Rise of the Immortal Black Dragon King

34. Demonic Dilemmas

Omniscient POV

Underworld, Lilith

In a large room, four devils are assembled. The meeting room in the underworld exuded an air of opulence, its obsidian walls adorned with intricate gold filigree. Grand chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, ethereal glow over the room. Plush, crimson velvet drapes framed tall windows that overlooked the fiery landscapes of the underworld. A mahogany table, polished to a gleaming finish, dominated the center, surrounded by high-backed chairs upholstered in black leather.

As the four devils gathered, Serafall Leviathan entered with a bright smile, her magical girl attire shimmering with enchanting hues. "Hello, Zechs-chan, Ajuka-chan, and Falbi! I hope the day in the underworld has treated you well," she greeted cheerfully.

In response, Sirzechs Lucifer nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Serafall, always a delight. Your presence brings warmth to even the darkest corners," he acknowledged, his handsome and easygoing appearance concealing the fact that he was the strongest living devil, an anomaly known as a 'Super Devil.'

Ajuka Beelzebub, the creator of the Evil Pieces system and the Rating Game, nodded in agreement. His bewitchingly beautiful appearance with light blue eyes and green hair did not indicate his intellectual prowess. Along with being an anomaly called 'Super Devil,' Ajuka was recognized as the smartest among the devil race.

Falbium Asmodeus, the devil in charge of Military Affairs, mumbled a lazy greeting. "Yo, Serafall. What's the ruckus today?" he said with his usual nonchalance, his tall, bald-headed figure belying the fact that he held the head position in the military.

"Alright, let's cut to the chase," Serafall said, her tone shifting from cheerful to serious. "The 'Cluster' issue has become more prominent. And the mistreatment of peerage members has been a lingering problem for quite some time. Zechs-chan, Ajuka-chan, Falbi, we've all witnessed the stubbornness of our fellow devils. They're creatures of sin, and change is a concept that doesn't come easily to them. Unfortunately, their foolishness and hubris are giving rise to additional complications, undermining our earnest attempts to address previous challenges."

Sirzechs sighed knowingly. "Serafall, we've known this has been a persistent issue. The old devils won't change their ways. Devils, by nature, resist change. It's a challenge deeply rooted in our society," he remarked.

Ajuka interjected, "Indeed, Sirzechs. We've tried implementing various measures, but the resistance persists. The very essence of our being, as creatures of sin, makes this a formidable challenge."

Serafall nodded, her child-like appearance belying the gravity of the situation. "I don't expect a miracle solution today, but I believe it's essential to keep this issue in mind. Perhaps, over time, we can strategize ways to address the root causes and promote change, even if gradual."

As the dialogue unfolded, a ripple of tension traversed the room, fueled by the emergence of alarming news—a potent 'Cluster' had been sighted. Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Falbium exchanged glances infused with shared concern, acutely aware that the existence of such anomalies held the potential to disrupt the delicate equilibrium of the underworld. The specter of the Old Satan faction loomed ominously in their thoughts, ready to attribute blame and complicate matters further.

Ajuka, the visionary architect of the underworld's technological strides, delved into contemplation. Beyond the immediate apprehension, his analytical mind sought to fathom the intricate repercussions of the Evil Pieces system and Rating Games. The weight of responsibility pressed upon him prompted the need for meticulous strategic planning to navigate this unforeseen threat. Yet, as his mind traversed the labyrinth of possibilities, he couldn't shake the inkling that shadows unseen might be at play. With a furrowed brow, he contemplated the potential involvement of a third party, an enigmatic force influencing the underworld's delicate balance.

In the opulent meeting room, the gravity of the situation hung palpably in the air, and the Satans found themselves not only grappling with the immediate challenge but also navigating the complex undercurrents of political intrigue and potential external manipulation. The convergence of concerns and strategic considerations painted a tapestry of uncertainty, setting the stage for the devils to confront not only the known threats but also the nebulous specter of unseen adversaries.

Amidst these discussions, a shadow lingered over the Naberious Clan. Recent failed experiments had caused devastating bombing destruction within their own territory, harming commoner devils. The catch was, that there was no tangible evidence to link the nobles to these disastrous experiments. The delicate political balance forced the Satans to tread cautiously, knowing that meddling in Naberious Clan territory without concrete proof could have dire consequences. The clandestine challenges within the underworld only added layers of complexity to the already intricate issues they grappled with.

After the high-stakes meeting, Serafall found herself entangled in a web of tension, prompting her to seek solace in the comforting presence of her sweet little sister, Sona Sitri. Driven by a need for familial reassurance, she swiftly teleported to the Sitri territory mansion, eager to locate her bespectacled six-year-old sister, affectionately known as So-tan.

Intrigued by a contemplative Sona, Serafall, with an exaggerated sense of theatricality, leaped toward her with open arms, declaring, "So-tan! Onee-chan needs some refueling!" Her attempt to embrace Sona and absorb some much-needed energy was met with a comically futile dodge, as Sona tried to outmaneuver her sister's superior speed.

Pouting playfully, Serafall intensified her grip, pulling Sona into a tight hug. "Onee-chan's sad, you know. You were trying to dodge me," she lamented with mock tears, inadvertently pressing Sona's face into the confines of her generous bosom.

"Onee-sama! Move, I can't breathe," Sona protested, prompting Serafall to ease her hold with a dramatic air-sucking noise, allowing Sona to replenish her oxygen supply.

Curious about Serafall's impromptu visit, Sona questioned, "What are you doing here? Mother said you wouldn't come today because of your work."

Serafall, her demeanor veering between cheerful and mischievous, explained, "I just had so much going on. I need some of my precious sister's energy to refill myself for work. So I made time. I'll be with you for the next two days."

"Guh!" Sona emitted a mixture of happiness and trepidation. While she cherished the prospect of spending time with her big sister, the ghost of past torment loomed—specifically, the magical girl clothing marathon orchestrated by Serafall. Memories of being adorned in fourteen different sets haunted her, creating a silent dread for what playful trials Serafall might concoct this time.

As Sona grappled with the impending sisterly escapades, the air hung thick with a blend of familial warmth and the anticipation of whimsical, potentially embarrassing adventures orchestrated by her perpetually cheerful and easygoing sister.

Sona squirmed slightly in her sister's embrace, contemplating the impending two days of sisterly bonding. She couldn't help but recall the traumatic episode where Serafall, in her zealous enthusiasm, had subjected her to a marathon of fourteen different magical girl outfits. The memories were etched vividly in Sona's mind, and the mere thought of a repeat performance made her shudder.

Although she had once harbored a genuine interest in magical girls, the realization of just how embarrassing it was to cosplay in those flashy outfits had dampened her enthusiasm. While she refused to openly admit her lingering fondness for magical girl aesthetics, a subtle internal conflict brewed within her—appreciating from a distance but recoiling at the prospect of becoming the magical girl muse once again.

So, as Serafall planned their upcoming two days together, Sona's internal monologue echoed with a mix of dread and hesitant anticipation of what whimsical endeavors her cheerful, easygoing sister might have in store for her this time. The prospect of quality time with Serafall was cherished, but the potential price of playful torment loomed on the horizon.

Sona found herself genuinely concerned about her friend and potential peerage member, Momo Hanakai. Their weekly meet-ups, filled with a shared enthusiasm for magic, had taken an unexpected turn as Momo began displaying peculiar behavior. The once joyous gatherings now held an undercurrent of worry.

Momo's absent-mindedness had become noticeable, with instances where she'd forget their activities or drift into prolonged moments of distraction. Sona even had to call her for nearly an hour during their last meeting to regain her attention. The normally vibrant Momo exhibited uncharacteristic traits—her cheeks flushed, a strange occurrence that added to Sona's growing apprehension.

Despite Sona's intellect, she found herself grappling with the mystery surrounding Momo's behavior. After much contemplation, she decided to confide in her older sister, Serafall, seeking her insights and assistance in understanding and helping her friend.

Upon hearing Sona's concerns, Serafall, ever the cheerful and mischievous sibling, simply smiled and remarked, "Momo-chan might have made a new friend, perhaps a special someone." This cryptic response left Sona tilting her head, pondering why such a prospect would cause Momo to act so strangely.

In Serafall's eyes, her smart sister, for all her intelligence, remained somewhat naive when it came to the complexities of love. With an underlying motive to meet Momo and familiarize herself with all of Sona's friends, especially potential peerage members, Serafall saw this as an opportunity to connect with her sister's social circle.

Considering her upcoming visit to Claria's territory for an investigation, where Momo happened to reside, Serafall contemplated weaving these plans together. The town in Claria's jurisdiction became a nexus of potential intrigue, and Serafall envisioned making the most of her time there. As ideas bubbled in her mischievous mind about how to spend the two days away from work, she couldn't help but anticipate that something interesting might unfold during her visit to the town where Momo resided.

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