Rise of the Immortal Black Dragon King

39. Enigma of Elixirs: Kouske’s Journey into Mystical Innovation.

Kouske's POV

Subsequently, I invest additional time delving into the intricacies of automating the potion-making process, envisioning a machine capable of crafting elixirs seamlessly when provided with the necessary ingredients.

Leveraging the insights gained from extensively studying the previously acquired tome on magical engineering, I harness the principles of expanded time zones using Time Magic, where time accelerates within, facilitating a more rapid learning curve.

Collaborating with the profound intelligence of Vritra and harnessing my own inventive faculties, the culmination of our efforts unfolds into a groundbreaking achievement.

MagiAlchemix Enchantifier


The MagiAlchemix Enchantifier is an elegant, intricately designed apparatus crafted from luminescent crystalline alloys. It features a series of interwoven arcane symbols that glow softly as magical energy courses through them. A central chamber, adorned with ethereal runes, houses the potion-making mechanism. Delicate tendrils of enchanted mist swirl around the machine, giving it an otherworldly aura.


The Enchantifier automates the potion-making process with unparalleled precision. Users simply input the desired potion recipe, and the machine seamlessly combines and brews the ingredients using magical conduits. The entire process is displayed through holographic projections, showcasing each step in a mesmerizing display of arcane craftsmanship.

Production Capacity:

The MagiAlchemix Enchantifier, a marvel of mystical engineering, possesses the remarkable capability to simultaneously produce up to fifty potions, addressing a diverse array of recipes with unparalleled efficiency.

Operating with the swiftness of a master alchemist, this enchanting apparatus completes the entire brewing process within a mere hour, guaranteeing a seamless and continuous production of magical elixirs. At the heart of its extraordinary functionality lies a set of intricately crafted runes, each bearing the essence of time manipulation.

Named the "ChronoSigils," these Nordic-inspired runes exhibit a delicate yet potent design. Shaped like intertwining branches of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, the ChronoSigils capture the essence of the ever-flowing currents of time.

The intricate loops and curves, reminiscent of ancient Norse craftsmanship, weave together to form a mesmerizing pattern that resonates with the magical energies harnessed within the MagiAlchemix Enchantifier.

The runic symbols, imbued with the essence of temporal manipulation, contribute to the machine's flawless orchestration of the brewing process, ensuring precise synchronization and timely completion.

Energy Core:

The Enchantifier stands as a marvel of magical engineering, its heartbeat powered by Celestial Crystals intricately woven into the fabric of nature's essence. These extraordinary gems, pulsating with the energy of the earth, serve as the lifeblood of the machine.

Positioned within its core, the Celestial Crystals synergize with the inherent power of nature, offering an enduring and self-sustaining source of magical energy. This harmonious blend ensures not only the continuous operation of the Enchantifier but also guarantees that its potency remains undiminished over time.

In this fusion of celestial wisdom and natural vigor, the Enchantifier stands as a testament to the seamless integration of magic and the elemental forces that surround it.

Additional Features:

1. Customization Interface: Users can fine-tune potion properties and strengths through a user-friendly holographic interface.
2. Self-Cleaning Mechanism: After each brewing session, the Enchantifier cleanses itself with a burst of purifying magical energy of Nordic runes, ensuring no residual effects from previous potions.
3. Safety Enchantments: Equipped with protective wards, the machine prevents unauthorized access and ensures the safe containment of potent magical energies during operation.

My innovative Eternal Essense Elixir(EEE), enriched with Senzu Beans and other mystical elements, is poised to redefine the potion industry, complemented by the advanced capabilities of the MagiAlchemix Enchantifier.

'I might just end up bankrupting the Phenex Clan by selling the higher-end potions,' I ponder with a sly grin spreading across my face, envisioning the potential financial upheaval. However, the gleam fades as quickly as it appears, giving way to a more calculated expression.

While the allure of substantial profit is undeniable and tempting, I recognize the importance of balance, especially considering Ravel's potential dismay at my actions.

This realization prompts a need for moderation. Striking a chord of moderation becomes imperative, steering away from drastic measures that might upset the established order... for now.

The fine line between ambition and prudence becomes the tightrope I navigate, ensuring that my endeavors bring about change without causing irreparable damage to the delicate fabric of existing alliances and relationships.

But no one would be able to avoid the substantial reduction in the Phenex Clan's wealth because of me.

The days of selling only to the leaders of specific factions are gone. This is the modern era of science AND magic.

So, I will revolutionize the approach by opening an online market for Akatsuki on DeviNet, the internet designed for the supernatural. Here, I will offer all my products and ensure efficient delivery through teleportation, transcending traditional limitations and bringing my magical creations to a global audience.


Omniscient POV

In the vast expanse of the Demiplane, Kouske is engrossed in his own realm of existence. Simultaneously, a doppelgänger, Kouske #2, seamlessly assumes the responsibilities of Kouske's everyday life, their connection transcending spatial boundaries.

Even within the Demiplane, Kouske retains omniscient awareness of external events, manipulating the body double at will. In the intricacies of their link, the demise of one body merely becomes a transition, as Kouske seamlessly continues his existence within the other.

As the narrative unfolds, Kouske #2 leisurely traverses the familiar streets of the neighborhood, a living embodiment of Kouske's parallel presence. Engaging with the world, he unexpectedly encounters someone familiar, blurring the lines between the metaphysical and the tangible.

As Kouske unexpectedly stumbled upon someone caring for an abandoned puppy, he was greeted by the sight of her with an aura of gentle compassion.
Her appearance reflected a mix of elegance and kindness. Her chestnut brown hair cascaded in loose waves around her shoulders, framing a face adorned with soft features and warm hazel eyes.

At that moment, she wore a casual yet stylish outfit, a reflection of her effortless charm. A light, pastel-colored shirt complemented the day, while a pair of well-fitted jeans accentuated her slender figure.

"Kujo-san? Fancy meeting you here," said Kouske, surprising Rin from beside.

Caught off guard by Kouske's unexpected presence, Rin quickly straightened up, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she tried to compose herself. In an attempt to comfort the abandoned puppy, she found herself making silly faces, hoping to elicit a smile from the little canine.

Kouske, observing her antics, couldn't help but grin. "What's got you making those faces, Kujo-san?"

Rin flustered: "Oh, it's nothing, Miyamura-sama. Just trying to cheer up this little guy," she said while pointing at the abandoned puppy in a cardboard box.

Kouske, smirking: "Well, you're doing a great job. By the way, I've told you before that there's no need for being so formal. Just address me casually."

Rin, without changing her tone: "Okay, Miyamura-sama."

It seems she still agrees to disagree.

The corner of Kouske's eyes twitched at that with some annoyance.

Kouske, slightly uncomfortable, says again: "No need for 'sama.' Just Miyamura is fine."

Rin, pensively: "If you say so, Miyamura-sama."

Kouske, saying: "Rin Kujo-sama, you know you can drop the 'sama', right?"

Rin, with a monotonic tone: "But it's alright, Miyamura-sama."

Kouske just stared at her for a good few minutes.

Then Kouske, veins forming on his forehead, says: "Alright then, Kujo-sama. Let's see how long this game lasts. What are you going to do with this puppy?"

Rin looked troubled for a while and said, "My family doesn't allow pets. So...."


The lost puppy, a small and youthful creature, gazed at Rin with its big round pleading eyes, its appearance tugging at the heartstrings. Its fur, adorned in a striking palette of red and black, created a visually captivating spectacle. The unique coloration added a touch of mystery to its already endearing charm, making it stand out amidst the urban surroundings.

The breed, though not entirely clear, showcased a delicate blend of various canine lineages, contributing to the puppy's distinctive appearance. Its youthfulness and innocence were accentuated by the vibrant hues, creating a poignant contrast against the concrete jungle backdrop.

In its innocent and youthfully expressive eyes, one could sense a gentle plea for compassion and care. The puppy, evidently in the early stages of life, exuded an energy that echoed the vibrancy of youth. As it stood there, looking up at Rin, its gender became apparent through subtle details in its features, adding an extra layer of connection between the two beings.

Amidst the urban backdrop, this lone and forlorn puppy, adorned in red and black, brought an unexpected touch of nature's beauty, emphasizing the need for kindness and understanding in the bustling human world.

Feeling troubled, she looked sad to just leave the puppy here. Someone might end up helping the puppy, but that's not always the case, and something bad might happen to the puppy in the meantime.

Kouske says, "Then why don't we find him a new home? There must be at least someone who wants a new pet. If we can't find someone, we can just leave him in a pet shop."

Rin says hesitatingly, "But do you have time? It might take some time to look for someone to take care of the puppy."

Kouske gives her an assuring nod.

Rin smiled at Kouske. She hasn't known Kouske for long, but this certainly put him in a favorable position in her eyes.

"You are kind, Miyamura-sama," Rin says with a bright smile.

"You are also kind, Kujo-sama," Kouske says sarcastically with a mischievous smile.

Rin just smiled awkwardly at that.

After that, they used the whole afternoon to look for an owner to take the puppy in. Thankfully, they were successful. An old grandma living alone wanted to take the puppy in.

All of them left happily for their respective homes, the shared effort creating a bond between Rin and Kouske that went beyond just playful banter.

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