Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 114: The Battle Tactics of Goblin Technology

"Next!" The calm voice remained unchanged as always.

However, in the stands, the expressions of those from No. 1 High School changed.

This was already the twelfth person Xu Luo had eliminated.

His Zerg seemed endless, constantly emerging as if they were inexhaustible. No one knew exactly how many there were.

Out of twenty people, twelve had been eliminated, leaving only eight.

If this continued, allowing Xu Luo to complete a streak of twenty, No. 1 High School would lose considerable face.

At first, when Wu Feng was defeated, others didn't pay much attention, thinking it wasn't a big deal. But as several more went up and were defeated, the top students from No. 1 High School's first year couldn't sit still. They went up, only to suffer the fate of having all their units annihilated.

It was only then that everyone realized Xu Luo, who appeared ordinary, was actually quite extraordinary. At the very least, no one knew how many troops he had hidden.

"Qianqian..." The Dean of No. 1 High School turned to the girl beside him.

"Teacher, wouldn't it be bullying if I went up?" The girl tilted her head, her ordinary face lit up by a pair of bright, intelligent eyes.

"Didn't the principal say I shouldn't intervene unnecessarily?"

"This is different now. This is our home ground, we can't lose!" The Dean quickly explained.

No. 1 High School's venue, and it was the opening ceremony. If they lost to others right from the start, even though No. 1 High School had points from the second and third years, it would still be hard to swallow.

"Alright!" Qianqian's gaze shifted to Dong Fangcheng, and seeing his almost imperceptible nod, she no longer refused.

As Qianqian took the stage, the noisy venue suddenly fell silent.

Many people knew about this girl, Qianqian. She was No. 1 High School's ace and one of the future leaders of all new students in Tianhai City.

Now she was just a young girl, but in the future, no one knew what heights she might reach.

Some were surprised she was going on stage so early, while others weren't.

If this continued, No. 1 High School would lose all face. If Qianqian really waited until she was the last to go on stage, even if she won, others would say No. 1 High School used underhanded tactics, using ordinary students to wear down the opponent's forces before sending Qianqian in at the last moment.

So going on stage at this point was not a problem.

Appearing on the battlefield, Qianqian didn't immediately deploy any units. Instead, her Demi-God form floated in mid-air, exuding a powerful aura.

"You should surrender. I don't want to bully you," the girl's voice was childish, but her expression was very serious.

"Heh!" Xu Luo's God form didn't respond, only mobilizing his Zerg to prepare for the confrontation.

This girl could become No. 1 High School's ace, so her strength was naturally formidable. The power she was displaying now was already quite impressive, not to mention her units.

Although without goblin airships there was nothing to worry about too much, Xu Luo wouldn't completely disregard her because of this.

"Sigh!" Qianqian sighed, feeling that as a seed student, bullying ordinary students wasn't good. But since the opponent wasn't willing to surrender, she had no choice but to take action.

Formations appeared one by one on this temporary battlefield, with neat and uniform steps displaying powerful military might.

Each goblin was fully armed. Though small in stature, they all had uniform equipment and weapons.

Although the scene was somewhat comical, none of the onlookers could laugh.

Because the goblin troops that appeared at this moment were not to be underestimated by anyone.

Each goblin held a firearm, and three entire magical gun corps were enough to be frightening.

But after the gunners made way, groups of goblins worked together to push out cannon after cannon.

Who wouldn't fear such things when facing a low-tier corps?

Compared to the scattered troops before, Qianqian's force was a regular army.

At this moment, the artillery was in front, the gunners behind, and in the center were some goblin arcane mages wearing robes.


The Zerg were tunneling underground, naturally not willing to watch as the goblins set up their formation to attack them.

But the staffs in the hands of the goblin arcane mages emitted light, and the ground shook violently. Then a large area where the goblins were positioned suddenly collapsed.

Some corpses of crushed Zerg were revealed.

The tunnels below were filled in by this jointly cast earthquake spell, making it impossible for the Zerg to approach silently.

Moreover, the arcane mages used arcane waves to detect life signatures, then directed the artillery and gunners to attack.

Zerg that showed themselves were naturally shot to pieces, while those hidden underground were also discovered and subjected to a round of artillery fire.

First came the shattering shells, which hit the ground and blasted open craters. Then came a type of special shell that caused intense corrosion when it hit the ground, later evaporating to form an eerie green mist.

By this time, all the goblins' faces were covered with something resembling gas masks.

The sound of artillery fire rang out continuously. First striking the ground, then using poison shells—this could be said to be the basic attack method of the goblin army.

In the past, when dealing with others, Qianqian had always been invincible.

Even if the opponent's units were about as strong as hers, without effective tactics, they simply couldn't beat her when facing her.

Of course, goblins weren't limited to just magic guns and basic magic crystal cannons. It's just that, firstly, her tech level wasn't too high yet, and secondly, facing these peers, there was no need to use higher technology.

Qianqian's tactics were good, first launching a round of attacks, then letting the magic gunners deal with enemies that showed themselves.

But this had one prerequisite—that she was facing ordinary units.

Unfortunately, this time facing the Zerg, her tactics weren't as effective.

The earthquake spell causing the tunnels to collapse had some effect, and the impact of the shattering shells was also decent.

The corrosive effect of the poison shells did cause some damage to the Zerg that came into contact with them, but once it evaporated into poisonous mist, it became useless.

Because the Zerg simply didn't breathe.

Moreover, the Zerg had high resistance to poison.

The dense magical gun attacks could suppress the Zerg somewhat, but only the weaker ones. For creatures like the earth dragon zerg, with their high defense, strong attack, and not-slow speed, they could charge forward under the gunners' fire.

Unless the gunners aimed at the same spot simultaneously, firing several shots to penetrate its outer defense, they simply couldn't threaten a dragon worm.

Seeing that her damage actually didn't have much effect on the Zerg, Qianqian was stunned for a moment, then became excited.

At No. 1 High School, other students were unwilling to battle with her. Now encountering someone who could fight her head-on, she was quite happy.

The goblin formation changed. The gunners put away their firearms and small baskets appeared at their waists, containing who-knows-what.

Xu Luo actually found the girl's goblin attacks quite interesting, full of surprises that caught people off guard.

This was the first opponent he had encountered who used poison gas to attack enemies.

If it weren't for the fact that the Zerg didn't need to breathe, he felt he might have fallen for it too.

This wasn't an exaggeration—who could have imagined that goblin cannons could fire such poison gas shells?

Now, not knowing what other methods the opponent had, Xu Luo didn't immediately send his Zerg over.

The goblins reached into their baskets, grabbed something, and threw it out. Explosions rang out one after another.

"Bombs?" Xu Luo's first reaction was this.

But looking at the shape and power, they seemed more like homemade grenades.

The power of one wasn't great, but with countless goblins throwing them together, the explosions were continuous, covering a whole area, which was still very terrifying.

Xu Luo's Bronze and Silver tier units also suffered damage in this attack.

After all, due to the impact of the earlier earthquake spell, the Zerg were actually staying in the shallow surface layer, not hidden very deep. Now with such indiscriminate bombing, the killing power was naturally shocking.

It had to be said that Qianqian's imagination was quite good, able to think of having goblins go down the firearms path.

It's just that the goblins' technology wasn't very advanced yet. Otherwise, it would be quite formidable in the future.

However, these relatively primitive grenades still lacked power. They could injure most Zerg, but few were directly killed.

For creatures like earth dragon zerg, the effect was even more negligible.

At this point, most Zerg had suffered light injuries, while some were severely injured.

Qianqian was very satisfied with her results. This was just the first encounter, and she had already caused heavy losses to the opponent. In the real battle to come, wouldn't she easily defeat them?


As a seed student, she shouldn't have come to bully these ordinary classmates.

Thinking this, she was about to end this farce and save face for No. 1 High School.

However, the butterfly fairy who had been with Xu Luo's main body and had previously used some simple deception tactics to turn others' units, was now emitting a faint green light, with starry specks falling onto the injured Zerg.

Their injuries were rapidly recovering.

It was only because Xu Luo was unwilling to expose his creeps that the Zerg's recovery speed wasn't even faster. On the creeps, they could directly complete recovery by consuming evolution points, which was extremely convenient.

As long as there were enough evolution points, his Zerg could keep fighting continuously.

"Huh?" Seeing this scene, Qianqian was dumbfounded.

She had worked so hard commanding the goblins to do all that, finally creating some results, but the opponent just used a group heal and it was all undone?

Hadn't that Insect's leg been broken before?

How did half of it grow back now?

Wasn't this recovery speed a bit too exaggerated?

This was just a virtual battle. The shells consumed earlier weren't real resources, otherwise Qianqian felt her mindset might have collapsed.

Bullets and shells all cost money. She thought her results were good, but it turned out that was just what she thought.

If in reality she had paid a huge price but still had no effect, she would have felt extremely upset.

In fact, by this point in the battle, the outcome was already more or less determined.

Qianqian's strongest moves were gone. Although the arcane mages used their self-created oil spell to cover the ground with oil, then threw magic bombs to ignite it,

Intending to use this method of fire attack to destroy the enemy.

But she simply didn't know how many genes the Zerg had absorbed, how many creatures' talents and skills they had fused.

Their magic resistance, fire resistance, and the like were also quite high.

Even bathed in flames, they basically took no significant damage.

The whole venue was in an uproar!

This meant Xu Luo had defeated the one originally recognized as the top freshman.

Dong Fangcheng's expression, which had been calm and composed all along, changed for the first time.

He had two great prides; one was Fang Shuo, and the other was Qianqian.

He had originally thought this competition would be Qianqian's chance to rise, that in the future, she would become one of the leaders of the younger generation in all of Tianhai City.

Now she had lost just like that?

Although it was that girl being careless and not using her full strength, who knew if Xu Luo had used his full strength?

His gaze turned to Zhong Tianyue.

Just at this moment, Zhong Tianyue also looked at him.

"Dongfang, this student of yours is very impressive. Has he received a seed qualification?" Unlike No. 6 High School's tight situation, No. 1 High School was powerful, with one seed qualification every year. Because they didn't give out the qualification every year, relying on the attraction of seeds, many students from other schools were poached to No. 1 High School.

But no matter how you looked at it, Qianqian's performance deserved a seed qualification.

They weren't fools. Although Qianqian's current strength couldn't be considered very strong, just having more advantages than others her age, they saw this girl's future potential.

Although goblin technology was just beginning, it gave people a sense of a promising future.

"This Xu Luo is that person, right?" Dong Fangcheng suddenly spoke in a low voice.

He didn't deny that Qianqian was a seed student. They were all in the same system, and if they wanted to know, they could find out through connections.

They might not be able to know the specific details of seed students, but confirming whether someone was a seed or not was possible.

"I heard our Tianhai produced a four-star. I've been wondering who could be so impressive, but thinking of all the students I know, none fit the criteria. Now it seems..."

"Watch your words!" Zhong Tianyue immediately interrupted him.

One and two-star seed students were fine, there were plenty of them. Ordinary people couldn't access them, but relevant personnel could still know certain information.

But for three and four-star seeds, it was extremely strict.

Hearing Zhong Tianyue's words, Dong Fangcheng immediately fell silent.

He also learned the answer he wanted from this.

It really was him!

A four-star seed!

At this moment, a flash of envy crossed his heart.

Why wasn't such a genius student enrolled in No. 1 High School?

Although No. 1 High School had produced many geniuses and cultivated many impressive students,

There were many geniuses, but they had never cultivated a prodigy student.

At this point, Xu Luo's performance certainly couldn't be called prodigious, but if he came to No. 1 High School, with their resources, he was confident he could cultivate a prodigy student.

"Old Zhong..."

"Not up for discussion!" Seeing his expression, as an old comrade-in-arms, Zhong Tianyue knew what he was going to say just by looking at him, so he didn't even give him a chance to speak, directly refusing.

"This is my hope for returning to the corps, don't get any ideas about him, or we can't be friends anymore."

"You still haven't given up?" Dong Fangcheng didn't insist on poaching, but was extremely surprised at his persistence.

It had been over ten years, why hadn't he let go yet?

"How can I let go, how can I be at peace!" Zhong Tianyue replied firmly.

[19/21+4 - Chapters Released this week]

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Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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