Rise of the Guild Master

A Well Earned Rest

When I head into the entrance hall, I see Sam and Meri’s armor scattered around the place haphazardly. By the door, Nikita is helping herself to some of my booze, and Snow is waiting to leave. To my right, two Catfolk maids are walking down the stairs to meet me.

“Sam and Meri are all tucked in, nyaa, just like you wanted. Now that that’s done with, Myaster, we... um, have a favor to ask...” Cherry approaches, twiddling her thumbs.

It’s not hard to guess where she’s going with this. “You want to go and help the Pet Shop, right?”

“Uh, yeah...” The pink-haired kitten nods. She wasn’t expecting me to just jump right into the heart of it.

“I told you he’d know...” Peri smiles and blushes as she takes her partner’s paw in hers.

“Of course, girls.” I take a step towards both and hug them tight, “Go and help your family, stay all day if you need to.”

“Thank you, Myaster!” Peri nuzzles into my neck and kisses my cheek.

Cherry does the same but bites her lip and looks away. “Damn it, you really are the best, you know that, nyaa?”

“I try. Snow, feel free to put my girls to work as hard as you have to in order to get things back to normal.”

“Thank you, Guild Myaster.” Snow bows politely but keeps her distance. “Assuming you don’t sleep the entire day away, please visit the Pet shop once you awaken. I’ll have explained your demands to the Elders by then, and I’ll make time to formalize your credit in writing. Also, I would... well, I would like to properly say goodbye. You were the only adoption we made during this layover, so we have no other obligations keeping us in Dewhurst. I expect to already be gone by this time tomorrow, nyaa”

“Of course,” I reply with cold, cold courtesy.

Opalina and Nikita exchange another round of curious looks, causing me to shrug and shake my head when they pass me by. Opalina’s curiosity breaks, and she pulls me aside. Whispering, she says, “What in the Realms is going on between you and the fluffy, prissy-looking Catfolk, Dear?”

“Opal, I’m tired... please, don’t ask me about...” I see the look in her eyes. That stern, motherly glare tells me she won’t take no for an answer. “...She clearly wants to work for me, and I invited her multiple times, but she refuses because of her responsibilities. Look, it’s not a big deal, I just-”

“Did you fuck her, Dear?”

“Opal, damn it...! No, I-”

“Oh, Gods. She kissed you, didn’t she?”

...Mothers are a very frightening thing. I’m not sure how she could have guessed that.

“Well, she seems lovely... but she also sounds like a piece of work, Dear. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“I have no idea how long I’m going to sleep for, so... If at all possible, could you maybe see if Gwin could stop by later in the day? I might need her help with something.”

“I’ll say,” Opalina stares at the most recent hold in the entrance hall. “How did that one even happen?” She asks, cocking her head to the side.

“...Peri’s ass.”

“Of course.” Opal giggles.

“Make sure you let Gwin know to bring some leather, too.”

“Hmm. Alright, I’ll-”

“Yo, Opal, we’re all waiting on you!” Nikita calls out from the entrance hall, where she and all three kitties are ready to head on over to the Pimpfort and fix everything up.

“Yes, yes, Niki. Anyways, Dear, I’ll see if I can shoot your favorite Dwarf a message. Now get to bed, young man. I’ll be back in a few hours to fly your captive up to Dawnstead and cast a few healing spells on the girls while you sleep, but don’t you worry about that. Just rest.”

“Yes, Opal...” I roll my eyes sarcastically, only to be pulled in for a quick kiss by the mature brunette.

The good Doctor joins the group at the door. As she leaves, I catch her beginning a conversation with the head maid. “So, Snow, was it? Tell me about yourself... I’d love to know more about you...” There is a threatening glare in the old witch’s eyes. I watch as it sends a chill down Snow’s spine, making her fur stand on end.

Peri and Cherry wave goodbye, closing the sizeable Dwarven door behind them on the way out. It’s almost nine in the morning now, and all that’s left for me to do is rest. I strip down to my boxers right here in the hall. I don’t fucking care anymore.

Groaning and taking my glasses off, I rub my eyes and walk upstairs to the bedroom. Opening the door still baring Peri’s scratch hole, I walk into the quiet chamber. The first thing that I notice is the room is awash with the smell of sweaty women.

What’s scary is that I’m too fatigued to even be aroused by it.

Sam and Meri are... ripe. They’ve been sweating in thick gambesons and heavy armor for five to six hours now. But that’s alright. Poor things nearly worked themselves to death, and I’m proud of them.

“That you, Boss...?” Sam stirs right as she hears me close the creaky wooden door to the bedroom.

“None other,” I set my glasses down on the nightstand by the side of the bed. As I do, I notice that the mini treasure chest is lying atop it. I’ll have to give that a look tomorrow. I’m far too tired to care.

“Get in here already...” She grunts, lifting the blanket up for me. I get a clear view of their exerted bodies and see that both adventurers are wearing clean panties and tank tops. No doubt the maids had to help them change into those. Sam looks like she can barely hold the blanket as it is.

“Nooooo, give blanky baaaaaack...!” Meri begins flailing once the warmth is removed, revealing her clammy skin to the brisk, open air.

I slip in between the two girls, avoiding a frustrated kick from the Shield Maiden. “Thankies...” Meri yawns once the thick covering is returned to her. Gods, she’s cute when so tired.

“Zuzu, Boss is here,” Sam tries to shake Zutiria by the shoulder, but the little Mage doesn’t so much as groan in response. “Zuzuuuu-” She tries harder.

“Leave her. She said she’d be out for a few days after all those spells.”

“More cuddles for us, then,” Sam whispers as she and Meri sidle up as close to me as they can.

“Yes, get as close to me as possible with your smelly, sweaty bodies. More, please.”

“M-Master... don’t tease me right now... I can’t help it being all sweaty and... and smelly...” Meri whines, nuzzling into my neck as she wraps her arm around me. 

“It’s alright. You smell like victory.” I lean in and give her a kiss, eliciting a tired giggle.

“Then what do I smell like?” Sam playfully whispers into my ear.

“Armor stank,” I admit, turning to give the ripe Royal Majesty a kiss as well.

“You fuckin’ love it, perv.” Sam snorts and transitions into another yawn.

“Very true,” As I lay here with my adventurers, a contented sigh drifts from my lips, and I pull them both closer into my chest. “I’m really proud of the both of you, you know.”

“Save some of the credit for yourself,” Sam lifts her head to give me a stubborn, tired glare. “We woulda died if you weren’t watching out for us.”

Nodding my head, I give her the answer she wants to hear, even if I don’t mean it. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anything ever happened to the three of you.”

Meri frowns and pulls my arm into the deep recess of her cleavage.  She squeezes it hard, like a child pulling her favorite toy close to her chest during a nightmare. “D-Don’t even talk about that, Master...! You’re stuck with us, and our sweaty armor stink for the rest of your life!”

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” The thought brings an even wider smile to my face.

Sam grunts loudly and stretches, “If I weren’t so tired, I’d let ya enjoy it, Boss, but I’m... mmmnn... yeah...”

“Mhmm... I’m gonna pass out any second now...” Meri adds.

As my own tiredness deepens, I feel a smidge playful. Reaching my hand towards Meri’s soft, plush tummy, I say, “Guess you won’t mind if I-”

“N-NOT FOR TOUCHING!” She reminds me, gathering up the strength required to slap my hand away. Sam has herself a laugh at her friend’s expense, and I close my eyes, satisfied.

It’s quiet, and for a while, I’m convinced everyone’s drifted off to their much-needed rest. Sam proves me wrong by breaking the silence, asking with seriousness, “...Do you think I’m really gonna be ok, Boss?” Even in the dim light of the curtained-off bedroom, her emerald eyes glitter with concern, providing a window into her scarcely-seen vulnerable side.

“...Of course I do, Princess.” I move my hand from Meri’s grip for just a moment. Stroking Sam’s sweaty, sun-kissed hair, I cup the side of her face and turn my head to face her. “You don’t have to be ruled by the blood that runs in your veins. Blood isn’t what makes you who you are, Sam. Only you do.”

Her Highness bites her lip before looking to the side, “...T-Thanks,” Is all she can squeak out between furious blushing.

Yawning even harder, Meri pulls my arm back into her bosom. “Master... I was scared, too, you know... I kept getting hurt... a-and... a couple of times, I got knocked down... I couldn’t stand firm...”

“Come here, you.” I allow Meri to nuzzle even closer to my body, and in turn, she wraps her meaty thigh around my own. “Standing firm is only half your job, Meri. The other half is getting up when you can’t. Every time you fell, you did just that, and you never gave up.”

The brunette blushes and nuzzles into my neck even further. I think she liked that response but is too shy to say anything other than, “I... I love you so much, M-Master... you changed my life... I-I would still be doing fetch quests if it weren’t for you...”

“I love you too, Meri.” My heart races, and I kiss the young Shield Maiden on her lips before inevitably turning to face her jealous counterpart.

“Me too, Boss...” Sam yawns before stealing a kiss for herself. She smiles in satisfaction before turning towards Zutiria once more. “Zuzu, you want a kiss?”

“Sam, don’t-”

She shakes the Mage’s shoulder, and Zutiria grumbles before puckering her lips. I have no choice, it seems. I lean past the Princess to tenderly peck my lips to Zutiria’s, saying, “I love you as well, Zutiria.”

Zutiria mumbles something that sounds like ‘ha wab wah ha’, and I feel that’s as good as we’re going to get. Now that everyone’s satisfied and had their moment of love, the girls start to fade off to sleep, and in due time, so do I. I may not be as physically tired as the three adventurers, but damn if tonight wasn’t mentally exhausting.

It’s time to take a long, hard-earned sleep. We did it, after all, and we can rest easy at long last.

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