Rise of the Guild Master

Solving a Few Minor Problems

Abigail leaves her father’s room before I can thank her, and the business meeting continues. I’ve been greatly humbled by both her and her noble father, so much so that I almost feel bad for asking for so much. I’m going to have a lot to say to her later tonight when we’re writing notes to each other.

Solomon isn’t too happy about having to pawn all these dresses and jewelry pieces but doesn’t object. He’s more sympathetic to selling all the shoes, though. The Count’s main concern is if any of the gift-givers find out that they were sold then they might take offense. Given how Abigail never leaves her room and doesn’t even like most of the dresses and jewelry, the Steward doesn’t see this minor inconvenience as a hill worth dying on. Based on his estimation, he expects them all to fetch a combined total of near 500k.

I get asked if I have a bank account, which I conveniently do as of yesterday afternoon. I give the Steward all the details, assuring that the Steward can arrange a direct deposit once the funding has been secured. This must have been why Opalina was pushing for me to get one so hard... leave it to that crafty old witch to plan this far ahead. Right as I find myself thinking this, she smiles knowingly like she was reading my mind.

After the association takes their cut out of Pimpington’s bounty, the Guild will earn 480K, bringing the total to an unbelievable amount numbering just short of a million- and that’s just what I’m walking out with today. Gods, Just a few months ago I’d never have believed it if someone told me I’d soon have a million gold to fix up the Guild, and now it’s actually happening. For real. The Guild won’t be up to Perlshaw’s state-of-the-art standards any time soon, but this is one hell of a first step.

“We’ve... just about covered all the important details of the bounties then, have we not...?” Gloomcrest asks, looking for clarification.

“I believe so. Though I have a simple request for our dear guest if he doesn’t mind.” Solomon looks at me with a defeated frown. “I’m truly happy for you that you’re getting everything you want, my job just makes me unable to express it. On the same topic, I ask that you agree to me right here and now that you won’t seek additional payment for any threats we aren’t aware of.”

Opalina nods her head at me, saying, “Normally I’d suggest bleeding the opposition dry, but I think it’d only be fair to accept that Fleetfoot and the Crystal Sage will likely have capable backup just like Pimpington did. You’re already getting a lot, so...”

“Rest assured, Solomon. I won’t push for more.” I couldn’t dream of asking for more money. With the doubled bounty prices as well as Abigail’s gift, the total amount of money we can make here is a staggering 2,880,000 gold- and that’s AFTER the Association takes their cut. So many digits... I can only hope my erection isn’t showing.

No, money isn’t an issue any longer... but... “However, there are a few minor things I’d like to ask for if that’s alright. None of them require money.”

“Speak. I shall be the judge...” The Duke says, yawning. “I... could use a nap soon, though. For whatever reason, I... just couldn’t seem to fall asleep last night...” After an awkward pause on my behalf, he adds in that he was only joking as he laughs a low and eerie laugh.

Relieved, I explain the unique problem I’ve been having with certain businesses refusing to sell to me on account of my feud with the Duke of Dewhurst.

I state that I was wondering if I could get some sort of official documentation to wave around showing that I’m acting under Gloomcrest’s interests. Something I can show merchants- namely Gwin’s clan- that would dissuade them from refusing me business. Thank the Gods, this is an easy enough problem to solve it turns out.

Solomon promises to get me an official decree marked with the Duke’s own personal seal, which will threaten anyone who won’t take my gold with the loss of their business license. All I have to do is report them. I can’t imagine Gwin’s clan would risk their entire business over one customer, but... as a sprawling family of stubborn, drunken Dwarves, I worry about whether their hyper-masculine culture would see this as seedy or underhanded. Gwin won’t care, but seeing as how I want her by my side sooner rather than later it wouldn’t be great if her family hated my guts.

Not only that but as a business owner myself, I really don’t like the idea of using such heavy-handed, tactics. They have genuine reasons for refusing me business, and they’re far from bad ones. I’m sure I’d do the same if I were in their position. Nevertheless, I’m going to break it out if I have to.

I’m getting those renovations one way or another, damn it. I’m tired of living in a building riddled with holes and structural problems.

The other major problem I need addressed is Niall’s well-meaning threat. I explain that the new mayor of Dewhurst is an old acquaintance of mine and that he warned he would forcibly close the Guild if it looked like we couldn’t handle the fight with the false Duke. Naturally, I’m under the impression that it should be my call on whether or not to pack it in, not Niall’s.

Gloomcrest agrees with me on that and will see to it that Niall is made aware that my Guild is under the protection of someone much higher up than a simple town mayor. Again, blunter than I’d like but it needs to be established that I’m not giving up on this. Especially now that so much gold is on the line. Perhaps knowing that I’m working with the Duke of Arrark himself will assuage his fears?

As shocking as it is, this business meeting ends with me getting everything I wanted and then some. The talking dies down as Gloomcrest becomes more tired with every passing moment, but eventually, he throws me a surprising curveball in the conversation. “May I... ask your opinion on something before we conclude, Guild Master?”

“I can’t deny you after you’ve done so much for me, Osbourne. By all means.”

“Do you... despise me for what has become of your town? I have... never been loved by my subjects, and I know that will never change... so I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I just wish to know the truth...”

Opalina frowns as she hears the question, but her gaze is anything but the typical scorn she feels for the Duke. It looks genuinely sympathetic. Solomon remains evasive with his expression as ever, but a few facial ticks here and there tell me the question upsets him, too.

“No. No, I don’t despise you. How could I? From my understanding, you’re busy with the increasing tensions coming from Lillance.”

“It’s true... I don’t know what Solomon has told you, but Duke Glorigold is constantly looking for every chance to expand his territory both here in Arrark and in Bragos to the north... Hells, the reason our intel on the false Duke is so limited is that all of our Black Wings are working counterintelligence to keep our borders safe...” He sighs, and I can tell in his tone that he’s becoming despondent. “I just feel that I could be doing more than I am...”

Whatever compels me to say it, I can’t explain. It’s just so obvious that I can’t stop myself, Without thinking I end up telling the Duke straight-up to his ‘face’, “Perhaps it would help if you left your room?”

And then, awkward silence. Solomon looks at me like I just killed a young child before his eyes, but Opalina is pleasantly amused by the suggestion. She obviously likes where this is headed, even if she won’t butt in about the topic herself.

“...You’re right, I know that you’re right. There’s no other way about it, and I sincerely wish I was able to... I... appreciate your honesty. It takes courage to say that to myself, and I thank you for that...”

Compared to Abigail, her father’s response is much more timid and laid back. I get the sense that if I pushed him a bit, I could get some answers on why he and his daughter have locked themselves away. Osbourne doesn’t strike me as the kind of man who would get angry and defensive, so I figure I don’t have much to lose by leaning into my slip of the tongue and doubling down on it.

“Why do you both do this to yourselves? Locking yourselves away from the world, I mean. I know it’s rude to ask, but-”

“If you know it’s a rude question, then don’t ask it.” Solomon declares, albeit conflicted. He wants me to continue on one hand, but as the Steward, it’s not his place to listen to me talk to his master in such a tone.

Gloomcrest shushes his loyal servant, before continuing to speak. “Quiet, Solomon... I’m... not offended by our guest’s curiosity, no. I’m... only disappointed in myself. You want to know more about my daughter and me, do you...? Fair... fair enough...”

“Don’t lose your head, my Duke,” Solomon warns. A drop of sweat appears on his brow, and he closes his eyes out of worry. “I know how sensitive you can get when talking about this.”

“Perhaps Abigail could tell you later,” Opalina tugs at my sleeve, evidently trying to make me drop the subject. She seems privy to something I’m not, but then again, what else is new? “Don’t you have to go interrogate Pimpington, Dear? Come on, now.”

Count Drisford becomes absorbed by this thought in a hurry to try and distract me. “An excellent idea, Miss Hart. The Marshal is already seeing to the captive, so if you go now you’ll catch him and get to introduce yourself. Victor is a fine man, a very fine man indeed. Why, without him we-”

Gloomcrest interrupts by taking a long, drawn-out sigh. His voice becomes even more distant and yet more tired, still. “Settle down, settle down... I’ll be fine, both of you... Really. I know I can be touchy, but it’ll be alright... I promise.”

Opalina and Solomon exchange worrying looks at each other before acquiescing to the Duke’s stubbornness. Either way, I’m starting to get a bad feeling about all of this. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything after all.

Before I can course correct and attempt to end the discussion early, Osbourne speaks up once more, saying, “It’s best that you hear this from me, anyway... let me tell you why these doors will remain shut...”

Been a bit annoyed lately as it feels like I've hit a wall for new Patreon support. I really wanted to be at $1,000/month by the end of the year but I don't think that'll happen at this rate considering how volatile the holiday season can be. I know some lewd authors who make thousands on Patreon, so I know I just have to keep going and polish more earlier chapters too sometime. I'm ok, It's just annoying.

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