Rise of the Guild Master


The evening goes on as we sip our cocktails and engage in many different topics of conversation. I’m having the time of my life here, soaking in the beauty of Opalina Hart and whiling away the night in her company.

“Catgirl maids, huh?” She laughs and rolls her head back, “I suppose that might work... but are they even going to be any good at cleaning? They’re cats, Dear.”

“That’s exactly what I said. But it’s too good of an idea to pass up... the Guild needs work as you’ve noticed. And the first step is to clean it.”

She raises an eyebrow and leans over the couch, an accusing glare in her purple eyes. “You could clean it, you know.”

Taking a nervous sip of my cocktail, I close my eyes and look away. “I could. But I won’t.”

Shaking her head, Opalina sighs and crosses her arms in an amused way. “How irresponsible. Where did I go wrong, raising a man like you?”

I offer a cheeky suggestion, “Maybe there weren't enough spankings?”

It makes her roll her eyes and continue her laughter. “Oh shush.  Besides, a clean Guild isn’t the only problem you’re facing here. I want you to find a White Mage as soon as you can, and while there’s not much you can do for little Zutiria’s condition... Samantha, on the other hand...”

I tilt my head, eager to have the implication explained. “Go on.”

“You have figured but I was, mmmm, listening in on your conversation the other day. Don’t be mad, Dear.” She blushes and hides behind her drink, but I’m not bothered by it. Mothers are supposed to be nosy.

“Are you saying you have an idea on how she can fight back against her Royal Blood?” Perking up with interest, my eyes zip straight to hers.

Her mood deflates and I can pick up that this wasn’t the case and didn’t mean to lead me on. “No, I meant your solution... Sorry. You see, I have a friend who’s out of town right now but I believe I could arrange a meeting for Samantha and her. It would be very beneficial. Oh! But you’d have to clean up the training yard out back of the guild first.”

Now she has my interest. “Oh? The training yard? We were using it just last week when Zutiria arrived. It’s not in good shape but it’d be easier to make it usable than it would be to clean the rest of the guild.” I let out an embarrassed laugh. “This friend of yours, though...”

“Nikita. She’s a former mercenary, although you might’ve guessed with a name like that.” She laughs, “I mean, what Grekkan isn’t a mercenary at some point in their life?”

Ah. A Grekkan... that’s actually a very good idea, come to think of it.

Grekka is a realm just outside of the inner rim, not too close to Karnalle but not too far either. Only a few weeks away on a good Void Ship if I’m not mistaken. A Realm traveller is a fairly rare sight anywhere, but Grekkans are always off on some divine quest to please Zeus or invading other realms in the name of Ares... they’re hardly reclusive.

Dewhurst attracts all the ruffians from Karnalle and even some beyond, I’ve seen plenty of Grekkans in town now and then. It’s easy to pick them apart from the haughty behaviour and their distinct armor and weaponry.

I more or less get what Opalina is implying from this and the thought intrigues me. “You think your friend would be willing to train Sam? The offer sounds great, don't get me wrong, and Sam DOES need to learn how to fight properly but it’s not like I can afford an instructor, Opal... and I can’t imagine a former Grekkan mercenary would be very cheap.”

I can hardly think of a more qualified combat coach than a veteran mercenary from a culture that’s renowned for their thorough training methods and dedication when it comes to raising heroes.

“I’ll have a talk with her when she gets back. She owes me quite a lot for all the times I’ve patched her up over the years, and... I think you’d interest her. Retirement doesn’t suit her very well, you know? Maybe if you get more girls who need physical training it would be good to have someone like Nikita in your life.” Opalina giggles and takes a suggestive sip of her cocktail.

“Are you already trying to hook me up with your friends?” I can’t stop myself from laughing and downing a large gulp of my own drink.

The mature woman in her radiantly beautiful purple dress gives me a knowing wink. “Mommy knows best.”

I finish my drink and blurt out. “Are we really doing the Mommy thing?”

A smirk appears. “Not ALL the time. Why, are you complaining?”

“I am not.”

At that point, all the tension between us just seems to fade and neither of us can stop each other from laughing.

“Oh, gods, Dear... this is so much fun.”

I scoot a bit closer on the couch to her, returning my hand to her thigh overtop the skirt of her beautiful dress. “I missed you.”

Biting her quivering lip and fighting back a small stream of tears, Opalina takes off her glasses and sets them off on the coffee table nearby. She nods her head. “I missed you too... I missed you... I missed you so much... Dear...” She sniffles and in one fell motion scoops her arms around my neck and pulls me into the exposed cleavage of her breasts.

Considering that I’ve practically never seen the good doctor in anything other than a bulky sweater, this is the first time I’ve ever felt the skin of her massive boobs and it’s almost more than I can bear.

“Don’t ever leave me again.” She commands, sobbing quietly.

“I won’t...” I tell her, and I mean it.

“I won’t let you.” Opalina hugs me even tighter into her chest. “And another thing. Don’t even think about paying for the Princess’s treatment.”

This news surprised me, and if I’m being honest about it it upset me a little bit. Against my own wishes I pull out of her cleavage and look her in the eyes. “I didn’t visit you because I wanted free treatment for Sam, Opal. I... I can’t accept that.”

Although her face is an emotional mess, she toughens up and shakes her head left to right. “You’re going to accept it, and you’re also going to accept the 100,000 Gold I have for you to take home tomorrow. You’ll use it to buy one of the maids next time the Breeding Tribe is in town.”

... Huh? I tilt my head, then shake it. No, she didn’t just...

“What...?” I wonder aloud, looking her dead on.

Surely I didn’t hear that right. I close my eyes and blink several times incredulously. Yet no matter how many times I check, Opalina is still resolute and determined.

“No.” I say, tensing my eyebrows just a bit. “I don’t want your pity, Opal. I... can’t do that.”

There’s a small gasp, and before I even know what happened she slaps me across the face then and there and I’m left just completely and utterly stunned- staring into her eyes for what feels like near eternity.

For the first time in my life, Opalina Hart is mad at me from the bottom of her soul. Her face twists in unrecognizable rage and tears endlessly flow down her cheeks. “How... how DARE you think I’m pitying you...?! You selfish, NARROW-SIGHTED LITTLE BOY!”

Narrow... sighted...?

“You should have come to me YEARS ago, and I would have helped you. I know you’ve created this narrative of self pity for yourself where you’ve been all alone your whole life, and how you spiralled out of control because you kept failing in your business, but GODS, you were NEVER alone!” She thrusts her balled fists to the sides of her body to emphasize her point.

“When it happened, I... I offered to formally adopt you, but you were so determined to take over your grandfather’s legacy and abuse the legal loophole with the Association so that you, a ten year old, could inherit the Guild... seeing you like that... all I could do was nod my head! OF COURSE YOU FAILED! OF COURSE THEY BUILT A NEW GUILD TO REPLACE DEWHURST!! YOU WERE JUST A CHILD and... and...!!” She bites her lip before she can continue.

She struggles deeply to drive the blade even further in. Opalina knows I need to hear it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt her to be the one who has to say it. “AND YOU’LL ALWAYS BE A CHILD UNTIL YOU LEARN THAT YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING ON YOUR OWN!!”


I try to talk, but there are no words.

When did I start crying? 

“Dear... I’m so sorry... I never wanted to raise my voice at you... but...” She starts sobbing. “Those girls have done so much good for you in the weeks you’ve known them... you’re an entirely different person now...! They’ve helped you so much... and they’re such sweet, sweet girls- really, they are... Samantha is so troubled but she’s the warmest little bundle of sunshine I’ve ever met, and the way she talks about you... gods, you’d think you were her world. She balances you out perfectly.” Opalina giggles and laughs, though it’s muffled by the tears she’s wiping from her face.

“And little Zutiria reminds me so much of you, but so sheltered... and truly alone... She may be older than you, but you and I both know something... happened to her. Something that left her stunted... she needs your care, especially because of how much you can relate to her. You need her as a reminder that if she can fight against her own darkness, so can you.”

There’s a very long and drawn out silence as I’m left dumbfounded, wondering if she’s finished.

She’s not.

“I’m not a jealous woman, Dear. You know that, yes?”

I meekly nod my head, subserviently.

“I just... want to know...” Opalina begins, her voice trying to sound firm but quickly devolving into yet more sobbing and sadness. “Why won't you let me in and help you the only way I know how?! You’re looking after those girls... but... who’s looking after you? I ask because you’re sure as hell doing a bad job of it yourself!”

She then stares at me with a face so devastatingly sad that I stop breathing just from one look at it.

“Am... I... not good enough for you...?”

I close any distance left between us in one quick motion, pulling myself to her body and wrapping my arms around her curves tightly. I look straight into her purple eyes as I kiss Opalina for the first time, and I make damn well sure she sees every bit of my resolution and determination.

I will never hurt this woman again.

Her lips are warm, and soft.

I will make Opalina Hart my woman, and give her the place at my side that she always yearned for.

I want to feel her lips against mine forever, they feel so good.

She was right. It’s alright to be taken care of... I can’t be always fending for myself or trying to take care of others without any regard for what happens to me.

I kiss her harder.

I won’t push her away ever again...

Our tongues make first contact, and I’m overtaken by the wet, velvety muscle as it presses down on my own. It’s different from Sam and Zutiria, this is a deep, practiced kiss from someone who knows what they’re doing. A kiss so good it all but melts my heart and causes a swelling in my pants.

Opalina moans into my mouth and I feel her steamy breath, her eyes lidded with foggy lust. I know an opportunity when I see one, and I place my hand on her thigh with the intention of moving it further up.

Before I can even so much as reach into her dress, however, she swats away my hand and grips me with surprising power. “Did you learn nothing just now, little man?”

I shake my head. “No, I know what to do. I’m never going to hurt you ever again, I’m going to-” 

Opalina smiles and narrows her eyes, before I know it her finger is placed on my lips. “I’m not done speaking. Nod your head along with me if you understand.” She waits patiently until I nod.

“Good boy. I don’t care what sort of magical destiny fast-pass you have to other women’s nethers. You will NOT be making me your woman.”

The thought terrifies me, but I nod my head.

“I will be making you MY man. Understood?”

I nod my head so rapidly and enthusiastically she drops the serious facade entirely and starts giggling uncontrollably. “Such a naughty little boy. I think we need to let out all that pent up naughtiness, wouldn’t you say? Shhhh shh shh. Don’t say it. Just follow my instructions. Go inside my bedroom, strip, and lay down on the bed as you wait for me to arrive. Alright?”

“Yes, Miss Hart.”

“Yes MOMMY.” She corrects me with a devilish smile.

“Yes, Mommy.” The words make my cock stiff as an iron rod as they leave my lips, something that ‘Mommy’ very much noticed as evident by the roguish smile spreading across her freshly kissed lips.

“Go. You’ve kept me waiting long enough, I won’t let you ever do it again.” She stares at me silently, before pointing to her bedroom. “GO!”

I take the hint and hightail it to her bedroom but not before she sneaks in a strong spank on my way out. I hear her giggling fade into the distance behind me as I exit the room.

The bedroom of Opalina is somewhere that I’ve never been, yet it feels so familiar and comfortable. This is where she lives... This bed is where she’s dreamed of me for gods know how many nights. And now, tonight is the night that we're going to share it together. Tonight the two of us shall give into our mutual inhibitions, and I’ll let her claim me.

After stripping myself and laying on the bed as commanded, a bit more of my clarity returns and I briefly fall down from this emotional high. A lot of things are still unclear about how our relationship is going to work from now on, but one thing is painfully clear.

I love Opal... and Opal loves me.

These rest of it will all fall into place sooner than later and all that’s left for right here, right now, is to do what I’m told. I trust her. Just like I always should have.

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