Rise of the Guild Master

How it Happened

I can’t believe the audacity of that man. After I had already steeled myself and resigned to my fate, he had to go and make that collar for me. Honestly... how did he even manage to get it made in such a short amount of time? Knowing him, he probably has a Dwarven craftswoman in his pocket as well or something like that...

I didn’t even really want one...


He still actually made that collar for me, and that’s more than anyone’s ever done for me at the Breeding Tribe. Beastfolk tend to not be very materialistic, sure, but that doesn’t mean a cat doesn’t love her jewels now, does it?

Of course, it wasn’t really about the diamonds. I saw myself in the reflection of those glittering stones, and the person I saw looking back at me was someone I didn’t want to be any longer. He was right- the only person who was stopping me from achieving everything I’ve ever wanted was me. 

Why should anyone ever have to be that sad?

It’s funny how one stupid little gesture can sometimes be enough to shatter your worldview and put everything into perspective. I was stubborn... turning my nose at him and his offers of love out of obligation to the place I was born.

I realized, albeit painfully that there isn’t anything here for me at the Breeding Tribe. It’s not like I didn’t already know that, but... the harder I tried to rationalize my decision, the less sense it made to me.

All I had here is thankless work and the promise that I’d eventually have to mate with someone I don’t love to keep this cycle going. On the other paw... if I left forever right here and right now, I’ll be loved and treated like the treasure I am.

I’m worth all those diamonds and more, damn it. I wouldn’t let this stupid tribe beat down my sense of self-worth any longer.

If he’s going to keep growing his career from here on out, then by all accounts, he’s right- he needs me. The Myaster is clearly not a homemaker. That much is obvious. I’ll be the one to lead his battle on the homefront. I’ll clean that Guild myself top to bottom if I must, and I’ll make it so that no one in that building ever goes hungry. That will be my role as the head maid of his Adventurer’s Guild and as his mate.

I left that alleyway in a rush to settle my affairs as fast as possible, leaving the Myaster behind me so quickly that he probably got the wrong idea. Cherry and Peri are helping pack a crate of chew toys when I get back, so I find someone to take over their job and take them out back of the tent to tell them my plan.

“What? Are you for real?!” Cherry yelped with happiness as soon as she heard.

“You’re really gonna come home with us?!” Peri lept into my arms right away, unable to control herself at the thought of us staying together.

“Yes, yes, shhhhh...” I hug the kitten who would soon become my mate-sister and stroked her lovely blue hair. “Quiet down. I don’t want the whole tent knowing until I contact the elders...”

“I swore you were going to tell him off. What changed your mind?” Cherry tilts her head.

My eyes darted to the left, slightly ashamed of how the answer was going to sound. “If I said it was a diamond collar, would that make me sound like a shallow bitch?”

“Yeah, pretty much, nyaa.” Peri nodded her head.

“I mean, yes?” Cherry laughs.

I blushed and sighed, knowing full well how it made me look. “It wasn’t really the collar. It was what it represented...”

Both of the maids I helped train embraced me and nuzzled into opposite sides of my neck. “We know,” Peri giggles. “We’re just teasing you.”

“Are you coming home with us tonight?”

“No, I owe it to the tribe to at least see them off tomorrow. Gods only know how long my resignation is going to take, too...” I groan, feeling a stress headache begin forming at the thought. “And... um... I have a small confession to make. I sort of left the Myaster standing there back in the alley, nyaa.”

“You mean... you didn’t even tell him you’re going to become his mate?” When Cherry says that, it makes me blush.

“...No. I suddenly felt really embarrassed about how hard I was trying to reject him right when I realized I didn’t really have any good reasons to reject him in the first place.”

Cherry points out a valid criticism, “You’ve always been so damn stubborn, this might be the first time I’ve ever seen someone change your mind...”

Peri is much more emotional, hammering home my guilt, “Snow, you should go tell him! He’s probably really hurt right now!”

“I know, damn it, I know! But... can’t you just... let it be a surprise?” I need more time to ready my heart for this, even if I can’t admit it.

“A surprise?” Peri didn’t see it my way at first and instead worried about consoling her mate.

“Yes. Tomorrow morning after the tribe leaves, I’ll sneak in through a window in the east wing. Then, I can just wait in that big storage closet for the whole day.”

Putting her hands on her hips, Cherry frowned and looked at me angrily. Hard to believe only a week ago, she was hissing and calling the man she’s now defending a rapist. “Really, Snow. Why can’t you just be honest with Myaster?”

I took in a deep breath of air before just letting out the truth.

“Because I’m a bitch who’s terrible with her emotions, and I need to do this my way, or I’ll barely be able to present myself to him, damn it!” I may have snapped, but it worked out in my favor. The two looked at me with a surprising amount of reluctant understanding, and neither maid questioned my intentions further than that after laying my honesty bare.

We went our separate ways with the knowledge that we would all be mated to the same man by tomorrow night.

Telling the elders my intention to leave the services of the Breeding Tribe went even worse than I imagined, somehow. They were furious that I would leave after ‘how much they’ve done for me’ and such, practically repeating the same indoctrination I was repeating in my head. I took a lot of abuse just so that Myaster wouldn’t hurt his newly formed ties with the Tribe. Making sure to stress that this was my decision, I argued passionately that he didn’t pressure me into it whatsoever and that I fell in love with him. While they never called me anything unbecoming, they indeed hinted at it as often as they could during our call.

Then, after they got all that unpleasantness out of the way, the elders began making me offers to try and convince me to stay. Ironically, one such promise was for an antique collar to be gifted to me in exchange for more servitude. I told them no, I already had my eyes on a new collar I saw in town. Then they offered me any male I wanted- as if I couldn’t have gotten that on my own accord- and I once again dismissed them.

These offers went on and on, offering me endless bullshit that I didn’t need and that wouldn’t make me happy whatsoever. The fact that they were so desperate to keep me reaffirmed that the Tribe would be much worse off if I were to leave. Too bad for them. I put my paw down and refused any and all offers they made me.

It all came to a head when, in the end, the elders tried asking a final favor of me. If I was going to go to him anyway, I might as well do the Tribe a ‘solid’ and give my new Myaster the privilege of having to pay for me, and recommended that I set the price for myself at two million gold.

I did not take kindly to this wonderful idea, and in retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have told the elders to all go fuck themselves up the ass... I turned off the Stone of Farspeech after that and resolved myself for whatever came next.

I’m worried that I might have made things tense between the Myaster and the Tribe, but... a girl can only take so much... ah, well.

After that arduous experience, I had to go through the less daunting task of telling everyone else I won’t be leaving with them in the morning. Rather than more begging and sadness, my sudden announcement was met with cheers from the males and jealousy from the females. They all wanted to come and meet the Myaster, but I put a stop to that before it could devolve into a mass exodus...

I came to tears over how happy everyone was that I had found a place to belong, and there wasn’t a bit of resentment to be heard. I despise the Tribe as a structure, as an institution, but... I could never hate the Beastfolk who make it up.

These people would always be my original family, even if I had a new one waiting for me at my forever home.

After a long day and night of packing, I was able to get a few hours of sleep before seeing them off in the morning. Again, I cried as I watched the caravans roll out of this miserable city. It felt surreal at that moment, not going with them. Part of me felt like I was still supposed to go along, and seeing them leave without me was like an out-of-body experience.

But all it took to snap me back to reality was to imagine my new life from this point on, and any lingering sentimentality became nothing but dust in the wind. They’ll be fine without me. The Myaster won’t. I’ve seen his Guild... it’s utterly hopeless. Such a place should be a welcoming sight to an adventurer returning home from a quest, and it was to be my job to make it that way.

With a large case of my clothes and other possessions, I could barely contain my excitement. I hopped up on the closest building to scale and run as fast as I could among the rooftops to my Myaster’s home- MY home. In all my years of freerunning across Karnalle, I don’t think I ever ran as fast as I did this morning.

When I arrived, I peered in through a hole in the entrance hall and saw that the Myaster was eating with Peri and Cherry. Perfect time to sneak in. For someone at war with a crime lord, this building has abysmal defenses... I was able to finagle the window open and slip in. I knew he’s aware of the sorry state of his Guild, but I still made a mental note to discuss this with him later.

As quiet as I could, I snuck into the storage room. This was a good call since there was plenty to clean throughout the day while waiting for tonight. Peri and Cherry were supposed to clean the entrance hall, but I stopped that and put them to work with me in the closet. We had one close call, but I hid, and the girls distracted Myaster before he entered and saw all the work we’d done. There was also a moment where I unintentionally used too much of my strength when moving a box, and I slammed it down, which caused a loud noise. I’m not sure if the Myaster heard it, but it was risky nonetheless.

He’ll be surprised to find that two of the three storage rooms have been cleaned top to bottom. Peri’s skills at housework have improved dramatically, and it’s only been a week since she left... he must have been a very positive influence on her. Cherry is much more focused now as well.

After that, I waited till I was sure the mating ceremony had begun. Once I was confident, I changed into the matching clothes and ran upstairs.  Through a tiny crack in the door, I watched the entire thing from start to finish until my cue, which we agreed upon earlier in the day- when the girls put a blindfold on the Myaster. I will admit that the stimulation was too much for me. With muffled breaths and suppressed mews of pleasure, I masturbated the entire time. I enjoyed several somewhat enjoyable orgasms while the smell of my Myaster’s thick seed wafting through the air drove me crazy. Of course, it was nowhere near enough... but the time for me to join in finally came at last.

I entered the room and watched Peri and Cherry suck the Myaster off one more time, but an idea came to me early on. Standing over the edge of the bed, I wiggled my claw to indicate them to come closer.

“Huh?” Peri stops, sat up, and she and Cherry are both silent while they tilt their ears towards me.

“Draw it out as long as possible, make him wait for it so I can watch what it looks like when he squirms, nyaa. Then, when he’s ready to blow, I’ll jack him off to finish things.” I whispered to both of my new mate-sisters, watching a naughty smile spread to all three of our faces.

“Uh, girls...?” That poor little man asked, waiting for more service and writhing in agony.

“Sorry, Myaster!” Peri whined. “Thought I heard something, nyaa...”

“That’s a bit troubling, but it might just be Meri watching from the door...” Myaster sounds suspicious. He must have heard me when I was moving the boxes...

“Nah, the door’s closed...” Cherry is quick to have my back, diverting the attention away. “It’s all good, don’t worry about it! Anyway, I just had a fun idea... let’s really make Myaster wait for it.”

“Oh, yeah, that DOES sound like a fun idea!” Peri said, sounding entirely insincere and drawing further suspicion. Both Cherry and myself gave her a stern look for her poor delivery.

“Is there something the two of you want to tell me? I- Ahhh...” Thankfully, like most men, the Myaster is distracted as soon as attention was returned to his dick, thanks to Peri.

From that point on, I watched an excellent teasing session. Although I couldn’t see his eyes, the way his body and his cock twitched in agony the longer the pleasure was drawn out was everything I’d ever dreamed of and more. All my life, I fantasized about having myself a mate who wanted nothing more than to let me take advantage of him and give him delicious suffering. Seeing Peri and Cherry live this out right in front of my eyes was like a delightful preview of the rest of my life.

Every so often, I whispered into their ears, telling them what to do out of excitement and how to do it, oh, it was so fun...! As soon as he was ready to blow, I prepared a bait and switch. He assumed Peri and Cherry were the ones to grab back ahold of him in the end, but as I touched his pulsing, warm manhood for the first time in my life and jerked him to completion. My Myaster learned the truth right as the girls took off his blindfold, and I pointed his erupting cock at my face and claimed myself.

And that’s how we got to where we are right now. Myaster is laying down, unable to control his joy over my sudden appearance, and me, looking down at him with sadistic eyes through a thick layer of his burning cum.

I’m home.

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