Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 171 The Improbable Trio

The fact that Kaizen was unable to leave Næġling Falske with +8 Enhancement proved to Psyker exactly what was described in Wen Chiu's blacksmithing book: it was impossible to get a +8 Enhancement in practice, even though it was possible in theory.

Even using the plumber's separation method, and the replacement of crystals as a conductor for the enhancement energy, using conductive ores to guide the energy, it was impossible to get anything beyond +7 Enhancement.

At first, the Psyker thought that if he used silver instead of copper, perhaps the chance of getting his weapon +8 Enhancement would be greater. However, he should have thought that the great master smith Wen Chiu would have already thought of this too, and that the author of the book only chose to use copper because it is a cheaper metal than silver, and that copper would also give the same result as silver.

Despite not being able to exceed the limit informed by Wen Chiu, Kaizen was happy with his work at Næġling Falske. This was, without a doubt, a great sword. However, it was a sword to be used in specific situations, and he still preferred the Dagger of Obsession for hunting because it didn't require much effort to wield.


<strong>~ Six days left until the Confrontation against the Taznaar. ~</strong>

Having only Næġling Falske and the Dagger of Obsession to face one of the strongest players in the Tretidian Kingdom was not something Kaizen wanted to risk.

In a battle with such a high level disparity, he would need several cards up his sleeves and besides exploiting his own abilities, all he could do in his workshop was to increase the power of his weaponry and team.

While he was thinking about this, forging without even leaving the house for a few days, the demon, who was watching him forge with admiration, stopped looking at the anvil and said:

"We have visitors."

Seconds later, the thick metal knockers of the front door made the sound of their pounding on the wood echo throughout the residence.

*Toc, toc*

Kaizen didn't usually get many visitors, and since Og'tharoz couldn't open the door lest he startle someone, he had to go sanitize his own curiosity as to who might be at his door.

Last time, Korgrak was the one who appeared, but who could it be now?

As he opened the door, the Psyker was faced with a dark-faced, shadowed figure who emanated a discomfiting hatred. Even though this person looked so different than usual, Kaizen didn't fail to recognize Petril Wyvernjack, especially since the butler was standing next to who he was standing next to.

"Oh! Princess Ravastine, it is a pleasure for me to see you again." Psyker smiled sympathetically at the princess, who was hooded.

"Shhh! No one can know I'm here." She said, pushing Kaizen into her own home.

When Ravastine and Kaizen entered the residence, the butler in the green suit and black hair clicked his tongue, escorted them inside, and closed the doors.

"Why is he like that today?" asked the player, referring to Petril.

"Ah! Never mind that expression of his. He's been living and working in the Royal Palace since before I was born, so he doesn't like coming to this part of town."

'So, he's just a spoiled butler...?'

"Besides, one of his best friends, Captain Arthas, was recently fired by my stepmother, so he's in a bad mood."

"So that's why... Well, anyway I'm glad you remembered where I live."

"I needed to know your final answer about my test in Nyland Forest." She said, crossing her arms.

"Isn't it obvious? Of course you passed. However, forget about that trip for now. You've come at a good time. Come with me, please." Kaizen began to make his way to the back of the store.

At the moment, Petril was running a finger along one of the columns and he easily noticed how dusty the place was, so he said:

"I will remain right here waiting for you, princess. If that's okay."

"Right! Do as you prefer." She replied without caring much.

As soon as Ravastine set foot inside Psyker's workshop, she let out a sigh of admiration. Not because of the messy place, but because there were three swords on the center bench of the forge.

​ "Amazing! Are all of them yours?" She said, her eyes gleaming with admiration.

Quickly, Kaizen approached the bench and covered the swords with a cloth. "These swords are not ready yet."

"What are you talking about? Did you buy them unfinished? By the way, they look pretty good to me."

"No, I'm the one who forged them, but I'm still after something to finish one of them, so you will help me with that while I prepare you for the fight against Taznaar."

Ravastine was surprised for a second that Kaizen was a blacksmith, but she soon remembered that he was a Psyker and the fact that he was a blacksmith didn't even seem that shocking anymore. However, even in front of a Psyker her confidence was intact.

"Get me ready? I'm already ready!"

"Tell me, Princess... Have you ever fought a Boss? The experience of fighting the trio that Taznaar will set up will be about the same or even harder than fighting a Boss, I'd bet all my money on it."

"A Boss? Of course, I've never fought one."

"Then I am right, you need preparation. As I said, you have arrived at the right time. I need a specific item and a Boss who is an old enemy of mine will provide us with that item if we kill him."

"An old enemy?" Curious, Ravastine asked.

In Kaizen's first battle against Boss in Rise Online, he didn't do even 1 damage. This was not because the Psyker did not want to deal damage, but rather because he did not want to die trying to do so. At the time, the level disparity was too absurd to try something so silly.

Shadowcat, a huge feline that lives in a practically inhospitable part of the Misty Woods. His frightening speed was his second greatest advantage, because the first was the fact that he could summon shadow tentacles. The location of the Shadow Gatun could be easily found if whoever was looking for him knew that around the famous optional Boss of the Misty Woods there are parasitic monsters, which feed on the remains of the victims that the Shadow Gatun kills.

"Alright, that scary part I get, but what I really want to know is: who is the weird bard? And how will he help us kill this Boss?" Ravastine asked, pointing at Jayaa as they walked after leaving the road.

"He is..." Kaizen was about to introduce his duo to the princess, but Jayaa stopped him, placing her hand on his chest.

"Who am I?" inquired the bard, looking down.

A tense atmosphere settled between the two at that moment, which made Ravastine swallow his own saliva in fear.

However, Jayaa suddenly raised his face with a huge smile on his face and, with his lute in hand, began to sing:

"If you don't know me, I just need to introduce myself! I am Jayaa, and I am sure that I will be able to charm you. A rightful bard, handsome and kind, but don't underestimate me because I have the strength of an Ogre~! And if you are doubting me, be aware that I have killed monsters bigger than boars..."

Jayaa continued singing the song introducing himself for another five minutes, leaving Ravastine with slumped shoulders and tired eyes, not because the song was bad, but because the song only talked about himself and exaggerated events.

*Clap, Clap*

Still, Kaizen clapped at the end. "Well, as he said himself, that's Jayaa. Sometimes he can be annoying, however he is a pleasant person most of the time."

The bard's eyes sparkled at Psyker's praise.

"We will be the trio that defeats Taznaar, so I hope you two can get along. We have a lot to evolve in the coming days, both individually and also collectively."

Kaizen's words served as motivation for his friend, who respected him for never losing his poise and focus.

Moreover, Ravastine, though annoyed that he didn't think a bard could help more than an ordinary knight, gave in because he knew he could trust Kaizen.

"Yes, I get it!" said Ravastine, looking at the bard's lute.

"That's fine by me." Jayaa shrugged.

"Well, now that we've made the introductions, we need to hurry. The Shadow Gatun is a monster that many Guilds and smaller partys try to kill, so I don't want to miss the chance to kill him and have to wait for his resurgence. Let's go faster..."

With a simple Webnet search the previous day, Kaizen discovered that the item he needed to put the finishing touches on one of his new swords was one of the standard Drops from the Shadow Gatun Boss. Before Ravastine showed up at the smithy, he was thinking of trying to solo the Boss when he finished his new armor, but of course with the princess' help that would be too easy, or so the Psyker thought...


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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