Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 193 Copper Azucrinating Monkeys

As Kaizen was crossing the forest, he encountered some Copper Azucrinating Monkeys shortly after passing the Descendants' camp.

Kaizen was surprised by the exotic appearance of these monsters that he had never seen before.

The monkeys were of a golden hue and their fur was covered with colorful feathers. They were of medium size, about a meter each, and they moved quickly, jumping from branch to branch.

Although Kaizen was fascinated by the beauty of these beings for a few seconds, he soon realized the hard way that the name of these monsters was not without foundation. Since they were very fast monkeys that kept jumping from side to side, it was tiring to try to hit them. In addition, they had a cowardly way of attacking their prey, because they kept moving around, confusing the prey, and always attacked when the victim was unprepared.

Before Kaizen even realized it, the monkeys had surrounded him and began to attack him in this manner.

Kaizen took a sword from his inventory and began to fight the monkeys. He managed to fend off most of the attacks in time, but he still got scratched a few times, because every time he turned to defend himself, he was attacked again from behind. With each attack hit by the Copper Azucrinating Monkeys, they all laughed as if there was no funnier thing in the world.

"Argh!" Another cut on the back hit Kaizen. 'Those little shits have some impressive courage to do that to me!'


The monkeys squealed hysterically, which irritated Kaizen to the point of making a vein pop out of his forehead. The attacks of these monsters took no more than 15 HP from him, but Kaizen's problem was not that he was running out of time. He needed to get through the forest as fast as possible, to be able to reach the Ferris' carriage.

'Those monkeys probably know they can't kill me, yet they keep disturbing me. I won't be able to cross the forest even if I run away from the fight now. They would surely keep bothering me along the way if I did that. I have to defeat them here and now.' Kaizen thought.

There must have been at least more than twenty Copper Azucrinating Monkeys around him and since they were all Mutant Rank, even for Kaizen it would not be easy to defeat them in a matter of seconds.

Regardless, Kaizen needed to teach these creatures a lesson so that at least they wouldn't feel like following him through the forest, and Kaizen knew this, so he decided to appeal.

He nailed the Næġling Falske to the ground, and then opened his inventory. While enduring scratches and bites, he pulled out two more swords from his inventory.

One of those swords was the Snowy Limbo and the other was a brand new sword that had not even been used once.

This sword was much thinner and sharper on the sides than any other sword Kaizen had. His newest weapon followed the patterns of subtlety that katanas normally have, but this sword produced by Kaizen had cuts on both sides of the blade, which provided much more durability than a katana could ever achieve. On the black blade of this sword, there were poorly drawn runes that glowed purple, and between the sword handle and the blade, a yellowish eye petrified with purple amber gained great prominence. On the long handle of the sword, there were ten powerful rings, on each of which were minute runes engraved by hand as on the blade.

The name of this sword was the Eye of the Storm.

When the three swords were nailed to the ground, all before Kaizen, he took a deep breath and looked at the monkeys, who could feel at that moment an overwhelming aura being emanated by the Psyker.

"Be honored, annoying little monkeys, because today you are going to experience something that not even Taznaar had the honor of experiencing." Kaizen said, and his characteristic smile appeared on his face.

Using <Telekinesis>, the Psyker took the three swords off the ground and made them levitate in the air.

Simultaneous control of three different objects was not something Kaizen was used to, so the blades of the swords wobbled at first, except that Kaizen had practiced this technique a little in advance, so he quickly adapted to keeping the blades static.

"Let's get started," Kaizen said.

Suddenly, the Snowy Limb moved. The sword, which was white-hot, resembled a hawk charging at a poor mouse in an open field, and it hit one of the monkeys that was laughing non-stop. The sword cut the creature in half and turned its remains into snowflakes just before it returned to Kaizen's side.

[You killed a Copper Azucrinating Monkey. you gained +1500 XP.]

[You gained 'Copper Azucrinating Monkey Tongue' (1x).]

At the same time as the Snowy Limbo returned, Kaizen made a coordinated attack with the Næġling Falske and the Eye of the Storm.

Both swords were very fast because they were light in weight, but compared to the Eye of Storm, the Næġling Falske was slower because it precisely had lower stats in speed.

The Eye of the Storm struck with the speed of lightning, emanating its purple and yellow aura from that of the main item Kaizen used to produce it, the Eye of the Aura Manipulator.

The monkeys were thrown into the air and were slaughtered, one by one. The power of three powerful swords attacking with total freedom was devastating.

[You killed a Copper Azucrinating Monkey. you gained +1500 XP.]

[You killed a Copper Azucrinating Monkey. you gained +1500 XP.]

[You killed a Copper Azucrinating Monkey. you gained +1500 XP.]

[You killed a Copper Azucrinating Monkey. you gained +1500 XP.]


[Item: Eye of the Storm (+7 upgrade)

An attack sword made for warriors who like fast and clean work. Its efficiency is undeniable due to its cut. All that limits the power of this sword is its user.

Adorned with the eye of a trusted member of The Eye of Hermodr, Lysam Smedley, The Aura Manipulator, this sword represents the very passage between life and death.

(Note: with each kill of the user using this sword, the player increases the Bloodthirst condition bar by 1%. When the bar reaches 100%, the condition is applied and the sword bearer may or may not succumb to the sword's power).

Class: Epic

Item Level: 1 of 3

Attack: 170 (+70)

Defense: 100 (+70)

Physical Fitness Level needed: 60.]


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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