Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 215 Trapped

Without a doubt the Class Skill <Telekinesis> was still the most useful skill for Kaizen even after he obtained so many. This skill allowed him to be versatile, fast, and lethal like few others could.

Lieutenant Morrison stood no chance against the Psyker's onslaught, and as he killed him easily Kaizen heard some messages resonate in his mind.

[You have killed Morrison, Lieutenant of the New Kingsguard. You have gained +7000 XP].

[Congratulations! You have just risen to level 49!]

'Ow! All that EXP for a single weak NPC? Looks like I'm finally getting somewhere!' Kaizen thought as he ran.

The corridors of the Royal Palace were all nicely decorated with flowers, paintings, armor, and other delicate objects. However, Kaizen was running at high speed, so each of the corridors seemed to be exactly the same as the previous one. As such, he was completely lost.

As he ran, Kaizen could clearly see that there was a lot of sunlight coming from the corridors to his right. It was logical to think that if he chose to follow this light, he would find a corridor filled with large panes of glass, which could basically function as large doors to the outside of the main building. However, thinking more carefully about this, for Kaizen it was not difficult to realize that breaking glass panes by jumping out of the building, like in an action movie, was not the smartest way to escape. This would probably draw the attention of all the forces on the walls, which Kaizen would essentially need to climb on to get away.

'I can fight a mythical monster, high level players, and face anything else head-on without a second thought thanks to the agility advantage my PR provides for me, but I'm sure a level 49 player would never be able to blow up a wall on his own. To try that would be dumb.' Psyker surmised.

So that would leave Kaizen with only one way to get away and complete the mission, which was to run to the main gate.

At least that way, he would avoid the problem of having to climb the wall. But running to the main gate also meant that more enemies would appear to fight him.

Wisely, Kaizen understood that he needed to run forward, always leaving the corridors with sunlight on the right side of his body, so he wouldn't get lost or walk in a circle. Using this method, it would not be difficult to soon arrive somewhere different.

Soldiers of the New Royal Guard didn't stop coming for a minute, and Kaizen could hear Taznaar coming closer and closer, destroying several rooms with his explosive abilities.

The scary part about Taznaar was that his true strength came not only from his Skills and his companions, not even his Physical Attributes or PR, but his massive amount of mana. Unlike Kaizen, Taznaar's MP reserve had twice as many points as his life bar, which allowed him to practically use a lot of mana without worry.

Such destructive power was not only bad news for Kaizen, but also for everyone in the main building.

Kaizen had no choice but to run as fast as he could while fighting off all the guards coming his way. He was not afraid of fighting Taznaar, but rather of facing so many powerful enemies at once.

By killing these human Mobs, Kaizen gained little XP, except when he killed Lieutenants, and spent a lot of mana to finish them off. This was not good for him. Also, since there was no way for him to stop and rest, he recovered little of his MP and HP even when he ate something. Nevertheless, when half a dozen more soldiers appeared in front of him, Kaizen didn't even think much about what he would do, he just advanced against them and used his class ability <Telekinesis> to throw them backwards.

With that, Kaizen was finally able to see from the corridor he was in the bright light of the main hall and its glorious open space. However, at that moment Kaizen also realized that the thundering had ceased.

By irony of fate or not, Taznaar burst through the wall right in front of Psyker and stepped into the path between Kaizen and the palace's main hall.

Taznaar was engulfed by the flames of his ability called <Phoenix>, so his eyes met Kaizen's. Even though they were enemies, they both had a feeling of relief as they met again.

"So, you are alone."

"We finally meet again..." said Taznaar with a smile.

"I was beginning to think you had given up on finding me." Kaizen replied, smiling as well.

"I would never let you get away so easily."

"To say something like that you have to beat me in an X1 first."

Kaizen began to run towards Taznaar while activating the <Free Manipulation of Flames> skill. His right hand slowly began to turn orange and a lot of steam emanating.

"I want to see if you can hold out from your own poison!" shouted Kaizen and then launched a wave of flames so large that it filled the entire corridor they were in.

This was the beginning of a fierce exchange of attacks between Taznaar and Kaizen.

Since Psyker also manipulated fire, he could handle Taznaar's abilities better than anyone else ever could. Still, Taznaar was the natural enemy of Kaizen, who knew that he could not arrogantly use <Telekinesis> on such a strong enemy or he would have his mana depleted.

The two were attacking each other with such force and agility that the soldiers could not even get close for fear of being engulfed in flames.

Taznaar launched bursts of fire that were countered by Kaizen using his <Telekinesis> as a shield while using his powers to their fullest as well.

When the two were standing in front of each other at a point in the battle where they were surrounded by debris from various rooms, suddenly Taznaar used <Fire Blast> once again, and the Psyker tried to defend himself using <Telekinesis> as usual otherwise he would die.

The result was not much different from the last time Kaizen was hit by this ability.

He was thrown backwards with the great propulsive force of this Taznaar skill. However, this time Kaizen did not fall into a random room. Instead, he went through a few rooms and fell from a considerable height.

'Ouch, ouch... I definitely want this skill. It's strong and fast.' Kaizen said to himself as he stood up.

The pain in Rise Online was not proportional to real life, it was on a much smaller scale. Still, the feeling of pain existed and Kaizen was tasting more of that feature that day than when he died to Elfire Waylan.

The moment Kaizen stood up and looked around himself, he had a fright. He had not fallen anywhere, but into the large water fountain in the center of the main hall on the second floor. Normally this would be great news for him, considering that he had been longing to get to this place, but Kaizen had not expected that this place would be full of soldiers.

As if the entire defense force of the palace already knew which way the Psyker would escape, there were guards dressed in black armor everywhere he looked in this place, both on the second floor and also on the first floor. More than a hundred of them.

To make matters worse, all the soldiers seemed to be heavily armed, not only with spears, but also with swords, shields and bows.

Kaizen could finish alone and unharmed with a group of at most six Mobs averaging level 25, but it was something completely different to face over a hundred at once. Perhaps even Bleeding Lily couldn't manage something like that.

The situation Kaizen found himself in was not good, and it got worse when he looked up the grand staircase leading to the throne room and saw seven of the members of the Desert Lions Guild, including the Viking Leohorn. Leading them was Thenomor, the Captain of the New Kingsguard.

Kaizen was trapped, with no chance of getting away by any means, and finally Taznaar appeared on the scene as well, coming out through the hole in the wall created by Kaizen.

Even though he had no alternatives, Kaizen brandished his sword forward, holding it with both hands. He was going to die, there was no doubt about that, but he would try to take as many enemies with him as he could.

Anyway, it didn't matter to him that this quest would fail and that he would never again be able to do quests for any of the princesses or for characters related to this quest, this world had many other quests and NPCs waiting for him. He was just disappointed that he would not get the quest rewards.

Suddenly Kaizen felt something pass lovingly between his legs. He looked down and saw the little Hellround. His little Beast Summoner was bravely growling even against so many enemies.

"Yeah, comrade, it will be just you and me. Think you can handle it?" Kaizen inquired to Hellround.


Kaizen smiled. "That sounds like a yes to me."

However, suddenly several guards on the outside of the main building started shouting, which stole the attention of all those about to start the offensive against Psyker.

"Stop them!"

"Aahhh! No way! They're too fast!"

"B-but that's impossible, they're too strong!"

"They're former members of the Kingsguard! We don't stand a chance against them!!!"

"HAHAHAHAHA! GET OUT OF MY WAY, YOU BUNCH OF WIMPS!" A man with a thick, cheerful voice roared.

At that moment, a man stormed into the main hall, running over the many guards who were guarding the entrance like a train. This man had gray hair, wore sturdy red armor, and wore a smile on his face.

Most of the New Kingsguard soldiers immediately recognized this gray-haired man and the man who appeared right after him.

"Captain Arthas? What is he doing here?"

"And is that Davster Herond, The Drunkard?"


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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