Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 37: Expansion Decree

After waiting for two days, Xu Luo finally accumulated enough faith power. He then selected the option to split the Queen on the Dominator System's control panel.


The new Queen was actually a separate entity split from the original Queen. They shared a single consciousness unless future migration necessitated severing this mental link, making them complete individuals.

Because a single Zerg swarm only has one consciousness, one Queen.

After consuming 10 million faith power and 3 million evolution points, the Queen's fearsome body suddenly swelled.

Her spider-like body didn't change much in appearance, but her eight blade arms became more robust and sharper!

After expanding to twice her original size, the Queen suddenly split into two halves, each only half of the body. It took over ten minutes for the other half to slowly recover, forming a complete individual.

Zerg Queen (No. 1, Weakened!)

Level: Silver

Tier 1 Talents: Split, Swarm Control

Skills: Egg-laying, Burrow, Low-altitude Flight, Diving Strike, Leap Attack, Earth Shield, Armor...

Basically, the Queen possessed all the abilities of other Zerg, but more powerful.

The only difference between Queen No. 2 and No. 1 was Swarm Control!

This was the symbol of the primary position.

Unless it became the leader of its own swarm in the future, or No. 1 died, it wouldn't have this ability.

Just after splitting, the Queen was still weak and needed some time to recover.

But Xu Luo could afford to wait.

With two Queens, the most noticeable change for him was getting more Zerg eggs daily.

However, he didn't rush to increase the number of Zerg, instead keeping the eggs in reserve.

There was no hurry to invade at this point, and raising so many Zerg would only increase the feeding pressure.

Although he made a fortune selling the weapons and equipment to the Wang family, he couldn't be so wasteful!

He still wanted to develop all the terrains and landforms in his Divine Realm.

If there were special terrains and landforms that could provide some specialties, that would be even better.

The Divine Realm was somewhat like a cultivation game, not just the foundation of a God, but the basis for future transformation into a Divine Kingdom, and eventually one's own Divine World.

In the Divine Realm, you could cultivate various products and species according to your wishes, selling what you don't need to exchange for what you want.

For example, the Elves' specialties were the life water produced by moon wells and the life leaves from the World Tree, both highly sought-after items.

Another example was the tusks, which were the specialty of the mammoth tribe among the beast races.

Each species had its own advantages and disadvantages, and how to develop them depended entirely on one's own ideas.

Because of Zhong Tianyue's warning, Xu Luo had been behaving himself lately, just storing Zerg eggs and faith power, preparing for a big move in the near future.

Reducing frequency meant he needed to increase his efficiency.

Others were developing too, but he didn't believe their development could be like his, where Zerg species had no growth process.

During the day, he diligently attended classes, eagerly absorbing the knowledge Professor Zhong Tianyue taught. Most of the time, he immersed himself in the simulated combat arena, battling various simulated species.

If he couldn't engage in real combat, he'd simulate. He needed to know both himself and his enemy.

Not knowing what kind of opponents he might face or what species they might have, he could only use the hard way - experiencing more, gaining experience, and learning how to handle different situations.

Besides this, he also browsed the Divine Realm capital city, looking for things suitable for himself.

Especially items needed for invasion like search cards, positioning cards, and detonation cards. As long as the price wasn't too outrageous, he'd buy them. These were always good to have in abundance.

Meanwhile, the retaliation from the Xiang family that Xu Luo had worried about for so long never came. It was as if nothing had happened.

Whether they were plotting something or had been warned off, everything remained calm.

Zhao Yiming didn't come to cause trouble, and Xiang Xun hadn't come to school for several days. When he returned to class, he was very low-key, no longer as arrogant as before.

However, the calmer things were, the more vigilant Xu Luo became.

Silent dogs bite. He didn't believe that after causing such significant losses to Xiang Xun and making the Xiang family lose face in their circles, they could act as if nothing had happened.

This gave him a feeling of calm before the storm.

Just because they hadn't retaliated now didn't mean the matter was over.

However, Xu Luo's routine was very regular. He basically only moved between school and home every day, never going to any other messy places.

He spent the vast majority of his time in his Divine Realm, occasionally having a remote communication with his parents on some unknown planet.

And so, time passed bit by bit.

In Xu Luo's Divine Realm, he had accumulated considerable strength.

He was very satisfied with both the number of Zerg and the reserve of Zerg eggs.

Trial God: Xu Luo

Divine Domain: None!

Divine Rank: Epic (Demi-God)

Divine Realm: ...

Followers: Zerg

Faith Power: 5,300,000

Believers: Zerg Queens (2), Mayflies (1,200,000), Zerg Eggs (100,000), Beetle Zerg (30,000), Mantis Zerg (30,000), Acid Zerg (30,000)


Evolution Points: 1,200,000

This was the current state of his Divine Realm.

However, he didn't have much faith power. Although he could gain over 8 million in one real-time day, developing the Divine Realm also required a lot of faith power.

Not to mention, just one Expansion Decree cost Xu Luo over 60 million to acquire at auction.

The function of the Expansion Decree was simple: to expand territory and increase the area of the Divine Realm.

Initially, everyone's Divine Realm areas were different, but generally fixed.

To increase the area of the Divine Realm, one could either ascend the Divine Realm, merge with other Divine Realms, or use an Expansion Decree to expand.

Of course, if you were wealthy enough, you could directly use faith power to create from void and increase the area directly.

However, if done that way, 100 million faith power would only increase the area by about 100,000 square kilometers, which was barely satisfactory and not worth the cost.

The Expansion Decree Xu Luo bought for 60 million directly increased his Divine Realm area by 3 million square kilometers, much more effective than using faith power directly.

However, this meant that the Divine Realm, which was already filled with various landforms, now had large areas of new desert.

After all, newly expanded areas initially had nothing and required the Divine Realm's owner to invest faith power to develop them.

Xu Luo didn't have any particular thoughts about this, just gradually investing the faith power he gained into the Divine Realm.

The higher the potential of the Divine Realm, the greater the benefits when it became a Divine Kingdom, leading to a more powerful divine domain.

This was why he invested so much faith power into the seemingly unprofitable Divine Realm.

For a God, the most important things were their Divine Kingdom, Divine Domain, Divine Authority, Divine Power, and Believers!

The Divine Domain represented the God's development direction, naturally of utmost importance.

[03/18+2 - Chapters Released this week]

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