Rise of the Immortal Black Dragon King

9. Taming and a Date Part 1

Kouske's POV

After coming home I decided to enter the slime dungeon. It's become easier to fight the elemental slimes. So I've decided to tame some of them before clearing the dungeon.

I summoned Hawks. Seeing me he made a happy noise while flying around me


We entered the dungeon. Upon entering I found many normal slimes around the place. So I started with taming them.

Having a lot of families would be good. They could work as scouts with the <<Sense Sharing>> skill.

I didn't do much to subdue them. I let out my killing intent as they became unconscious.

For the first time, I activated my skills. The summoning magic circle lit up under both of us. Soon the taming was successful.

I could sense a connection with the little guy. Soon he woke up and he was jumping around excitedly around me. There was a 'boing' sound whenever he bounced on the ground.

I held him up. He was very soft with his gelatin-like body. It was 'mofu mofu' soft.


As I held him up, he let out a pleased noise. I put him on my head for a short time.

After that, I started my search for elemental slimes. Along the way, I tamed whichever slime I came across.

After about two and a half hours late I found a red slime. It was my first time seeing one.

Using observe I found out he was a fire elemental slime. It was only ranked F.

I activated <<Dark Curtain>> as darkness seemed to surround me. I walked normally towards him.

He didn't react even when I was standing right in front of him. I gave him a punch with my right arm which seemed to have knocked him out.

After that, I used taming on him. It was successful. Then I used <<Skill Sharing>> to get fire manipulation from him.

Red flames lit up on my hand instead of the black flames I became familiar with.

I could feel that it was harder and inefficient to manipulate the flames. It was not even half as hot as my cursed flames were when I first used them.

'Snort' I heard Vritra snorting in my head.

"Hmph! How could it ever compare with my flames?!" Vritra said haughtily.

"Hmm. You are right. I shouldn't compare them"

After that, even after searching for hours, I could only find an F+-ranked wind elemental slime. I tamed it.

Eventually, I returned home. After having dinner and taking a shower I went to sleep.
In the morning I found Asagi waiting on my door steps.

"Hmph! What took you so long?" she asked a little angry as I slept in a bit today.

I don't remember promising her to go to school every day with her. But who would refuse to go out with such a cute girl?

"Sorry, Asagi-chaan!I seemed to have slept in a bit today. It won't happen tomorrow" I said with a bit of drama emphasizing 'chain'. Normally I don't call her using chan.

"It's okay then, K-kouske" She became embarrassed and stuttered on my name. It seems she needs time to get used to calling me by my first name.

After that, we went on our way to school together. School ended normally with the girls hovering over Asagi again to ask her different questions.

When school was over we went back home together.But this time we didn't take the park route. We went through a different road. Asagi seemed to have noticed but didn't say anything.

After reaching home Asagi seemed to want to play games with me but I told her I had a prior appointment today. At that, she seemed to remember our conversation with Irina yesterday.

"Could I come with you?" she asked hopefully.

"No. But I will take you with me tomorrow" saying that I moved towards my house. Asagi seemed a bit sad but I didn't say anything.
I'm in Kuoh Park now searching for Irina-chan. She mostly comes here to play.

At a distance, I could see her along with the other kids. But she seemed a bit gloomy today.

I went over and called out to her.

"Irina-chan" she brightens up hearing my voice.

"Kou-kun!" she jumps in my arms to hug me.

"I thought you wouldn't come today" There seemed to be some tears in the corner of her eyes. I gently wiped them with my hands.

"But I promised to come today. So how could I break my promise to you?" I replied with a smile on my face.

"Hm," she smiles hearing it. Then hugs me tighter. I just smile and let her hug me for a bit.

"Irina-chan, do you want to go to the arcade? I'm free all day today"

"OK! Let's go Kou-kun"

I held her hand as we headed to the arcade. Before that, she bade her byes to Issei and the others.

When I locked my fingers with her own she became extremely shy and flustered. I swear I could see some smoke coming out of her head.

Seeing us like that Issei gave us a weird look. He's always like that whenever he sees us close to each other like this.

He seems to think that we both prefer boys over girls as we're both boys(which he thinks).

He sometimes gives me disgusted looks. Getting disgusted looks from a disgusting pervert is pretty strange I tell you. But I think this is one of the reasons he never tried to share his boobs obsession (and fetish) with me.

I don't care what he thinks of me. I just can't wait to see his face years later when he realizes what he missed out on. Hahaha...

The other kids though gave me jealous looks. It seems they all know about Irina. Only an idiot like Issei would think such a cutey is a boy. Not everybody is like Gasper. He's a rare one! The idiot doesn't even notice the look on the other kids beside him.

With that, we went on our way.

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