them was getting treated to certain reveals of the infernal nature of the Sapphirine Cult.

"Put off? Scared?? Oh please! It makes no difference who the fuck you are! Allying yourself with this bunch is essentially a death sentence" Ghan yelled and summoned a large bronze-colored sword that was his cosmic Armament.

"That's good to hear... Let's have a nice spar first before I kill you" Melinda said with a grin just as Ghan let out his cultivation pressure and immediately charged a cosmic attack which he shot at Melinda.

Melinda smirked and just ran at the attack, charging her own attack that she truck his with so that they canceled each other out in an explosion.


Out of the blast, Melinda dashed and brought her sword down on Ghan who deflected the hit with his large bronze sword as the battle commenced.

Out of the portals that were opened charged the Blood knights all exuding their fiendish pressures and ravenously craving the spilling of blood is that they could reap the blood essence of the fallen

The emissaries who had all been granted Devil shrouds also emerged and they used the fear factor of the shroud to their advantage.

Ghan's men had a strategy but in all honesty, all organized planning went out the window once the forces of the Sapphirine Cult began flanking them from all sides.

Things got much more direct and everyone just wielded whatever they possessed all for the purpose of cutting down as many foes as they possibly could.

Rita who had taken to the sky and shot her flaming arrow was quickly under attack from below... Under attack specifically from a few of the lieutenants with each of them quickly getting preoccupied enough to let her be.

The more forces poured out of the portals, the more even the numbers of both opposing forces became, and by the time all participants of the battle were out, the forces of the Sapphirine cult outnumbered their opponents by a far margin.

At that point, the portals closed and the seven ladies, among whom were Olivia and Lillian took on their demonic forms and joined in the battle.

Rita shot a few more arrows and especially made use of the ring of torture to drain the essence of many foes who had lacked the good sense to make a good and quick escape.

Eventually, she got back on the ground to take on a lieutenant. The lieutenants were the most troublesome of the bunch possessing the strongest cultivation bases besides Ghan, their commander but they were hardly an issue.

Rita was not even making use of her Ordinance as it wasn't needed.

A similar situation of battle-ease was the case with Karmen although she did make use of her Blood Ordinance...

Of the leading trio, Marla was the exception in the sense that she did not go after the higher-ups and rather just slummed it in the wide and chaotic space of the battlefield... She went about swinging her Cosmic Armament and bashing in as many heads as she possibly could while also stabbing as many skulls as was in range.

She had her dark feathered wings to aid her agility and as wide as the battlefield was and as loud as the sounds of battle were, she could still be clearly heard laughing loudly in enjoyment, having a blast and the time of her life.

Rita and her opponent were engaged in a physically charged battle.

She had dispersed Essence stealer and was battling with fists which were good enough since she was quite a weapon in her lust demon form.

Her strength was heightened, her speed increased, her senses widened and sharp, her instincts on point, and of course, her flight was still very much in play.

The battle with Phaedra of the Devil tribe had been a real well-needed practice that had Rita feeling like she had grown combatively after.

At the moment she didn't even have any intention of making use of her Ordinance... There was no need.

The lieutenant she was battling was quite good... He earned her respect and reacted quite well to all of her moves.

He also fought with the use of gauntlets so their battle was almost exclusively hand-to-hand... An almost choreographed battle with smooth movement.

"Wow, we have such good chemistry," Rita said with a wide smile and she was not lying. They almost seemed to be dancing.

Exchanging blows in absolute symmetry.

"Do not attempt to bond with me you demon!" said the lieutenant as he struck out a fist to strike at Rita and that fist was coated with a cosmic Aurora which promised explosion upon impact.

What worried the lieutenant the most was Rita's ability to fly with her wings and he was prepared to keep her grounded but his preparations were not needed because Rita saw no need to go airborne.


"Was that meant to be an insult?" Rita asked with a smirk as she blocked the blow with her palm.

The look the Lieutenant gave her clearly said 'What else would I have meant?' and he likely would have said it vocally had there not been an explosion between his gauntlet and Rita's palm.


The Lieutenant smiled with the explosion not affecting him but that smile vanished and his joyous look was replaced by one of fear a second later when he felt Rita still holding his gauntlet.

"A Demon is literally what I am. You are being literal with your insult and that really shows a lack of imagination." Rita said and proceeded to draw back her fist and punch the Lieutenant in the stomach.

However, she did not just punch him... Her fist went through his midsection and out his back.

"Ack" groaned the lieutenant with widened eyes of surprise just before the light of life in his eyes dimmed and he went limp.

Rita then attacked him with lust flames to reap whatever essence she could get from him which turned his body into a mere husk.

A husk she discarded the very next second... She had spent too much time with this opponent and would surely not be seeking chemistry with any of the multiple foes still on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, the battle between Melinda and Ghan was still underway with Ghan revealing the Ordinance that he had insight into; The Elemental Ordinance of Force.

There was an explosive blast, backed by the forceful Ordinance, that knocked Melinda away.

Before she got too far, Ghan clenched his fist and drew her closer with his Ordinance only to slam her against the ground where he forced her to stay while he brought his blade down on her.

Melinda let out a blast of white flames which as an Ordinance canceled out the forceful imposition enough for her to get out of the way of the sword at which point she proceed to twist and kick at Ghan's head but he just stopped her leg before there could be contact.

As soon as he stopped her in place, Ghan made use of a cosmic skill and as was characteristic of skills, Melinda was even further locked in place and prone to the actual destructive nature of the skill.

That was not enough for Ghan though and he further fuelled the explosion with a cosmic Aurora and a cosmic attack imbued with his strength as a Cosmic Pagoda realm expert.


The explosion engulfed Melinda and even as it did, she just scoffed,


As she spoke, she quelled the explosion so that the most worrying thing about it was its loud sound. Its destruction was massively muted and even someone two realms weaker than her would be able to endure it with no issues.

"That's enough pandering" she said and grabbed Ghan's shoulder before he could think to move away.

He attempted to use his Ordinance of force to gravitate out of her range or at her push her off him but his Ordinance use was quelled by the use of a much stronger Ordinance class; The use of an Abstract Ordinance.

Suddenly Ghan felt weak... He felt sick and his legs shook while he was slowly forced to his knees.


"W-w-what is h-happening t-to me? I-I-I c-c-can feel the life being d-drained out of me" he said and the longer Melinda's hand spent on his shoulder, the more wispy and lifeless he sounded.

"What a boring way to kill," Melinda said and wrinkled her nose before reversing what she had done.

The life she drained, she returned and as she did, Ghan returned to normal.

Alas, before he could enjoy feeling alive again, Melinda stabbed him in the face with her sword before blasting his head apart with the white flames of her flame Ordinance,


"Now that's more like it!"

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