Rise of the Guild Master


I’d be remiss if I didn’t visit Zutiria and see how she’s doing before having my breakfast. Upon entering the temporary room she’s staying in, I find the weary Mage sitting up in bed in a complete daze. Her hair is frizzled, and a bit of drool is trailing off her chin, but she’s awake.

“Zutiria? Are you doing alright there?” I ask from the door.

Yes and no,’ She responds, proving she’s not in some weird altered state. ‘I think I should be recovered fully by tomorrow. I’m up, but I still need to lay around for another day...

“Hold on, I’ll have Snow bring you up some breakfast-”

Snow?’ The lavender-haired mage tilts her head. ‘Hmm. I take it we won, then.

“Yes, we won, and yes, Snow. It’s a long story.”

You fucked her?

“...Alright, maybe it wasn’t that long of a story.”

A tiny smile appears on her face. ‘I’m happy for you, Sir.’ I smile back and briefly leave the room to tell Snow to bring up something simple to eat for the little lady.

After that, I join Zutiria on her bed. We babble for a few minutes about what happened with Snow. ‘I can hardly say I’m surprised. My own calculations were pointing towards this happening, as it were. That doesn’t mean I’m any less glad to be correct. Snow is fun, and I want her here, too.

“Well, you’ll have plenty of time to get to know her over the next few days. I’m going to be out of town.”

Zutiria stares at me, then frowns. ‘I remember you telling me that, but I thought that was a dream...’ She says, recalling when I told her the same thing yesterday morning.

“No, Opal got me an audience with Duke Gloomcrest. Supposedly it’s going to be very lucrative.”

I take it you and the Doctor are going alone?

“Yes. You’re in no position to join me, Sam and Meri are only now starting to feel good enough to be up and about, and the maids have things to attend to here.”

The Mage’s frown becomes childish and even more disappointed. ‘I see.

“Does that make you upset?”

Maybe...’ She crosses her arms, then winces. ‘Ow. I can’t cross my arms. Please pretend I’m being adorable and jealous, Sir, as I can’t seem to do it on my own.

“I don’t have to pretend, Zutiria,” I laugh and pull her into my lap to give her a kiss.

It doesn’t go as planned. ‘Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow- ok we’re good.’ She sighs with relief as soon as the pain from being moved fades away.

“Sorry, I thought you could handle it...”

It was worth it,’ Zutiria reclines back onto my chest while I give her a kiss on the top of her head. ‘I’m just upset that I was knocked out for a few days straight, and now that I’m awake, I have to go a few days without you. This is the first time we’ve had to be apart since we’ve met, Sir.

“What about the night I spent at Opal’s?”

‘Doesn’t count. You came back in the morning.

“And this time, I’ll be back the day after. There’s little difference.”

I know, I know... but I can’t control the severity of my dependency issues, ok? I need you, and I don’t feel well unless you’re around... now that I’ve learned your presence comforts me, it’s hard to go without..’

For a moment, we sit in silence on the bed as I hug her close to my chest. “Were your dreams alright these last couple of days?”

They could have been a lot worse... there were some bad ones... a couple of good ones, too. You were in those. Of course, you were in some of the bad ones, too, so...

“Don’t think about the bad ones, Zutiria. You don’t need them.”

...Alright, Sir.’ She closes her eyes, sighing as she melts into my chest. ‘I’m also a little upset that you’re taking away Opal, as well. The fight against Pimpington didn’t go too well on my part. I wanted to discuss things with her regarding my condition.

“Zutiria, we wouldn’t have won if not for you. Everyone pulled their own, including yourself, despite-”

I don’t want my performance to be despite anything. I need to talk to her, Sir. I don’t think Opal was entirely honest when she said there was nothing she could do for me.

“And what makes you say that?”

How much do you actually know about her, Sir?’

“I’m... not sure what you’re implying?”

Nothing terribly important, I think... just something I’ve been dwelling on for a while. You can resume cuddling me now, and we’ll go back to flirting for the time being-

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything, Myaster?” Snow enters the room carrying a tray with some tea, a few pieces of toast, a hot bowl of oatmeal, and some orange slices. Of course, since Snow was the one who prepared the meal, it looks as if it’s coming from the Royal Kitchen itself. I don’t know how she managed to make 

“Not at all, Snow. We were just having a romantic moment together. Would you care to join?”

“Don’t mind if I do,” The maid giggles and turns her eyes towards the Mage. “Good to see you again, Zutiria.” Snow pulls up a chair and sits next to the bed.

Hello again, Snow. I like your new collar.

Snow does her best to remain professional and calm, but the compliment makes her ears perk up, and her cheeks turn slightly red. “Thank you, I’m fortunate to have a Myaster kind enough to gift it to me,” She stirs the spoon around the thick oatmeal before lifting it up to the Mage’s lips. “Please, allow me to help you during your recovery.”

Zutiria blushes at the sight of the pretty Catfolk maid offering to feed her by hand but doesn’t hesitate to make use of her services. She weakly slurps down the spoonful, much to Snow’s delight. “Aren’t you just adorable?” She says, laughing to herself.

So I’ve been told,’ Zutiria remarks, swallowing another spoon’s worth of oatmeal.

Snow dabs a small handkerchief onto the corner of Zutiria’s mouth, wiping up a little bit that escaped her. “I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty of changing your pajamas this morning. I assume not. No doubt I was going to see you naked sooner rather than later.”

Very true,’ Zutiria takes another bite when offered. ‘I don’t mind as long as I get to see you naked, too.

“All in due time, nyaa...” The maid smirks to herself. “You were suffering from a sort of night terror, and I couldn’t wake you from it. It was very distressing, so I wiped you of your sweat, changed your clothes, and switched the sheets after Sam and Meri woke up.”

Zutiria stares at the beautiful maid blankly before looking back over her shoulder. ‘I changed my mind, Sir. Take your time on your trip. I want to hang out with my new best friend.

Snow’s cheeks grow red as she laughs, “Myaster, you have to tell me where you find all these adorable girls of yours.”

“The Goddess essentially pimps them out to me.” I sigh, shrugging my shoulders.

Snow looks at Zutiria, confused. “Is... is he joking?” Zutiria shakes her head flatly. “...Well, no matter. I suppose I have more to learn about working here than I first thought.”

The Mage finishes off one slice of buttered toast as she says, ‘I’ll help you with that after I have another nap. I’ve been working on something to get new recruits up to speed faster. You can help me test it.

“I would love to be of service,” Snow smiles, wiping the crumbs off of Zutiria’s lips. “Perhaps once I’m more up to date on the specifics of the Myaster’s life, I can help you fine-tune your presentation?”

That would be lovely,’ Zutiria continues to blush, clearly enjoying having someone capable and intelligent around to discuss with.

“Can’t you show us now?” I ask, to which Zutiria shakes her head.

I don’t want you to see it until it’s done.

“You and your mysteries...” I won’t deny we need a better system to tell new girls about the outlandish reality that I live in, so I’m curious about what she’s come up with. The problem is easing them into it and dumbing it down to make it less ridiculous sounding while still being vaguely believable.

Indeed.’ The petite Mage nods and drinks all of her tea in one gulp, with Snow’s help.

We idly talk for a few more minutes as Zutiria finishes off everything that the head maid brought for her, leaving the little lady to look very satisfied indeed. ‘Thank you, Snow.’

“It was my pleasure, dear. Is there anything else I can do to speed your recovery?”

Help me have sex with Sir, please.’ Zutiria says with a distinct blank look on her face.

“Of course. Myaster, please strip at once-” Snow attempts to take charge of the situation before I can even put in a word otherwise.

“Hold on a second, Zutiria, you’re still in a lot of pain,” I interrupt her command by bringing up some common sense.

Her desperation clearly showing through, the Mage goes on a perverse rant on the verge of begging. ‘Your semen might help restore my mana faster, and it’s been a few days since I had any. It might help my body, too. I know you must’ve thought this, too, but I assume you were too worried about the ethics of fucking me while unconscious. Really, you should have just gone for it. My body is free-use to you at all times- that goes without saying by now.

Zutiria is in great need of affection, and I want to give it to her, but she’s still recovering... “I know you’re upset that I’ll be gone for a few days, but wouldn’t a blowjob suffice if you want my cum?”

No. I want to be filled.’ The silent girl frowns, her cheeks getting slightly puffy. ‘If I could cross my arms, I would be doing that this very moment.

“The fact that you can’t cross your arms without hurting only reaffirms that you shouldn’t be having sex right now.”

Why can’t you be one of those nice men who solely think with their lower brain?’ Zutiria sighs.

“Myaster, I believe if I were to help, then we could successfully get you off inside of Zutiria without much harm to her.” Snow sits on top of the bed with a gentle smile. She looks all too different from the sadist that had her way with me the night before.

“Is that so? Well, I must say the thought of you volunteering to assist with gentle sex is a comedic one...”

“Very funny,” The head maid rolls her eyes. “I’m on the job right now. For this cat, there’s a huge difference between work and play, nyaa...”

Stop flirting in front of my face and give me a gods-damned creampie,’ Zutiria wiggles in my lap, angrily trying to vent her stress.

I cave in with a long sigh, saying, “Well, can’t argue with that...”

Writing all the ways the existing cast interacts with new members of the Guild is always fun as hell to me. Zutiria and Snow have a whole lot of chemistry.

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