Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 106: Interstellar Call

"So this is the attack of a True God?" Xu Luo was dazed.

At this moment, his mind was still replaying the final scene of a beam of light shooting down from high above.

It directly struck the core territory of the Red Eye civilization, instantly annihilating tens of thousands of Divine Realms, including many veterans who had developed for seven or eight years.

Beyond that, numerous Divine Realms were affected.

This single strike caused severe losses to the Red Eye civilization.

If the losses were calculated in faith power, it would be in the billions of crystals.

Converted to star coins...

Well, it was an astronomical figure.

At first, Xu Luo didn't know who was responsible, but later he saw the video footage.

A True God from the Red Eye civilization attacked Ying Yingluo, but unexpectedly, at that same moment, Ying Yingluo became a True God. She used a Divine Artifact to absorb that True God's attack, added her own power, and directed it all towards the star region where the Red Eye civilization's Divine Realms were located.

The combined attack of two True Gods resulted in the current situation.

Moreover, that True God from the Red Eye civilization was severely punished by the Hall of Gods.

True Gods must not be insulted!

Even if it was one who had just ascended.

If it had been just a God, even a High God who had just ascended, a True God's attack could be settled with some compensation. But now, facing a True God, that wouldn't do.

The Red Eye civilization's Gods also appealed to the Hall of Gods, claiming Ying Yingluo, as a True God, wantonly destroyed the novice Divine Realm and should be punished.

Occasional actions by True Gods destroying one or two Divine Realms were nothing, just "unintentional mistakes," but annihilating tens of thousands of Divine Realms at once was certainly not allowed.

However, regarding Ying Yingluo's case, the Hall of Gods didn't punish her.

Because for ascending Gods, the final strike was a reserved program.

Whether it was deliberate retaliation or a display of divine power, it was allowed by the Hall of Gods.

Even if she became a True God, they wouldn't deprive her of this right.

The matter was eventually left unresolved.

Among humans, everyone was excitedly discussing Ying Yingluo becoming a new True God.

This could be said to be the biggest event for humans in recent years.

Originally thought to be just a High God, unexpectedly, she directly ascended to True God in one step.

In comparison, the news of a Pioneer Corps commander killing an alien High God seemed to be overshadowed by this news.

With one more True God for humans, their ranking in the Hall of Gods suddenly rose by two places, surpassing many Level 1 and Level 2 civilizations.

If not for the lack of a Main God, many civilizations' numbers of True Gods and God Kings actually couldn't compare to humans.

This matter became the headline of major human media for a long time.

Ying Yingluo suddenly became the hottest celebrity in human society.

Not just on the Ancestral Star, but congratulations were sent from other planets as well.

One more True God for the human Milky Way civilization was the biggest event.

Under this joyous occasion, Xu Luo also quietly received his seed qualification.

Four-star seed!

From now on, except for a limited few, no one could casually check his information.

Besides this, there were various benefits.

Although humans advocated focusing on cultivating geniuses, they wouldn't give too many resources to seeds.

If they needed resources, they had to go and seize them, but not from humans themselves.

If a human seed actively plundered from humans, their seed status would be immediately revoked.

Becoming a seed, apart from hiding one's information, also came with some privileges and benefits.

For example, for plane battlefield venues, entry required permissions and limited times. But now Xu Luo could enter lower-level plane worlds without limits, and for mid-level planes, no more than 100 times a month.

He could even forcefully enter high-level planes, though only three times a month.

These were the basic benefits, and there were special benefits too.

For instance, he could exchange rare resources at places like the school logistics department or the education department's logistics, at a cost.

Whether it was units or various materials, all were available.

Without permission, one couldn't even touch these things.

Then there were some special plane worlds that seeds could explore and collect resources from after becoming a seed.

These were humanity's greatest treasures, developed at enormous cost by the federal government.

Besides these, the seed themselves, as well as their parents and family members, would receive protection.

There was also the privilege to kill!

Seeds were allowed to kill in self-defense when their lives were threatened, without punishment.

However, this needed to be judged by the central brain; it wasn't that you could claim threat whenever you felt threatened.

With the privilege to kill came strict restrictions.

Four-star seeds also received a pulse magnetic wave gun for self-defense, so they would have some means of self-defense in unexpected situations.

It could be said that the Federation and the Education Department cared greatly about every seed.

Xu Luo finally didn't have to worry about being dominant in God's Domain but having to keep a low profile in the real world.

However, besides the school's higher-ups, no one else knew about him becoming a seed, and Xu Luo himself wouldn't go around telling people.

In fact, except for Zhong Tianyue, no one else in the school knew that Xu Luo had become a four-star seed.

Initially, the school could only apply for a one-star seed. To increase the seed level, one needed to demonstrate their talent or make achievements in God's Domain and use merits to upgrade.

Xu Luo had done something big, eliminating many alien races. At that time, Wen Zheng applied for a two-star seed status.

Then the great battle broke out, and Xu Luo's performance was outstanding, saving many human Divine Realms and even enslaving some alien races.

After the final battle, his Xenomorphs performed excellently, playing an important role. Plus, during the battle, he revealed his Gold-tier units.

Whether in talent, strength, or merit, he was outstanding, so he directly jumped two levels and was given a four-star seed level.

It was this four-star seed status that gave him the right to carry a pulse magnetic wave gun and obtain a killing permit.

The difference between four stars and three stars was like heaven and earth.

As for the highest seven-star seed level, in human history, since the start of the seed plan, only four people had obtained it, one of whom was Ying Yingluo.

Everyone said that in Ying Yingluo's era, there were no other seeds.

This was because she alone outshone all others, and people only remembered her, while others were inconspicuous.

In the current human society, with seven-star Ying Yingluo becoming a God, there were only a few five-star seeds left. Four stars was already quite high.

At this time, with the great battle just ended, various civilizations were licking their wounds. Xu Luo didn't rush out to invade at this moment.

Although the possibility of his identity being exposed in reality had decreased, in God's Domain, without the support of the Education Department, he hardly had any Zerg forces now.

Originally, there should have been rewards, but he lost the starships supported by the Education Department. Although he wasn't asked to compensate, the rewards were canceled.

Now, Xu Luo wasn't thinking about invading and expanding his Umbrella legion.

At this moment, the most important thing for him was to accumulate faith power and evolution points, then simulate the Leviathan.

With this unit, wouldn't he be unstoppable in the novice Divine Realm?

So after becoming a seed, he quietly developed with a low profile, attending classes regularly, and didn't even explore plane worlds.

Previously, using Xenomorphs, he had collected who knows how many genes, and he wasn't in a hurry to continue collecting now.

Things had priorities, and for him, nothing was more important than simulating the Leviathan.

With the Leviathan, not only would he have a powerful Gold-tier unit, more importantly, he could upgrade the queen mother to the Gold tier.

The previous battle had really stimulated him.

Not only did Ying Yingluo become a True God in one go, but the effect of organized armies facing scattered soldiers was too strong.

No matter how powerful the opponent, at the same tier, power couldn't overwhelm. When facing a well-coordinated army, even with equal numbers, the side without coordination would fail.

Most Gold-tier units were powerful, so their personalities were also unyielding. They could submit to Gods because Gods were stronger than them, but most didn't have deep faith. Even fanatics, while believing in Gods, would find it difficult to be commanded like ordinary soldiers.

Ying Yingluo's army was raised step by step from the bottom.

Xu Luo didn't have this trouble.

The Zerg's faith was constant, and absolute obedience was just basic operation.

With Ying Yingluo's successful precedent, becoming a True God in one go was now before many geniuses.

If she could do it, why couldn't they?

Xu Luo didn't think about directly becoming a True God; he just wanted his strength to be stronger, then go "protect" more alien races, influence them, and teach them to win others over with virtue.

His current strength was certainly not enough. Forget developing new protection targets; he couldn't even protect the previous ones.

Just as Xu Luo was laying low to develop, dutifully attending classes, surfing the internet, and continuing to understand various aspects of this world, an interstellar call broke everything.

"You have an interstellar call request. Do you want to connect?"

When the personal assistant's call request prompt sounded, Xu Luo was playing a game.

In this world, besides God's Domain, there were many other online games, covering almost everything in all aspects, fulfilling Xu Luo's former wishes.

Shooting, holographic fighting, nurturing, all kinds were available.

Xu Luo had just been engaged in combat.

However, unlike dominating in God's Domain, in the fighting game, he was severely beaten.

When he heard about the interstellar call, Xu Luo's first reaction was confusion. He didn't have much social interaction, where did an interstellar call come from?

But he quickly realized that this body's parents were working on another planet.

Although his feelings were complex, he still hurriedly answered the call.

After connecting, the projections of two figures appeared before him, as if they were real people.

Opening his mouth, Xu Luo somehow couldn't make a sound.

"Luo Luo, let mom see if you've grown taller!" The woman in the projection wore a heavy interstellar exploration suit, with only the helmet removed, revealing a mature and beautiful face.

This exploration suit was a bit like the spacesuits from Xu Luo's previous life, able to resist various radiations in space and possible attacks from beasts that might exist on various planets.

But its weight was also astonishing, weighing dozens of kilograms. Wearing such clothes for exploration, one can imagine how hard it must be.

However, seeing her son, Li Yan didn't show any signs of hardship. The genuine smile on her face infected Xu Luo.

These were people who truly cared for him, not treating him differently because he was poor or rich.

"Mom!" He opened his mouth and finally called out.

Then he looked to the side, seeing the middle-aged man with an eager gaze, and called more naturally.


"Hey!" Hearing this "Dad," Xu Zhen was as happy as a child, his face beaming with a brilliant smile.

"My son is really getting more handsome. Are you doing well in school? How are you getting along with your classmates? Do you have a girlfriend?"

After the initial strange barrier passed, like many parents, Li Yan began to care about various aspects of Xu Luo's life, from small things like food to big things like girlfriends, in great detail.

Xu Luo felt a bit awkward but still answered patiently.

He could feel the concern of both of them. Although Xu Zhen wasn't good at expressing it, a father's concern for his son could be seen from his expression.

Xu Luo felt some guilt in his heart. After all, strictly speaking, he had replaced the consciousness of this body, equivalent to "killing" their son.

The current self was just a fake.

But such things, if said, no one would believe. From now on, he would be their son.

"Mom, Dad, why don't you quit your jobs and come back? I'll support you!"

After communicating, Xu Luo still expressed his thoughts.

Although he didn't have much ability now, he could still manage to let his parents avoid hardship.

He really couldn't bear to see them trudging across various planets in such heavy work suits, searching for various useful resources.

"What nonsense are you talking, child?" Li Yan laughed and scolded.

"We're serving in the military department. How could we just leave?"

"Ah?" Xu Luo was stunned for a moment before realizing that they weren't working for a company. Interstellar explorers were formal military personnel, backed by the Military Department, one of the six departments like the Education Department.

"My Luo Luo has grown up, knowing to care for mom!" But Li Yan was still very happy.

"Don't worry, mom and dad will definitely try to retire early and come back to accompany you. I still want to see you get married!"

"It's good that you have this heart!" Xu Zhen calmly said this sentence, his face expressionless, but his reddened eyes still betrayed his current emotions.

They had been separated more than together since childhood. Their son was already so grown up, but they could only make a few calls home each year. How could they not miss him?

Even now, the call time was limited, only ten minutes, and then they hurriedly hung up.

The time for this call was up.

[10/21+1 - Chapters Released this week]

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Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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