Rise of the Immortal Black Dragon King

59. Redemption and Revelation: Unveiling of the Black Dragon King.

Kouske's POV

"W-what do you want now? Haven't you already gotten what you wanted? Release US (ME)!" barked Kokabiel, frightened.

"What are you even saying? The deal was to spare Satanael's life, not yours. Now cough up all you have. But what can you possibly give me at the moment?" I asked with a grin.

"Y-you, you! YO..." I increased the dose a bit and intensified my cursed flames, halting his curses in their tracks.


"Fine! Just stop this!" he said with a pale face.

I stopped but maintained a silent, stoic gaze at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I-I don't have anything of value on me. But if you just release me, I will give you as much money as you want," he said, disappointing me, fear evident in his eyes.


"Don't you have any digital currencies? Don't you have money in your bank accounts?" I asked, prompting him to look at me hopefully.

"Y-yes. I have money in my account," he replied.

"Then transfer all the money in the account I tell you to," I replied, leaving him stunned.

"All?!" he asked, visibly surprised.

I didn't reply, only intensifying his ongoing torture.

"OKAAYY! STOP! I will transfer it. Just unbind me and give me the account number," he replied, resigned.

"Just unlock your account for me. I will do the rest," I replied.

After he granted me access to his account, I transferred all the funds to a disguised account I had created using someone else's identity for situations like this. His account had only around 3500 million dollars, relatively low for a crow who has lived for so long. I'm sure he has other accounts or different kinds of assets, but I don't have all day. I also need to make a deal with Nakagami. So, I was content with what I obtained. After a while, the transfer was completed.

"Give me a way to contact Azazel," I told him.

"What?" he asked.

"I will personally hand you both to him. Just give me his contact information," I replied.

"Why?!" he screamed.

But after witnessing the stern glare I gave him, he complied. Then, I also rendered him unconscious.

After that, I descended to the ground in front of Nakagami, who maintained a defensive stance, calculating my actions and attempting to decipher my motives.

"Now what?" he said to me, preparing to attack at any chance while shielding his sister.

Momiji, who had previously seemed dazed and lost in some wonderland, now faced the harsh reality with guilt and pain, looking somber as she gazed down upon the fatal wounds on the jutshushas and her brother.

"Like I said before, I don't want to fight you guys. I just want to get Telos Karma," I replied.

"Then, our fight is inevitable, as I cannot let you harm my sister," he said, enraged. Even the fatally wounded jutshushas on the back stood back up to fight alongside Nakagami.

"Relax! Me getting the Telos Karma doesn't necessarily mean harming your sister," I replied jovially.

"You call ripping a part of my sister's soul not harming her?! Do you think that just because we, the five principal clans, do not like sacred gear users, we do not know even the basics? If someone's sacred gear is taken from them, they die," he said, looking more and more furious as time went on. This revelation also visibly scared Momiji, as she gasped.

"Haven't you heard about what happened one year ago?" I asked, remaining as calm as the silent ocean.

"But Longinuses are different," he added.

"I can also safely take out Longinuses. It wouldn't cause her harm in any way. I promise you. I will do it in front of you. Just give me a few seconds," I said.

"Even still, I cannot trust someone who hides behind a mask," he replied.

"Sure. As a bonus, I will even heal your jutshushas," I replied as I unmasked my unblemished face, revealing fully my crimson red eyes and black hair.

"Like I said before, I am Akatsuki, this generation's one and only Black Dragon King," I said with a grandeur bow as if an artist were entertaining his audience.

"So?" I asked as I moved closer to the jutshushas.

"What are you trying to do?" asked Nakagami, halting my approach.

"Trying to earn your trust," I replied.

"Some of the wounds look serious. Do you really want to risk their lives by betting on the hastily done first aid that was just provided? Let me help you; I can heal them," I added.

After a brief moment, he moved aside from my front, which he was previously blocking.

"Don't try anything funny," he added.


After that, I used some of the E-ranked potions I had made, which miraculously healed them instantly, surprising all of them.

"Are those Phenex Tears?" he asked, stunned that I would use such precious things on them.

"No. They are specially made by me. This was made only with alchemy, without any of the Phenex's help. If you would like, I can even sell them to you. What do you say? But for now, let me help your sister. I promise it will only take a moment, and nothing bad will happen to her," I said.

While Nakagami was busy contemplating, Momiji came forward.

"I will believe in you. Help me," said a determined Momiji.

"Momiji! Don't trust a stranger so easily!" rebutted Nakagami.

"Nii-san, I think I would like to place my bet on him, instead of being locked up in that place for all my life," replied Momiji with some sadness, which made Nakagami stop in his guilt.

After a while, he looked at me with determination and warned, "I will hunt you down to the end of the world if I have to if you cause her any harm."

"Don't worry," I replied with a smile.

Then, I took out my Sacred Gear Extractor from my inventory. It was a fist-sized transparent Orb emitting purple hues.

"What's that?" asked Nakagami.

"Something to bring out the Longinus. There's nothing more for you to know," I replied.

"Are you ready?" I asked Momiji as she prepared for the moment that could potentially change her life.

"Nn!" was all she replied after a long breath, her heart thumping, eyes closed.

I could feel Nakagami and the other jutshushas' stern gaze as they watched my every movement.

I gently touched the Orb to Momiji's chest; in reality, it could have been placed on any part of her body. Instantly, a golden-coloured halo appeared inside the Orb, attracting the curious gazes of everyone. But I tucked it away in my inventory for later use.

Momiji still had her eyes closed.

"It's done. You are free," I replied, finally conveying the significance to everyone present.

"D-done? T-then, am I really f-free?" replied Momiji instinctively, tears falling from her eyes, unintentionally.

Nakagami rushed to his sister.

"Are you fine? Do you feel any kind of discomfort anywhere?" asked Nakagami.

"No," replied the silently sobbing Momiji as she shook her head.

Nakagami checked to see if she still had her sacred gear or not. Then he proceeded to hug her, offering comfort and allowing Momiji to cry to her heart's content. Even the other jutshushas wore somber expressions witnessing this. Years of imprisonment must have weighed on her, even if the imprisonment was luxurious and her every demand was fulfilled. Still, a prison is a prison, no matter how you beautify or justify it.

After a while, Momiji calmed down. But she looked embarrassed, crying like a baby in front of so many people.

"Thank you so much!" Momiji said as she turned towards me and bowed.

"No need to. I just wanted the Longinus. Nothing more," I replied, a bit shaken by her sudden heartfelt thanks.

"No, still, thanks to you, I can lead a normal life now. Once again, thank you very much," she replied with a bright smile on her teary-eyed face, almost captivating me. But I kept my poker face.

"You also have my utmost gratitude. Thank you. You can tell me if you need my help any day with something," Nakagami added, bowing politely.

"I will keep your word on that," I replied.


"Then, let's part ways here. I also have to hand them over to Azazel," I said, pointing at the two unconscious Cadres of Grigori.

"Ok. But how will I contact you again? I also want to have a proper talk about the potions you just used, if we could buy them," said Nakagami.

"Here," I gave them a summoning paper with Vritra's magic circle on it, similar to the devil's ones, and also provided them with a number that cannot be traced.

"So, we will meet again?" Momiji asked hopefully, as she smiled, her face flushed red.

"Yes," I replied.

Nakagami had to pull Momiji's hand to take her away from here, breaking her entranced state.

"Bye," says Momiji as she turns back to look at me shyly, as she goes back with her brother.

"Bye," I replied.

Then I wait for a while for them to leave the perimeter. I recast the broken barrier and proceeded to call Azazel.

Azazel: "Hello?"

Kouske: "Hello. Azazel, right?"

Azazel: "Yes. But who are you?"

Kouske: "My name is Akatsuki, the one you've been slandering as the Sacred Gear Thief all over the DeviNet."

Azazel (unconvinced): "Listen, kid. It's busy hours, and I am going through something very unpleasant right now. If you just want to prank someone, then call someone else. I do not have time for this."

Omniscient POV



Azazel sighs as he replies to this unknown caller.

"Azazel! Enough with the jokes. Focus on the paperwork. Last time, you also did something similar to get away from doing any paperwork. I won't be fooled this time," yelled the always calm and cool Shemhazai.

After hiding away from Penemue, Azazel never thought he would be forced to go through this when he returned. At least he had a good time before coming back.

Azazel was already frustrated as it was, but now someone was pranking him by impersonating the one they had been looking for the last whole year but found nothing about. That guy has no reason to get himself caught like this.

"I am not the one doing anything this time. Someone just called, claiming to be the Sacred Gear Thief," Azazel replied frustratedly.

"Put him on speaker," says Shemhazai.

Azazel put him on the speaker. Even as frustrated and on edge as Azazel is, he is not one to hastily make any decisions or judgments. So, he will still have to verify if this was a prank call or not.

While his number is not that hard to find as he has the habit of giving it to whoever catches his interest, most people wouldn't have the guts to prank him like this. He is the one doing the pranking most of the time, never to anyone too important or influential, mind you. His pranks are always, mostly harmless.

Kouske: "Do you think I am free enough to just prank call you? You will see when we meet. I will send you live footage."

Then Azazel saw the live footage of two of his Cadres unconscious and bound by some kind of thorny vines. The thorns were digging into their flesh, and honestly, it looked painful, judging by the amount of blood leaking out, making a scene of gore. Then the live video sharing ended.

Azazel and Shemhazai both became serious and surprised to see not only one but two of their Cadres in such a state.

Azazel: "What do you want?"

Azazel asked seriously, getting straight to the point without beating around the bush. Whatever his identity may be, whether he is telling the truth or not, right now he needs to save his comrades, more than anything else.

Kouske (jovially): "Don't be so stiff. They are just fine. I don't plan on unnecessarily antagonising Grigori. I plan to hand them over to you. I will send you the location. Let's meet face-to-face and talk."

After that, Azazel was sent a location on his phone.

"Azazel, this is a trap," says Shemhazai worriedly.

"I know. But we cannot just leave two of our core members to an unknown fate," says Azazel as he gets ready to leave.

"I will also come, just in case something happens. I will inform Penemue about this," says Shemhazai.

"Hmm," replies Azazel solemnly.

They cannot be sure how strong this person is, being able to defeat both Kokabiel and Satanael or how many people are with him. So they need to be cautious.

But they cannot afford to lose two of their core forces, as it would only break the balance between the three factions and cause more friction and chaos.

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