Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 229 Christmas Eve

For practically the entire Christmas Eve, Klaus spent at his father's side, helping out at the Long Island Community Food and Clothing Shelter, which they have helped out at this time of year for several years now.

The shelter manager, Mr. Clinton, was a great colleague of Michael's, so the Park's helped him every year without hesitation and this year could be no different.

Klaus had to cook, put together food baskets, shovel snow from the sidewalks of some houses, and had a lot of work all day. As a child he used to complain to his father about all the hard work, but after all the jobs with exploitative managers he had gone through during his teenage years, doing this kind of work now became simple child's play.

As usual, winter was harsh in northeastern America, and it was especially hard to deal with at the end of December, when snowstorms became more frequent. Therefore, since not every family usually has enough food to last through the end of the year, Mr. Clinton usually distributes food baskets with food from donations to some specific families in neighborhoods all over the State Island area, with the help of volunteers for this, of course.

In addition to all the other services, later in the afternoon Klaus also helped to distribute food baskets to families in need of help. Although he was very thoughtful, this gave him a sense of satisfaction that he could not explain.

In the end, when all the service was finished and Klaus was leaving to visit his mother, old Mr. Clinton offered Michael a box of food baskets. However, before Michael could even respond, Klaus interfered, putting his hand in front of him.

"What are you doing, son?" Michael asked, finding the attitude strange.

"Mr. Clinton, we would rather you give this to someone more needy than us. Right, Dad?" Klaus passed an arm behind Michael.

Clinton looked a little confused, "But Michael told you about the bank and I thought that..."

"No, it's all right. I got a very generous Christmas bonus from my boss, so we'll be fine. Really, we'd rather you find someone who needs it more than we do."

When he heard Klaus' words, it initially seemed that Clinton had understood and would give in. However, he automatically stared at Klaus from head to toe, somewhat of an unconscious attitude, and Clinton remembered that it was impossible for this boy to have received money and not have bought anything for himself. This reminded him also of the rumors that had been going around about Klaus in the past. Although Klaus had never been disrespectful to him, he had also never been someone that the boys in the neighborhood liked very much, nor the teachers at school, because they said that he slept through many classes.

That being the case, after a few moments of thinking, old Clinton thought he had wisely understood the situation.

"Ha! Klaus, you don't have to be ashamed to accept help~. I know about your family's financial situation and the whole situation with your old house. Seriously, my family and I are praying for you. Now, take this and don't be rude. There is no shame in accepting help when you need it."

Klaus' face sharply transformed from gratitude to anger in a minute. Lord Clinton's words sounded disingenuous to him.

Michael noticed his son's frown and quickly interfered to try to change appease the situation.

"Clinton, what my son Klaus is trying to say is that this year we would rather leave that box to another family who is in even greater need than we are. In fact, I was no longer planning to accept it should you offer it to me. I know you are worried about us, and I have to admit that that money you lent us last year really saved us, since during the winter the work at the port..."

"No, Dad, we don't have to account for our lives to anyone. Don't get me wrong, Mr. Clinton. I really admire what you do for people, it's just that this year we don't need your help." Klaus said.

Michael looked at Klaus and at that moment he felt proud of his son. He had taught Klaus to be humble and yet have the courage to never bow his head to other people, even if those people were rich like Mr. Clinton was.

Clinton forced himself to smile and said:

"I understand, Klaus. You're right... So, I will talk to the pastor of the church to see if there are any other families on the waiting list for the food basket. However, go into the warehouse and check with my wife to see if there isn't a jacket and shoes that would be to your liking. You are still going strong, so that means you are working on road construction still, right? So you can't stay in jackets as thin as the one you're wearing."

Klaus looked at Michael and then sighed, when Clinton least expected it, the narrowed eyes behind his thin glasses saw a volume of green bills land on the box he was holding.

"What's that, Klaus?" The old man's eyes widened as he saw how much money was there and asked at the same time.

The black haired boy put on the hood of his really beat up jacket, smiled in a way that chilled every strand of Clinton's body and said as he walked to the car:

"If you're worried about the clothes I'm wearing, take this money and go to the mall for me. In the meantime, I'm going to take care of my own life and my family to have a peaceful Christmas. Godspeed, Mr. Clinton, until next year... By the way, when your daughter Anett returns from California for summer vacation, tell her that my answer for a second date is still no."

When Michael and Klaus got into the car and closed the doors, Michael saw Lord Clinton still awestruck, which made him give a closed smile.

"When did you stay with Anett?" Michael asked as he started the car.

"Actually, I stayed with his other daughter, Kathrin."

"Kathrin... I don't remember him having a daughter younger than Anett by that name."

"Not the younger one anymore. Kathrin is his oldest daughter."

"The 26-year-old who graduated from Stanford Law last year? That's my boy. Khum...! I mean, that wasn't appropriate, son. You should apologize to Mr. Clinton later. He's already helped us a lot."

"I know, it's just that this time I couldn't just take his insults disguised as kindness. It seems like he helps other people just to keep feeling superior even after he's retired."

"Well, that's normal. There will always be people like him in the world. However, you are young, you are at the age to make mistakes like that, so I bet he will forgive you.... In time, you will learn that people of his type are better you have as a friend than as an enemy."

"I know, Dad..."

"By the way, I know you made some cool money that time, but is it really okay that you gave all that money to him?"

"Actually, Dad, can you pull over for a second? There's something I want to tell you first and I think it's best that you're not driving when you hear about it."

Michael swallowed his saliva dry, fearful, but nodded to his son. He then shifted gears, pulled the car over, and turned on the overhead light, which was so old it needed a knock to stay on.

"What is it son? You went to the Hospital to visit Rhyzer last week, so is it something to do with him?" Michael asked.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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