Rise of the Guild Master

Good with Her Hands

“Gwinlinn, you know I don’t have the money to pay for that... and besides, your family-”

The insistent, busty Dwarf raises an eyebrow. She looks like she’s sizing up whether or not I’m stupid. “Fuck ya onna bout, payin? I said ah’d do yer door, didn’ say shit bout makin’ ya pay for it.”

I don’t even know how to react to this, this is even more intense then when Opalina insisted on giving me 100,000G. Her relationship with her family is on the line here, too. They aren’t going to be happy that she replaced my door and gave me free enchantments... especially not when I’m being monitored by a shady presence that the family absolutely refuses to become involved with.

“Why would you do this for me? This is way more than just a simple favor...”

She grunts and looks away with a slight blush. “Cause ya got me thinkin’. I sure as shit don’ wanna be a fuckin’ carpenter all me life an family or not, you were righ’. Gotta start defyin’ em sooner or later so why not start now by helpin’ a fella who needs helpin’?”

I can’t help but smile, knowing I made a little difference in the Dwarven girl’s outlook. “I couldn’t possibly say no to that then, can I?”

“Not if yer keen on keepin’ yer balls from gettin’ punched.” She laughs and once again playfully taps my hips with her fist... wait, no, she actually does lightly punch me in the groin.

It doesn’t hurt, but it, ah, does cause a reaction. I had just narrowly avoided getting a hard-on when Meri was sitting on my lap earlier, but the contact with this cute girl’s hand while brief was apparently enough to trigger my expansion.

Her green eyes go wide and the small blush on her face gets ridiculously pronounced. “Ya... ya fuckin’ kiddin’ me, mate?”

Instinctively I hunch over quickly and try to hide it. Gwinlinn isn’t one of my growing harem and while I’m certainly interested in her, I don’t want to potentially make the important business relationship I’ve made with her awkward.

“Are they all that fuckin’ big?” She looks up at me in disbelief. I wouldn’t have pegged the young Dwarf for a virgin, but that might just be me making an assumption based on how outgoing and brash she is...

“Never mind that, I’m very sorry, I-”

“Ya gonna show me the fuckin’ thing or what?” Gwinlinn’s expression gets angrier as if I’m somehow wasting her time every second I haven’t whipped my dick out.

“What?! No, I’ve... had a stressful day. I’d like to just get the door done...”

“Well what fuckin’ better way to relieve stress, am I righ?” The firebrand grabs me by the belt and pulls me into the storage room despite how much I struggle. She’s way too strong for me to resist, and at this point my urges are making the desire to resist smaller by the second.

There’s a dusty old chair in the room and while not exactly hygienic Gwinlinn apparently makes the executive decision that it’s good enough for what she has in mind. She pushes me down on it and unbuckles my belt for me, her eyes filled with both lust and curiosity.

“We... really shouldn’t be doing this...” I say as she strips my pants off. “Your family would kill me...”

“Ach, why don’t ya just be a man and take a load off ya fuckin’ wuss? Fuck me family, what they gotta do with this?” She stares up into my eyes defiantly.

“I don’t want to have fun with you if it’s just so you can piss off your family, Gwin...”

She punches me in the gut with no hesitation, though thankfully it’s much less hard than when she clobbered her father in the face almost an hour ago.

“Da really think I wanna do this just to rebel? Do ah look like ah’m that type a girl?” She’s genuinely upset, and I feel bad about it. There hasn’t been much conflict in my sexual life until now, and Gwinlinn can be hard for me to get a read on even with my eyes. I don’t always know what to say to her.

“I’m sorry...”

“Don’ be. Yer just... ah dunno, yer alrigh’. Ain’t never met someone as ‘alrigh’ as you before.” Gwinlinn gives me the most casual confession I’ve ever heard.

“Ah just wanna see how it goes, an ah have to be gettin’ back home inna bit... but the spellsongs won’t take long, and by mah reckoning neither will you. Mah hands’ll be more than enough.” She smirks and pulls down my boxers, and when she sees how damned huge I am for her all her confidence is replaced by awe and disbelief.

“What the fuck be this monster...? Ya even went an’ got some ink on it too?” Gwinlinn asks, eyebrows raised.

“It’s a long story...” Feeling slightly more comfortable I decide to tease her a bit by saying, “You done gawking yet? I seem to recall you saying it wouldn’t take long?”

Her eyes flare with determination and she shakes off her glassy gaze. “It won’t. Ah don’ know how many girls ya done yet but ya ever had a Dwarf’s hands work ya over?” She asks as she pulls off her work gloves.

“I have not.” I admit.

“Righ’, well ah ain’t exactly done this neither but ah’m sure ya know we’re a master at anythin’ we put our mitts on. Especially me.” She grins and spits a sizable bunch of slickness onto both of her eager hands and rubs it all over her palms.

Getting stalked, then milked, and now getting a handjob from a Dwarf... not really how I planned on today going, but hey. A Guild Master has to roll with the punches.

Gwinlinn grabs my cock slowly and tenderly with a firm grip. Not at all how I imagined she would, but I figure she’s still exploring and actually coming to terms with being in direct contact with a man’s penis. Her reaction as she studies it is priceless, I swear her green eyes are sparkling just from holding me.

“Yer harder than steel, and hotter than a Dwarven forge...” She remarks with a hazy sigh. Her grip becomes just a bit tighter, but she still doesn’t move yet.

“Before you do anything, I need to say something important.” I raise a hand towards Gwinlinn and she looks at me as if to say ‘well hurry the fuck up then’. “This is going to sound really fucking stupid but I promise it’s true. Don’t swallow my cum, it’s magic and you can get addicted to it.”

Gwinlinn stares at me with complete and utter confusion, which is generally what I was expecting. She opens her mouth to speak, pauses, and shakes her head. “Ya really aren’ fuckin’ kiddin’ are ya?”

“My sex life is in a very strange place right now.” I nod my head.

Laughing, Gwinlinn finally begins to stroke me up and down softly. “Well, whatever. Let’s get ya goin.”

My hands clench into the seat of the chair- this isn’t normal, this is just a handjob- yet I instantly buck my hips into it. “W-What... the fuck...?!”

Gwinlinn’s hands effortlessly massage me starting from my sack to my tip and the way she uses her fingers to push and prod into the meat of my dick is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. She’s repeatedly tenderizing me in a million different spots all at once while somehow managing to stroke me at the same time.

“Told ya it’d be different.” The short, spiky haired dwarf is extremely pleased with herself but nowhere near as pleased as I am right now.

I’d even say I’m a little TOO pleased, this feels amazing. I throb and pulse hard between her tight fingers as swiftly changes the type of stimulation faster than my body can adjust to it. Gwinlinn suddenly starts twisting both of her soft yet firm hands in different directions up and down my shaft while screwing back up to meet in the middle. To make it even worse when she reaches the middle, tip and base of my cock the skilled Dwarf applies a heavenly pressure by digging in expertly with her thumbs.

I clench and jerk upwards again, biting my teeth.

“I’m... not gonna... fucking L-LAST like this very long...!!” I warn her, but it only seems to make her feel even more playful.

Suddenly she grabs me by the base of my cock and squeezes my balls all with one hand, transforming her grip into a cock ring that prevents me from cumming. “Ah said ya wouldn’t take long, but lemme have a BIT more fun, alrigh’? How ya like... this?”

The fingers on her opposite hand crawl up my length slowly and she pummels me with a thousand little taps a second, each one seemingly digging into a different pressure point I never even knew existed until now.

As my breathing becomes all the heavier, I have to admit. This feels just as good as a pussy albeit in a completely different way.

“Heh. Seems ya like that.” She smirks, now feeling completely in control and apparently entirely over the small bit of virgin apprehension she had left. “Ya wanna cum, don’t ya?”

“Gods, fucking YES.” I roar as she squeezes me.

“When ah let go of this hand ah mine, are ya gonna burst?” She laughs in a smug, condescending manner that only serves to make my anticipation grow.


“Mm. For I go an’ let ya do that, I wanna give ya some food fer thought. See. This is just me improvisin’. Imagine how good ah could treat ya if ah actually learned how ta please a cock with some more practice.”

“HOLY FUCK- LET ME CUM!” I shout, embarrassed because I’ve never got to the verge of cumming this fast before, ever...

“Alrigh’ then,” Gwinlinn’s smirk becomes more devilish and she suddenly points my cock at her mouth. “Bottoms up, a Dwarf can’t go resisting yer pale ale now can she?” She winks, lets go of my cock and starts stroking it until I madly cum.


It’s too late. As soon as removes her grip I’m already cumming a powerful stream onto her face and into her mouth. She’s blushing fiercely and moaning, but most importantly she’s deliberately swallowing as much of my load as she can. Her eyes open wider in disbelief, I can’t imagine she was expecting just this much cum and I was not in the right mindset to give her a heads up notice.

To her credit she makes sure to nurse my spasming cock with her mighty grip as best as she can, continuing to drain my balls of as much cum as she could before deciding she should probably stop before I lose my mind. I’m very thankful, I think I was getting pretty close there... Getting milked like this twice in one day is hard work...

“I... I told you not to... drink it...”

Gwinlinn is breathing heavily, her face coated in an embarrassingly thick load of my seed. “Yeah, well. Too bad. If yer’ righ’ then ah’ll just have ta go an’ stop by here a few times a week fer some more, righ? An’ have you seen this shitty sty yer runnin’ here mate? Ya let me come over an’ ‘hang out’ and ah’ll make some improvements on the place. Not big ones, mind, this place is too messy fer that. But whadda ya say?”

“Much like everything else you’ve done for me, Gwinlinn, it sounds like I don’t have much choice in the matter...”

“Call me Gwin.” The Dwarf licks up my cum from her lips and swallows it down.

It seems like I’ve picked up another stray... but at least she’s an extremely useful one and is not only smoking hot, but fun to be around in general.

“Are ya gonna get me somethin’ fer this or am ah gonna have ta lick it all up?” She asks impatiently.

“Right, sorry. Most of the time the girls all drink it and-”

“The girls?” Gwin tilts her head. She doesn’t seem jealous or anything, just curious.

“My adventurers. The cum isn’t just addictive... it sorta... powers you up.”

Gwin just looks at me like I’m speaking nonsense before slamming her fist into her knee as a reaction to her own uproarious laughter.

“Fuckin’ more fulla surprises than Lomderlum Smeltmane aren’t ya? Sure, magic cum. Why the fuck not.” I then watch as the redhead eagerly scoops up and devours the rest of my semen. “Ah kinda like the taste... that one of yer powers too?”

“Probably.” I sigh, since the others have all said something similar.

Once Gwin finishes cleaning herself up, we head back into the entrance hall. Still no sign of Zutiria, but I can hear the groaning sounds of Sam and Meri coming from upstairs. I can’t get over that the both of them thought I meant to just stand there attacking each other for two-ish hours without any breaks... they really do need a combat instructor more than I could have imagined, if I can’t leave for that long without them all but dying from heat exhaustion.

After the brief check in I meet Gwin back at the now completed door.

“Sorry about that, just wanted to make sure they were doing alright up there. They had a bit of an accident during training.”

“Yeah, yeah, you’ll introduce me to em soon ah’m sure. More importantly ah’m ready to start the enchantments. How fast does that magic jizz of yers work, is it gonna go an make my magic stronger?”

“Yes, unless for some reason it doesn’t work on Dwarves. You’re the first one to ever take any of my semen.”

At my comment her general mood seems to pick up. She smiles and scratches the back of her head. “That righ’? Well, only one way ta find out...”

I’m eagerly watching for what happens next. I’ve never seen or heard a Dwarven spellsong in person before, though I know the technique is standard process for any (good) Dwarven craft, and thus it’s a very expensive option that more than makes up for its price due to the added quality. It was even used in the creation of the special glasses I’m wearing right now.

Gwin steps forward and enters an almost meditative silence. I don’t know how she does it, but the light in the room seems to almost vanish and even though the sun pours in from the exposed door I feel... buried. Trapped deep beneath the earth within a cavern... a cave... no, a mountain.

Here in this lightless and suffocating atmosphere, a warmth bellows out from Gwin’s lips as her breath escapes her. It fills the dark room with frenzied fire and sparks dance about within the air, as if flittering out of the pits of a forge.

She then begins her song in a deep, beautiful voice rivaled only by the billowing baritones of long dead mountain kings in their halls of stone.

Standing tall and firm and stout, never shall ye budge

Push and pull and hammer and strike, evil shall not trudge

By my voice ye shall stand strong, thus are the words of my song


You will not break you will not bend, of this I am so sure

Whether sword or axe or stone or steel, of these you will endure

By my voice ye shall stand strong, thus are the words of my song


Thus are the words of my song


The lyrics of her song transform into Dwarven runes that fly around the room, each note possessing intense heat as it joins the growing parade of music made magic circling the entire entrance hall of the guild.

Gwin raises a single hand to her lips, bends over and blows a delicate stream of air towards the door almost as if blowing a kiss. The runes then merge with the door and it glows hotter and brighter with every last word of the song until finally the enchantment is complete and the room snaps back to normal.

“Well, that about does it- WAIT ARE YA FUCKIN’ CRYING?!” She blushes but laughs as soon as she looks in my direction.

“No, you... s-shut up, that was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. Please tell me you’ll sing for me again sometime!” I get on my knees to be closer to face level with the little Dwarf girl and her freckled cheeks become redder at my closeness.

“Ah, yeah that’s like... no big deal an’ shit. A-Ah’m not even that good yet... though ah definitely felt like it was stronger than normal cause of yer fancy jizz, ah guess.” She looks away out of slight embarrassment and grabs the door, hoists it to the correct place and fastens it expertly with the finesse of a master.

Before I can even thank her for a job very well done, light fills the room and Zutiria appears at the Return Gate. It seems her round of adventuring went very well- she’s touting two bags filled up with slime cores and the hands of living fungi.

The little Mage looks to me, then the Dwarf. ‘Sir, you haven’t even bedded the one that got here yesterday and you’re already working on the next one? How bold.’

For her part Gwin just laughs it up and apparently doesn’t question the floating blue text. I just sigh, yet smile. “Welcome back, Zutiria.”


Merry Crimmas or whatever everyone, I'm more of a bah humbug type so maybe you could teach me the true meaning of Christmas by pledging to my Patreon! Then you can read the next 5 chapters and a growing number of bonus chapters! https://www.patreon.com/mhfap

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