Rise of the Guild Master

Roggerolls and Lester Moles

Sam and Zutiria have departed for the west gate for the first time to take care of a brand new kill quest. The land out that way is craggy and rocky and they’ll be taking care of a monster that causes problems in that region. It’ll end up as a somewhat dangerous threat if they’re not careful, but I’ve also picked out a backup easier monster for them to go hunting for if the first pick is too much.

The first monster happens to be a large, sentient rock with eyes known as a Roggeroll. These bizarre things like to roll around and attack anything they lay eyes on and as such they pose quite a bit of problem to traders heading west of Dewhurst. I never would have sent them on this quest a week ago, but the deciding factor is that Sam has actual armor now.

I want this to be their focus as these things go for 650G per kill, a little bit more than what they pay for Pinemen. Inside of their rocky interior lies a heart crystal that would probably sell for a lot if it wasn’t what we had to send to the Association as proof of kill.

The local stores won’t accept our business so it’s no use trying to focus on monsters that can be dismantled and sold for additional parts right now, and Sam was itching for a challenge. I think she’s a little mad that the dossier made her look like one big joke when the reality is that yes, Sam is a very unpolished warrior, but she’s trying her damned hardest to become a competent one.

It was hard to tell her ‘no, I want you to stick to something easier while I test out Taskmaster’. Besides, if anything goes wrong they can just use Returners and come back via the Return Gate as soon as I give them permission.

Speaking of the Return Gate, once more of the rooms are cleaned out and fixed I’d really like to invest some money in having Zutiria build more of them and relocate the one we already have into a spare room in the west wing’s first floor. One of the big workshop rooms by the lounge would do well, I think. I also had an idea to create a processing room in the basement for monster parts. The way it could work is we’d install a return gate on the ceiling so it could just drop down and we wouldn’t have to worry about any teleportation hijinx ensuing. Then we could have someone stationed down there ready to chop things up.

We could maximize profits in the future by doing what I WANTED to do with the Pinemen- assuming we ever get this messy business with the Duke cleared up. I’m still mad over the timing. Did my war on the criminal underbelly really need to sync up with my best idea ever for making gold?

More Guild Masters should do what I have in mind, honestly. I think it’s a very good system but I suppose I’m just forward thinking. Or egotistical...

In case the battle against the Roggerolls ends up being too difficult for Sam and Zutiria on account of their speed, there’s a different monster I had in mind that can also be found on the western outskirts. A particular breed of hairless rodent known as the Lester Mole that grows to be three foot tall in size, their heads filled with nothing but wicked lust. They’re almost an entirely male species, and seem to possess the magical ability to breed with just about anything they can get their grubby little mole hands on. Of course their most well known trait would have to be the bizarre phallic shaped nose that males of the species possess.


I’ve read my fair share of questionable material over the years, but these things are barely any better than the likes of the extended Goblin family- Rapelins included. Such odd, rapey little things they are. Thankfully they aren’t that strong and wouldn’t actually pose a threat to either girl. Not with how much they’ve been improving as of late.

400G per Lester Mole, proof of kill is their long, pink tail.

The Guild is in the outskirts of the southeast side of town, so it’ll still be awhile before Sam and Zutiria get there. I’ll check in on them with Taskmaster later but for now I’ve got some time to follow through with other things.

Meri’s staying home today and she’s eager to be my little secretary even if we won’t actually be doing all that much work related things together. We just need to work on spending time with each other to improve our Bond Level enough so that we can unlock Taskmaster camera capabilities.

That’s more than ok with me. Sam and Zutiria each have had significant time with me alone, and I intend to spoil my newest lover just as much. It would be nice to have some more romantic ‘cuddle times’ with her as well, but I’m not picky if she wants to stay focused on the more hardcore play for now until it’s out of her system. I have a distinct feeling she’s going to be asking me for a very specific request soon, though. Better remind myself where the lube is... typically Zutiria gets it nice and ready for me whenever I’ve fucked Sam’s ass so I don’t remember she keeps it.

At first I had planned to do it to Zutiria as well, but not only is she just not interested, the Rune of Safe Passage is for vaginal intercourse only. I don’t think her tiny body could take it and I doubt it would be all that pleasurable for me if I could.

As for what else needs to be done, Meri goes and changes into her casual clothes and when she gets back we both check on the kitties. They’ve each gotten started cleaning the entrance hall and it’s not going all that well. Peri is overcome with anxiety and keeps sweating from it while Cherry constantly reminds her to go slow and calm down. Meanwhile Cherry can’t focus much on her own work because of how badly she’s stressing herself over Peri.

Something needs to be done...

“Master, I really think that Cherry’s just making it worse...” Meri admits to me as we watch from the ruins of my front desk. “I thought Peri would be really clumsy and awkward and break stuff left and right... but... I dunno, maybe it’s just me but I think they should be separated until Cherry learns to stop doting on her best friend so much...”

“No, Meri. You’re absolutely right.” I pat her on the head and she smiles awkwardly. “I was just thinking something along those same lines myself.”

“Do you have any idea how they got like this? I can’t imagine why they’re so tense around each other... t-they obviously care about each other but” The Shield Maiden asks me with a worried frown on her innocent, round face.

“Not officially. But if I had to guess from the sounds of it, way back when they first turned eighteen and were put up for adoption they likely had a string of bad experiences. Cherry never got over whatever happened and Peri had to sit there as she ruined all of their chances. Yet it’s hard for her to hate Cherry for it, either...”

“That sounds really complicated...” Meri frowns as she watches the kitties go about their cleaning. “Not being able to be mad at someone even if they kinda deserve it.”

The front door to the Guild opens all of a sudden as if it was waiting for the most ironic timing possible. Niall walks into the entrance hall and looks around the place with a seedy, yet nostalgic grin. “Yikes this place ain’t doing so hot, Kiddo! Thought that maybe it wasn’t as bad on the inside as it was on the outside, but... yeesh.”

“W-Welcome, Sir. This is the Dewhurst Adventurer’s Guild, nyaa, and... um...” Peri begins to greet him, but Cherry ends up moving in front of her to protect her from the strange man. In this case I don’t fault her nor do I plan on telling her off afterwards. Niall definitely looks like your average Dewhurstian, even if I know him personally he’s still a shady looking bum.

“Niall, I don’t know what you’re thinking coming in here after so long but I don’t have time for your shit right now. I’m overseeing the cleaning of my Guild, among other things.”

“You know this guy, nyaa?” Cherry gives Peri more space while looking at me for confirmation.


“Hey, I can help if you give me a drink! Got any of the old man’s stash around? Guy was a shitstain but Gods if he didn’t have the best taste in the realms whenever it came to booze. Whaddya say? I got a spare arm to lend.” Niall smiles and waves his right arm towards me and Meri.

“Is this guy really that bad...?” Meri asks me in a soft, whispery tone. “He... seems pretty friendly to me. What all did he do to make you so mad at him...?"


“Then why do you...”

“Sometimes doing nothing hurts a lot more, Meri. Just trust me on this.” I sigh and shake my head.

“Oh.” Meri seems to understand now where I’m coming from. Perhaps she’s thinking of her experience with meeting Sam’s father all those years ago, even if it’s not quite the same.

“That a no, then? Love the kitties by the way.” He points at Peri and Cherry, which makes the pink haired maid hiss warily at him. “Especially that one!”

“Cherry, Peri, continue cleaning if you wouldn’t mind. This won’t take long.” I dismiss the maids from staring at our guest, and they both bow towards me before doing as they’re told. “What did you actually come here for, Niall? I know it wasn’t to help clean up, and it damn sure wasn’t to pick up your first quest in over twenty years.”

“HAH! You’re right about that. I guess I kinda wanted to drop by and see if I could get your support on something.”

“Unlikely, but I’ll hear you out.” Can’t exactly say no when someone walks in with a problem, even if it’s not to register a quest. It’s just in my nature as a Guild Master, I suppose...

“Well now that Abner’s dead I got around to thinking that this town is kind of a shitty place, ain’t it?”

“...Whatever gave you that impression?”

“Heh yeah, I know right? For real. But this is our chance to do something about it!”

“Niall... what in the name of fuck could a one-armed, street begging drunkard possibly do to improve this town besides leaving it forever?”

“He could run for mayor, to start!” Niall gives me a thumbs up, and I suddenly have the urge to request that one of the kitties bring me a very stiff drink.

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