Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 142 The Guardian Of The Gates Of Nielfheim

As the shadows began to rise up behind Kaizen, the Lord realized that they all had cyan-toned eyes and wide smiles, like the one that appeared on Psyker's face when he saw his opponent's surprised expression.

Kaizen began to back away at the same time as the shadows began to run towards the Lorde.

"You will not... run away!" Sigurd shouted shrilly.

"Run away? Not today!" Kaizen said and started to run among the dozens of shadows there.

The Lord, enraged by this improvised and inconvenient army that Kaizen had summoned, swung his sword at a few dozen shadows, slicing them apart. For him, it was not difficult to distinguish the real Kaizen from the shadows around him, because he was wearing green cloaked armor, which stood out amidst so much black. However, when his sword tore the green cloak in half, all Sigurd saw were fragments of darkness crumbling away. Immediately, his eyes became wide open like the blossoming flowers in spring.

"What...?!" The Lord thought.

Suddenly, he heard Kaizen's voice coming from his left. "Using something as a decoy is a strategy that always works on donkeys!" Kaizen exclaimed.

Sigurd turned to his left and saw Kaizen, who was still wearing that black shirt from when he started the game underneath all his armor.

Thanks to this shirt, Kaizen knew from the beginning of the battle that he would be able to camouflage himself among his shadows. However, since he didn't want to underestimate the Lord as he did before, he made sure that an extra element fully took his enemy's attention and throwing his cloak over one of the shadows served magnificently.

The Lord tried to be quick enough to react to this mass attack of shadows, but Kaizen used almost all of his remaining stored mana to press Sigurd down with a gravitational pressure.

[The effect of the 'Golden Ring' will completely end in a minute] The warning resonated in the Psyker's mind.

As Kaizen was using the Dagger of Obsession, all the shadows around him were too and without Kaizen needing to spend any mana, they all attacked using <Violent Cut> consecutively. Their target? The Lord's knees.

As Sigurd fell to the ground, his sword flew out of his hand and stopped a few feet away from him. The pain in his legs was so intense that he couldn't move, but still, he didn't stop smiling.

"You will not defeat me... with shadows!" The Lord shouted.

"No?" Kaizen said, as he walked towards him. "Well, I guess you're right."

[You have achieved the conditions.]

[You have successfully copied the skill 'Touch of Death (A)'.]

[Do you wish to save this skill? YES/NO.]

[The copied skill is saved in the Apograph deck.]

[Skill: Touch of Death

Death is the essence of life, and life the essence of death. If you can control this kind of power, you can reach unimaginable places. When you use this skill, you will apply a cumulative damage equivalent to all creatures you have killed.

(Note: the stored damage count will reset each time you die, and also each time you use this ability.)

Acquisition Difficulty: A.]

[Activating <Touch of Death>.]

With the Lord being attacked from all directions by dozens of shadows and on his knees in the middle of the square, Kaizen's intent was clear. The Psyker smiled as he looked at Sigurd like a lion looks at a cornered zebra and then he leaped toward Sigurd, applying a diagonal slash that split the Lord's chest in two.

At that moment, for the first time Sigurd's eyes, filled with fury, began to glow in a minimally human way. He said nothing, nor complained, nor groaned in pain. Only, he expressed a little surprise at first and then peace.

"You were much stronger than I expected... Goodbye, Lord Sigurd." Kaizen said, being illuminated by the rays of sunlight that slowly began to infiltrate the city once again as the effect of the Golden Ring ended.

[You killed The Guardian of the Gates of Nielfheim. You gained +50,000 XP].

[You gained 'Summoning of Hellround'.]

[You gained 'Key to the Gates of Nielfheim'.]

[You gained 'Icy Ore'.]

[You won +300 Fame.]

[Congratulations! You have just ascended to level 26!]

[Congratulations! You have just risen to level 27!]

When the black flames, which enveloped the Royal City and turned day into night, completely disappeared, all the shadows in the square and the entire city also disappeared.

[The effect of the 'Golden Ring' ended, the item self-destructed].

Finally, the event barrier also broke down and a message appeared under the sky of the Royal City.

[The Hordes Event has been successfully completed!]

[The National Library was successfully defended by you. You were rewarded with 2,000 gold coins for this].

[You gained +100 Fame.]

[You have earned +25,000 XP for resisting all the hordes.]

[Congratulations, you have just risen to level 28!]

Kaizen smiled with pleasure, opened one eye and looked to the left, where the camera device was floating.

"Did you guys like what you saw? Well, stay tuned. Soon, I'll be back." He said to the viewers and then put his hand on the camera, turning off the live broadcast.

Even with the offline broadcast, the chat room was filled with euphoric messages from thousands of people. The number of users watching the event through Kaizen's eyes exceeded 500,000 at the final climax. This was both because of the fame he had achieved in the last few days, but also because he showed a unique view of the event.

[GrimReap: That was the most fucked up thing I have ever seen in my life!

mysticgodrange: I will have to watch it again to understand what really happened.

Amisnaru: Kaizen defeated such an imposing Boss with such a powerful blow... Will he accept to become part of my family if I ask him?

IamChizukun: I so wish I could see his system screens. This would at least explain what happened here.

andrew5512: I am completely surrendered to Kaizen's power. He is very strong. Those shadows he summoned, his moves with that dagger, the fact that he can cut a Boss in half... he's my idol now].


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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