Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 179 Phoenix

Ravastine pressing Taznaar was something no one imagined, including him. She had special skills, she was an important and high-level NPC, but she should be nothing compared to someone like the leader of the Desert Lion Guild. That being the case, everyone was impressed as they watched her bring Taznaar to his knees, except Kaizen, who already knew about her strength.

While the princess was dealing with Taznaar, Kaizen was attracting the attention of Ricroar and Lara. At the same time, Jayaa was chanting to keep the agility buff active.

Ravastine's sword was emanating uncertain purple energy and exchanging friction with Taznaar's scaly-handled dagger, which was bravely resisting its enemy's strength.

The more time that passed for Taznaar in this situation, the more he felt humiliated, and this was not without reason, people were mocking him in the live broadcast chats.

"I... won't... be humiliated like that!" He exclaimed and suddenly a tornado of flames surged around, throwing Ravastine and her sword backwards in different directions.

Everyone who was watching widened their eyes as they saw this tower of fire rise for more than ten meters in height.

Within seconds the tower fell apart, and the one standing in the center of it was Taznaar. He stared angrily at Ravastine lying on the ground. Immediately, he stretched his right hand forward and a ball of fire appeared in his palm, which then doubled in size with a single heart-like pulse.

"Die!" said Taznaar, and the burning sphere shot out at high speed at Ravastine, who hadn't even had time to get up.

Kaizen looked at the fireball going towards Ravastine and tried to stop it with <Telekinesis>, but he was suddenly pushed down by Ricroar and when he tried to fight the Drow's strength, Lara shot him in the knee, exactly where he didn't have much coating of Desert Blue Lizard scales with the purpose of not slowing him down. The iron bullet went through Kaizen's knee, doing a lot of damage and making his knee give way to Ricroar's strength.

"Damn, if things keep going like this..." Kaizen thought, watching the fireball pass too close to him, but at a loss.

The flames reflected in Ravastine's brown eyes, illuminating them, and she was resigned to her death when suddenly the fireball hit a bluish barrier that was practically translucent.


The floor of the entire Arena shook once again.

The fireball dispersed after hitting something solid, and the sound of this barrier shattering, like glass, was also a huge surprise to everyone watching and to those who were dueling, except for one of them.

Jayaa played his lute with the greatest calm in the world, and his music gradually became louder for everyone to hear after the crash of the fireball's impact. His strumming on the strings of the lute extracted what his music was best at, emotion. His music became calmer, and the bluish barrier he created dissipated as it broke.

Meanwhile, a purple aura enveloped Ravastine, and she stood up with her sword in her hands, without a single scratch.

"Impossible..." Taznaar muttered, more shocked than ever, and Ravastine just looked at him with a disdainful smile.

At that moment, Ravastine managed to step back and group with Jayaa once again.

Kaizen, who was immobilized on the ground, used <Giant's Lungs> to get the strength to get out of Ricroar's attempted immobilization.

"You will not escape me!" Lara shouted at Kaizen, aiming at him as the target of her <Teleguided Shot>, which caused the barrel of her musket to be enveloped in a red aura


Again Lara fired, and the dry pop of the shot resounded to all directions.

"You still don't get it, do you, girl?" Kaizen asked, holding the shot in the air with <Telekinesis> with a confident smile. "I am your greatest natural enemy!" He exclaimed.

This time, instead of dropping the bullet on the ground as he did before, he hurled the bullet back towards Lara at a speed as great as when the bullet exited the barrel of the gun.


The shot went right through the shooter's head.

[Super critical damage!]

The woman was simply paralyzed as she watched her life bar drop rapidly after being hit by her own shot. Before, she was confident that she could gain fame as a sniper by defeating Kaizen with a single shot, but what happened was the opposite of that. Soon after, Lara began to crumble into blueish particles, departing from the fingers of her hand, until she was completely gone from the Arena in moments.

[You killed the player 'Lara'].

Kaizen listened to the notification, surprised, because he didn't expect to kill her with just that.

'Ehh? Are firearms that unbalanced?' he thought.

Ricroar, who had witnessed Lara's death, was enraged, as was Taznaar.

However, Kaizen didn't care about that, nor did he care about the fact that he had killed Lara. After all, this was a PVP battle and one side had to be completely eliminated to end the duel. Quietly, he grouped up with Jayaa and Ravastine.

The opposing duo also took advantage of this to group together and they seemed to whisper something to each other. Kaizen and the others only needed to exchange glances to know what they should do.

When Ricroar and Taznaar advanced against the trio, Kaizen exclaimed:

"Jayaa, use <Blessing of the Ally> once more."

As ordered by Psyker, the bard began to sing the song that increased the agility of his allies.

"We have to kill that annoying bard!" Taznaar exclaimed to the huge drow, who looked at him and nodded.

The opposing duo split up to attack Kaizen and the others from two different sides.

Ricroar went toward Ravastine, aiming to overcome her on the basis of brute force to catch up with the bard, while Taznaar and Kaizen stood face to face.

"It seems that your plan is to keep me busy here, but you won't succeed!" Kaizen warned the leader of the Desert Lions.

Taznaar just ignored Kaizen's words and attacked with his dagger. The flaky-handled dagger practically flew towards Kaizen, at such a speed that it was difficult to follow with the eyes.

Kaizen was concentrating on blocking Taznaar's attacks by using <Telekinesis> to pin him down, but he was still paying attention to what was happening around him.

Ravastine and Ricroar began to fight fiercely, exchanging powerful blows. The drow used an ability that hardened his arms to the level of a steel weapon, thus being able to resist Ravastine's sword blows even without using any weapon.

To make matters worse, the way Taznaar moved his dagger was majestic and fast, forcing Kaizen to dodge, because he realized that if he dared to try to use <Telekinesis> to stop the dagger every time his mana would quickly deplete. Despite having a narcissistic personality, Taznaar was still dozens of levels above Kaizen, and the Psyker couldn't be oblivious to that.

As the battle grew more tense, the individual duels became proportionally more even, because both Ravastine and Kaizen, and Ricroar and Taznaar needed to adapt to their opponents' skills and movements.

The music sung by Jayaa became harmonically similar with the speed of the battle, which made it all the more exciting for the spectators.

As the battle became more and more intense, Taznaar realized that he couldn't beat Kaizen using such futile skills, so he used <Phoenix>, and wings made of flames came out of his back. The entire environment of the Arena instantly became very hot, making the participants sweat with heat.

With a flutter of wings, Taznaar flew a few feet upwards, making everyone sigh.

"Owww! Can humans really do that?"

​ "He's so fucked up!"

"Taznaar is looking like an angel, isn't he, Dad?"


"I want to see daring Kaizen get over that one now! HAHAHAHA!"

The second princess, who was fighting Ricroar, lost her focus as she looked at Taznaar flying and said:

"What?! Now he can fly too?!"

"He wouldn't be distracted!" Ricroar exclaimed with a serious look on his face and threw a left jab in Ravastine's direction. She managed to block in time, but was thrown several meters back.

Taznaar smiled confidently, looking over the battlefield. Although he was already one down in the duel, to him Lara was nothing more than a gamble to try to surprise Kaizen. Since his plan A and B, which were the Bloody Lily and Korgrak, did not agree to help him with his revenge, he had to bet on an element of surprise. However, Taznaar did not yet know that the moment he stopped pressing Kaizen, this was all the Psyker wanted most to finally be able to use his most powerful ability.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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