Rise of the Guild Master

Burying a Troubled Heart Under Paperwork

It takes me a while to regain a semblance of a good mood after what happened with Snow.

I was prepared for the worst, yet... I didn’t think that she would actually say no. Every time we’ve met, there’s been a spark between the two of us, which was clearer last night than ever before. I laid my heart out for her, and she scratched it with her beautiful claws. I suppose that’s just the sort of cat that Snowball is and that it was my fault for trying to lure her into my home with promises of love and shiny collars.

A part of me knows that I shouldn’t mope over her for too long. Like Snow said, I’m already surrounded by several women who are each utterly devoted to me. Getting hung up on a single girl who says no would say a lot about my character... but Snow’s right, another part of me does want the world and everything in it. 

Especially her.

When I manage to drudge myself back to the Pet Shop, Cherry and Peri aren’t ready and waiting like Snow said they would be. So, with some time on my hands, I decide to idle about the nearest stalls while still making good on my promise to not get too close to the tent.

It’s tempting to imagine what a horde of horny Beastgirls would do to me if given a chance, but I don’t want to complicate the tribe’s day any worse than it already has been. I’m not the real hero who saved them from Pimpington, anyway. It was a team effort, and I’d feel bad stealing the adventurer’s thunder like that.

After close to twenty minutes of browsing seedy shops among the Dewhurst market, I spot my two maids finally exiting the big top out of the corner of my eye. Just in time, too. If they took any longer, I was considering seeing if Igor was around to have a chat.

“Myaster! Sorry we kept you waiting!” Peri says, leaping into my arms as she’s grown so fond of doing.

I catch the kitten and pull her close in a hug, happy to be able to hold her once more. “Hey girls, did everything go alright today?”

“Yup, we helped look after everyone while they were still groggy, nyaa. Then we spent most of the day helping the tribe pack up, just as a favor, y’know?” Cherry yawns, stretching her lithe, sweaty body after a long day’s work.

“We woulda got out sooner, but Snow was uh...” Peri looks at Cherry for clarification or perhaps seeking help regarding how to phrase what’s on her mind.

“She pulled us aside, and we had a nice, long talk about a couple of things just now...” Cherry scratches the back of her head and narrows her eyes.

“...I see,” Something catches in my throat. “I know we had a little argument just now when saying goodbye, but... I didn’t think Snow took it so badly. Is she alright?”

“Oh, yeah she’s fine...” Peri nods her head, looks to Cherry, and then smiles awkwardly at me. Convincing.

The pink-haired kitten shrugs her shoulders. “It wasn’t even about you, honest. Just some tribe stuff we had to go over, y’know, Beastfolk things.” Cherry looks away, avoiding the subject more naturally than Peri but not by much.

Both kittens are being evasive and answering my questions as vague as they can get away with. It’s very suspicious, and I’m barely even using my eyes to gauge their body language. Not to jump to the worst possible conclusion, but I assume that Snow probably had something to tell them about our discussion. Peri and Cherry likely don’t want to hurt my feelings, so they’re playing coy.

I appreciate their concern. They’re both such good girls.

“Don’t worry so much about Snow,” Peri purrs, clasping the sides of my face with her paws and pointing me at her, “Worry about us. It’s almost time for the mating ceremony, Myaster! We could even do it tonight if we wanted, but-”

“I-I’m not ready for that, nyaa!” Cherry blurts out, her cheeks turning red. “We’re running on barely any sleep, and we ALL agreed on tomorrow!”

“Mmm, It’ll be a lot more special if we wait for tomorrow, anyway...” Peri nods her head.

Her patience brings out a great sense of disbelief in me. “You spent the entire week trying to get into my pants, and now you’re completely alright with not getting to do it early? Are you truly my Periwinkle, or did I pick up the wrong kitten?”

“O-Of course I’m your Peri, there’s only one of me!” The young maid hisses, embarrassed. Cherry gets a chuckle out of seeing her friend all flustered.

It’s a miracle Peri doesn’t want to do the ceremony tonight, but I’ll take my small blessings where I can get them. Even though I slept most of the day away, I’m still tired, and I’m expecting to turn in early tonight as well.

“Gang’s all here, then?” Nikita approaches us from behind. clutching a bottle of cheap booze. “Or are we still waiting on one?”

“No, we’re ready, Niki. Snow isn’t coming.”

The Grekkan frowns and clasps my shoulder. “That so? Got a lesson for you, Chief... from one commander to another; get used to it. You can’t win ‘em all.” Her grip is stiff, firm. It hurts, but I get the feeling that’s the point. Just as soon as I nod my head and thank her, she continues, “But sometimes the battle isn’t really over when you think it is. Hell, there’s this was this one time where my men were-”

“SNOW ISN’T COMING, NYAA!” Peri hisses, interrupting the surprised former mercenary and myself. “W-We should stop talking about her, ok? I don’t want the Myaster to be upset!” Something about the way Peri deflects the topic doesn’t sit right with me, but she’s right about one thing. The more I think about Snow, the more stressed I end up getting.

We agree to drop the subject and return to the Guild.

When we get home, Peri and Cherry start on dinner, and I check in on the girls. Opal is gone by the time we get there, and Nikita ducks out after escorting me as per usual, promising she’ll ‘be around’ but might crash here if she needs to.

Nothing much has changed since I left. Sam and Meri are still tired and in pain, and Zutiria is still knocked out cold. I dine in my office alone, quill in one hand and fork in the other. The kittens help feed the adventurers in bed and make sure to get something in the Mage, too, although that’s easier said than done without making her choke.

I’ve begun the massive undertaking of filling out the mountain of forms necessary to justify our raiding of the Pimpfort. Just the proper authorization will take me a day or two since I’ll have to document the events in an abridged fashion.

Submitting this gargantuan document is a terrifying thought. The Association will want a cut of the Guild financial profits from this quest, and if it’s not enough, we might be put under scrutiny. It doesn’t matter if I was paid in credit. This was still an official, registered quest. Sure, I could NOT report it and have it be a favor to the Breeding Tribe, but if the Association found out that I made a deal under the table to the tune of one million gold, well...

I can’t stress just how colossally bad that would be.

Perhaps selling the weapons we stole from Pimpington’s hookers as well as the remaining diamonds would be enough money to placate them? I’d like to avoid selling Pimpington’s rapier if I could help it, but that’s an option, too. No doubt it’s worth a hefty sum. Currently, it’s safe in the main storage room, where I plan to keep it for a future adventurer who could make use of it.

The most daunting task of all this bureaucracy is whether or not to mention the absurd amount of sex toys and lingerie the Guild stole under my orders. If I fail to mention it and at some point, an inspection is held, then it would be easily discovered I left something out of my report. It might be easier to report the hoard as loot stolen by the adventurers or a gift from the Breeding Tribe, who I could say stole it when taking back their kidnapped kin.

Yes, I think I’ll go with that explanation. The Tribe would likely cover for me if this was ever in question.

After working on the documentation for as long as my exhausted mind allows, I try to contact Luxy. I wasn’t expecting it to work, so I’m not surprised she doesn’t answer. Hopefully, the Goddess will get in touch with me as soon as she’s able.

When last we spoke, it sounded like she was actually going to get in trouble for helping me out so directly. That’s a troubling thought, so the sooner I get answers regarding her situation the better. Then again, I’m not entirely sure how a Goddess could get in trouble in the first place, let alone from whom...

Speaking of Luxy, I open up Taskmaster to check on the current Bond Levels of my girls. The Pimpfort turned out to be a literal godsend in yet another way. Each one of them is close to reaching level three. Sam is teetering on the cusp, even more so than the others. No wonder, after everything she and I went through in there...

By the time I finish up my assorted chores, it’s half-past ten and I’m already ready to turn in for the night. Another dull day of paperwork awaits me for most of tomorrow, although it’ll be topped off with Peri and Cherry’s mating ceremony at long last.

Assuming he makes good on his drunken desire to talk to me, I’ll likely have a talk with Niall, too. I’m still mentally processing that that alcoholic deadbeat will be the mayor of Dewhurst now, but whatever. If he makes good on his promise to help the Guild, I can’t complain too much.

After saying goodnight to the kittens and checking in on Zutiria to make sure she’s still sleeping soundly and without pain, I retire to the bedroom, intending to leave behind the tiresome bureaucracy and enjoy some quality time with my weary adventurers.

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