Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 154 Murmurs In The Darkness

"As I told you, the paranormal is part of the supernatural and thanks to that magic exists. However, that's all there is in common between my powers and yours. In practice, I need to concentrate and practice a lot to obtain a new power, and even then I won't be able to obtain the same powers as a Psyker. The connection between me and the supernatural is actually limited, while the connection between you and the supernatural, is practically organic." Alina explained.

Kaizen was confused about what was happening and what she was talking about. At the same time, he was curious as to why the librarian had brought him to a room so empty and far away from the library.

"What does that mean?" The player was forced to ask.

"You said you wanted to know more about your powers, right? That's why I was looking for a Wizard with Advanced level after all." said Alina as she unbuckled the belt of her grimoire. "What we will do today is to instigate that connection that exists between you and the supernatural, only then will you be able to know what your true destiny is as a Psyker." She took the grimoire from her belt.

After she explained, things became clearer to Kaizen, who did not object to her idea. If this worked, who knows, maybe Kaizen could get his first mission as a Psyker.

In this practically empty room, decorated only by a painting of the mythological wolves Skoll and Hati, Alina with a flick of her fingers lifted a part of the floor to form a stone bed for Kaizen to lie on. Then he did.

"Now, close your eyes, be calm and breathe. This is a magic I learned from reading some books, but I never dared to use it on myself, so unforeseen things can happen, not even with other people." Alina confessed, without exacerbating confidence. In fact, she seemed quite focused now.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Kaizen asked, cautiously.

"I don't know. That's why I brought you to an empty room. However, don't worry, if you were able to beat me, your life will not be at risk." The librarian replied, not taking her eyes off the grimoire as she leafed through it.

As she had requested, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to relax.

Alina's sweet voice soon began to delight his ears as she recited the incantation.

"Oh, wind that blows around the world, show us the way beyond the valleys of the end, beyond the gates of Asgard. Oh, force that flows in the depths of the oceans and the skies, lead us away from the isles of death. Guide us, spirits, that we may find what we seek. Oh..."

It wasn't long before the sound of her voice faded and, as if being guided by an unseen force, Kaizen felt himself floating. He wasn't sure whether he was dreaming or not, for all he could see around him was darkness. In this darkness he could hear a sound. It was the sound of murmuring footsteps in a large hall, which echoed up to his eardrums.

As he opened his eyes, Psyker found himself in an endless darkness and the sound of murmuring footsteps ceased.

"Is anyone there?" Kaizen shouted, but no one answered. "How bizarre..." He muttered.

At the same time, the player tried to open the system interface, to check on the map whether he had been teleported to another place or not, but as he slid an index finger down, he realized that he couldn't open the system.

"That's bad."

With no other options left, he was forced to start walking toward the black infinity that somehow wasn't completely dark around him, as if he were light itself. Continuing to walk, soon he finally spotted a small wooden door. He could sigh with relief that he wasn't trapped in a maze made only of darkness that didn't allow him to log out, except that he was so focused that he didn't even remember it.

As he approached that door, he realized that this door was familiar.

"The door to the empty room I opened earlier was exactly like that one." Kaizen muttered. "Curious."

Since there was no one to tell him not to mess up, Kaizen decided to open the door. As soon as he touched it, the door opened automatically, revealing an intense bluish light.

"I wonder what's on the other side?" Kaizen thought. Without further ado, he ran his left hand through the light and then his entire body.

On the other side of the door, he found the same room that he had been in Alina's company less than two minutes ago, however, the cave painting of Skoll and Hati was no longer on the wall. Instead, there were two large wolves sitting, staring at him. One of these wolves had fur as black as the darkest of nights, and the other had fur as white as snow.

Kaizen stared at these two creatures, and before he could say anything, the black wolf on his left said:

"You took much longer than we expected."

"I'm sorry, but I was busy." Kaizen replied, cautiously.

"No matter. The important thing is that you are here now." The white wolf said.

"Wait a minute. Are you really Skoll and Hati?" the player asked with an incredulous smile.

The two wolves looked each other in the eye and the black wolf replied:

"No, we are not Skoll and Hati. Both are stuck in their eternal burden of running after the sun and the moon. This is just a way we have deemed feasible for us to talk directly with you."

"Ah..." Kaizen was crestfallen.

"You know why you are here, don't you?" The black wolf questioned.

Considering that Kaizen had not yet had his first Class Quest, and that finding an Advanced Mage was the prerequisite to getting one, the assumption about this situation that the Psyker had in mind was one.

"I suppose you guys need me to do something," Kaizen replied.

"That's right." The white wolf said. "We need you for a mission."

"What would the mission be?" the player asked.

"A Psyker's big job is to balance the supernatural world and take care of the supernatural creatures. At this moment, all of this is divided into fragments. Some are small and can't be considered as threats, others are big and will certainly give you a lot of work." continued the white wolf.

"Our job is to help you, not guide you, because your fate only you can decide. However, the burden you carry is greater than that of a master teaching a pupil, greater than a Commander of an army, and greater than that of a King. To keep the world from plunging into chaos, you must interfere and tend it by shadows or by light." The black wolf said.

"You have already experienced a taste of the danger of chaos. The attack on the Royal City was not something normal." Affirmed the white wolf.

"Are you telling me that that crazy cult that attacked the city is involved with the supernatural?"

The white wolf shook his head positively. "Every cult is driven by a conception of the future, by ideas, and by a symbol. The more powerful the symbol, the more powerful the shock of the wave when it hits the rock at the edge of the sea. The question is not whether The Eye of Hermodr targets the supernatural or not, but what is happening in the supernatural world because of them."

"From the icy mountains formed by corpses of ice giants to the Lost Forest of the Elves, Midgard is suffering from The Eye of Hermodr. Capturing and using monsters is no longer enough for them. They are capturing supernatural creatures. Kappas, Faeries, Draughers and many others. Some of them who used to live in peace and others who long for peace will soon be forced to fight in a war that is not theirs."

"I get it." Kaizen said, frowning. "What should I do?"

"First, you must find the Skogsrå and free them from the prison they are in. Skogsrå are creatures that protect the forest from hunters and are highly valued by the elves. If they are captured, the elves will be furious and leave their exile." The white wolf replied.

"And that is bad?" Kaizen asked.

"Very bad. The Orcs harbor a natural anger toward the Elves to this day, and the Elves don't like the Dwarves. If all the Elves go back to Midgard, a war between races will break out sooner or later."

"And how do I go about finding these forest creatures you mention?"

"First you need to find the entrance to the forest. Take this." The black wolf said. "This is a map of the forest. You can use it to find the way."

"Thank you." Kaizen replied, taking the map.

[You have won 'Map to Nyland Forest'].

"Now, you need to decide whether to do this mission or not." said the black wolf.

[You got a Class Mission.]

[Quest Name: Vision

Two mysterious wolf-shaped creatures have asked for your help in saving supernatural creatures from the clutches of The Eye of Hermodr. Their first request is that you go to Nyland Forest and save creatures called Skogsrå.

Possible rewards upon completing this Quest:

- +10000 XP.

- Class Points (3).

- Class Quest Continuation.

Do you wish to accept? YES/NO]


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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