Rise of the Guild Master

The Other Side

I’m going to die like this and it's all because of that horrific, bloody, butcher.

On the day it happened we woke in the cuddle pit from a long sleep, just the same as any other. We ate the leftovers of some rotting animals, the last of our stockpiles, while all the boys made crude passes at me, begging for my attention like they always did.

It wasn’t their fault. I am... was... the only female in the tribe, and they’ve all pent up ever since my mother was killed a few years back... We have very strict customs that must be adhered to- I couldn’t take care of them yet since I wasn’t at breeding age yet.

Even if I did offer myself to them I’d have no takers. I don’t look like a woman yet. I’m different ‘down there’ but the rest of me could pass for being a male member of my tribe, except for my longer nails...

I would have been ready to mate if only a few more months had come and gone. When I’m finally at breeding age I’ll grow taller, have fuller hips and breasts and aside from my green skin, sharp teeth, claws and pointed ears I’ll look much more like a human female.


Now I’ll never be a Queen no matter what my body looks like and no matter how fertile I become.

My tribe was out on patrol, making the rounds on the border of our territory that day. Everyone has been really restless and totally out of sorts lately... even I’ve felt different.

Something in the air has changed.

It makes us more... confident. Aggressive. I hear it’s been affecting other monsters, too... whatever the reason, it made the men in my tribe think it was high time we expanded our areas out even closer to the nearby human town.

I tried to tell them not to, but they were all too rowdy and it’d been a very, very long time since they had a proper female to vent their urges on. The thought of just possibly getting their hands on one a few months before my transformation was too much for them to bear, and no one would listen to my desperate pleas.

They died like many so many of their brothers before them- in search of some good pussy.

If I was just a little bit older, I would have been good enough for them...

I had so many plans for the day when I finally came of age and took my natural role of tribe-wife, broodmother and Queen. I would have led us away from the town and searched for safer territory where food was abundant, would have never gone hungry. I would have made alliances with other tribes and usurped them into their own. So many ideas... so many schemes... Life was going to get so much better... why... why did everyone have to get put down like sick wargs?!

Everything I ever wanted was torn asunder by that slutty seductress. When they saw all of her pale, supple skin and her young, bouncy curves my men had no choice. They grew hard at the sight of her and even as their brothers died before their eyes one by one they were driven to press onward just for even the slightest chance of taking her back to our cave as a pleasure slave.

But that girl and her massive iron blade had other plans. 

I hid in the bushes as she attacked- powerless to stop the carnage she unleashed.

She cut some of my men in half. Some of them lost their heads. A lot of them lost their manhoods... but ALL of them ended up losing their left hands.

The demon girl in her blood-red bikini cut them from their bodies, stashing them away in a disturbing, bloody bag that grew ever swollen from her sick, depraved hunt... I assume she later feasted upon the hands of my men, as if they were a rare and exotic delicacy.

You foolish, foolish girl...!

All my men wanted to do was capture you and treat you to a life of blissful breeding and this... THIS is how you betray their kindness?! Your every need would have been met. You’d have spent your days in an endless haze of pleasure, and we could have even become as sisters.

I told her as much, too. When the slaughter was done and she killed the last of my tribe I emerged from the bushes while she was busy harvesting their hands.

I begged and pleaded for her to kill me, too. But she didn’t understand me. I don’t speak her language... I just wanted to join them in death but was too afraid to do it myself... she... she smiled and waved at me and turned around like it was no big deal.

She just casually walked away after killing Gilbo... and Gersis... and Gicklin, and Glendarr and Grutte and EVERYONE ELSE!!

Why do I have to go on and suffer like this all on my own...? I don’t know how to hunt. I’m weak and will be killed by most of the other monsters in this area if they so much as spot me.

My only option is to offer myself as a slave to one of the neighboring tribes but... while there’s always room for more pleasure slaves, typically only two females of our kind are allowed in a tribe at any given time. The Queen and her heir.

They’d probably kill me on sight out of fear that I’d try to usurp them. I know I would.

It’s been a couple of days since destiny dealt its cruel hand and as each day goes by I grow closer to death.

Today, I hunt for absolutely anything I can find to eat even though I know I won’t catch a thing. This season has been unkind to us and we were barely getting by as it was. I haven’t eaten or drank since... I... don’t even know when...

Fate is cruel.

I spend all day trying to find something- ANYTHING to eat... and just as soon as I manage to corner a juicy looking bunny up against a tree, I throw Galdax’s favorite spear at it only to find I don’t have the strength to continue on.

The spear falls limply to the ground without meeting its mark and soon after I, too, fall.

I’m tired...

So tired... I don’t think I’ll be getting up.

I can see them waiting for me...

Were you... still waiting for your Queen, you silly, horny boys?

I’ll be there soon... just... wait...

A bit...

long... ger...


“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t go dying on me just like that! I’ve been looking for you...”



I open my eyes to see... oh... that’s right. I guess you’d be Death, wouldn’t you?

...Weird. Death is a lot shorter than I imagined. That evil girl was taller than him... but I guess those big horns on his head make him look taller than he actually is.

And his voice is... um... a lot more friendly than I would expect death to be. He sounds young, too, like a boy on the cusp of becoming a man. I even seem to be able to understand him...

Death is wearing black clothes underneath a large, swaying black cloak pulled over his head making it hard to see his face...

“Can you hear me?” Death asks as he kneels to be by my side. “Oh, please... please please PLEASE don’t die!”

Oh. I was right.

As soon as he kneels I get a look at his face. He does look kind of like a boy. But... his skin is light blue. He’s clearly not any sort of human but I can’t tell what kind of monster he’s supposed to be, either.

His eyes are a bright, glowing orange that burns with the fire of a thousand hells, completely undoing the cute effect of his boyish charms and making him seem like a terrifying God who stands above all other life as its superior.

“Oh, sorry... Creepy eyes, right?” He laughs in a cute, giddy way before the fire of his eyes snuff out and their intensity dies down to a much brighter and welcoming shade of orange.

“You... you poor thing. You can’t even talk, can you?” He frowns, lifting me up over his knee and sticking out one of his blue fingers at me. I wince upon seeing the long, black claws that extend from the tip thinking he was finally going to give me the mercy I’ve been after for so long. 

But... he... uh... pushes it against my tiny lips.

“Go on. Don’t be shy- eat!” He laughs warmly and somehow I get the feeling everything will be ok if I do as he says and eat his finger.

Without any hesitation I bite it right off and his black blood trickles down onto my tongue, yet he doesn’t seem to feel any bit of pain from it at all... in fact he looks so... relieved. He watches me chew and devour his flesh and as soon as I swallow my... my vision starts to fade.

My heart speeds up.

A fire spreads in my loins... and in my breasts.

I scream louder than I’ve ever screamed while every muscle in my body tears itself apart and starts growing... growing... growing?

I’m... I’m growing?!

I look down at my body, naked but for my loincloth, and gasp at what I find.

But... but how? My breasts are rounded, full and swollen with milk, my hips wide enough to support countless offspring and the feeling stirring between my legs confirms it... I’m... I’m of breeding age.

“Wow...!” The boy whose knee my head lays upon looks down at me with an adorable smile grinning ear to ear. “I knew that you Femmoblins grow a lot once you’re of age but I thought you'd at least still look... well... little! You’re so cute... You’re even taller than me now.” He laughs as he nervously scratches his head and blushes.

“Femmoblin...?” I ask in a voice that’s not my own.

“Ahh... such a cute voice to match! I think I’m in love...” He looks away as he covers his heart with his hands, letting out a long and drawn out sigh as he does so... I don’t know how but his finger grew back when I wasn’t looking and there’s no hint of where I bit it off.

This boy’s over the top words make me blush. No one’s ever talked to me like this before...

The men of my tribe were my everything, but they were so crude and sexual. There’s... this adorable purity about this horned boy the likes of which I’ve never seen. 

“So uh, ‘Femmoblins’. Yeah. That’s what the humans call your species. They’re so weird, they gotta have a name for everything. If you ask me... monsters are just monsters!”

“I... see.” I sit up and scoot away from my saviour. “I appreciate you saving me but... you... really should have just let me die.”

“What? No way. You didn’t actually want to die, did you?” Sadness fills the boy’s voice as his concern for me only manages to grow.

“Well... no. But I can’t take care of myself and my tribe is... they’re... all dead.”

The stranger crawls towards me on all fours and tilts his head. “Miss, can I ask you a question?”

“Uh... yes?”

“How could you just roll over and accept the end like that? Don’t you want to make it all... I dunno... mean something?”

His words spark a fire within my heart, even if I don’t fully understand them... they’re... purposeful. They fill my soul with a longing like I’ve never felt. “But it didn’t. Everyone died just like that and they left me all alone in the blink of an eye... and now? Now I’ll never get to be their Queen...”

As tears fall from my cheeks and my lips quiver, the strange boy begins laughing from the bottom of his gut. This makes my heart sink in my chest, as I was just so overwhelmed by his kindness and now it seems so distant. “...Is my pain funny to you?”

He gasps and covers his mouth, shaking his head. “NO! No, no! I was just thinking, ‘what, is that all’?”


“AH- NO! YOU’RE NOT UNDERSTANDING!! IT’S BECAUSE THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I CAME HERE TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT!!” He flushes red and sweats profusely, waving his hands around in a flurry to try and emphasize his words.

I wipe my tears off and stare him in the eyes, nervously covering my naked breasts from him and turning away. “...I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

He sighs and shakes his head. “They never do. See, I can kinda like... SEE suffering. When I do this-” He touches the side of his face and his eyes light up with those intense fires. “It's kinda weird. The world you’re in is like a flat... disk shaped thingy called a ‘realm’. There’s all this black stuff between this realm and the others and the Gods don’t like mortals hopping around all over the place so they made teleportation really hard. But... I’m kind of a special case, and-”

“...Look, kid. I’m really, really sorry... but you’re doing an absolutely horrendous job of making even the smallest amount of sense. What the fuck does this have to do with anything?”

“Ugh, I wish Shubby were here. Even if she’s always a little baby crazy, she’s the smart one and she’s way better at explaining this stuff than I am...” The boy laughs and blushes. I assume he’s talking about his mate? “What I’m trying to say is my eyes point out places where there’s gonna be a lot of suffering and then I have to wait around for it to happen... cause there’s always a special girl like you who shows up after it does.”

I look him up and down in utter confusion. “How does that have a single thing to do with you laughing about my tribe being dead and how I’ll never be a Queen?”

The boy takes a deep breath, his cheeks reddening the most I’ve yet to see them. “Okay, just gonna have to come out and say it... ah, why does this part never get any easier? I came here... to make you MY Queen. If you’ll have me, of course.”



I make the mistake of blinking a single time and the boy is gone, replaced by a corrupted presence coming from behind me. 

It can’t be that same boy from mere moments ago, can it?

This pressure is so horrifying and intense that it feels nothing like the monster I was only just talking to.

The frightening existence embraces me from behind in a tender hug that feels warm and loving... yet now I can clearly sense the true darkness he kept hidden within himself during our entire conversation. It creeps out of his heart pressed against my naked back and it covers me head to toe like an ocean of pervasive, sickening shadows. From within his true self the fangs and claws and talons and tentacles and fists of a thousand monsters all bear themselves before my soul threatening to rip me into just as many pieces if I step so much as a little out of line.

The legends were true. The monsters in this area... we were all affected just by being able to sense that he was nearby. It all makes sense... no wonder we all felt so confident and unbeatable.

This boy...


This MAN is no monster.

He is the Oblivion, the king who sits upon that darkest of thrones. I am honored that he would even so much as speak to me... let alone that he would offer a lowly wench such as myself a place at his side which I certainly don’t deserve.

What a fool I was...

“I knew you had it in you... I just knew it. This is why you must join the ranks of my Queens. You’re not just an ordinary Femmoblin... you were born to rule.” The man smiles with heavy relief, and I am blessed by his endless compassion. “The suffering which twisted you into the poor, miserable creature that you are now... I need it just as much as I need you. If you come with me, I’ll teach you how to share it the way it’s meant to be shared.”

“My Lord... I... would love for nothing more.”

“Tell me your name.” He asks with that warm grin of his that makes him look so friendly despite the cool, blue tint of his skin.

“...Gijelle, my Lord.”

“Gijelle? MY Gijelle... I like the sound of that. Hey, what do you want more than anything in the entire world? No matter how insignificant it is, I want you to tell me.”

“I want to kill the girl who did this to me, and I want every single person she loves to suffer.” I growl without even a second of hesitation. Hesitation is for weak little tribal Princesses, it’s not befitting of a Queen.

“Hmm, I see, I see... Very tried and true. Does she live in that town over there? That really, really shitty looking one that smells like drugs and hopelessness?”

“I think so, my Lord.”

“Good. I’m going to make an you an offer, Gijelle, and I want you to-”

I turn around and see not the terrifying monster who looked down on me, but that same cute boy with fire in his eyes and blush on his cheeks. I fall to my knees and bow before him, unable to resist the love beating through my heart. “Yes. Yes. YES. A thousand times yes, my Lord...! I will be your Queen, and I will birth you an army from between my legs...!”

“Aw geez.” He blushes and scratches his chin. Why didn’t I notice sooner? My Lord is so cute when he’s shy... “I mean on one hand yeah that’s the idea but on the other it's embarrassing and... um... really hot when you say it out loud... Ahahaha...”

“I’m so very sorry, my Lord. I can’t control my enthusiasm...”

“You don’t need to! Please, Gijelle... stand up. You’re gonna be my wife and my Queens are my equals. Don’t ever forget that. Heck, I actually answer to some of them rather than the other way around!” He blushes and I see a lewd desire rise within him.

Is my Lord truly so kind?

Can this be real?

I stand and bite my lip, holding back tears as he hugs me.

“I’ll make you a lot stronger, Gijelle. One day you’ll lead an army of our children and I’ll let you take all the lingering pain and suffering in your heart and give it to everyone who actually deserves it. Starting with the very girl who took everything from you. I just... um...”

“My Lord?”

“I dunno when it’ll be. I’m not in a rush to conquer the realms or anything.” My Lord laughs that lovely, bashful laugh of his. “Could be a year or two, maybe longer. But I promise it’ll happen!”

“I don’t care how long it takes, my Lord... take me home. I know you would never begrudge me what my heart desires most. For now, I wish to join my new sisters and have them watch as we make our union official.”

“Kinky!” My new husband smiles from my depraved desires. “They’re a rowdy lot, though. They aren’t going to be satisfied with just watching...”

“Then they can join us, my Lord. Now please. Take me home and... please... PLEASE breed me...!!”

My Lord opens a gate of pure darkness as the fires in his eyes grow into an inferno and on the other side... I see it... a gigantic bed of chaos and misery forged from abyssal souls, held in place by a screaming black metal that spirals out into forever. It is our marriage bed, and atop it waits my many, many new sisters.

I take my Lord’s hand and step through the gate, ready and willing as his blushing bride to be.

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