Rise of the Guild Master

Kitchen Kittens

I made good on my word to relax with the girls for the rest of tonight, and Meri understands just as much as Sam that I’m not feeling well enough to explain the Bond Level situation. I don’t even feel like looking through all of that stuff anyway right now.

Cherry and Peri had finished up their tour about the same time I was finishing inside Sam, and their reactions upon seeing the both of us emerge from my office were... telling.

They could both smell the scent of my semen in the air and neither girl could hide their reaction to it if they wanted to.

Peri keeps trying to get closer to me while Cherry holds her back, reminding her that they can’t do anything lewd. Even the more brash Catmaid is affected, though, and I often catch her sniffing the air and exhaling dreamily when she thinks I’m not looking.

The tour went well although both maids are extremely skeptical of how long cleaning this place might take. The pink maid insists she’s good at cleaning, while Peri admits that if she’s hurried along too fast she’s prone to errors and she isn’t very co-ordinated.

This sours Cherry’s mood when she hears Peri explain it, and it’s obvious she’s holding back her desire to start talking over Peri and try to defend her. 

I reassure her that there’s no need to be so worried for her friend’s sake, and Cherry hesitantly relents after that.

Eventually the evening approaches and I decide to bring both of the new kitties into the kitchen for their first test. I wasn’t about to have them do any cleaning today, but I thought that preparing dinner together could be a good bonding activity for the three of us.

“I’m ok at it, I guess...” Cherry crosses her arms.

“Um... I’ll do my best but don’t expect too much, Myaster...” Peri nervously looks away.

“No, no, it’s ok Peri! I can do all of your work if-”

“Cherry.” I raise my voice sternly and watch as the pink kitten’s expression changes to a frown.

“Force of habit, nyaa...”

In response the blue kitten looks away shyly, trying to make sure she doesn’t seem too upset at her friend but also thankful that I didn’t let her talk over her.

And with that, I give them each an apron and have them show me what they can do.

I show them where the ingredients are located and Cherry makes a bratty comment about how few options there are, I hold my tongue because she has every right to say that. I’ll have to start spending a bit more on food now that the Guild’s staff has expanded especially now that Opalina is out of town and won’t be stopping by to feed us.

It would honestly be a better investment to send the girls off on some non-official hunting quests and have them use the Returners to transport some ingredients from the local area, but we’d need an actual chef or... butcher with some sort of experience if we actually wanted to prepare meat.

I shudder at the thought, that single word having been ruined for me forever. Rest in peace, Abner. You’re with Tenebris Primis, now.

Peri sets to work meekly chopping up some vegetables to make a thick soup with, but I stop her before she gets too far along. Her knife work is very sloppy and I fear for her safety...

“Peri, dear, no. Like this.” I approach her from behind and lean over, taking the knife from her paws and accidentally pressing my body into her. She stifles a small moan and bites her lip as she watches the way I slice potatoes, and by the time I realize this was growing sexual it was too late. Peri was grinding her big butt up against me and I promptly jumped backwards.



“I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN, WHAT’D YOU DO YOU SCUM?!” Cherry drops the haunch of lamb she was preparing onto the counter and runs over to pounce on me, but thankfully she stops when Peri speaks.

“CHERRY, STOP! I-It was my fault... Myaster was showing me how to do it and he got real close... nyaa... it made me want to... push against him down there...” The blue kitten shyly pulls up her apron over her face, making her attempt at hiding even cuter since she doesn’t even need to hide in the first place. Her bangs cover her eyes completely.

“Shit...” Cherry gives me a skeptic yet apologetic expression. “I almost clawed you, too...” She sighs.

“Well, let’s see that you don’t. Peri, try doing it like I showed you. Don’t rush it and go slow, I’m not asking for perfection so don’t feel like you need to rush to get things done.”

“Right... I’ll try that, Myaster.” Peri bows respectfully, albeit nervously, and moves back to work on the cutting board as soon as I hand her the knife back.

“Let’s see how you’re doing, shall we?” I clasp Cherry by her bare shoulder and she shudders at the touch as I begin leading the kitty back to her counter.

She looks up at me and bites her lower lip, and I notice her eyes become watery. “Don’t... get too close... please, nyaa. I’m a girl, too, you know. I can smell... what you did to your mate...” Cherry begins grinding her thighs together and her long, bushy tail straightens out as she shivers.

“Fuck- this is going to take some getting used to...” A sigh escapes my lips as I take my hand from Cherry’s shoulder and stuff it in my pocket, then slide away from her by a few feet.

The Catmaid looks at me suspiciously, but still with firmly flushed cheeks. “You really aren’t doing it on purpose, then...?” She mutters.

“Absolutely not. Why would I purposefully jeopardize any chance I have at making sure you two stay here with me? I’m just not used to having to keep my distance for fear of... urges arising.”

Cherry opens her mouth from disbelief then looks strangely around the room, almost like she has trouble doubting than any of this is even real. She whispers something to me, but I can’t hear it. When she realizes this she blushes harder and repeats herself in a barely audible whisper. “I’m sorry...”

“You’re fine.” My hand reaches out to pet her head absentmindedly but I pull it back as soon as I remember it’s a bad idea.

Cherry stops me and grabs my wrist with her paw. “You... can... do it.”

Peri stops what she’s doing and looks over at us from across the kitchen, her ears raised from alertness and mouth held shut by her paws. The blue haired kitten stops herself from gasping by covering her opened mouth with her gray and white furred paws.

“Are you stupid or something M-Myaster...? I said you could pet me and I-I’m NOT gonna say it again...!!”

I look at the cute maid with a beating heart, a warm smile lifting up the corners of my mouth. “I’m sorry, Cherry. Good girl.” My hand pats the top of her head and begins to lovingly stroke the fluffiness of her pink curls.

Cherry begins to relax herself and against her conscious will the maid closes her eyes and breathes deeper. “Who’s a pretty kitty?” I ask her as I begin to grow a little too into it.

This little slip up brings Cherry back to her typical untrustworthy state and she pulls away, “D-Don’t patronize me, nyaa! ...Obviously, I’M a pretty kitty.” She throws in for good measure while swishing her tail around me and going back to work seasoning the lamb haunch.

These two are way too fun. Peri is a quiet beauty and works her hardest even if she’s not the best, while Cherry has a fierce fire surrounding her sweet center.

I check on Peri one more time and see she’s done much better by taking it slow and the rest of the vegetables are ready to stir in the broth she’s making.

She lights up when I approach and I make sure to keep my distance, only to be surprised when Peri hugs me once and pecks me on the cheek with a quick kiss before Cherry can notice.

She pulls away real fast to ensure it doesn’t trigger her arousal too badly, but while she’s at my side she whispers a little something in my ear that certainly grabs my attention. “Cherry hasn’t let anyone pet her for four years, nyaa... You can do it, Myaster... keep going and there’s no way she won’t want to stay at the end of the trial period...”

Peri smiles and goes back to work on her soup while I stand there with a grin on my face, eager to eventually spend more time with these adorable little kittens.

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